University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico Historical Newspapers New Mexico) 1-3-1914 Spanish American, 01-03-1914 Roy Pub Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sp_am_roy_news Recommended Citation Roy Pub Co.. "Spanish American, 01-03-1914." (1914). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sp_am_roy_news/134 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. V.B0CO iMHt 3 í "Ttv "t TA 7 i jf fifi o A iíllJC, gj li&t 11 A ... vn With Malice Toward None-- With Charity 411- - And With Firmness In The Right" Vol. X. ROY, MORA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3. 1914, No. 50 ARoyGirl Stop it, Or ? Society News As Ben Sees it The El Pasq Herald last week While the dance was in progress Mrs. F. A. Roy entertained a Ben Sturgis found time to gave a graphic account of an en- Wednesday evening some young party of fridnds Frida'y in honor answer a few questions since his Van-Hor- of counter which Miss Belle n miscreants whose identity is the thre Misses Collins. return from Deming, where he The company enjoyed a delight- had with a would-b- e rob- known went to the Oriental has been looking after an estate ful afternoon and afaultless belonging to ber. , Hotel and broke three large panes Mrs. Sturgis. He She was cmssing the park at of glass in front of the build- luncheon at the attractive Roy reports the land recently sold night when a mexican struck her ing. home. there by the State as covered and attempted to grab her hand- The parties are natives and it frith mesquite and soap weed and Mr. and Mrs. N, Nutter en- bag, She grabbed him and call- appear that they were prompted J. estimates it will cost $10.00 per tertained a number of friends ed for help. A man came to her to this deed of violence by the acre to clear it ready for the at their home in Roy Newyears assitance and they held the thief refusal of the Misses Maldonado plow. day six-ocloc- k hon police to associate or dance witn ata dinner in Ben has lived here for over till the came. The Herald 0 them. These broke win or of their daugter, Miss Nira six years ,nd he gives it as his gives Miáf Van-Hor- n credit for same parties a Nutter who is a teacher in the conviction great bravery and quick wit in dow for them the night of the that he would not trade Dawson schools and has, been his half doing what many men would not Christmas dance for the same section here for four spending her vacation at home. times the acreage have dared to do, reason. In view of the fact that anywhere they between here Arizona came to the dance drunk, The New Year's Ball at the and the line. He is in position to Mrs. P.P. Branch and baby disorderly, dirty and unkempt hall in Roy was well attended know, too, what he is talking and little sons, Benny and David we hardly see that nice girls and was one of the best dances about and, .visit were unrter any to while business interests may take went to Logan, Sunday to obligation given here for many months. A him to the south end her sister They expect to be dance with them. good crowd was present, the for a time h,e considers this absent for á week or more. Mean The ladies are loth to institute music was fine and everything mesa the best part of New Mexico is ready while Missess Anna and Tillie proceedings against these thugs combined to make a very pleasant and to back his opinion. Branch are running the hotel. as they shrink from the notoriety social event. it would bring but it is thoroly understood by a number of The Ladies P. P. Circle was There probably never was a Rev, Russel reports on hiá re- decent men,that the next time it entertained by Mrs. Wm. King time when so many sleds were able-bodi- turn from Tucumcari Monday occurs there will be an ed Wednesday. Reg. meeting was driven to Roy as has been this that it is less cold and not so guard near to adminster sub- held after which, the hostess winter, Nearly a month of much snow as up here. The red stantial punishment. servedan elaborate luncheon. A heavy snow and good sleighing enjoyable was spent mud on his overshoes was easily It is a disgrace lo the town most time has caused everyone who has to recognizable to all who have that such characters have gone by all those present. go on the roads to built a sled of ever been at the city under the thus long unpunished. A dance at the "Dick" Boulware some kind and it is amusing to hill. When confronted with the pros- home attracted a large party of noté the design of some of them. pect of summary justice they put young people to see the old year Had some people realized that Homer Holmes writes us from up $6,50 to cover the damage out to music and terpsichorean we were to have such a long sea- Albuquerque that he is working and, we hope they haye got their pleasures, A fine time is report- son of sleighing there would there and says "Tell anyone lesson. ed by the guest in dozen places. have been some classy turnouts who wants me to come and get with bells and other perquisites "Watch-Meeting- " was held me for I want to bring my clo'es C. E. Anderson has erected an A of a northern winter. W. New home." old-fashion- "Turbine" Wheel at the H. Guthman home Year's Eve. A number of the wind-mi- ll at his new well and neighbors gathered to watch the Mrs. Dr. Self has been serious Dr. Gibbs was called out to claims it will run and pump water ly old year out and the sew one in ill for some time but is re- Herbert Davis home Dec 26, to when all the other wheels are ported better., She spent a very pleasant eve- looks so usher a little girl into the fam- still. He made the tower out of and ning. frail when well that we ..don't ily. 4x4s sawed out at the saw mill wonder her friends are alarmed here and has a good substantial Mrs. Dr. Gibbs entertained when she catches cold. pumping outfit, E, G. Gutierrez, of Santa Rosa, the Kansas Club today at her who was here last summer en- home. The usual feasting and R, W. Boulware was a pleasant E. J. H. Roy came home from ' merry-makin- g indulged in gaged in Insurance work for was caller at this office Monday. - Koehler Wednesday to spend He some weeks passed thru the town We ere denied further knowl- is very much inteiested New Year with his family. He in the last week enroute to Trinidad for edge because of our habit of tel- prospect for the week of has been absent several months instruc the holidays. ling all we know. tion offered by the New Mexico and it is time he was getting home He managed to miss the train College of Agriculture and and teaching the little daughter while getting dinner here on the Mechanic Arts, and will do to say "Papa." Leo Wagner left Saturday for his way home Tuesday and visited Waterloo, Iowa, for a visit of a full share to accomplish it. friends until next day, Jess Davenport, the Rural Mail month or more and it is the gen Carrier received his new R. F, D. eral belief that he will bring a Mrs. Emilia Kitcbell is still John Baker, of Pleasant View, wagon Monday and set it up on a bride with him when he returns confined to the house by her came down from Dawson Satur- set of Bob-runner- s made for him Leo has been fixing things up broken ankle. She manages to day to his claim. He has a good by Prank Sheltren. It is a nobby in fine shape out at the claim and get around with her knee on a position at Dawson but does not little outfit and built very sub- we suspect now we know the chair and even assists with the neglect his homestead. stantially. reason. His parents are living cooking for the hotel but it will The housing will protect both on the claim during his absence be some weeks yet before she can mail and carrier against any kind and many friends are impatiently walk. Grant is still at the ranch Mrs. Wm. Brashears drove to of storm. Iti appearance on the awaiting his return tosee the lucky near Logan at work on a big town Sunday to have a tooth ex- street and on the route is an un- Iowa girl who will come with ranch house and will not be home tracted. Ste was looking pale mistakable evidence of Progress him, for several weeks yet. afterward but was game. TÍÍE SPANISH-AMERICA- my hopes and all my life work are the window.
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