Brinley Inn electrical box called illegal By CAROL POLSKY A second subpanel box was installed next to quoted as saying that both subpanel boxes were 14-2 gauge wire," he reportedly said. "The 14-2 denied making the statements. BRADLEY BEACH - An illegally installed the main panel in the basement, on a side wall illegally and improperly installed. gauge wire can only handlers amps of electrici- "Any information on this would have to and uninspected electrical subpanel box was near a stairway leading to the kitchen, be said. "There was no inspection sticker on the ty. As much as 40 amps of electricity was going found in a first floor office of the fire-ravaged According to Knox, both of the basement boxes," he saidS"Someone sneaked in there and come from the prosecutor's office and that's Brindley Inn where 23 boarders, many of them boxes were inspected in 1977 by the Garden Sate. installed them illegally." through the line." what I would have said if I had talked to elderly and mentally retarded, died in a blaze Electrical Inspection Service Inc., of East Or- "In short, whoever installed the subpanel anybody." he said. According to the published reports, the fire boxes was overfusing the wire in the house. last month, a borough official said yesterday. ange, which the borough hires to conduct elec- County Prosecutor Alexander Lehrer refuted Hal Knox, the borough's code enforcement trical inspections. He said the Brindley Inn had chief also said that the subpanel! were not When you overfuse, the wire will overheat be- to comment on the on-going investigation officer, said that the boarding house owners did been due for another inspection in the first week designed to handle the level of current running cause of the overload before the circuit breaker The July 26 fire in the boarding house, which not obtain a municipal permit to install the box, of August. through them, and that the wiring was over- senses the problem. The wire will normally had 38 residents, has been attributed by Lehrer which was removed from the mini by in- In a report published yesterday, however, fused. burn," he is reported to have said. to faulty electrical wiring in the ceiling of a vestigators after the fire. Bradley Beach Fire Chief Theodore Bianchi was "The subpanels were 30 amp breakers on a But, reached at his home yesterday, Bianchi ground floor recreation room. The Daily Register >lon moil ill County's Great Home Newspaper VOL.103 NO. 41 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, AUGUST 18. 1980 20 CENTS Officials see no way to end all hijackings MIAMI (AP) - Passengers are joking hijacking that ended tragically, said airport about a day of duty-free shopping in Havana, insurance agent Adelpha Toleda. but after a record six hijackings last week, "We're a little worried," said Ramona officials are fighting back with tough airport Koppersmith of Charleston. B.C., shortly security measures — and have foiled two before her bags were checked aboard a Delta attempts by homesick refugees to divert flight from Miami to the Virgin Islands yes- more U.S. flights to Cuba. terday. William NetUes of the FBI's Miami office "But we decided that the worst thing said yesterday that the measures — including about a hijacking is that you lose a day (in use of a psychological profile of potential Havana)," said her companion, Betsy Con- hijackers and the placement of armed "sky way. rv marshals" on some flights — appeared to be Piedmont Aviation ticket agent Harry working. Daniel quoted passengers as joking: "We'll "But we will never have foolproof secur- take some money and, if it happens, we'll go ity because of the free democratic society we down to the duty-free shop in Havana." He have. There are only so many things you can warned that jokes could end in arrests. "The do," Nettles said. airline people aren't laughing about it," hex Six planes were hijacked last week, in- said. cluding three on Saturday — the worst week Federal Aviation Administration spokes- and the worst day for hijackings in U.S. man Roger Myers said federal marshals, history many dressed in plain clothes, would fly on Two other attempts on the weekend re- randomly chosen flights into and out of Flori- sulted in the arrests of six men. Officials da. identified all six as Cubans who had been The sky marshal program was used under among the 118,000 refugees to arrive in the the Johnson and Nixon administrations, but U.S. aboard "Freedom Flotilla" boats. The along with the behavioral profile declined in State Department yesterday again urged the use in the 1970s when the U.S. and Cuba Cuban government to allow unhappy refugees agreed to anti-hijaek measures and airports to return to the island. installed metal detectors. The Cuban govern- "Thus far, we have had nothing from the ment terminated the treaty in WTO Cubans but rebuffs on this issue," said de- Three flights were diverted to Cuba on BABY PARADE WINNER — Aria Novl, 4, daughter of Andrea Novi of Asbury partment spokeswoman Sue Pittman. Saturday, raising the total for the week to HIJACKING SUSPECT — Hector Pinero, center, Park, smiles with delight after being crowned grand prize winner at yester- The new wave of hijackings did not ap- six. Eastern and Republic flights from Mi- flanked by FBI agents, Is taken from airport security day's Annual Asbury Park Baby Parade. The grand prize is a trip to Disney pear to be deterring air travel, airline of- ami and a Delta flight from Puerto Rico were hadguarters at Miami International Airport, after he World In Florida for a family of four. ficials said. But passengers were buying hijacked by men apparently carrying and Juan-Pablo Lugones attempted to hijack an Air more insurance in case they were caught in a gasoline or other flammable liquids. Florida flight to Cuba yesterday. Asbury Park tot Carter scoffing at polls wins grand prize By WALTER R. MEARS Carter's brief expression of concern at their plight to suggest that he'd be a risky man to entrust with AP Special Correipoodeat was the only mention of that situation during the foreign and defense policy in a nuclear age. NEW YORK (AP) - For the Democrats, it four days of the Democratic National Convention. On Friday, he spelled out the strategy even seemed, all roads from Manhattan led uphill. The uproar over brother Billy Carter and his more clearly, saying that "there never has been a That's the way the route ahead of President lucrative links with the government of Libya sub- sharper distinction" between candidates with the in baby parade Carter looked to his supporters and to Democrats sided at convention time. Billy stayed away. But it possible exception of the 1984 election, in which still skeptical about the ticket they sent into the will surface again this week as a special Senate President Lyndon B. Johnson trounced Sen. Barry Goldwater. By SUSAN ROSE event. The Mountettes Bugle Corps from campaign against Ronald Reagan and independent panel opens public hearings, featuring Billy's own testimony. ASBURY PARK - The 53rd Annual Paramus, uniformed in red and black, John B. Anderson. The Johnson Democrats spent much of their Baby Parade was given international flair received the first place award. "An uphill battle," Gov. Hugh Carey of New Carter claimed that the national convention campaign trying to paint Goldwater into a right- yesterday, as twins from Brazil, a family After marching down Ocean Avenue, York called It. Gov. Edmund G Brown Jr. of adjourned in unity and achievement which "guar- wing comer, calling him radical, reckless and dressed in true Mexican style, and a two- the music-makers and miniature marchers California said much the same thing. antees that we have turned the corner." But its dangerous. Carter hasn't gone that far yet. But he's year-old boy from Holland (Pennsylvania, assembled in Convention Hall, where 45 But Carter scoffed at the polls that showed him just getting started. that is) were among the winners chosen trophies were awarded in 14 categories. lagging far behind Reagan, and had the record with But Goldwater was a careless candidate, whose from the nearly (00 contestants, all under • "In the Pink" was the theme of Aria him when he added: "I have always been under- AP Analysis offhand comments often armed his opponents. Re- the age of seven. Novi's float, where she sat next to her old- estimated as a candidate." agan is a cautious one, despite some misstalements The grand prize winner of a trip to fashioned doll, both dressed in white lace- At times, that has worked to his advantage. It and mistakes during his primary campaign. Since Disney World, Florida, for a family of four trimmed dresses, highlighted in pink. certainly did when he began, almost unnoticed, the sendoff to the renominated ticket was lukewarm by he leads comfortably in the polls, his strategists was won by Aria Novi, 4, of Asbury Park. "I'm totally thrilled," smiled Andrea campaign that carried him to his first nomination, comparison with those of conventions past. will try to play it safe. Anthony "Putt Putt" Petillo, Asbury Novi, Aria's mother, after heating the at the same Madison Square Garden convention Convention cheers are no gauge of election "I never have worried too much about the Park special events director and host of announcement. She added that this was the hall in which he was renominated. By the time rival odds. But a candidate whose people have to work at polls," said Carter.
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