THE AGE OF THE UNIVERSE1 Sidney van den Bergh Dominion Astrophysical Observatory 5071 West Saanich Road Victoria, British Columbia V8X 4M6, Canada ABSTRACT It is found that the ages of the most metal-poor Galactic globular clusters are probably . -1 -1 18 Gyr. On the other hand Ho = 82 ± 8 km s Mpc (in conjunction with the standard Einstein - de Sitter model with S = 1 and 7 = 0) yields an age of the Universe b . to = ( ) 8 Gyr. Some possible reasons for this discrepancy are explored. 8 Key words: to from age of elements, stars, to H o = f (q o, o) 1 To be published in 1996 July in Dahlem Workshop Report (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons) - 2 - 1. INTRODUCTION The age of the Universe can be determined from extragalactic observations which yield both the Hubble parameter Ho and f in the equation 8 to H o = f (q o, o). (1) A less ambitious approach is to derive a minimum age of the Universe from the ages of the most ancient individual stars and clusters in the Galaxy. Due to possible second parameter effects, the most reliable ages of old Galactic globular clusters are probably derived by using calibrations based on Galactic RR Lyrae variables that have halo kinematics. Only weak constraints on the age and evolution of the Universe are provided by radioactive age dating of the elements, which is sometimes referred to as cosmochronology. Possible problems with the Cepheid Period- Luminosity relation and with distances of supernovae of type Ia will also be discussed. 2. DISTANCE OF THE LMC The distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud affects estimates of the age of the Universe in two ways. In the first place, values of Ho (and, hence, the age of the Universe to ) determined via observations of Cepheids in the Virgo Cluster (Pierce et al. 1994, Freedman et al. 1994) were calibrated using an LMC distance of 50 Mpc, corresponding to a true distance modulus (m-M)o = 18.49. An increase in the distance to the Large Cloud would decrease Ho and therefore increase to . Secondly, the distance to the LMC might be used to set the luminosities of RR Lyrae stars, which in turn determine the evolutionary ages calculated for globular clusters. Unfortunately, the distance to the Large Cloud remains controversial. From multi-color photometry of Cepheids, Laney & Stobie (1992) find a true LMC distance modulus (m-M)o = 18.57 ± 0.04. This is consistent with work by Gieren, Barnes & Moffet (1993) and by Gieren, Richtler & Hilker (1994) who use the visual surface brightness modification of the Baade-Wesselink method to derive (m-M)o = 18.6 ± 0.1 and 18.47 ± 0.20, respectively. - 3 - However, a much smaller distance modulus (m-M)o = 18.23 ± 0.04 is obtained if the Galactic calibration of the luminosities of halo RR Lyrae stars is applied to the cluster-type variables (Walker 1992) in the Large Cloud. Could this discrepancy be due to the effects of metallicity on the luminosities of Cepheids? In other words, could the Galactic Period-Luminosity relation be giving the wrong distance for Cepheids in the Large Cloud? Assuming [Fe/H] = -0.3 (Z = 0.009) for young stars in the LMC (Spite & Spite 1991), in conjunction with ªY / ª Z = 3, and Y (primordial) = 0.228 (Pagel 1992), the classical evolutionary models of Chiosi et al. (1993) yield a Period-Luminosity relation for the Large Cloud that is only 0.01 mag brighter for 10-day Cepheids than it is for similar objects in the Galaxy. This indicates that there is presently no reason to suspect that the Cepheid Period-Luminosity relation for the LMC gives a distance modulus that is seriously in error. Apparent confirmation of this conclusion is provided by Gould (1995) who used observations of the ring surrounding SN 1987A to obtain a geometrical distance D = 47.3 ± 0.8 kpc (circular ring assumed), corresponding to (m-M)o = 18.37 ± 0.04. This value is in reasonable agreement with the Cepheid results obtained by Laney & Stobie (1992) who found (m-M)o = 18.57 ± 0.04. The combined Cepheid and SN 1987A data therefore . suggest (m-M)o 18.5 for the Large Cloud, which is strongly discordant with the value (m-M)o = 18.23 ± 0.04, that was obtained by Walker (1992) from the Galactic calibration of halo RR Lyrae stars applied to Walker's (1992) observations of the Cluster-type variables in the LMC. Hydrodynamic pulsation models for three RRc stars in the LMC (Simon & Clement n 1993), when matched to the pulsation period P and Fourier phase parameter 31 , yield - 4 - (m-M)o = 18.54. This value is in good agreement with the Large Cloud distance modulus derived from Cepheids and in reasonable agreement with that derived from SN 1987A. How is one to account for the discordant distance obtained by Walker (1992)? Possibly, the RR Lyrae stars in the Galactic halo and in the Large Cloud obey different MV (RR) versus [Fe/H] relations. It is well known (van den Bergh 1965, Sandage & Wildey 1967) that the population gradients along the horizontal branches of globular clusters are a function of both [Fe/H] and of a second parameter that has not, as yet, been identified. By the same token, the luminosities of RR Lyrae stars might be a function of both [Fe/H] and one or more additional parameters. It is tentatively suggested that such a second parameter effect might account for the differences between the Cepheid and RR Lyrae distance moduli for some (but not all!) Local Group members that have been discussed in detail by van den Bergh (1995). In view of the fact that the MV versus [Fe/H] relations might differ in the LMC and in the Galaxy, it seems safest to use the MV (RR) calibration derived from Galactic halo RR Lyrae stars to calculate the ages of Galactic halo globular clusters. 3. AGES OF GLOBULAR CLUSTERS The ages calculated for globular clusters depend on both the input physics and on the adopted magnitudes for the cluster horizontal branches i.e. MV(RR). Recently, Chaboyer (1995) has discussed the uncertainties in cluster ages that result from reasonable changes in (1) the mixing length, (2) color transformations, (3) model atmospheres, (4) opacities, (5) convective overshooting, (6) nuclear reaction rates, (7) helium diffusion, (8) uncertainty in the helium abundance, (9) errors in [Fe/H], and (10) changes in ["/Fe]. He finds that such factors result in a combined uncertainty of only ± 15% (m.e.) in the calculated cluster ages. However, larger errors result from the uncertainty in cluster horizontal branch magnitude which can change the calculated ages from 18.2 ± 0.6 Gyr for the faint RR Lyrae calibration adopted by - 5 - Layden, Hawley & Hanson (1995) to 14.2 ± 0.5 Gyr for the bright horizontal branch calibration of Walker (1992). The ~ 25% age uncertainty resulting from possible errors in the magnitude level of globular cluster horizontal branches is therefore more significant than errors that might result from changes to the input physics. From a comprehensive study of Galactic RR Lyrae stars using the Baade-Wesselink technique Carney, Storm & Jones (1992) find that MV (RR) = (0.15 ± 0.01) [Fe/H] + 1.01 ± 0.08. (2) A much steeper dependence of MV (RR) on [Fe/H] had previously been found by Sandage & Cacciari (1990) who obtained MV (RR) = 0.39 [Fe/H] + 1.27. (3) The best way to derive both the zero-point and the slope of this relation is via HST observations of the horizontal branches of globular clusters of known metallicity in the halo of M 31, which are all located at approximately the same distance. To date, only two globular clusters in the Andromeda nebula have been studied in this way. From the metal-rich cluster K 58 ([Fe/H] = -0.57) and the metal-poor cluster K 219 ([Fe/H] = -1.83) observed by Ajhar et al. (1994) one obtains d MV (RR) / d [Fe/H] = +0.12, which clearly favors the relation given in Eqn. (2) over that in Eqn. (3). It is noted in passing that a large value of d MV (RR) / d [Fe/H] would reduce the calculated ages of old metal-poor clusters (which have luminous horizontal branches), and increase the ages of younger metal-rich globulars (which have faint horizontal branches). The net effect of a large value of d MV (RR) / d [Fe/H] is therefore that it decreases the calculated age spread among globular clusters. This accounts for the small age range of Galactic globular clusters found by Mazzitelli, D'Antona & Caloi (1995). - 6 - Force-fitting their data to the slope of Eqn. (2), Layden, Hawley & Hanson (1995) find MV (RR) = 0.15 [Fe/H] + 0.99 ± 0.12 (4) from the statistical parallaxes of RR Lyrae stars. Note, in particular, that the zero-point of Eqn. (4) is in excellent agreement with that which Carney et al. (1992) obtained using the Baade- Wesselink method. The fact that these two independent techniques yield essentially the same zero-point strengthens confidence in the adopted relationship between MV and [Fe/H] for Galactic RR Lyrae variables. It is therefore concluded that presently available data favor a relation of the form . MV (RR) 0.15 [Fe/H] + 1.0 (5) for Galactic halo RR Lyrae variables. With this calibration (Chaboyer 1995) the ages of the oldest Galactic globular clusters are . 18 Gyr. 4. AGE OF THE GALACTIC DISK Giant molecular clouds eventually destroy most open clusters in the Galactic disk.
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