nnCIMFNT R FSCMF ED 023 989 Educational Programs Information Center Directory ADirectory of Educational Institutions andTraining Programs on Long Island with Information on SelectedOccupational Fields of Special Interest toWomen. State Univ. of New York. Farmingdale. Agricultural andTechnical Coll. Pub Date [681 Note-84p. EDRS Price MF-$0.50 FIC-$4.30 Descriptors-*Career Opportunities. Colleges, Degrees(Titles).*Directories.*Educational Opportunities. Equivalency Tests,Information Sources. Public School Adult Education.Student Certification. Universities. *Vocational Education, *Womens Education Identifiers-New Yorkstate A directory of educational institutionsand training programs on LongIsland, New York. is intended to meet special needsof womenretraining for newjob skdls, preparationforretirement,and educationformature women.Itoffersa comprehensive listing of universities,four- and two-year colleges. universityextension programs. public adulteducation schools. community agencies,and pnvate schools. Thereisalso a listing of selectedoccupationalfields of specialinterest to womeneducation, librarianship, social service,and data processing. Included, too. is a listof places where programs of study areavailable. A resource section enumerates helpful services and sourcesof information and describes special ways of achieving educational objectives. An index isincluded. (nl) 1 . 1 II I I I A I I . z :11 V - t. A OAT! - a_ ft \ 11 A dirgi.tory of educational instjtutioni arid training progr3rus:on,tong !slang With information onIselotted occupa- tional *fields of spcial interest to G COMPllia EMEB By Sfale Universitg of New- York AgrZul; tura! and Technical College art4arm- ingdafe. New York 1035: Ceqfr for Comrrrunity Educationgt S'erriGes- Funded undir TitleI cf the Higher 7 Actlot 196'5' ,POBJ.ISHED 13'%_ : ThErfeication'Council.for.SOool Re- -sear0 and Belielopment, 'New Yoric -fig) a V p. f4 6 st, CfieX-..trk, ,' ,2 t. N --- c, 46.3... i.:1:111' EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS INFORMATION CENTER DIRECTORY A directory of educational institutions and training programs on Long Island with information on selected occupational fields of special interest to women Compiled and Edited by: State University of New York Agricultural and Technical College at Farmingdale, New York 11735, Center for Community Educational Services (Funded under Title I of the Higher Education Act of 1965) Published by: The Education Council for School Research and Development Mineola, New York 115 01 111 CONTENTS PAGE T. Introduction In Appreciation - A Dedication Messages from the President, From the Dean vi Acknowledgments vii By Way of Introduction viii How to Use This Directory ix Ti. Directory of Educational Institutions in Nassau,Queens and Suffolk Counties A. Maps 4 B. List of Institutions and Degrees Granted 7 C. Explanation of Degrees 8 D. Fact Sheets--Higher Educational Institutionsin Nassau, 11 Queens and Suffolk Counties E. University Extension Programs on Long Island 32 F. Selected Programs in Public School Adult EducationOfferings 35 G. Community Agencies and Organizations OfferingEducation and 49 Training Programs, Including Volunteer Programs 52 H. Commercial Training Schools III. Occupational Fields - Information on Educationand Training A. Education 52 1. Teaching Fields 53 2. Non-teaching Fields 54 3. Specialized Teaching Fields 54 B. Social Service 55 C. Health Service 56 D. LibrarianshiP 59 E. Business (Including Data Processing andSecretarial Science) 59 61 F. Home Economics G. Engineering and Technology 61 H. Communications 62 I. Art and Related Fields 62 IV. Special Ways of Obtaining High Schooland College Credit A. High School Equivalency Instruction 63 B. High School Credit Programs 64 C. Advanced Placement 64 D. College Proficiency Examinations 64 E. College Credit by Examination 64 F. The Independent Study Program of theState University 64 of New York G. Home Study 65 65 H. T.V. High School 65 I. Degree Programs for Adults off Long Island -iv - V. Important Information for the "Returner" A. Matriculation 65 B. Counseling 65 C. Transfer Credits 66 D. Tests and Testing 66 E. Transcripts 67 F. Financial Aid 67 G. Subprofessional Careers and Training 68 H. On-the-Job Training in Private Industry 68 I. Civil Service 69 VI. Special Programs and Services for Mature Women in the Metropolitan 69 Area A. Educational Programs 70 B. Orientation Workshops 70 C. Counseling Services and Centers 70 D. Centers in Neighboring Communities 71 E. Programs in Neighboring Communities 71 VII. Sources of Helpful Information 72 A. Federal 72 B. State 72 C. County 72 D. Additional 73 VIII. "You Can Do It" IX. Index 75 IN APPRECIATION - A DEDICATION Sylvia Rosen Kaplan This EPIC Directory is dedicated toMrs. Sylvia R. Kaplan, Assistant Dean of the Evening College, andProject Director, who identified the need for and conceivedthe idea of the project, as well as wrote sections of thedirectory. She died, suddenly, dur- ing its final week of preparation. Her quick intelligence,boundless energy, and outstandingcreative talents earned her anational reputa- tion in the field of continuingeducation for women, and herremarkable ability and personal warmth earnedher the respect and affection of all her colleagues and students. +0, -vi- MESSAGES From The President College at Farmingdale, The State UniversityAgricultural and Technical has recognized theneed for and has New york, throughits Evening College, opportunities for theadults of compiled this directoryof educational Long island. students at the curriculum offeringsfor part-time The ever expanding lifelong educa- private educationalinstitutions provides several public and and is in keeping for the residentsof Long Island, tional opportunities Is Capable Of University motto,"Let Each Beccme All He with the State first mirrors this philosophyby providing the Being."The EPIC Directory knowledge availdble of theacademic offeringsin a single Phase--making guidebook. Charles W. Laffin, Jr. President State University Agricultural and TechnicalCollege Farmingdale, New York From The Dean in the productionof EPIC, The Evening Collegeis proud of its part Island, particularlyfor mature a much neededresource foradults on Long form of continuingeducation. Its women, who aresearching for some philosophy of givingmaximum publication symbolizesthe Evening College help to all who wanteducation at any level. expression to satisfied if I did notgive personal I would not be Fuchs and Mrs. Mrs. Sylvia R.Kaplan, Mrs. Beverly three unusual women, work are initiative, diligence; anddedicated hours of Lilly Cohen, whose its accuracy and the real reasonfor the scope ofthis publication, organization. Dr. James F. Nihan Dean Evening College State University Agricultural and TechnicalCollege Farmingdale, New York -vii- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS under Title Iof the Higher made possibleby a grant This project was York Agricultural 1965, to the StateUniversity of New Education Act of Laffin, Jr.,President. Farmingdale, Dr.Charles W. and TechnicalCollege at implemented by theCenter forCommunity Educational This funded programwas James F. Nihan,Dean. Their cooperation Services, EveningCollege, Dr. departments atFarmingdalecontributed and that of manyindividuals and greatly to its success. Evening College,wrote Kaplan, AssistantDean of the Mrs. Sylvia R. Fuchs, Director. Mrs. Beverly the proposal andserved as Project implementa- Title I, hadresponsibility for Coordinator ofPrograms under Cohen was Editorof theDirectory. tion of the project,and Mrs. Lilly cooperation been producedwithout the This directorycould not have on collegecampusesand in community of the manypeople interviewed agencies. volunteers who didthe data debt is owed tothe twelve A particular personnel. Six volunteers abstraction and theinterviewing of college Research TechnicianTraining participants in theSocial Science were by Dr. J.Richard Block. Their Program at HofstraUniversity, directed that program. the requiredfield work for efforts wereconsidered part of The volunteers also helpful inthe planningstages. Professor Block was Adler ofFreeport; Mrs. program were: Mrs. Joyce R. from the Hofstra of PortWashington; of Garden City;Mrs. June Keller Peggy L. Dennis Ruth Ecksteinof East Rothenberg of NorthBellmore; Mrs. Mrs. Shirley Hempstead, whodeveloped thematerial Meadow, and Mrs.Helene Denny of in addition tothe regularassignment. on healthservice careers Association Huntington Branchof the American Five volunteersfrom the AAUW's national in accordancewith the Women participated the of University education andemployment for commitment todevelop information on State Division, Morrison, Presidentof New York mature woman. Mrs. Robert T. Their efforts developing thiscooperative effort. wasinstrumental in for Education. Mary O'Halloran,Area Representative werecoordinated by Mrs. Mrs. Jean M. O'Halloran, the AAUWvolunteers were: In additionto Mrs. Huntington; Mrs. Mrs. DorisLessuck of Lastra ofHuntington Station; Mrs. EmilyYoungquist ofHuntington. Rosemarie Nolanof Halesite; contributed by Mrs.Mary Egginton,Director Editorial assistancewas Harnett, Center for Women,and Mrs. Ruth of The NassauCounty Vocational Elsie Carlton Charlotte Behrendtof Roslyn ane Mrs. AssociateDirector; Mrs. of EastMeadow. handled by Mrs.Evelyn Kutcher of themanuscript was The preparation secretaries tothe Title efficient anddedicated and Mrs.Evelyn Morgan, I projects. undertaken byThe EducationCouncil Publishing anddistribution were direction of Dr. Development(TEC), under the for SchoolResearch and J. Reddy,TEC's Executive
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