AMICA AUTOIVIATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS' ASSOCIATION OFFICERS INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT NO, CALI FORNIA Bob Rosencrans Pres.: Howard Koff 36 Hampden Rd. Vice Pres.: Phil McCoy Upper Darby. PA 19082 Sec.: Dick Reutlinger Treas.: Bill Wherry VICE PRESIDENT Reporter: Stuart Hunter Richard Drewniak 191 Capen Blvd. SO. CALI FORNIA AMICA MEMBERSHIP RATES: Amherst, NY 14226 Pres,: Prentiss Knowlton Vice Pres.: Elliott N. Lacy Continuing Members: $ IS Dues SECRETARY Sec.: Evelyn Meeder New Members, add $S processing fee Isadora Kolt Treas.: Lewis Troffer 2141 Oeodara Dr. Reporter: Bill Toeppe Lapsed Members, add $3 processing fee Los Altos, CA 94022 TEXAS BULLETIN Pres.: Tony Palmer Tom Beckett . Vice Pres.: James Guinn 6817 Cliffbrook Sec/Treas.: Haden Vandiver Dallas, TX 75240 Reporter: Dick Barnes TH E AMICA NEWS BULLETIN MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY MIDWEST (New membershi ps and Pres.: Milton Cooperman mailing problems) Vice Pres.: Jim Prendergast Anita Nickels Johnson Sec./Treas.: Jim & Sue Worgull Published by the Automatic MUSical Instrument Collectors' p, O. Box 666 Reporter: Molly Yeckley Association, a non-pro.flt clUb devoted to the restoration, distribu­ Grand Junc tion, CO 81501 tion and enjoyment of mUSical Instruments uSing perforated paper PHILADELPHIA AREA musIc rolls. TREASURER Pres: Donald Wood Contributions; All subjects of Interest to readers of the bulletin Jack & Mary Riffle Vice Pres,: Larry Cornell are encouraged and Invited by the publisher. All articles must be 5050 Eastside Calpella Rd. Sec.: Barbara Macartney received by the 10th of the precedin9 month. Every attempt woll be Ukiah, CA 95482 Treas.: Doris Berry made to publish all articles of general Interest to AM ICA members Reporter: Dick Merrill at the earliest pOSSible time and at the discretion of the publisher. BOARD REPRESENTATIVES N. Cal: Frank Loob SOWNY (So. Ontario, West NY ADVERTISING S. Cal: Dick Ri99 Pres.: Stan Aldridge Line ad rate: 8'1 per word, $1.20 minimum. Texas: Steve Chapman Vice Pres.: Chuck Hannen Page rate: $12.50 per quarter page or multiple thereof. Phil.: Larry Cornell Sec,: Janet Drewniak Ad copy will be typeset (at additional cost) only If requested. Midwest: Jim Weisenborne Treas.: Tom Zorn Each phot09raph or half·tone, $5.00 SOWNY: Dave Gaudieri Reporter: Jim Brewer Rky. Mt.:Toni Hart Camera.ready copy that IS oversized or unde()lzed will be New Jer.: Dan Schacher ROCKY MOUNTAIN changed to correCt sIze at your cost. Pres.: Robert Moore Camera.ready copy must reach the Publisher by the 10th of COMMITTEES Sec.: Sharon Paetzold the preceedlng month. Technical Treas.: Carl Paetzold Cash must accompany order. Typeseltlng or size alteration Me IL uchetti Reporter: James Bratton charges will be billed separately. Make checks payable to 3449 Mauricia Ave. AMICA INTERNATIONAL. Santa Clara. CA 95051 NEW JERSEY Pres.: Peter Brown All ads will appear on the last pages of the BULLETIN, at the Vice Pres.: discretion of the publisher. Honorary Members Alf, E. Werolin Sec.: Joan Chase Treas.: 2230 Oakdale Rd. Publication of bUSIness advertisln9 In no way Implies AMICA's Reporter: endorsement of any commercial operation. However, AMICA reo Hillsborough, CA 94010 serves the fight to refuse any ad that is not in keeping w,th AMfCA's general standards or If complaints are received Indicating that said bUSiness does not serve the best Interests of the members of AMICA, according to ItS goals and by-laws. AMICA Stationery, $3.20 (letter SIZe), $1.75 AMICA ITEMS AMICA TECHNICALITIES BOOKS: Volume I (note size). including mailing charges. Fine (1969-1971). $5.50 postpaid; Volume II (1972­ FOR SALE Quality stationery with ornate AMICA borders. 19741. $7.50 postpaid; or order both sets for AMICA BULLETINS, BOUND ISSUES: 1969. $12.50 postpaid. Reprints of interesting technl' Each packet contains 25 JeUers and matching $9; 1971, $15; 1972, $15; 1973. $15; 1974 envelopes. Send orders to Robert Lemon, 4560 calities articles which have appeared in the unbound sets. $15; 1974 bound sets, $18; AMICA Bulletin. arranged and indexed into Green Tree Drive, Sacramento, CA 94823. 1975 bound, $18; 1976 bound. $18, PRICES appropriate categories. spiral bound to lie flat. INCLUDE POSTAGE AND HANDLING. Spiral "They All Laughed When I Sat Down At The Send orders to Howard Koff. 2141 Deodara bound to Ioe flat. Send to Mary Lllien. 4260 Piano, But When IT Began To Play ..." Drive. Los Altos. CA 94022. Olympiad Drive, Los Angeles. CA 90043_ This sound and color super·8 movie, produced ROLL LEADERS: DUO-ART, Authentic. For AMICA Sterling Silver Pins, $4.25, including by AMICA members, is again available for loan order sheet, see the April, 1973 Bulletin. Nick mailing charges. Lapel pin or tie tack with to AMICA members and chapters. For more Jarrett, 3622 . 21 st Street, San Francisco, CA AM ICA design. Order from Robert Lemon, information write {o Howard Koff, 2141 94114. 4560 Green Tree Drive, Sacramento, CA 94B23. Oeodara Drive, Los Altos, CA 94022. Jnfernafional JlcJK'JBJl While many plans are still tentative, Program '77 CONVENTION PROGRAM TAKES SHAPE Chairman Gar Britten has made firm arrangements for a visit to the gorgeous Jackling Estate in Woodside, BY LLOYD B. EGENES owned by Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lloyd. This excursion some 30 miles south of San Francisco will be on Sat­ The 1977 Convention of AMICA will be held in San urday, September 3rd. There members will enjoy a Francisco on September 1 through 5, 1977, and plans performance on the four manual, fifty-six rank are taking shape for much music and fun, according to Sally Lawrence, Convention Chairman. Convention Kilgen Reproducing Pipe Organ, which is one of the largest reproducing pipe organs west of the Missis­ headquarters is the Hotel San Franciscan at 1231 sippi. It was installed in 1938 in a "live" room Market Street 94103 (415/626-8000), where convention registration will be held from 12-5 p.m. on Thursday, some twenty-five feet wide, seventy feet long, with September 1st. Special rates have been obtained a fourteen foot ceiling. It has two reproducing players - an Aeolian Duo-Art and a Kilgen Dual Con­ from the hotel and are $23 single, $27 double~ $32 triple, and $37 family. trol. The organ has been restored and maintained by Jim Crank, and the Duo-Art was restored by Mel After the registration, all are invited to member Luchetti. It is a truly remarkable automatic musical Dick Reutlinger's marvelous restored Victorian home, instrument! which is a treat in itself, but of special in­ terest to AMICA members for his collection of re­ Later that Saturday afternoon, partIcIpants will producing pianos and photoplayers. visit Ralston Hall, the baronial 1860 Italian villa­ style residence of one of California's most famous men, William Chapman Ralston. It is an rimazing 80 room mansion including a lavish mirrored ballroom, inlaid floors of the finest craftsmanship, great wheel-like crystal chandeliers, and sterling silver hardware from the Comstock Lode. The convention commettee is working on other and equally interesting events which will be announced when firm commitments are made . • NOVEMBER MAIL BOARD RESULTS ISADORA KOFF - SECRETARY From the November 1975 mail Board meeting the fol­ lowing motions were passed: 1. To grant a charter to the New Jersey Chapter. 2. To approve the expenditure of approximately $500 for 2000 new club publ icity brochures - final layout to be approved by the Board. 3. To approve the expenditure of $160 for 2000 printed mailing envelopes (including return ad­ dress, change of address form and "short form" membership application) for use by the Membership Secretary and Publisher. 4. To approve Joe Gold as an Honorary Member. 5. To approve the expenditure of approximately $200 The 824 Grove street home of Dick Reut1inger. to print covers, collate and bind 100 1976 Bulletin sets to be sold for $18 each postpaid. INDEX INTERNATIONAL·AMICA 53 HONORARY MEMBER PASSES AWAY International Board Meeting 54 Winnipeg News 58 Word has just been received that Amica honorary Honorary Members 61 member EMSE DAWSON, died a short time ago. Ms. AMICA FORUM 62 Dawson was married (married name: Valerio) and re­ INSTRUMENTS 64 sided in Manhatten. She was a recording artist for ROLLS & MUSIC 67 both the Ampico and Duo-Art. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 69 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 72 Ms. Dawson and her husband were both editors at the TECHNICALITIES 74 Ampico Recording Studio until it went out of busi­ ness. There were five editors in all. The dynamics - 53 - Jnfernafional JlJ&J(8Jl The members of the Board began arriving in Dallas on of a recording artist's performance were electrical­ Friday evening and gathered at the Becketts' before ly recorded on a separate sheet from the roll con­ noon on Saturday. Carole announced a "light lunch" taining the note holes. This information was trans­ and we were greeted with large, beautifully arranged ferred mechanically to the music roll and an editor trays of every type of delectable sandwich meats and then molded them into a finished performance. We cheeses imaginable along with various breads, chips, are told that this required great artistry and that Ms. Dawson was considered an outstanding editor because she was such a gifted pianist herself. Amicans wil 1 miss this fine honorary w.ember but her memory will always be wit~ us through her ski llful editing of many Ampico recordings. AEW NOMINATING COMMITTEE The nominating committee for the nominations of club officers to be elected at the Annual meeting in September has been formed. Temporary chairman will be Anita N. Johnson and the other six members are Howard Koff, Frank Loob, Molly Yeckley, Joan Chase, Don Wood and Tom Beckett. The only position at this time known to be filled is that of Publisher - a one year term.
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