VALERIO TURNS CULINARY RAM REPORTER SPIKES GIVES PRIZE RECIPE FR. CRONIN'S COFFEE FOR '47 RAMBLINGS WITH SUGAR Vol. 27 NEW YORK, N. Y., NOVEMBER 26, 1947 No. 7 Rams, Violets Tangle in Traditional Clash Ed Sullivan Arranges All-Star Show .. fPj •*"TSU Battle of the Bronx For War Memorial Night Benefit Eagerly Awaited By LEONARD BAKER By Ram Squad "We can guarantee you the big- A MESSAGE FROM FR. GANNON gest show ever held on the Fordham Victory Over Violets Campus," stressed Robert Billmeyer FORDHAM UNIVERSITY Seen Key to Success in speaking of the all-star benefi NEW YORK 5», N.V. show,'to be held on Dec. 4, at 8 p.m Of '47 Grid Season in the University Gymnasium. IHEFRESMNTSROOtf "Ed Sullivan, popular columnist of By ERNIE BIANCO the N. Y. Daily News, has assured Perfectly aware that a triumph us that at least three top-flight per- - -'• ^November 20, 1947. over the Fordham eleven will make sonalities from the entertainmen' any season at NYU a successful one, Io the Student Council, - , •*:.'£ <.*•*• world will be on hand." The show Fordhao College. ' • "'.''"' Coach Ed (Hooks) Mylin has been will bring to a successful conclusion readying his big guns for two solid the drive to raise funds for the Ford- Gentlemen: weeks in anticipation of t h e final ham War Memorial, and will be cli- Mow that the War Memorial Drive is in the homestretch, battle of a rather unpretentious sea- maxed by a drawing for the lucky may I express my admiration for the splendid organization of FR. KEARNEY son. your committees and my delight at tlwir success so far. The ' winner of the 1947 Pontiac Sedan. pleasantest byproduct of thin joint, effort vthlch has brought out To no less a degree the Rams are such enthusiasm and loyalty on the part of the faculty and student aware of that very same fact, and "War Memorial Night," as it is body alike, has been ths discomfiture of the few cynics who, unlike called, is. sponsored by a special the poor, are always ae&inLt us. Father Hennessey and Mr. 0'Sullivan so, for the many thousands of ex- committee of the Student Council have done more than build up the Wur Memorial. Biey have rebuilt Ethics Professor pected fans at the Polo Grounds the prorar spirit of the College. Saturday, an honest-to-goodness made up of James Murray, President hammer and tong struggle will be of the Mimes and Mummers; Hobert Dies in Newark ' in the offing. The old familiar ring of Billmeyer, '49, Publicity Director of Gratefully and traditional rivalry will again be evi- the Mimes; Robert Beilman, '49 While Visiting denced when these two hill dwellers vice-president of junior year. Mur- •'*?- from the upper Bronx prove once more that Violet and Maroon most ray and Billmeyer are acting as pub- Father James Kearney certainly clash. licity men for the show, while Beil- man is arranging for the decoration Succumbs Suddenly; Relying heavily upon his tailbacks, Dave Millman and Jerry Eisenman, of the gym and for refreshments. Mass Said Monday the Violet mentor will concentrate The entire cast of the Mimes and Support Catholic Food Drive, mainly upon the tried and proved Mummers' forthcoming musical, Warnerian methods ... sound, strong The Rev. James H. Kearney, S.J., football emanating from the single "Ramblings of 1947," will put on Professor of Ethics in the College, wing. Ground gainer Millman, as some of the skits and songs from the Fr. Gannon Asks Over WNBC died suddenly while visiting his sis- many Fordhamites sorrowfully re- production, while the Fordham Uni- ter in St. Michael's Hospital in New- member, performed last year with a versity Band and Glee Club will be "Next Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, in millions of homes throughout ark last Friday morning. He was 56 dazzling display of galloping, hip our land, there will be festive family gatherings with plenty of good shaking, and steamroller-like maneu- years old. vering, to bring him 60 yards for the things to eat." Born in New York City, Father Thus did the Rev. Robert I. Gannon, S.J., President of Fordham Uni- Kearney graduated from Fordham final and winning tally. versity, strike out in his address in behalf of the Food Collection Drive, Preparatory School in 1910 and en- Although quite unsteady on the aired over station WNBC, last « tered the Society of Jesus at St. pass offense, Mylin has still retained Andrew-on-Hudson in the same year. enough confidence to figure Eisen- day evening, between 6:20 and 6:30 man as the spark-plug of their aerial P.M. ' '. •••-•- He received his Bachelor of Arts de- Band and Glee Club gree from Woodstock College in attack, with end Larry Weinstein as Completing his analogy, Fr. Gafr Maryland in 1917 and his Doctorate the most likely candidate for num- non pointed out that in the war rav' of Sacred Theology at the Grego- ber one receiver. Paired with Wein- aged countries of Europe and the Lead Pre-NYU Rally rian University in Rome in 1927. He stein at the other end is the flashy Far East, there are no bountiful din- was ordained a priest in 1924 at hurdler, Irv (Moon) Mondschein, an- ners, no joyous, kindly reunions. The The Maroon eleven was given an Georgetown University in Washing- mothers and fathers in these coun- enthusiastic sendoff yesterday after- ton, by the late Archbishop Michael tries "must stand by helpless, and noon for its final game of the year Curley of Baltimore. Probable Starting Lineups watch while their little ones liter- with N.Y.U. Saturday. The student N.Y.U. FORDHAM ally waste away." He taught for one year at Ford- body turned out in force to partici- ham Prep and two years in the Col- Autirei . R.E. Ford While starvation is an ugly word, pate in the pep rally, which was to Gionta ..R.T. ...Sadonls it is a commonplace occurrence and lege. For sixteen years he was Pro- have been held in front of Keating fessor of Moral Theology in Wood- Cofrancisco . .R.G. Rciss a reality to vast millions of men and Hall, weather permitting; A fast Wayler .. C. Healy women. Referring to an address of stock College.. moving program was arranged, He is survived by his sister, Sister Scolpino ... L.G. Breen Pope Pius XII, Father pointed out which centered mainly about the Lorentz ..L.T. .Landmark that the number of the starving Angeline, who is attached to St. singing of some of the College songs. Michael's Hospital. Mondschein . ..L.E. • .. Wienches make almost negligible the number It featured the Fordham Band, Glee Novotny .... ..Q.B. .McCaffrey who died on all the battle-fronts of Office of the dead was said on Sun- Club, and short speeches from mem- day night at 7:30 in the University Yaremko ... X.HB ..Bloomer World War II. bers of the faculty and team. Church. Requiem Mass was said on Eisenman ... .R.H.B. Cameron FR. GANNON The pitiful state of Europe's future Monday at 10 a.m. in the Church. Millman ..F.B. .. Squatrito generation of men and women was A parade, forming at Ternan Hall He was buried at St. Andrew-on- on hand to round out the night's fes- vividly portrayed by our -president at about 1:20, and proceeding to Hudson. tivities. The band will play various when he told of the "intensity of the other stellar performer in last year's Keating was to open the rally. The funeral mass was held on thriller. Moon, known for his run- marches and some concert numbers, plight of twenty million children, After the cheerleaders had started Monday at 10 a.m. in the Church of and the glee club will sing four from the English Channel to the Rus- ning prowess and rapid breakaway, things off in the proper spirit with St. Ignatius Loyola on 34th Street is also just as well coordinated on selections. sian frontier, who are held in the a Fordham cheer, and the band had and Park Ave, Father Kearney's relentless grip of famine." These the defensive sector of play. Com- Tickets for the big event have al- played "The Ram," John Callahan, Ethics class, Senior A, given the pleting the offensive portion of the ready been pnssed out to the stu- children, orphaned by the war, wan- master of ceremonies, introduced the morning off to attend the Mass, dering throughout the length and Heightsmen lineup, are the familiar dents, and if all are sold, a crowd first two speakers, Joe Flora and Bill joined with the more than 500 names of Tom Kavazanjian, Mike of over 0,000 people can be expected breadth of Europe, forgetting what Landmark, both members of this priests, nuns, and friends who were Yaremko, and substitute backs, Joe to crowd the gym. Admission is $1, it is to laugh and play, huddled in year's varsity. Flora's brief message present to pay their last respects. Bonacorsa, Joe Novotny and Cy Kup- and the proceeds will go to the War caves and hovels, know but one thing was in a serious vein while Land- persrhith. Judging from this roster Memorial Fund. Additional bids may —hunger. mark spoke lightly of the coming of such stellar stalwarts one may oe obtained on the night of the show. Fr. Gannon went on to tell how conflict. reason with little difficulty that a As of last Monday, over $25,000 the schools in these countries do After these speakers, the band and Sophomore Pharmacists snappy and well executed perform- had been collected towards the Me- their utmost to provide a meal a day Glee Club united their efforts to Sponsor Winter Dance ance is in the making.
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