3138 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 3 March 2, 2011 I would also like to thank Congressman gress, not the least of which from our four Re- Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me GARAMENDI, a returned Peace Corps volunteer turned Peace Corps Volunteers currently serv- in honor and recognition of Dick Goddard for himself, for his leadership in organizing this ing in the House: Reps. GARAMENDI, FARR, his contributions to the Cleveland area and to special order on this historic occasion. PETRI, and HONDA. our nation. The longevity of his public service Today, March 1, 2011 the Peace Corps I would also like to take a moment to recog- in Cleveland shows a strong commitment to celebrates its 50th anniversary. It is with the nize a man who embodied the Peace Corps’ the vitality of Northeast Ohio, and his tireless historic contributions of this organization in mission of ‘peace and friendship through serv- work for animal rights has helped to save or mind, that I proudly acknowledge the impor- ice’, and that is Sargent Shriver. improve the lives of countless needy animals. tant work of more than two hundred thousand Mr. Shriver, who passed away this January, He has been nothing short of inspirational, Peace Corps volunteers since the agency’s in- was a true public servant who dedicated his and he continues to be a leader and role ception in 1961. life to promoting justice and creating oppor- model in our community. It is not surprising that year in and year out tunity not only in America but throughout the f Americans are eager to do even more. While world. more than 13,000 Americans apply annually to In his work and personal life, and most no- MAYOR OLIVE STEPHENS—A LIFE- serve their country in Peace Corps, serious tably as the first Director of the Peace Corps, LONG COMMITMENT TO SERVICE budget constraints provide placements for Mr. Shriver’s dedication to this cause has roughly 30 percent of applicants. come to define generations of U.S. volunteers HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS President Obama has rightly called for dou- working at home and abroad for the better- OF TEXAS bling the size of the Peace Corps in order to ment of society through the offering of a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES meet this demand, as well as the over- steady, helping hand. Wednesday, March 2, 2011 whelming need for additional volunteers During National Peace Corps Week we sa- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to around the globe. lute past and present Volunteers who self- recognize a very special citizen of the 26th This is a pledge that we must keep. lessly serve abroad in support of the Peace District of Texas, Olive Stephens. Mrs. Ste- I am proud to report that California has Corps’ vital mission. phens has enjoyed a long life of public service been and continues to be the largest producer Today we say happy 50th anniversary to the with 10 years as Councilwoman and 38 years of Peace Corps volunteers with more than Peace Corps, and should similarly rededicate as the Mayor of Shady Shores whose popu- 1,100 people currently serving abroad. ourselves to supporting and strengthening the lation is about 2,700. At 94 years of age, My home District, California’s 9th Congres- Peace Corps program for ours and future gen- Mayor Stephens says it’s time to pass the sional District, can be called home by more erations. torch. than 20 current volunteers who have com- f Olive Stephens has made a remarkable im- mitted themselves to the Peace Corps mission pact on the town during her reign of service. of world peace and friendship through service. IN HONOR OF RICHARD ‘‘DICK’’ She was there to support the incorporation of The University of California, Berkeley lo- GODDARD Shady Shores in 1960. This prevented it’s ab- cated in my district has consistently received sorption from surrounding cities and since top or near top honors for producing the most HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH then, five separate city landmarks bear her Peace Corps Volunteers, producing 92 volun- OF OHIO name including a street, the city council cham- teers in 2010 alone. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bers, and an elementary school. For many In fact, UC Berkeley has contributed over Wednesday, March 2, 2011 years, in an effort to keep from increasing 3,400 volunteers to the Peace Corps Program taxes for citizens, fundraisers were held to since 1961. Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in help fund the fire department, road mainte- Through volunteer work abroad in fields in- honor and recognition of Richard ‘‘Dick’’ God- nance, and the general fund. Ceramics sales, cluding health education, food security, local dard, longtime Cleveland-area meteorologist, fish frys, bar-b-ques, chili suppers, and yard business development, education about HIV/ animal rights advocate, author and cartoonist sales are all examples of how Mayor Ste- AIDS, and agricultural and environmental im- on the occasion of his fiftieth anniversary in phens led her citizens in ingenuity and re- provement, the work of the Peace Corps im- broadcasting and 80th birthday. sourcefulness. proves people’s lives. Born on February 24, 1931, Dick, an Akron, Olive was known for her tenacity and has At the same time, this vital work enhances Ohio native, graduated from Green High left us with many memorable quotes, but I the credibility of the United States abroad, fos- School. He first entered the field of meteor- think one of her more recent in regard to her tering the exchange of ideas, and uniting cul- ology as a member of the U.S. Air Force, 6th stepping down is a relevant one, ‘‘Well, I’ve tures around values of peace, tolerance, and Weather Squadron, where he served our left you without any debt and money in the prosperity. country during the Korean War. After his re- bank, so let’s see if we can keep it that way.’’ That is why I have introduced H.R. 384, The turn to Ohio, he enrolled at Kent State Univer- Her longevity and integrity are not in short Peace Stamp for the Peace Corps Act, which sity, where he graduated in 1960 with a bach- supply as she will continue participation in the calls for the introduction of a semi-postal elor of arts in drama and broadcasting. community she helped build. She is truly an Peace Stamp, which will sell at a slightly high- He began his career in broadcasting with inspirational community leader. I thank Mayor er rate than the normal 44 cents, in order to Cleveland-area station KYW–TV on May 1, Stephens for her lifelong commitment to serv- create additional revenues for the Peace 1961. After the station moved to Philadelphia, ice. I am proud to represent her in Congress. Corps. Dick remained in Cleveland, becoming the What better time to celebrate the legacy and chief meteorologist at WJW–TV where he has f significance of this great organization with a remained for forty-five years. Dick also be- IN RECOGNITION OF ROBERT semi-postal stamp than on the occasion of the came the statistician for the Cleveland MORRIS Peace Corps’ historic 50th anniversary. Browns, a position he still holds. In these I encourage my colleagues to join as co- roles, he has become a community leader and HON. PETE SESSIONS sponsors of H.R. 384, which most importantly, local celebrity, hosting public events and OF TEXAS would generate additional resources for the founding the area’s annual Woollybear Fes- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work of the Peace Corps through the gen- tival. erous support of the American people. Dick is one of the Cleveland area’s most fa- Wednesday, March 2, 2011 There is no denying the impact of U.S. for- mous and effective advocates for animal wel- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to eign assistance programs around the world, fare. For example, to help an animal shelter recognize Mr. Robert Morris, a dedicated com- and the Peace Corps is a perfect example of find new homes for its indigent dogs, he fea- munity and home building industry leader. our nation’s will to promote peaceful relations, tures several adoptable dogs during every Fri- After graduating from San Diego State Uni- the exchange of ideas, and to assist and em- day evening newscast. He has single- versity, Mr. Morris became actively involved power those who are most in need. handedly raised the level of awareness of ani- with builders associations—first, serving as a Before I finish, it should be noted that the mal rights and has done Northeast Ohio a volunteer with the Building Industry Associa- Peace Corps enjoys bipartisan support in Con- great service. tion of San Diego and then joining the staff as VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:04 Feb 07, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E02MR1.000 E02MR1 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD March 2, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 3 3139 the Director of Membership and later on as On February 23, 2011, Cristil announced standing of perioperative nursing; her exper- the Executive Vice President. Mr. Morris’ that due to urgent health reasons he would tise was instrumental to the healthcare team strong belief in community service was em- call his final Mississippi State University bas- at SUNY. Among her accomplishments, Fay phasized shortly after his arrival in the great ketball game the following Saturday. Last championed and facilitated the Team STEPPS State of Texas in 1994.
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