Complete Local News Of A Population Of THE WEATHER Partly cloudy, moderate tem ­ perature to-day; Increasing 18,524 cloudiness, possibly rain tomor­ row. XVII, No. 885 ESTABLISHED 1921 HILLSIDE, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 1941 OFFICIAL NKWSI'APKH >RICE FIVE CENTS H arket Ballet To Be Given A t Seek Citizen School Board to^ Extend Defense Aid More Difficulty Q u e s tio n Maternity Leave A Year Additional Workers For Leaves Alter November 1 Woodfield indicated. Dr. Charles — Besets Firehouse K e m a i n s Much Already Done School lias been placed on tlie ap­ Teachers taking maternity leaves proved list of tlie state for the Tlie Hillside Defense Council, en­ of absence will be required to re­ period ending June 30, 1942. DEMOCRATS WILL General Contractor Indi­ tering on fall activities, not only is main out oi tlie school system for Patch tests to determine signs of MEET TOMORROW cates He May Have To ore Enlargement Denied desirous of carrying forward present a minimum of two years, hi cases tuberculosis among senior high organized units, but of having full of all applications- filed after Nov­ school students are practically com­ Withdraw llis Hid But Mayor Indicates ember l, the Board of Education The meeting of the Democratic citizen participation in promoting plete, it was-reported, and the-ninth County Committee and organization Possible Action an active program. ruled Tuesday night. At present grade pupils hi the junior -high CITES INCREASING teachers may take these leaves of the Hillside Regular Democratic The Red Cross sewing group, super­ school will all have been tested Club, originally scheduled lor vised by Mrs. Hugo S. Gciisel which without pay for one year. The shortly. v, COST OF MATERIAL AYS TOWN LACKS move was announced as one to im­ Thursday October l'O, has been ad­ meets each Wednesday in the sew­ May Restore Spanish vanced to Friday October 17. Var­ ing room of tlie Hillside Avenue prove efficiency of tlie school sys­ 1 lie hue of the proposed new fire­ I0WEK TO RESTRAIN Serious consideration will be ious Democratic candidates for of­ School, has made and delivered1 to tem. Substitutes lire required for house lor Companies 1 and 3 may the period! of (the leaves as perman­ given, it was indicated, to a sug­ fice will be heard. - ue settled Tuesday evening by a (Yheiher Hillside will have any Red Cross headquarters in Eliza­ ----------------- -«$>■■—■ --------- -—• • . beth 469 garments, including 30 Red ent appointments cannot be made. gestion received from Mrs. Samuel conference oi the Township Com­ ■markets" within the town- Cross veils, 100 infants’ diapers, 16 The board received and accepted McClure, civics chairman of the mittee with. Edward A. Rollerson, in the near future still remains infants’ blankets, 33 infants’ wool with regret the resignation of Mrs. Woman’s Club, that Spanish be ol Plainfield, low bidder for the Mary E. Conklin as a school nurse, taught in the high school as a move general construction. uestion, as a result of denial oi shirts, 46 women’s flannel nighty- G.U.P. F orm gowns, 83 women’s wool skirts, ;9 effective December 31. A leave of for better relations between the Rollerson indicated in two let- wilding permit for an addition absence for one was granted to Mrs. United States and South American ufis received by the committee that a structure in Hollywood ave- women’s wool .dresses, 47 girls’ wool nations. The language has not been skirts, 18 boys’ wool shirts, 22 men’s Alpha Vance Beers of the music Campaign Unit he cannot hold himself to tlie price diagonally opposite Woodruff department. Mrs. Gilberta Scan­ taught here since 1927. lie o lie red In his bid two months tnue 'Tuesday night by the Town- convalescent robes and 65 pahs of flannel pajamas. ned was designated as a substitute Complaint oi Mrs. Roy M. Miller ago. lie pointed out that prices ,Committee. teacher hi tlie school system until about children! going into her yard oi materials have gone up consid­ iwners of the building sought a At an impressive, ceremony held Gommiltec Will Eventually in Elizabeth last week the follow­ June 30 at $120 per month. Gerald from Saybrook School was received. erably m that period and said any mit to build an Edition on the Cliernofsky was named an assistant The board decided to investigate Total Boll Rcrsons; Lleol attempt to build during the winter and in the rear of existing ing women received Red Cross pro­ duction phis for having worked1 100 in tlie instrumental music depart­ tlie possibility of extending the KcaucUon Record months would involve additional ex­ s. The committee concurred ment at $6 ’per day until further fence a t the school. A resolution penses. Tlie tone ol his communica­ Building Inspector Charles hours or, more: Mrs. Robert K. Bloy Sr., Mis. Frank J. Collins, Mi's. action is taken on an appointment. expressing the sympathy of the Formation ol a Citizens’ Commit­ tion indicated that lie would feel nson in rejecting the applica- Enrollment Drops board on the death of Mrs. Thomas obliged1 to withdraw his bid unless because requirements oi the A. E. Luthenalier, Mrs. Robert Mc­ tee us a campaign unit for the Re­ Namara, Mrs. Mae RuLman and Enrollment in the school system J. Woodfie'ld, mother of Supervis­ publican parly to work in conjunc­ arrangements can be made to allot ling ordinance for the setback as of September 30 was 3,428, com ing Principal Woodfield, was adopt­ more money lor the general con­ the property line were not Mrs. Raymond V. Wolf. tion with the Republican County Over 7,000 Dressings pared with 3,593 at the same time ed. A report of the athletic - com­ Committee, together with County struction. last year and 3,768 on June 21, the mittee showed a profit of $683 had Clerk Henry NulLon, was announced Increase Not Enough? M ay Seek Exception Mfs. Allan W. James, Red Cross Production Chairman for Hillside, closing day of school, a report from I been made on the Hillside-Kearny today uy Ellsworth .J. Sterner, cam­ Tlie committee has been unable ffilliain Baker, Jersey City at- Supervising Principal Arthur G I football game October 3. paign manager ior the re-election to award any ol llie contracts be­ ,ey representing the owners, told with Mrs. Edward Nevius, assistant in charge of records, are supervising ol Township Committeemen George cause tlie original appropriation officials applications might be •ordinance provided insufficient de to the Zoning Board of Ad- a group each Wednesday and Thurs­ W. Herlich and Robert O. Thomp­ day in the Red Cross rooms at the son: funds. A new ordinance appropriat­ iment for jin exception to tire Edwin Strawbridge autographing an Indian war club for Mrs Seeks Union More Growth Vice chairmen are: ing $15,000 more, or a total oi $55,- ling code, or the matter of con- Hillside Avenue School in folding Parker O'. Griffith. bandagfes and surgical dressings. K e n n e l I t M. R ohm, Nunry Ituuliur, UUO, will become effective Monday. ting the building into use as a The total oi tlie low bids was about grocery center might be I Having completed more than 7,000, WilLu lio The Edwin Strawbridge ballet, has made the ‘ 18th Century dances | their production has set a high Fund Record Held Possible $49,000, but tlie new ordinance al­ ndoned. Owners of the build- “Daniel Boone,” which is being and the sets, costumes, music, and it* lowed extra funds for equipping the he said, signed a lease in standard and presents results of given this week a t eight high schools historical narrative completely au­ fine merit. Workers will be wel building, leaving little money above ;ust with the National Grocery and colleges throughout Northern thentic. During a ten minute, in­ Hillsider Among Complain­ $49,000 ior tlie actual construction ipany, which since has been pur­ corned. Earl Insists Lack Of Go- New Jersey, will be presented to­ termission between the acts Gray The knitting group'' under the work. 'Ikis may prove a serious sed* by Safeway Stores, Inc., a morrow afternoon at Hillside High Wolf, who plays the part of Chief ants In Motion Picture operation Slows Advance; oosLacl0 ':|§|MBilUtt.bi the firehouse lion-wide chain now concentrat- School. guidance of Mrs. Edward S. Frith Blackfish, explains the Indian sign is busily engaged on finishing Operators’ Action Cites Nearby Union when on "super-markets.” The Strawbridge Company ap ­ language used throughout the bal­ day Ublic Safety Chairman Harry R. quota before January T, including peared at the Clifford J. Scott High let. Richard S. Earlp Democratic canv ■ii. (i Strfifu! ■ poiiited out that there arc sockor mittens and sweaters. Mrs. William Primmer, of 46 Looker ' 'ftefrii School m East orange, at the Mont­ 1* To Improve Assemblies street, Is one of six complainants didate for Hillside's Township Com­ N. ior the geiicFSP ^vantages in the location in clair State Teachers College before Frith has, herself, made and de­ The partial membership oi tlie This series of performances ,is livered 18 afghans. seeking an accounting of funds of mittee, addressed a meeting of. elec­ lowest having withdta Uywood avenue because the an audience of 1,000 students in the committee was annoiuiced as fol­ the first result of a cooperative plan The most recept unit is the First Local 244 of tlie Motion Picture tion and committee workers last ol inability to keep to tlie I is narrow. Vogel said it is ampitheatre, and at Newark State worked out among the schools with Operators' Union in Newark.
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