Evrak Tarih ve Sayısı: 03.03.2021-10254 T.C. NİĞDE ÖMER HALİSDEMİR ÜNİVERSİTESİ Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Dekanlığı Sayı :E-52425109-051.01-24470 ………… Konu :International Congress on Art and Design Research and Exhibition (ART&DESIGN-2021) Kongre Duyurusu TÜM ÜNİVERSİTE REKTÖRLÜKLERİNE Üniversitemiz ile Kayseri Üniversitesi' nin birlikte düzenlediği "International Congress on Art and Design Research and Exhibition (ART&DESIGN-2021) " [Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Araştırmaları Kongresi ve Sergisi (ART&DESIGN-2021)) 21-22 Haziran 2021 tarihlerinde online olarak gerçekleştirilecek olup ayrıntılarına www.ohu.edu.tr/artanddesign adresinden ulaşılabilecek söz konusu Kongreye ait afiş ve çağrı-bilgilendirme metni yazımız ekinde sunulmuştur. Bilgilerinizi ve ilgililere duyurulmasını arz ederim. Prof. Dr. Muhsin KAR Rektör Ek: 1- Kongre Afişi (1 sayfa) 2- Kongre Çağrı-Bilgilendirme Metni (7 sayfa) Bu belge, güvenli elektronik imza ile imzalanmıştır. Belge Doğrulama Kodu : BENUBCCR7 Belge Takip Adresi : https://www.turkiye.gov.tr/nigde-omer-halisdemir-universitesi-ebys Adres:Merkez Yerleşke Bor Yolu 51240 Niğde Bilgi için: Havva DEMİR Telefon:3882253114 Faks:3882253113 Unvanı: Bilgisayar İşletmeni e-Posta:[email protected] Web:http://www.ohu.edu.tr/guzelsanatlarfakultesi Tel No: 0 388 225 3115 Kep Adresi:[email protected] Bu belge, 5070 sayılı Elektronik İmza Kanununa göre Güvenli Elektronik İmza ile imzalanmıştır. Evrak sorgulaması https://www.turkiye.gov.tr/usak-universitesi-ebys?eD=BEBSUBA394A4 adresinden yapılabilir. Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ART AND DESIGN RESEARCH AND EXHIBITION (ART&DESIGN-2021) will be held on 21-22 June 2021 at Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University in Turkey. The organizing committee invites all participants to share and discuss their current academic studies, field research, art, experience, work on the international platform. Congress topics have a very broad perspective and include all areas related to art and design. We believe that "knowledge is the only treasure that increases on sharing" and we care about interacting with different disciplines. The congress and exhibition, which will be organized for the first time this year by Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University and Kayseri University are planned to be online due to the epidemic Covid-19 conditions. The deadline for those who wish to participate in the congress with abstracts (between 200-400 words), works (exhibition documents and images of work) or both is 24th May 2021. All abstracts and full papers accepted by the Science and Art Committee will be published in the congress proceedings book, and an e-catalog will be prepared from the works accepted for the exhibition. Participation certificates will be sent online to all participants. Full-text papers to be selected with the recommendation of the Science and Art Committee will also be published in 2021 and 2022 special issues of the "Art and Design Research Journal (STAR)" published by the Fine Arts Faculty of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University. For detailed information and announcements, you can visit the congress website. Prof. Dr. Muhsin KAR Rector of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University The Aim of the Congress: The main aim of the congress is to discuss and share current, contemporary developments in all fields of art and design on an international platform. Congress Topics: - Painting - Textile Design - Industrial Design - Graphic Design - Fashion and Clothing Design - Environmental Design - Ceramic - Traditional Turkish Arts - Architecture - Glass - History of Art - Interior Architecture - Sculpture - Art Education - City and Regional Planning - Original Print - Music - Landscape Architecture - Photography - Ecological Arts - Animation - Cinema - Jewelry and Accessories Design - Culture - Performing Arts - Aesthetics - Contemporary Arts - Building Design - Computer Aided Design - Sustainable Design - Art and Engineering - Material - Creativity in Art and Design General Information: 1. The International Congress on Art and Design Research and Exhibition (ART&DESIGN - 2021), which is open to studies from different disciplines under the heading of "Art and Design Researches", will be on 21- 22 June 2021. 2. The congress will be held online. 3. The congress topics are given in the “topic” link. 4. The papers to be presented in the congress will be evaluated and selected by the reviewers selected from the International Science and Art Committee. 5. An e-participation certificate will be given to the participants of the papers presented at the congress. 6. Papers to be selected from the symposium papers will be published in the Journal of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Art and Design Researches (STAR) in 2021 special issues. 7. A group exhibition will also be organized within the scope of the congress. 8. The proceeding e-book of all papers presented at the symposium and e-catalog of the exhibition will be published on 30 July 2021. Participation Conditions of the Congress: 1. The congress languages are both Turkish and English. 2. Academicians who apply to attend the congress are deemed to have accepted the congress specifications and calendar. 3. The spelling rules and template files for the abstracts and papers are given in the link. 4. Each participant can present maximum of two papers as a first/single name. 5. Full papers to be selected for the Journal Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Art and Design Researches (STAR) will be sent to the second reviewer from the journals related reviewer list. 6. The registration fee for the congress is 50 TL / 20 Dollars. Participation Conditions of the Online Exhibition: 1. The exhibition theme, materials, and techniques are free for all fields that can be evaluated within the visual and plastic arts. 2. Creativity, originality, compliance with aesthetic values and story (theme) of the work are the criteria in the selection of the exhibition works. 3. Each designer/artist can participate in the exhibition with a maximum of 2 (two) works. The works accepted for the exhibition must not have been exhibited on any platform before. 4. Participants who will send a work to the exhibition have the opportunity to participate with the work or works that they sent in the work information form and accepted by the science and art committee. 5. It may be possible to use the images of the work in various press and media by giving the title and information of the work without paying copyright for the purpose of the promotion, announcement, and publication of the exhibition. 6. Applications for pre-selection will be made to [email protected] via e-mail. The application must include; the participant information form, the work information form, and the work image saved in JPG format not smaller than 300 dpi. 7. The work/works should be photographed against a neutral background. Images or detailed images of the work taken from different angles should be sent as a single visual. 8. The work information form and the visual of the work should be recorded as "participant name initial letter_ work name_ work size.jpg". (E.g. E_Silence_70x100.jpg) 9. The organizing and executive committee is not responsible for technical problems that may arise during the sending of the Exhibitor and Work Information Forms and the work image via e-mail. Participants should submit and send the requested information, documents, and images to the specified e-mail address until the deadlines. Works that arrive after these dates will not be exhibited. 10. Registration fee for the exhibition is 50 TL/20 Dollars. The second work must be paid by adding half of the exhibition participation fee. The participation of the congress science and art committee members in the exhibition is free of charge. 11. An online e-catalog consisting of work images and relevant promotional texts and online a certificate of participation will be given to the participants. Important Dates: ● Deadline for the abstract and artwork submission: 24 May 2021 ● Announcement for the accepted papers and artworks: 7June 2021 ● Deadline for the Registration: 11 June 2021 ● Announcement for the Congress Programme: 17 June 2021 ● Congress Dates: 21-22 June 2021 ● Online Exhibition Dates: 21 June- 21 July 2021 ● Deadline for the full paper submission: 24 June 2021 ● Publication of the e-proceeding book and e-catalog: 30 July 2021 CONTACT Congress WEB Page : www.ohu.edu.tr/artanddesign Congress E-mail : [email protected] Exhibition E-mail : [email protected] Secretariat Contact: Art: Res. Asst. Hatice DÖNMEZ AYDIN: +90 542 822 9484 Design: Res. Asst. Gizem ÖZAL: +90 534 251 7570 CONGRESS COMMITTEES Honorary Committee Dr. Yılmaz ŞİMŞEK Governor of Niğde Emrah ÖZDEMİR Mayor of Niğde Prof. Dr. Muhsin KAR Rector of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Prof. Dr. Kurtuluş KARAMUSTAFA Rector of Kayseri University Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. Semiha AKÇAÖZOĞLU Dean of the Fine Arts Faculty, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University (Chair) Prof. Dr. Selim KILIÇ Dean of the Architecture Faculty, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Prof. Dr. Okan KARAHAN Dean of Engineering, Architecture and Design Faculty, Kayseri University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Engin Cemal MENGÜÇ Engineering, Architecture and Design Faculty, Kayseri University Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe AKBULUT Architecture Faculty, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Asst. Prof. Dr. Esra VAROL Fine Arts Faculty, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Asst. Prof. Dr. Menekşe SAKARYA Fine Arts Faculty, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Visual Designer
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