MES'n:RIDINGnORKSHffiE. I71U C:a·r·h~ bsA£Bd c<conHnuerl. land, roma~ilretlina, 'iJa.fiaD CKeene's Dtmeasler (WiUiarb Edwood ~hirley'; N'el'dh&M Thotnas1 Gt<t>ystotJes~ Eccl~ cement & plaster of paris & -.hlting-1,. • -clerk ~o the -Burial Hoard; William se.U Bierlow, t.'l.heffield i abippers of chalk & flints 1 offices &: Bark, su~erintendent) 0 Doncastel'l Nicholl.Jn'. Wm.TbeRo~d, Wal'leyl, Halifx -warehonsf'.l'l:, Rridge toot' \1 auxhallJ Elland (John Law Garside.clerk to the N' ortl:l. Joon O>ope1', Nel!!on Sot. noncastr . London; i'II'Dl"ktt;: Cliffe Creek "'On- Burial Hoard; John Eastwood,supt.), Nunns Wm.Broad~atel~.Ho'r!oforth,Ld8 Thame~, near Rochester~ Depotsd Elland, .Normauton Peaeock 'william, Kirk by-, Leeds Lherpool, Goole & Glastow ;t -prize Featherstoue tJohn• • F011ter, clerk)~ Peal'sOn Dei'1Iii~L Bamby-nport.Don, meda1R, London 1851; Plliladelphia Featherstone, Ponefract Doncaster 1876 ;- Paris 187S Gildersome, Gildt-rsome~ Leeds Rhodes Frerlenek, Weeton, T.ef'ds Rugby Portlanrl Ceme'Rt Ca. (Charles Goole (Georgo. Hiunilton, clerk), Hook Rhode& William 1• liighfitJld farm, Swin...l Hall, tna.n. ),.. New Biltoilj Rngby J road, Goole ton, Rotherharn Warwickshire. See adt'tJrtisement- . Hallfin:JC.ocporation ( Keighley Walton, Richarthon Edward, East l\larton-fn..l ' olerk to tl1e Burial Board), Stoney Cravf!"R) 8kiptori CEMEN~ MERCHA1_ilTS. royd~ Halitax: Roebnck ~no~, 1 Sontt. par. Huddrsfld' Armitage. tJohn, jun. 68 Tinsley road & Halifax General Co. (Williatn Riley, Roe buck J onathan, N etherfld. Penis tone 22 .Fitzwilliarn tltreetl ShHiield . manager), Lister lane; Halifax Ro~ers Benjo1Kirkham gate, Wnkefieln1 Black .John. 46 Carlisle- 'place; Mart .. Haudsworth Woodhouse, HandsiiVorth Shaw Benj. Almond bury, Hudder..t:leld ningham, Bra.dlortl W oodhouse, Sheffield Shaw Hy. Hradley\ 73 Millgate, Selby Carter John Wood,t Royds hall, Lindleyl Harrogate (8. Powell, <:lerk to Board)~ Shaw John, Cawood, Belbyo & Union £auk yd. New st. Huddrsfld Harrogate Shaw John, Clay ho. O~etland, Halifax Cot"dirrgley Thomas&; Sons, 1'horncliffe Holbwk Burial Grounds, Beeston hill, Simpson Henry, Gargra'fe, teeds I'oall, ManninJ!hllm, Brad~.rd Holbeck (Rev, Osmond Cookson M.A. Smith James, Raistrirkj Bt-lghoti!'!e Dyson Geotge,: Record house, Crosland chaplain; Tatham Kemlrew, clerk. & Sneesby Wtn, H. Low. 8bamble~, Shffid moor; Hudderefield ·r gravedig-ger),The Lodge; the Uncon- Steele William, Tadcostei' East Gratu~m Abraham & 8ous, 85 Manches-. secrated portion ( llev. Wm. Hollaud, 8tewart J as.(t'a~f), Crigglestonfl, Wkefld ter road, H utldersfidd registrar), The Lodge, Leeds Syke8 George, N ~wsome, Huddersfield Gree11 Chas.J .Glass Hough ton,Normntn Huddersfield (J. Batley, clerk to the TaylofiJ(J!;eJlh-, F1~hl~ke, Doncasle1' Greenwood Brothel"!!, Coach s,. Skipton Burial Board • JarnesFirth, registrar), Tenllllr1t Thomas, Thorn.-r, Leeds Greelllwoort ;I am eo~ H orsi:tll, Crrunpton H i"'hfields n'urldel"l!fiel d :rettey J lts.~lantatiflH hall, H.e~ton, BrdfJ ~~ret-t~ Little Hurwn lau~, Hr"Jt.itortl Hun~et Bu~ial Grounds, Wood house fetley Morttmer, Bay of Bu;cay, Hea- HJrstJ.Moorend,C~eckheaton,Normntu hill, Hunslet (Rev. Edward Wilson ton, Brad.f~rd . Hodgson & Kay, Co~py flUaiT;v, John B.A, chllplair\; William Bamfortb, Theaker~lartm,SouthK~rkby,Po~tef~ct str~et, BJ·~.rlt_?rd, ~·e adYerttsemeHt clerk & gravedi~gt>r), The LodgtJ; the Turnel' R. _& T. P. H azlt-head, tlhe~eld Mallm!lon "ilham & Sops, Albert street. U nconsecrated portion Vas. Hormer, Tweed BenJ: Scarnmonden, Huddrt~field Lockwo'Jd, Hudderstie~~ re~istrar}, Leed;, Tweed Dav1d, Scammond~ili Huddrsfld MarT Geo~~ Rohert, 8 I horiL terrace, Ilkley (Waiter Hirst, clerk to the Tweed Jsph. 8cammonden, Hnddel'lo-fid Thornclifie roari, Bradford Burial Board . Edward Thoma!J Shep· Varley J obn, Lt-~flelct tel". Yeadon 1 Lds M_?untainJ n. Procter ,39 St. Paul's st. Ld: herd,. curator), 1 lkley Walker Ed~rl .. hlaith walte, H_nddrsfld N1<;~wlsJ sph. L. W art-~onse hl.Callla.Ld. Intake, H ullins Eml & Gleadless( .)' ames WardThos.64Fttzwalter td.Park.,Sheffid Prmoe Ml'!k Ann, Bndge house, Allet-- Corker 11exton) Intake Sheffield Webb Thm>. Gledholt hank, Huddersfld ton Bywai'.t'r, Normanton Knaresoo'rouglt {c. Ki;by clerk to Webster_ll;obert, ~ildersome 1 Leeds; . Stullrt Tho~a~, ~eighton lan~, Leed~ Board), Goldsboro•1gh rd. 'Knaresbro' Wells Wt.lll_am, Htgh ~t, Knaresborougb Wood Edwm, H1U top,Koottmgley :::!.0 Keighley (John Rhodes, clerk & regis~ We~ls Wtlham, Tadc~ster East . trar), Kdghley Whttehead Thos. Collm~ham, Wetherhy Aaron Wtlham, 19 South John street, Leeds Burial Ground,. Beckett street, W~llansEuwin& Sami.Carlinghow,B~tly Li'ferp.ool; home trade & export. See Consecrated portion {Rev, William S. ~dson Reu~en, Holdwor.th, nr.S~he.ffield advertisement Kennedy M .A. chaplain; Robert '".r!lthall R1~hd. P."?rassmgton,:5k_tpton CE;METERIES. Sinclair, regi8trar),The Lodge,Burial ~ r~ght Dav!d,_l7 Clare road, Hahtax . grounds; Unconsecrated portion, Wrtght Geol Fmkle st.JKnaresborongh A1redale(J .HII.rtley ,reg .) Batldon,ShtplS ( Rev.J ohnBell reoistrar&: clerk) The Wright John, Sci!oles, Huddersfield All Rouls' Parochial Burying Ground Lodge Leeds ' ., ' Wr.~ght Mrs. .J. _Shawbooth~ Warle_\1, H_lifx (~homas. Robertshaw, sexton), Holey Leeds G~neral (Rev. D. W. Rowe, cbap- WrtghtJsph.Htve house,\\ arley, Hah1ax btll, Hahfax lain & registrar; George Wood, sex~ Altofts, Altofts, N or~anton ton), Cemetery place, Leeds CATTLE FOOD MANUJ?ACTRS. Aston (W. J. Hamson, clerk to the Lnddenden, LuddPnden, Manchester Bullivant Brown (merchant), 56 Mon• Buli.~l Boa_;dr, Rothl'!h.a.rn . Masbro' (John Henry Mycock, clerk to mouth street, Shtffield Attercl!ffe _(~amud Wt~ham Ktt_~hmg-, the Burial Board; l5aac Wright, Ellis George, King- street, Batley . clerk)rHiglt sLA~terch~e com. ~heffid sexton), J{imherworth road, Masuro', Goole, lvlarshland ~ Howdens1,1T(! Barnsl_ey (Henry. Borsfidd,. cl~rk ~o Rotherham Pure Tillage ~ Cattle Food Co. Burial Board;\-\ m. Hoey, regtstrar), Mrxborougb (Henrv Binaltam, clerk to (Edward Hunter, wan.), Goole Pontefract road. Barnsley board) Mexhorou~h ,., Littlewood Henry Charles, 4 Castle bill Batley (Matthew _Skyres Scholefield, 1\fonk l<zrvston (Willlam Wilkinson Mill Baker's hill, Sbeffielrl r cler~ -to th~ Bunal Hoard; Thomas clerk), Monk Fryston, Soutq Milford Lowe & Co. Leeds td. north, Huddersfield Rolhson, keeper), ,Henley la. Batley . N ttl I w·u· 79 N tb t &: 43 Bingley (Timothy LMPr clerk to the Otley (Thoil. Rotheroe, reglStrar), Pool ~a~~~ ba:I I~~ddersfi~fd ga e Burial Board), Bingley road, Otley . Nm:ma.n Edw;rd, 21 Bollege st.Rthrhm Bradford Borough (William Thomas Outwood (John Long-dm, supermten- T t & G d' B t K · 11 McGowen clerk to the Burial Board· dent)f Outwood, Wakefield n~h~tplt!~ J reeAmyoedo '!? o~lls B.. ergl J ~ Thomas 'wilson 11nperintendent &Penis tone (J. N, Dransfteld, clerk to n 1 eJ ames, u a m1 ~ mg ey reO'lstrar)·. Necropolis' l'oad Lid get b oar d) , Sto tt ere l'fi'I e, p ems· t one ""TE ~-l gr~en Br~dford ' PontefracL (James Goddardl registrar), CATTLE MEDICI.t.." MANUFR. Bradford Catholic (Jnhn Walllng, sex- Pontefract . Chapman William, Cowling, Leeds ton), Leeds road, Bradf.ord Rotherham Gene!al (Hy. Brat.thwate, A '"TLE s.A!i. '~<'SMEN. Brad lord Cemetery Co. 'William Gay, clerk to t~e Bur1alBoard; Chns~opher C "" .,.. sec.); 'Office, 10 Exchange buildings; H, Parkmso~, sexton & aupermten... See Salelmt:nr+(:attle. cemetet<y (~amuel Hull, manager), dent; Fred ~kelton, lodge keeper), · • LJ Undercliff~ lane, Hradford .Boston Castle grove, Rotherham CAUSTIC SODA ~ANVFC'l'RS. Brighouse (James Robert' Milner, lodge St.. Mary'' (Rev. Thomas Smith, chap· .McBryde James & Co. Limited, rnanu- keeper), Lightcliffu ta,ad, Brighouse lain), Matlock rd.Bole Hill rd.Shefild facturers of bighs.trength caustiD soda Carhpsall,. CaiUp!!all~ Doncat~ter ~t. Philip'11 Paroehial Burial Ground, & bleaching po\,fur, Ut~ iOn thernioa.l Ca~t~fOTd ( F~ Crabtree1 clerk to Board j Old Park road, Sheffield \'forkll, ~fi.llel.ens, lan~shirfl W _ Waddin~tun, keeper), Castleldtd St. Vincent's Catholic, ,Rivelin glen, · Cemetery (Thomu Collinson1 clerk to Rivelin stTeet, Sheffield CEMENT J\lA~'P'f AC~\:;TltERS. the Burial Boo.td ;' Georgtt Berk,supt. Selby ( William Shillito, clerk), Braytori .Aspdin & Son Limited (Richard Li"te$ey & reg.) Burngrea e .st'leet, Sheffield road, Selby' sec.), I ngs road, Wakefield ' CJeckheatou-, W bitclifie Jane, Cleckhea• Sheffi~ld General ( William Wainwright, Saville Wllliam ~ng&roadf .Wakefleld' ton, Normanton <te~tstrar & «ec.), Cemetery rd.SheffiJ I n ... !ll4 ~~, •w•l Dewsbury "(.JeBEe .SrQitb, clerk io ztht Sheffield New (Henry P. Collinson, .Frkncls &t Go. N'ihe- Rlm8 Brahd, -est•~ Burial Board; All an Willlbn Skinner, clerk to the Burial Board& tegi.st.rar), bJisbech<l8lO~ paanufac.tdrers of port.. regi.Jtmr), ~meter, i"oa,d; Dewsbury lntake.ioad• Sheffield .
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