PPEM Physical Properties of Earth Materials sites.agu.org/ppem/ Annual Newsletter November 2011 A Note From The Chair the National Academy of Sciences, ~ Judith Chester ~ and was recipient of the Walter H. Texas A&M University Bucher Medal of the American PPEM Chair Geophysical Union (1970) and the PPEM Dinner his year’s Fall AGU Meet- Arthur L. Day Medal of the Geo- ing will host several spe- logical Society of America (1973). The annual PPEM dinner will cial events important to the Join your colleagues at AGU and take place on Monday, Decem- T ber 5th. at Henry’s Hunan Res- PPEM communi- celebrate the life ty. The meeting of David Griggs taurant. Festivities will begin will open Sun- and his influen- with a cash bar at 6:00, followed day, December tial contributions by dinner at 7:30. The banquet 4th with a work- to solid-earth style menu will feature a variety shop organized geophysics. of meat, chicken, seafood and by Ivan Getting Recently, we vegetarian dishes showcasing and Terry Tullis launched a new the 3 cuisines of China’s Hu- on Technology PPEM website nan region. The restaurant is a for Research at that can be found short walk from the Moscone Elevated Pres- at sites.agu.org/ Center, at 110 Natoma Street, sure (see an- ppem/. The site San Francisco, CA 94105 in an nouncement on is under con- alley west of 2nd between How- page 6). In ad- struction so if ard and Mission. See page 8 for dition, AGU you have sugges- reservation information. will host several tions for content, science-focused, please let us special sessions David Tressel Griggs (1911-1974) know. Photos of Inside: that honor the the PPEM dinner memory of David Griggs on the activities, the high-pressure work- Fault Drilling................... 3-4 100th anniversary of his birth (see shop, and special sessions honoring calender on page 3). Griggs was a David Griggs would be excellent MRP Student Awards ....... 5 pioneering experimentalist with a additions to this site, so keep your Rock Deformation GRC ... 6 special talent for designing and op- phones charged! erating innovative apparatus to study We had several nice contributions Pre-AGU High P Seminar. 6 the mechanical properties of rock at to this year’s newsletter illustrat- high temperatures and pressures. ing that 2011 has been an exciting Texture Topics..................... 7 He was a member of the American year for fault zone drilling. Virginia Academy of Arts and Sciences and - Continued on Page 2 - PPEM Dinner Form .......... 8 1 Group also organizes the Outstand- per, A. Dillman, J. Lin, E. Ohtani, A Note From ing Student Paper Award (OSPA) W. Panero, H. Savage, A. Schubnel, in Mineral and Rock Physics for D. Shim, P. Skemer, S. Vinciguerra, The Chair the Fall AGU meeting. Please help H. Watson, and W. Zhu. us recognize the excellent scientif- Please plan to attend the Annual - Continued from Page 1 - ic contributions of our students by PPEM Dinner on Monday, Novem- Toy, Rupert Sutherland, and John nominating an outstanding young ber 5. This year, we will dine at Townend give an excellent summary scientist for the MRP Graduate Re- Henry's Hunan, located at 110 Nato- of the Alpine Fault Deep - Drilling search Award next year, and volun- ma Street, near the Moscone Center. Project, and Emily Brodsky makes a teering to be an OSPA judge dur- A cash bar will open at 6:00 pm and call to the PPEM community to con- ing this year’s Fall AGU. You can dinner will begin at 7:30 pm. Make tribute efforts to the Japan Trench pre-register to be a judge using the sure that you stop by Brian Bon- Fast Drilling Project (JFAST). Re- following link: http://sites.agu.org/ ner’s and Steve Blair’s table and nee Heilbronner and Holger Stunitz fallmeeting/judge-registration/ or thank them for organizing another describe the international workshop contact Dan Shim at SHDShim@ evening of fun and good cheer! on crystallographic textures (TTT- gmail.com. If you are not a mem- I hope to see you in San Francis- Texture Topics in Tromso) that they ber of MRP, please consider join- co! organized and held in October of ing. The current members of the this year, and announce plans for a MRP Executive Committee are C. Best regards, similar workshop to be held in 2012. Marone (Chair), C. Agee, R. Cara- Now is also the time to make plans cas, J. Chester, R. Cohen, R. Coo- Judith to attend the 9th Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation, Feedback Processes in Rock Defor- Physical Properties of Earth Materials mation, from August 19-24, 2012. Annual Newsletter See Peter Kelemen’s summary in this newsletter and visit the GRC The oldest continuously published annual newsletter on experi- website for further details. mental rock mechanics and San Francisco fine dining. Please join me in congratulat- ing Zhicheng Jing and Dan King, Brought to you by your PPEM steering committee: the 2011 Mineral and Rock Phys- ics Graduate Student Research Judith Chester Texas A&M Chair Award recipients, and Ernie Rut- ter, the 2011 recipient of the Louis Phil Skemer Wash U St. Louis Newsletter Editor and Chief Correspondent Néel Medal of the EGU. Donald J. Weidner and Yehuda Ben-Zion have Joanne Fredich BP America been recognized as 2011 AGU Fel- lows. If you know of other award Francois Renard Univ. Joseph Fourier winners that I have missed, please David Goldsby Brown University toast them at the PPEM dinner. Remember, PPEM is a subcommit- Steve Karner ExxonMobil tee of the Mineral and Rock Physics (MRP) AGU Focus Group. Each Jessica Warren Stanford University year, the MRP Focus Group recog- Holger Stunitz University of Tromsø nizes outstanding contributions by young scientists who are engaged Brian Bonner Fine Dining Search Team in experimental and/or theoretical studies of Earth materials with The Steve Blair Fine Dining Search Team Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award. The MRP Focus 2 Japan Fast Trench Drilling Project (J-FAST) is an open project and applications for participating scientists are due Nov. 18 for European participants (including Canada), Nov. 20. for US participants and Dec. 1 for Japa- nese participants. Some countries (including the US) generally pro- vide salary support for participating scientists during the drilling opera- tions. The J-FAST project has a num- ber of attempted firsts. It is the first attempt to drill rapidly after a sub- duction earthquake. It is the first at- tempt to secure a sample known to have slipped 10's of meters in a sin- gle earthquake. It is the first attempt Location of the Japan Fast Drilling Project site (star) just South of to drill a substantive hole in greater the the epicenter of the Tohoku earthquake (bullseye). than 7000 m water depth. It is the deepest seafloor observatory instal- ~ Emily Brodsky ~ Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) is lation ever attempted. Successfully UC Santa Cruz undertaking the J-FAST expedition accomplishing these goals will re- to drill into the fault zone in April quire that the IODP engineering he March 2011 Tohoku earth- - May 2012. The major goals of team is accompanied by a skilled quake surprised both the the project will be to measure tem- scientific team with a particular em- Tgeophysical community and perature in phasis on the general public with its unprec- order to For more information: rock phys- edented slip, rupture to the seafloor, constrain http://iodp.org/index.php?option=com_c ics and and resultant devastating tsunami. fault fric- fault me- The earthquake defied some fault tion and to ontent&task=view&id=601&Itemid=1287 c h a n i c s . mechanics predictions and gener- recover a These sci- ated other new problems altogether. sample of the fault in order to ana- entists need to be able to analyze the Some of these problems can be lyze the geological signature of the data and adapt the project as neces- addressed through direct sampling giant slip event. sary on the ship. Readers of PPEM, of the fault zone. The International Like all IODP projects, J-FAST please apply! 2011 Fall AGU Griggs Special Fall 2011 Calender Session Wallet 3 Alpine Fault - Deep Drilling Project (DFDP-2) Whataroa, South Westland, New Zealand was collected and a fault zone ob- servatory comprising seismometers, fluid sampling tubes, piezometers and temperature sensors was estab- lished. The second phase of the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP-2), will commence in early 2013. The initial stage of drilling will not in- volve coring; coring is expected to commence in ~March 2013. We aim to intercept the fault principal slip zone at approximately 1200 m and to achieve a total borehole depth of 1500 m. Downhole geophysical logs similar to those obtained in DFDP-1 (televiewer; electric; full- wave sonic; density; dipmeter; and Members of the DFDP-1 team displaying the first core to intercept the EM flowmeter) will be collected principal slip zone of New Zealand’s Alpine Fault and observatory instrumentation in- ~ Virginia Toy ~ 2011 at Gaunt Creek, South West- stalled. University of Otago land, New Zealand. Two boreholes, We welcome further collab- DFDP-1A and DFDP-1B, were orative participation in this project ~ Rupert Sutherland ~ drilled to depths of 101 m and 151 m from the Earth materials commu- GNS Science respectively. Both boreholes cored nity in two ways: ~ John Townend ~ hangingwall mylonite sequences (1) Additional analysis of mate- containing cataclasite zones that Victoria University rials recovered by DFDP-1, to ob- increase in frequency downward to tain maximum science benefit from hat are the physical con- >5 cm thick principal slip surfaces existing material.
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