February 2017 The Day Center Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Cow Patty 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Prayer Circle 8:45 Trivia, Talk & Fun Chucking (SR)/Bell Choir w/Joan (MR)/Pass (AR)/Weights Exercise (SR)/Spring or Snow? 9:30 Today’s News & Hx (LF)/LUMPS the Pigs (AR) (MR) Dice (MR)/Bell Choir w/Amy (AR)/Corn 10:15 Art w/Sandie (AR)/February IQ (MR)/ 10:15 Pine Cone Toss (SR)/Groundhog Day Hole (SR) Noodle Exercise (SR)/FPT: Portland, OR (LF) Disc. (AR)/February BINGO (LD)/IN2L: 10:15 Word Challenge w/Julie (AR)/ 11:00 20 Questions (LS)/How It’s Made w/ Geography Games (CL) National Doodle Day (MR)/Exercise (SR)/ Kendra S (CL)/Art w/Sandie (AR)/Golf Putting 11:00 Book Club w/Amy (LS)/Outburst (AR)/ IN2L: Cat Fun (CL) (SR) Darts (SR)/I Hear Memories (MR) 11:00 HEART Categories (AR)/I Hear 11:45 Lunch: Stuffed Chicken & Rice Pilaf 11:45 Lunch: Hamburger & Baked Beans Memories (MR)/Historias en Espanol w/Elsa 12:45 Book Club w/Ann (MR)/Concentration 12:45 Mystery Birthday (AR)/Movie: Ground- (LS)/Dutch Shuffleboard (SR) (LD)/Ring Toss (SR)/IN2L: Farming Videos hog Day (LF)/Bowling (SR)/Music w/Carol F 11:45 Lunch: Citrus Salmon & Rice (CL) (MR) 12:45 Ribbon Exercise (MR)/Country Gos- 1:30 The Science of Finger Prints (MR)/Tenzies 1:30 Stretch & Strength (SR)/Movie: Ground- pel w/Bruce S (SR)/Book Club w/Ila (LS) (LD)/Spiritual Discussion w/Joan (AR)/Exercise hog Day (LF)/Music w/Carol F (MR)/ 1:30 Lawn Darts (MR)/Country Gospel w/ (SR) FEBRUARY Categories (AR) Bruce S (SR)/Prayer Circle (LD) 2:15 Hat Bingo (LD)/Balloon Swat (SR)/ 2:15 Red Hot Yott! (AR)/FPT w/Amy (LF)/ 2:15 Musical Alphabet (MR)/Fact or Crap Qwirkle w/Terri (AR)/Junior Trivia (MR) Toss N Talk (SR)/You Be the Judge (MR) (LD)/Frog Pond (SR)/Pampering (AR) 3:00 Dominoes (LD) 3:00 Uno (AR) 3:00 Would You Rather? (SR) 6 8:45 Trivia, Talk & Fun 7 8 9 10 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (CL)/Skee Ball Golf 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Corn Hole 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Farkle (AR)/ 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Faith & Devo- 8:45 Trivia, Talk & Fun (SR)/Noticias en Espanol (LF)/Farkle (AR) (SR)/Bell Choir w/Amy (AR)/Bunco (MR) Bell Choir w/Joan (MR)/Exercise (SR) tions (AR)/Horseshoes (SR)/FABLE Catego- 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Rhyme Out! 10:15 Google This (LF)/Exercise (SR)/FPT: 10:15 Art w/Sandie (AR)/Spoons (LD)/Stretch 10:15 Music w/Carol F (MR)/Wacky Wordies ries (DR) (MR)/Bell Choir w/Amy (AR)/Cow Patty Dragons in Chinatown (AR)/LOGO Game Exercise (SR)/IN2L: Family Feud (CL) (AR)/Pet Visit w/Molly (SR)/A Walk Down 10:15 Mystery Birthday (LF)/Speed Wiz (AR) Chucking (SR) (MR) 11:00 Concentration w/Aurelia (LS)/Ladder Memory Lane (LD) Exercise (SR)/IN2L: Who Wants to be..? (CL) 10:15 Snow Moon Disc. (LF)/Farkle (MR)/ 11:00 Chinese New Year (AR)/Rummy & Uno Ball (SR)/Art w/Sandie (AR)/Sp: Being Your 11:00 Inspired Living w/Amy J (LS)/IN2L: 11:00 Flip Flop Faces (SR)/Music w/Nate & Exercise (SR)/Domino Bingo Game (AR) (MR)/Hula Hoop Dice (SR)/Rhyme Out! (LS) Personal Best (MR) Family Feud (CL)/Music w/Carol F (MR)/ Friends (AR)/Rummikub (LS) 11:00 IN2L: Karaoke (CL)/History of Choc- 11:45 Lunch: Pork Chop w/Mashed Potatoes 11:45 Lunch: Bourbon Chicken & Rice Football (SR) 11:45 Lunch: Chef’s Selection olate w/Carol (AR)/Bean Bag House (SR)/ 12:45 February Puzzles (MR)/IN2L: National 12:45 Exercise (SR)/Men’s Gp: GI Joes & John 11:45 Lunch: Lasagna & Garlic Bread 12:45 Chocolate Kiss Day (AR)/Bible Se- Book Club w/Ila (LS) Parks (CL)/Knitting Gp (LS)/Bowling Pin Deere (LD)/Flip Ten (AR)/IN2L: Trivia (CL) 12:45 Uno (LD)/Relaxation Therapy (MR)/ quence (MR)/Book Club w/Amy (LS)/Golf 11:45 Lunch: Sweet & Sour Meatballs Drop (SR)/Music Bingo (AR) 1:30 Valentine Chocolates (AR)/Movie: Little Exercise (SR)/Book Club w/Ann (AR) Putting (SR) 12:45 Faith & Devotions (AR)/Read My 1:30 Stretch & Strength (SR)/IN2L: Cross- House on the Prairie (LF)/Milk Jug Toss (MR)/ 1:30 Spiritual Discussion w/Joan (AR)/ABC 1:30 Stretch & Strength (SR)/Pampering (AR)/ List (MR)/Exercise (SR)/Hot Sweet Potato words (CL)/Sp: A Daily Dose of Wisdom Kites & Candy (SR) Dice (LD)/Puedes Listar Esto? (MR)/Dutch BINGO (LD)/Name 5 (MR) (LD) (AR)/Dominoes (MR) 2:15 Valentine Love Stories (LD)/S’more Card Shuffleboard (SR) 2:15 Lucky Heart Toss (SR)/Yahtzee! (AR)/ 1:30 Red Hot Yott! (AR)/Black River Stu- 2:15 Brush to Canvas (AR)/Shake Up the Game (AR)/Washer Toss (SR)/Battle of the 2:15 Afternoon Tea (LD)/Would You Rather? Music Appreciation w/Amy (LF)/Brain Drain dents Visit (DR)/Ladder Ball (SR) Relatives (MR)/Are You Smarter..? (LD)/ Sexes (MR) (AR)/Bean Bag Toss (SR)/Smarty Pants Trivia (MR) 2:15 Short Stories w/Dee (LS)/Craft (AR)/ Velcro Ball Target (SR) 3:00 Head of the Class (SR) (MR) 3:00 Paper Hopscotch (AR) Bocce Ball (SR)/20 Questions (MR) 3:00 LUMPS Dice (DR) 3:00 Pokeno (LD) 3:00 Apples to Oranges (LD) 13 8:45 Trivia, Talk & Fun 14 15 16 17 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (CL)/Football Toss 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Bell Choir w/ 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Word Mining 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Prayer Circle 8:45 Trivia, Talk & Fun (SR)/Noticias en Espanol (LF)/Apples to Amy (AR)/Ring Toss (SR)/Valentine Paper (AR)/Bell Choir w/Joan (MR)/Bocce Ball (SR) (AR)/Skee Ball Golf (SR)/Just Picture It (MR) 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Football Apples (AR) Puzzles (MR) 10:15 Super Bowl Bingo (LD)/Kites & Candy 10:15 Do You Dare? (LF)/Farkle (AR)/ Toss (SR)/Bell Choir w/Amy (AR)/Puzzling 10:15 Inventor’s Day Fun (LD)/Pampering & 10:15 Valentine BINGO (LD)/IN2L: Chick- (MR)/Art w/Sandie (AR)/Exercise (SR) Exercise (SR)/Rhyme Out! (MR) Presidents (DR) Nail Care (AR)/Exercise (SR)/HEART Catego- tionary (CL)/Exercise (SR)/Shake Loose a 11:00 IN2L: Visit India (CL)/Horse Race (MR)/ 11:00 Book Club w/Amy (LS)/Toss Across 10:15 Speed Wiz (AR)/Group Points (LD)/ ries (MR) Memory (AR) Art w/Sandie (AR)/Ladder Ball (SR) (SR)/Manzanas con Manzanas (AR)/Google Weights Exercise (SR)/IN2L: First Lady 11:00 Music Appreciation (CL)/Cranium 11:00 Science of the Human Heart (LF)/Candy 11:45 Lunch: Quiche & Roasted Potatoes This (CL) History (CL) Crunches (MR)/Garden Club (AR)/Yolf (SR) Toss (SR)/IN2L: Hangman (CL)/Sharpen Your 12:45 Book Club w/Ann (MR)/Aggravation 11:45 Lunch: Sliced Ham & Sweet Potatoes 11:00 Aggravation (LS)/Music w/Mary 11:45 Lunch: Chicken Diane & Rice Senses (AR) (AR)/Exercise (SR)/IN2L: Price is Right (CL) 12:45 Throw Your Voice (LF)/IN2L: Chick- VDL (MR)/Large Group Yahtzee (SR) 12:45 Word Games w/Shelli (AR)/Name That 11:45 Lunch: Goulash & Garlic Bread 1:30 Spiritual Discussion w/Joan (AR)/National tionary (CL)/Music w/John P (AR)/Balloon 11:45 Lunch: Cabbage Roll Heart Tune (MR)/Knitting Gp. (LS)/Parachute 12:45 Music w/Carol F (MR)/Bible Study Hippo Day (LD)/Paper Hopscotch w/Kendra S Swat & Trivia (SR) 12:45 Book Club w/Ila (LS)/Exercise (SR)/ Fun! (SR)/IN2L: Soul & Devotions (CL) (LD)/Learn Spanish (AR)/Bowling (SR) (MR)/Basketball (SR) 1:30 Stretch & Strength (SR)/Tea, Talk, & Putting the Past in Order (AR)/What’s Next? 1:30 Magazine Scavenger Hunt (MR)/Skip Bo 1:30 Themed Exercise w/Veronica (SR)/ 2:15 Velcro Ball Target (MR)/Gardening w/ Trivia (LD)/Celebrating Black Hx Month (MR) (AR)/Yoga Exercise w/Courtney (SR)/IN2L: Antique Valentines (LD)/Music w/Carol F Terri (AR)/Who/What Am I? (SR)/Flip Ten (AR)/IN2L: Family Feud (CL) 1:30 LOGO Game (MR)/Hula Hoop Dice What Did It Cost? (CL) (MR)/Read My List (AR) (LD) 2:15 Dutch Shuffleboard (SR)/Family Talk (SR)/Craft w/Barb (AR)/Prayer Circle (LD) 2:15 Men’s Gp.: Abraham Lincoln Day (LD)/ 2:15 Red Hot Yott (AR)/Cupids Arrow Throw 3:00 Rhyme or Reason (SR) (AR)/FPT: Romantic Paris w/Amy (LF)/ 2:15 Velcro Ball Toss (SR)/Word Challenge Velcro Ball Toss (SR)/Farkle (AR)/On the (SR)/Valentines Day Disc. (LD)/Picture Pursuit LUMPS Dice (MR) w/Julie (LD)/Gaceta Mensual (AR)/Let’s Farm (MR) (MR) 3:00 6 Card Bingo (DR) Talk (MR) 3:00 Dutch Shuffleboard (SR) 3:00 Dead Man’s Hand Card Game (LD) 3:00 On the Farm (LD) 20 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (CL)/Ladder 21 22 23 24 Ball (SR)/Noticias en Espanol (LF)/ 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Basketball 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (CL)/Finish the 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Kitchen Craft: 8:45 Trivia, Talk & Fun Aggravation (AR) (SR)/Bell Choir w/Amy (AR)/Fargo Dice (MR) Proverbs (AR)/Bell Choir w/Joan (MR)/Golf Dog Treats (K)/Faith & Devotions (AR)/Cow 9:30 Today’s Hx & News (LF)/Flip Flop 10:15 Cardio Exercise w/Courtney (SR)/Music 10:15 Art w/Sandie (AR)/Learning About Putting (SR) Patty Chucking (SR) Faces (SR)/Bell Choir w/Amy (AR)/Word w/Carol F (MR)/Craft w/Jenny (AR)/Men’s Whales (LF)/Exercise (SR)/Are You Smarter..? 10:15 Your Health w/Brenda (LD)/Junk Drawer 10:15 Right Brain/Left Brain Disc.
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