Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Bose-Einstein condensation in Quantum Glasses Giuseppe Carleo, Marco Tarzia, and Francesco Zamponi∗ Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 215302 (2009) Collaborators: Florent Krzakala, Laura Foini, Alberto Rosso, Guilhem Semerjian ∗Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique, Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, 24 Rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cedex 05 March 29, 2010 Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Outline 1 Motivations Supersolidity of He4 Helium 4: Monte Carlo results 2 The quantum cavity method Regular lattices, Bethe lattices and random graphs Recursion relations Bose-Hubbard models on the Bethe lattice 3 A lattice model for the superglass Extended Hubbard model on a random graph Results A variational argument 4 Discussion Disordered Bose-Hubbard model: the Bose glass 3D spin glass model with quenched disorder Quantum Biroli-M´ezard model: a lattice glass model 5 Conclusions Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Outline 1 Motivations Supersolidity of He4 Helium 4: Monte Carlo results 2 The quantum cavity method Regular lattices, Bethe lattices and random graphs Recursion relations Bose-Hubbard models on the Bethe lattice 3 A lattice model for the superglass Extended Hubbard model on a random graph Results A variational argument 4 Discussion Disordered Bose-Hubbard model: the Bose glass 3D spin glass model with quenched disorder Quantum Biroli-M´ezard model: a lattice glass model 5 Conclusions Experimental Results Discovery by Kim & Chan in He4 (Nature & Science 2004). Motivations• The quantumExperimental cavity method A lattice modelResults for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Reproduced after by many4 other groups. Motivations:•• Discovery supersolidity by Kim & Chan of Hein He4 (Nature & Science 2004). Non-classicalReproduced rotational inertia after observed by many in other groups. •4 solid He (Kim and Chan) P=51 bars P=51 bars Possible interpretation: supersolidity 4 Supersolidity excluded in perfect He crystals (Boninsegni, Ceperley et al.) Supersolidity strongly enhanced by fast quenches (Rittner and Reppy) History dependent response and some evidence for aging (Davis et al.) Are BEC and superfluidity possible in disordered solids? Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Helium 4: Monte Carlo results Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of He4 at high pressure P > 32 bar Quench from the liquid phase down in the solid phase 2 hcp 0 glass superglass 1 -2 o -3 0.0359 A 0 -4 g(r) hcp glass 10 -6 1 log (n(r)) o -3 hcp crystal 0.0292 A -8 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 o -10 0 5 10 r(A) o r (A) ODLRO observed in the one-particle Density-density correlations similar to the density matrix ! BEC, superfluidity liquid (large Lindemann ratio) At P = 32 bar, n0 = 0:5% and ρs /ρ = 0:6 Boninsegni et al., PRL 96, 105301 (2006) Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Helium 4: Monte Carlo results 0 0 Amorphous condensate wavefunction: n(r − r ) ∼ n0φ(r)φ(r ) Plot of φ(x; y; z) on slices at fixed z Boninsegni et al., PRL 96, 105301 (2006) Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Many open problems Difficulties of QMC Strong ergodicity problems in the glass phase No access to real time dynamics: is this phase really metastable? Difficulty in determining the phase boundary: what is the phase diagram? Open questions What are the physical ingredients (disorder, frustration)? What is the nature of the transition? Is it accompanied by slow dynamics in the liquid phase? Where does superfluidity come from? Strong interaction and disorder: need for a nonperturbative analysis Our result { G.Carleo, M.Tarzia, FZ, PRL 103, 215302 (2009) A solvable model displaying a thermodynamic superglass phase Disorder is self-induced by frustration in absence of external potentials Realistic mechanism for He4 Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Outline 1 Motivations Supersolidity of He4 Helium 4: Monte Carlo results 2 The quantum cavity method Regular lattices, Bethe lattices and random graphs Recursion relations Bose-Hubbard models on the Bethe lattice 3 A lattice model for the superglass Extended Hubbard model on a random graph Results A variational argument 4 Discussion Disordered Bose-Hubbard model: the Bose glass 3D spin glass model with quenched disorder Quantum Biroli-M´ezard model: a lattice glass model 5 Conclusions Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Regular lattices, Bethe lattices and random graphs Bethe approximation Discard the small loops of the lattice, graph becomes a tree: The tree allows for a simple recursive solution but the frustration is lost Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Regular lattices, Bethe lattices and random graphs Cavity approximation Replace the lattice by a random graph of the same connectivity: The exact solution on the random graph can still be obtained (cavity method) Key property: loops have size log L, locally tree-like Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Regular lattices, Bethe lattices and random graphs Cavity approximation Replace the lattice by a random graph of the same connectivity: The exact solution on the random graph can still be obtained (cavity method) Key property: loops have size log L, locally tree-like Unfrustrated phase (RS cavity method) Correlations decay fast enough Long loops can be neglected ! back to a tree Cavity approximation is equivalent to Bethe approximation Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Regular lattices, Bethe lattices and random graphs Cavity approximation Replace the lattice by a random graph of the same connectivity: The exact solution on the random graph can still be obtained (cavity method) Key property: loops have size log L, locally tree-like Frustrated phase (1RSB cavity method) Correlations do not decay fast enough The recursion relation on a tree is initiated from a given boundary condition For each boundary condition, a different fixed point is obtained One has to sum over boundary conditions in a consistent way Cavity approximation describes the glassy phase Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Classical ferromagnet on the Bethe lattice P H = −J hi;ji σi σj P βJσ(σ +···+σ ) Zg+1(σ) = Zg (σ1) ::: Zg (σz−1) e 1 z−1 σ1,...,σz−1 Zg (σ) eβhg σ Normalized probability : ηg (σ) = = Zg (+)+Zg (−) 2 cosh(βhg ) Recursion on the effective magnetic field : z−1 hg+1 = β atanh (tanh(βJ) tanh(βhg )) Fixed point when g ! 1 : (infinitesimal field to break the symmetry) h = 0 at high temperature h 6= 0 at low temperature True magnetic field can be recovered with z instead of z − 1 neighbors on the root Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Quantum lattice models P y y H = −J hi;ji(ai aj + aj ai ) + V (n) = K + V (n) −βH P Z = Tr e jni = jn1;:::; nN i 11 = jnihnj n Quantum model , Classical model with one additional dimension (imaginary time) " M # M β D − β K E Z = lim P exp − P V (nα) Q nαje M jnα+1 M!1 M n1;:::;nM α=1 α=1 becomes a path integral : N R Q h R β i Z = Dni (τ) exp − 0 dτV (n(τ) W[n(τ)] i=1 where the ni (τ) are piecewise constant integer functions (periodic) For a hopping h at time τh, ni ! ni + 1, and one of the neighbors j has nj ! nj − 1 p p Wh = J ni (τh) + 1 nj (τh). Q W[n(τ)] = h Wh Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Quantum lattice model on the Bethe lattice Path integral construction valid for any graph Classical degree of freedom = trajectories ni (τ) Recursive computation on trees, formally similar, but n(τ) (function) instead of σ 2 f+1; −1g P βJσ(σ +···+σ ) Zg+1(σ) = Zg (σ1) ::: Zg (σz−1) e 1 z−1 σ1,...,σz−1 becomes R Zg+1[n(τ)] = Dn1(τ)Zg [n1(τ)] ::: Dnz−1(τ)Zg [nz−1(τ)] w[n; n1;:::; nz−1] The quantum cavity method Functional recurrence equations for the local action Zg [n(τ)] = exp{−S[n(τ)]g A quadratic action gives back DMFT (correct for z ! 1) Laumann, Scardicchio, Sondhi (2008), Byczuk, Vollhardt (2008) Numerical resolution for bosons and spins { Krzakala, Rosso, Semerjian, FZ (2008) Represent Z[n(τ)] by a weighted sample of trajectories Use the iteration equation to construct a new sample Works only if Z[n(τ)] is a probability Numerical method similar to QMC or GFMC, but here L = 1 (no FSS) Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions Bose-Hubbard models on the Bethe lattice Test: study of the Mott transition in the Bose-Hubbard model G. Semerjian, M. Tarzia, FZ, PRB 80, 014524 (2009) P y y U P P H = −J hi;ji(ai aj + aj ai ) + 2 i ni (ni − 1) − i µni 3 3 Cavity B-DMFT 2.5 Mean Field 2.5 Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Mean Field Cavity 2 2 µ/U Z=4 µ/U Z=6 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 J/U J/U We can compute many observables Local density hni i and condensate wavefunction hai i D y E Local green function ai (τ)ai (0) and correlation hni (τ)ni (0)i D y E Spatial correlations ai aj Motivations The quantum cavity method A lattice model for the superglass Discussion Conclusions
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