S16140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 9, 2003 and Women’s Hospitals, has taken steps to to the Committee on Environment and anglers and the fishing and tackle manufac- reduce the number of unnecessary diagnostic Public Works: turing industries agreed to a self-imposed 10 tests it conducts at outpatient radiology percent excise tax on sport fishing equip- S. RES. 279 centers, though executives know that smart- ment (including fishing rods, reels, lines, and er care will cut into their revenues. Whereas there are more than 38,000,000 hooks, artificial lures, baits and flies, and ‘‘That’s where you’re smack up against the sportsmen in the United States; other fishing supplies and accessories), the perverseness of the system,’’ said Dr. James Whereas these sportsmen, who come from proceeds of which are used for the purposes J. Mongan, chief executive of Partners. all walks of life, engage in a sport they love, of constructing fish hatcheries, building boat Medicare’s payment policies have stymied while helping to stimulate the economy, es- access facilities, promoting fishing, and edu- efforts in the private sector to improve care, pecially in small, rural communities, and cating children about aquatic resources and as well. contributing to conservation efforts; fishing; and For example, the Leapfrog Group, a na- Whereas sportsmen demonstrate values of Whereas the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish tional organization of large employers con- conservation, appreciation of the outdoors, Restoration Act was amended in 1984 to ex- cerned about health issues, has tried to en- and love of the natural beauty of the United tend the excise tax to previously untaxed courage more hospitals to employ States; items of sport fishing equipment and to dedi- intensivists—specialists who oversee the Whereas sporting activities have both cate a portion of the existing Federal tax on physical and mental health benefits that care provided in intensive-care units. motorboat fuels to those purposes, so that Though studies show that such doctors sig- allow Americans to escape from the fast pace now approximately 1⁄3 of the funds expended of their lives and to spend time with their nificantly improve care, Medicare does not by State fish and wildlife agencies for main- families and friends; pay for them, and employers and insurers are tenance and development of sports fisheries Whereas sportsmen pass down their love of having difficulty persuading some hospitals are collected through the use of the excise the outdoors from generation to generation; to take on the added expense. tax: Now, therefore, be it ‘‘It’s going to be very hard to compete with Whereas many sportsmen consider hunt- Resolved, That the Senate— the incentives and disincentives in Medi- ing, trapping, and fishing of tremendous im- (1) recognizes the importance and contribu- care,’’ said Suzanne Delbanco, the group’s portance to the American way of life; tions of sportsmen to American society; Whereas sportsmen have a passion for executive director. (2) supports the traditions and values of Others argue that hospitals and doctors learning about nature and have tremendous sportsmen; should not be paid extra for doing what they respect for the game pursued, other sports- (3) supports the many conservation pro- should be doing in the first place. men, the non-hunting populace, and the nat- grams implemented by sportsmen; Helen Darling, the executive director of ural resources upon which they depend; (4) recognizes the many economic benefits the National Business Group on Health, a na- Whereas the total economic contribution associated with outdoor sporting activities; tional employer group, said Medicare instead of sportsmen amounts to $70,000,000,000 annu- and should take a firmer stance in demanding ally, with a ripple effect amounting to (5) recognizes the importance of encour- quality. The program had a significant ef- $179,000,000,000; aging the recruitment of, and teaching the fect, she noted, when it said that only hos- Whereas sportsmen contribute $1,700,000,000 traditions of hunting, trapping, and fishing pitals meeting a minimum set of standards every year for conservation programs, and to, future sportsmen. could be reimbursed by Medicare for heart these funds constitute a significant portion transplants. of on-the-ground wildlife conservation fund- f ‘‘The payment system drove quality,’’ Ms. ing; SENATE RESOLUTION 280—CON- Darling said. Whereas anglers support 1,000,000 jobs and GRATULATING THE SAN JOSE Medicare itself is taking some other ten- small businesses in communities in every tative steps, including an experiment that part of the United States, and they purchase EARTHQUAKES FOR WINNING pays certain hospitals an extra 2 percent for $3,200,000,000 in basic fishing equipment THE 2003 MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER delivering the highest-quality care, as meas- every year; CUP ured, for example, by administering anti- Whereas tens of millions of Americans Mrs. BOXER (for herself and Mrs. biotics to pneumonia patients quickly and hunt and are a substantial economic force, giving heart attack patients aspirin. But FEINSTEIN) submitted the following res- spending $21,000,000,000 every year; olution; which was considered and some hospital industry executives question Whereas a sportsman President, Theodore whether that is enough money to offset the Roosevelt, established America’s first Na- agreed to: costs of improving care. tional Wildlife Refuge 100 years ago, and S. RES. 280 ‘‘It can only be a motivator if you really with the committed support of sportsmen Whereas on November 23, 2003, the San have an incentive,’’ said Carmela Coyle, an over the last century, the National Wildlife Jose Earthquakes defeated the Chicago Fire executive with the American Hospital Asso- Refuge System includes more than 540 ref- to win the 2003 Major League Soccer Cup; ciation, who noted that hospitals on average uges spanning 95,000,000 acres throughout all Whereas the San Jose Earthquakes are paid only 98 cents for each dollar of 50 States; achieved a 14–7–9 regular season record to Medicare services they provide. Whereas the funds raised from sportsmen finish first in the Major League Soccer West- Mr. Scully, the Medicare administrator, through purchases of Federal migratory bird ern Conference; defends the experiment, saying that the hunting and conservation stamps under the Whereas the San Jose Earthquakes fin- agency’s goal is to determine if it is using Act of March 16, 1934 (commonly known as ished an extraordinary season by overcoming the right measures to reward quality. ‘‘If the Duck Stamp Act) (16 U.S.C. 718a et seq.), injuries, adversity, and multiple-goal defi- this works, we’ll do a bigger demonstration,’’ are used to purchase and restore vital wet- cits to reach the Major League Soccer Cup he said. lands in the refuge system; championship match; But many policy analysts and employer Whereas the sale of those stamps has Whereas in the championship match, the groups want Medicare to do more. ‘‘Today, raised more than $500,000,000 which has been San Jose Earthquakes and the Chicago Fire Medicare needs to step out front,’’ said Peter used to acquire approximately 5,000,000 acres scored 6 goals combined, breaking the Major V. Lee, chief executive of the Pacific Busi- of refuge lands; League Soccer Cup championship match ness Group on Health, who argues that how Whereas in 1937, Congress passed the Pitt- scoring record; hospitals and doctors are paid is a critical man-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (16 Whereas head coach Frank Yallop led the component of motivating them to improve U.S.C. 669 et seq.), under which sportsmen San Jose Earthquakes to victory; care. ‘‘There needs to be money at play.’’ and the firearms and ammunition industries Whereas the San Jose Earthquakes is a f agreed to a self-imposed 10 percent excise tax team of world-class players, including Jeff SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS on ammunition and firearms, the proceeds of Agoos, Arturo Alvarez, Brian Ching, Jon which are distributed to the States for wild- Conway, Ramiro Corrales, Troy Dayak, life restoration; Dwayne De Rosario, Landon Donovan, Todd SENATE RESOLUTION 279—RECOG- Whereas the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Dunivant, Ronnie Ekelund, Rodrigo Faria, NIZING THE IMPORTANCE AND Restoration Act has created a source of per- Manny Lagos, Roger Levesque, Brain manent funding for State wildlife agencies Mullan, Richard Mulrooney, Pat Onstad, CONTRIBUTIONS OF SPORTSMEN that has been used to rebuild and expand the Eddie Robinson, Chris Roner, Ian Russell, TO AMERICAN SOCIETY, SUP- ranges of numerous species, including wild Josh Saunders, Craig Waibel, and Jamil PORTING THE TRADITIONS AND turkey, white-tailed deer, pronghorn ante- Walker, all of whom contributed extraor- VALUES OF SPORTSMEN, AND lope, wood duck, beaver, black bear, Amer- dinary performances throughout the regular RECOGNIZING THE MANY ECO- ican elk, bison, desert bighorn sheep, bobcat, season, playoffs and Major League Soccer NOMIC BENEFITS ASSOCIATED and mountain lion, and several non-game Cup; WITH OUTDOOR SPORTING AC- species, including bald eagles, sea otters, and Whereas San Jose Earthquakes midfielder TIVITIES numerous song birds; Ronnie Ekelund scored in the fifth minute of Whereas in 1950, Congress passed the Din- play, tying Eduardo Hurtado for the fastest Mr. COLEMAN submitted the fol- gell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act (16 goal scored in a Major League Soccer Cup lowing resolution; which was referred U.S.C. 777 et seq.), under which recreational championship
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