-jr NET PRESS RUN j . I - I .........i.iu.^ iip THE WEATHER 4: AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Poreeut br tl< >• Webtkcr Uarein^ for the month of October, 1028 - New Hhvcb 5,205 Faii' tonight r Friday cloudy, fol­ Member ot the Andtt Bnreaa ot lowed by rain. -. Clrcnlntlonii. VOL. XLIIL, NO. 16. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER (FOURTEBN-4*AGES) I’RICE THREE CEN^H lOTH ARMISTICE HALE COMPANY “First Lady” Lays Cornerstone fot D. A. R. HOOVER STARTS PARADE ORDERS TO OPEN STORE ON H i s m ARE ANNOUNCED . f CHAIN IN STATE TO TTIE COAST Order of Procession and High Grade Self-Serve Giro- t - f To Travel Through Twelve Giant Dirigible Covers 4,0(K Line of March for Event ceries and Markets to Be Last Minute Accident States and Deliver at Miles in 68 Hours and 52 of Afternoon of Nov. 12 Started in Hartford and Least Four Speeches on Spoils 40 Year Record Minntes— Cruises Ovei Published by Marshal. Elsewhere. Way to California. Camden, N. J., Nov. 1— Engineer®the Reading Y.M.C.A. here where Bob Hammill’s pedfect record of a testimonial dinner was to be Home Field for Twi forty years at the throttle without tendered Hanimlll in recognition General orders governing the or­ When the J. W. Hale Company of his perfect record. One minute Washington, Nov. 1 — Reaffirm­ an accident was marred today by an Hours Until Dawn Lighti der of procession and line of march opens its new self-serve grocery and before the express was due at the ing his confi.lence In Republican accident which occurred one minute of the Tenth Atiniversary Armistice station, it crashed into a motor car health market in the new Richards i',' wictory next Tuesdc-y, Herbert before he retired from sei^vlce. which suddenly appeared on the Day parade to be held here Monday ' V Up Scene So She Cai building at Main and Park streets, Hoover headed l.is presidential of­ •The veteran had been employed Ninth street crossing. afternoon, Nov. 12, were issued to­ X N -'' % * i it wjlll be the first of a proposed fensive into the west today on the by the Reading railroad for fifty- Hammill cut the steam and threw day by Clifford D. Cheney, colonel chain of stores throughout the one years and had driven a locomo­ on the brakes, but too late. One Land— Thousands Cheei of the 316th Cavalry. U. S. A., who last lap of his first campaign for tive more than 2,500,000 miles in occupant of the automobile, Nikifor state. Hartford is to be the next SV *■ V > •. is marshal of the parade. elective office. his forty years as an engineer. The Rachlz, 47. of Camden, was killed The various military and civic place in line and other large cities arrival of the Boardwalk Flyer at instantly, and his daughter 'Vera, Crew. will follow. After cleaning up odds and ends organizations taking part in the pa­ 0.- his personal desk, and bidding Camden last night was to be the 10, died later in a hospital. rade must be in line by 2:15 as The store in the Richards build­ last chapter in his perfect record. The veteran engineer retired of­ ing to which finishing touches are adieu to the staff at Republican the parade gets under way at 2:30. national headquarters which has Whistles were blowing on all ficially from service: today, crushed Friedrichshafen, Nov. 1.—-WitI The line of march will be on Main now being applied, is intended to trains in the nearby yards, and by the irony of fate which spoiled all the world lauding her feat, thi take care of the overfiow of the carried the brunt of the campaign street! to Charter Oak street, coun- burden. Hoover planneu to call at more than 200 officials of the rail­ his 40 years record at the last Graf Zeppelin, the first trans-At present self-serve store and market minute. ter-mkrching north to the Cen-ter. the White House to pay his re­ road and friends were waiting at lantic passenger and mail air-liner The ’-eviewing stand will be on the in the Hale department store. It was back in her hangar today, aftei will have twice the amount of space spects to President Coolldge before w- side of Main street near Myr- smashing all records .for -a trana .e street. for meats available in the present leaving at 5 o’clock this evening for hli. home in Palo Alto, Calif., where Atlantic crossing by lighter thai The orders follow: market. The grocery department BRYANT, CHAPMAN STOW AW AY TELLS air craft on her return flight fron HEADQUARTERS will contain fewer counters and he will cast his ballot Nov. 6. Enroute to the Pacific coast Hoo­ Lakehurst, N. J. TENTH ANNIVERSARY ARMIS­ there will be more shelf room. The huge silver-sheened shi] There will also be a large section ver Will traverse twelve states, de­ TICE DAY PARADE first appeared over the air fleli devoted to fruits and vegetables.' livering a prepared address in St. BUYOUTHEWnr OF H K ZEP TRIP MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT here today at 4:46 a. m. (10:46 p General Orders No. 1, Oct. 31, 1928 and a fish section that will make Louis tomorrow evening and brief the service of fresh and frozen fish talks In at least three ether cities— m. E. S. T.) She had covered th( 1. Monday afternoon, November 4,000 miles from Lakehurst in 6i 12, 1928, has been set aside offi- possible the'V whole year around. "A Ml’S- Calvin Coolldge officiated at the dedication ceremonies for the Cumberland, Md.,. tonight, Louis­ ville, Ky., tomorrow, and Peublo, hours and 52 minutes at an aver 'cially as the day on which veteran department will be devoted to deli- new $2,000,000 Constitution Hall, an auditorium being built in Wash- Hartford Concern Now Says It Was Not as Hard as age speed of slightly less than 61 and active military organizations, catessen. ThsThe «m,thsouth half of the ing^on^....o, C.. by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Here you Colo., Saturday evening. Along the other patriotic associations and cit­ store will be devoted to the grocery see entire trans-continental route, he miles an hour. r smilingly wielding the trowel at the laying of the, cornerstone. With 24 passengers, her crew o( izens will join with the veterans of department. will greet station crowds from the Largest Manchester Deal­ Crashing Gate to See Tun- 40, and one stowaway safelj the World War to celebrate the platform of his car, speaking as aboard, she cruised about over'thi Tenth Anniversary of the signing Double Store often as his hurried schedule will of the Armistice. The double store has a frontage permit. ers in Milk— Their Plans. ney Fight. field more than two hours whlh 2. Having been appointed Mar­ of forty-seven feet and there will thousands below shouted and san] be a depth of trading floor space of SIEUTHS SEEK A WITNESS Strategic States themselves hoarse. shall of the Parade by the General seventy-one feet. This leaves a Missouri, Kentucky and Colorado After slowly nosing downward Committee, I hereby assume com­ will be of principal strategic inter­ The Bryant and Chapman Com­ Friedrichshafen, Nov. 1.— “ Red” mand and make the following ap­ small storeroom in the south-west landing ropes were dropped froa corner of the store for surplus stor­ est In the Hoover overland finish, pany, milk dealers of Hartford, to­ Terhune, christened “ Clarence” by the ship at 7:02 a. m. (1:02 a. m pointments: for It Is in these states that the Chief of Staff— Lt. Col. J. H. age and receiving.. To the north TO ‘SACRinCIAL BURNING’ day announced that they had pur­ his folks in SL Louis, the 19-year- E. S. T.) She was brought to earti of this will be concrete refrigera­ Democratic managers have made chased the local milk distributing old soldier of fortune who stowed easily by a ground crew of several Kelso Davis, 316th Cav., U. S. A. their strongest appeals. Gov. Smith Command of Military Division— tion and cold storage boxes, in business of J. H. Hewitt of 49 Holl away on the Graf Zeppelin, saw the hundred and pushed safely into hei which the meat will be cut. has c.'.rried his colorful and hlgh- hangar at 7:06 a. m. (1:06*a. m, Col. D. Gordon Hunter, 169th Inf., poWered campaign into each of the street. This makes the Bryant and whole world today through a huge C. N. G. Entrance to the store vlll be E. S. T.), 71 hours and 12 minutel through the door at the corner of Officials Cannot Believe 'SDSPECT lO C A l four commonwealths, and in each Chapman concern the largest milk dollar mark. From the offers that after starting from Lakehurst. Command of Veterans Division— distributing agency in Manchester. Capt. Philip Cheney, Late 77tt Main and Park streets. thj( opposition claims an advantage have poured in during the past 48 Majestic Picture A novelty will be a vaporizing de­ o'^r the Republican nominee. Mr. Hewitt intends to retire and he hours it looks as though “ Red” Is Div., A. E. F. T h l lin n s W>mai u j u | j p . m and his wife will take a trip to Eu­ The majestic picture of th< Command of Citizens Division— vice whereby fruits and vegetables jSAs Hoover turned his back upon going to be a millionaire or close “ queen of the skies” floating abov< rope leaving Ijer^November 24.
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