UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC & CULTURAL ORGANIZATION - REGIONAL BUREAU FOR SCIENCE IN EUROPE (ROSTE), VENICE, ITALY Rebuilding the Scientific Cooperation in South East Europe ROUND TABLE OF MINISTERS OF SCIENCE Interventions Final Communiqué List of Participants UNESCO, Paris 24 October 2001 This document prepared by the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science in Europe (ROSTE) is an outcome of the Round Table of Ministers of Science held at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, during the 31st Session of the General Conference on 24 October 2001. The ideas and opinions expressed in this book are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of UNESCO. The designation employed and the presentation of the material throughout the publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries. © UNESCO 2002 Rebuilding the Scientific Cooperation in South East Europe ROUND TABLE OF MINISTERS OF SCIENCE Interventions Final Communiqué List of Participants UNESCO, Paris 24 October 2001 Contents 7 OPENING SPEECH BY FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA MR KOÏCHIRO MATSUURA, Director-General PROF GEORGI EFREMOV, of UNESCO Former Minister, Past President of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTERS GREECE OF SCIENCE OF THE PROF NIKOS KATSAROS, SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES National Center of Research “Demokritos” 11 ALBANIA ROMANIA PROF GRAMOZ PASHKO, MR ADRIAN MIHAIL CÂMPUREAN, Vice-Minister, Ministry of Education State Secretary, Scientific and Science Research and Relations with the Parliament, Ministry of Education & Research 13 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA PROF MUJO DEMIROVIC, SLOVENIA Minister of Education, Science, Culture PROF STANE PEJOVNIK, and Sport State Secretary, Ministry of Education, (Represented by MR SLOBODAN SOJA, Science and Sport Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to France, Permanent Delegate to UNESCO) TURKEY PROF NAMIK KEMAL PAK, 15 PROF MITAR NOVACOVIC´, President, Scientific and Technical Minister of Culture and Science, Research Organization (TUBITAK) Republic Srpska YUGOSLAVIA BULGARIA PROF VUKO DOMAZETOVIC, 17 PROF IGOR DAMIANOV, Federal Secretary for Science and Development Vice-Minister, Research, Ministry of Education and Science PROF DRAGAN DOMAZET, Minister of Science, Technology CROATIA and Development, Republic of Serbia PROF DAVO R BUTKOVIC´, Vice-Minister, Ministry of Sciences and Technology 5 REBUILDING SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE - ROUND TABLE OF MINISTERS OF SCIENCE CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE CO-ORGANIZERS GERMANY OF THE VENICE CONFERENCE AND TASK MR NORBERT KLINGLER, Ambassador, FORCE REPRESENTATIVES Permanent Delegate to UNESCO MR WALTER ERDELEN, ITALY Assistant Director-General for Natural DR GUIDO POSSA, Sciences, UNESCO Vice Minister for Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research PROF NORBERT KROO, Member of the Governing Council RUSSIAN FEDERATION of the European Science Foundation MR EVGUENY SIDOROV, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate to UNESCO PROF IAN BUTTERWORTH, Vice-President of the Academia Europaea POLAND DR JAN-KRZYSTOF FRAÇKOWIAK, PROF HERWIG SCHOPPER, Vice Minister for Science, Former Director-General of CERN Ministry of Science and Technology MR PIERRE LASSERRE, CONTRIBUTIONS BY REPRESENTATIVES Director UNESCO-ROSTE OF IGOS AND NGOS1 PROF ALEXANDER BOKSENBERG, COST Fellow of the Royal Society MR GÖST DIEHL, Director, European Cooperation in the field PROF PIERRE PAPON, of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) President, OST, Paris EUROPEAN COMMISSION DR HANS FALK HOFFMANN, MR LOUIS BELLEMIN, Head, CERN, Geneva Unit of International Scientific Cooperation, Directorate General Research PROF NIKOS KATSAROS, National Centre of Research EUROSCIENCE “Demokritos”, Athens PROF JEAN-PATRICK CONNERADE, President, Imperial College, London MR ANDRAS SZÖLLÖSI-NAGY, Deputy Assistant Director-General NATO for Natural Sciences, UNESCO MR FERNANDO CARVALHO RODRIGUES, Programme Director, Division of Scientific Affairs INTERVENTIONS BY THE REPRESENTATIVES OF EUROPEAN UNION MEMBER STATES AND OF CENTRAL FINAL COMMUNIQUÉ AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES ADOPTED BY ROUND TABLE AUSTRIA ANNEXES DR RAOUL KNEUCKER, Director-General for Research, Federal Agenda Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Background Note FRANCE List of Participants MR ROGER-GÉRARD SCHWARTZENBERG, List of Acronysm and Abbreviations Minister of Research (Represented by MR GILLES LE CHEVALIER, 1 Due to the lack of time for oral presentation during this Session, the interven- Director of the Cabinet of the Minister) tions were kindly provided in written form by the authors after the Round Table. 6 OPENING SPEECH Mr Koïchiro Matsuura Director-General of UNESCO Excellencies, Europaea, and Professor Enric Banda, Secretary-Gen- Distinguished Ministers, eral of the European Science Foundation, ways and Ladies and Gentlemen, means of combining our efforts in South Eastern Eu- rope with a view to preparing a set of coordinated ac- It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this tivities that would facilitate the reconstruction of sci- Round Table on “Rebuilding Scientific Cooperation entific cooperation networks in these countries. Sub- in South East Europe”. For UNESCO, it is a challenge sequently, a conference on this subject was held at as well as a natural obligation to address a situation UNESCO’s Office in Venice in March 2001, which characterized by the disintegration of research net- focused on country presentations, on the present state works and scientific cooperation infrastructures dur- of collaboration and on the potential to develop co- ing the past decade. This process has so badly affected operative action in strategic fields of research. scientific productivity that, unless it is brought to a It is on the basis of these initiatives that the idea of halt rapidly, it may have long-term adverse effects on organizing the present Round Table was born. I am the economic development of the entire region. pleased to see that the Academia Europea and the Eu- But before going any further, let me try to put to- ropean Science Foundation have joined UNESCO in day’s event into its context. I shall then briefly outline preparing this meeting. I am also happy to note that what I believe this Round Table may be expected to Professor Herwig Schopper, former Director-General achieve today. of the European Centre for Nuclear Research Through its Regional Bureau for Science and (CERN), has been closely associated with the enter- Technology in Europe (ROSTE), located in Venice, prise from its very inception. and with the generous support provided by the Italian Our gathering today should also be seen in the Government, UNESCO has been assisting for over framework of the enlargement process of the Euro- twelve years the scientific communities of Central pean Union and in the perspective of the eventual in- and Eastern Europe in adapting their institutions to tegration of the South East European countries. For all the deep political and economic changes that have countries of the sub-region, the development of this taken place since the end of the Cold War. I am hap- perspective represents an important milestone and is py to note that the rhythm of our activities in the field considered a top national priority. In this context, I of science has recently stepped up. would like to extend a warm welcome to the represen- On the occasion of the World Conference on Sci- tatives of the European Commission and of the mem- ence, held in Budapest in June/July 1999, UNESCO or- ber states of the European Union. ganized a meeting of Central and Eastern European sci- Some further efforts, of course, need to be made in ence ministers and senior experts in science policies. order to obtain the full cooperation of the Council of The participants recognized the importance of regular Europe and the NATO Science for Peace Programme consultations on science policy-making and stressed as well as various non-governmental organizations. A the need to bridge the gap between Eastern and West- special effort should be made to strengthen our rela- ern Europe in research strength and capacity. Four tions with the Stability Pact and to cooperate as ac- months later, a second meeting was organized in Paris tive partners in the planning and implementation of on the occasion of the 30th session of UNESCO’s Gen- science policies and related projects. Establishing eral Conference and within the framework of the fol- partnerships and creating synergies are a matter of cru- low-up to the World Conference on Science. cial importance. I can assure you that UNESCO clear- About one year ago, I was pleased to discuss with ly recognizes the risks and disadvantages of isolated Professor Stig Strömholm, President of the Academia initiatives. For its part, UNESCO has already provid- 7 REBUILDING SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE - ROUND TABLE OF MINISTERS OF SCIENCE ed assistance of various kinds to South East Europe but cial science for sustainable development have so far we recognize that these efforts need more systematic been identified as priorities for international coopera- integration. tion. Some of the small-scale projects may be submit- ted directly to the competent organizations in order to become quickly operational in the coming months. Excellencies, Other projects may require concerted efforts by several Ladies
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