’■> i. >.K' J yi- ' MET PEESS ET7K AVERAGE DAILY CIEC5UIAT10N for the Month o f Mayi 1930 Conn. Siat^Obrary 5 , 5 1 8 Mcmben of tlie An«t Boreon of ClTcnlatloiiB FOURTEEN PAGES SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1930. VOL. XLIV., NO. 218. (Clawrifled Advertising on Page 12) AS WEST POINT GRADUATED 241 CADETS FIVEKILLED, HOUSE WILL 0 . K. HOOVER’S TROUBLES SCORES HURT TARIFF MEASURE AT HALF WAY MARK BY TORNADOES *- '8>- THIS AFTERNOON CONNECTICUT MAN PLAYS i Circled by Touchy Public GRIM JOKE IN CANADA. | Million in Property Damage WIFE IN U. S. MINT; Sandwich, Ont., June 14.— In Minnesota and Wiscon­ f ir e m e n a r e k e p t o u t Three Hours Set Apart for issue and Enemies in (AP)—Lauiiat Dion, 24, former­ ly of Torrington, Conn., left his 1 Philadelphia, June 14^(A P )— suitcase on a Detroit river dock^ sin— Wind Whips Autos I The chief of the Philadelphia Debate on Bill Before RoD Ranks of His Own Party; here with a note reading: “Give' I Fire Department was the only me another chance before I fiijenian admitted to the United Is CaUed-With Big Re­ Much Talk About 1932. starve to death.” Around in Streets. : States Mint early today when an Sandwich police diagnosed the I alarm was turned in because of a case as suicide and spent yester­ By Associated Press. j I fire in Uncle Sam’s money fac- publican Majority Pas­ Washington, June 14.— (AP)— day dragging the river. Last I tory. The fire was among some night Dion walked into the Sand­ A series of tornadoes played leap 1 Just at the political half-way mark rubbish and hand extinguishers wich police station to claim his frog across southern Minnesota! put out the blaze. sage of Bill is Assured; of his four year term. President belon^gs. He explained he and Wisconsin late yesterday, and j No one is allowed in the mint Hoover finds his fortunes ringed had been looking for work and when they had played themselves 1 after working hours, and Fire about these June days with a num­ left the note on his suitcase so Chief B. Da'vis was admitted only Next Goes to President no one would steal it. out there were five deaths, an In- [ after a consultation among erous and persistent' swarm of <S> I jured list of more than three scoca: watchmen inside. touchy public issues. and property damage estimated at for Sipature. As if by pre-arrangement the whole brood—tariff, farm relief, more than $1,000,000. prohibition, foreign relations, inter­ ABOVE—Colorful commencement The dead: Washington, June 14.— (AP)— WRECK OF TANKER exercises at the United States Mili­ Charles Wplbert, 42, ice company 1 nal party troubles—has come buzz­ The tariff bill today awaited only ing about the head of the man, who tary Academy, West Point, N. Y., oper-ator near Menomonie. I IOWA WILL LOSE by virtue of being President also is are pictured here, with part of the Mrs. Wolbert, 38, | the perfunctory approval of the the leader of the Republican Party. MENACES SHIPPING class of 241 graduates seated during Louis Haines, 25, employed by House before being sent along to To Be Renominated the address of Secretary of War Wolbert. REPRESENTATIVE President Hoover. Two years hence—unless history Patrick J. Hurley. Thirty grad­ Mrs. Carl Kaiser, 19, killed on the uates were married within 24 hours , Adopted by the Senate, 44 to 42, Wolbert farm. the measure was given imdisputed a^naUoifv^rsee his followers rally- 1 Vessels Are Warned to Keep of receiving their diplomas. William Drappe, 45, section fore ing to consummate his renomina- ] man for the Chicago Greatwestein right of way in the other branch of LEFT—Honor man of the 1930 Has Increase in Population Congress. Three hours were set tion. , I graduating claiss at the United railroad, killed at Randolph. Already the straws are bending , Clear— Now Lies in Nine­ States Military Academy was Paul Eighteen persons were taken tc aside for debate today with the last to the passing breeze, and Wash- F. Yount of Alliance, Ohio. He's Menomonie hospital. The storm But Four Other States of the many Congressional roll calls ington is filled with talk of ty Feet of Water. pictured here, at right, receiving circled three fourths of the way on the bill coming shortly after \ATiat Mr. Hoover himself may be his diploma from Secretary of War around Menomonie and damage three o’clock. thinking and what first term Presi- was confined to rural territory. Have Increased Also. Republican House dent ever has failed to think of that Patrick J. Hurley during the com­ Boston, June 14.— (AP) — The mencement exercises at West Point, Roof Blown Off. Unlike the Senate where the Re­ subject—no one is undertaking to wreck of the oil tanker Rnthis. Several persons were in Eau publicans have only a paper ma­ say. His friends, however, are get­ N. Y. Standing in the center is Washington, June 14.— (AP)— rammed and sunk Tuesday night by Maj. Gen. William Smith, command­ Claire hospital with minor injuries. jority, the House is overwhelming-' ting ready and so are his enemies Iowa, tentatively set down for a loss ly Republican. Hence approval of the steamship Fairfax, today Ues in ant of West Point. The roof of the Beauregard Ho­ of one member of the House through within the party. 90 feet of water 350 yards from tel at Eau Claire was blown off and the fin^ draft of the measure was Those who look to another terrn the 1930 reapportionment, has re­ regarded as an absolute certainty. the Humarock shoal buoy off Scit- carried against the front of the ported a 2,468,747 population, a 2.1 for him rely heavily on the appeal uate, the lighthouse service reported President Hoover probably will they claim for him among the rank Security State bank building. percent increase. in a notice to mariners. Nineteen Hundreds of tree^ were blown' receive the bulky document on Mon­ and file of voters. They declare this This topped by more than 24,000 day. With the aid of experts, he men, the entire crew of the Pinthis, down, tearing do'wji wires and the estimated popvfiation on, which hold is stronger, rather than weak­ and 28 passengers and members of then will begin a study of its pro­ I blocking streets. the tentative reapportionment fig­ er, by virtue of such defeats as he the crew of the Fairfax died in the visions, meanwhile sending copies has suffered in Congress and such Theodore Iverson, among the in- ures were based, a hypothetical 2,- to the Treasury and other interest­ open breaks as he arrived at with The notice said- “Wreck of tank , I jured near Menomonie said he w-as 434,000 on January 1 of this year. ed departments for comment be­ party politicians. They see in the steamer Pinthis lies about 350 j not aware of the storm until he saw However, the gain, though larger fore acting. great number of major projects he yards, 298 degrees from Humarock a car blown past his window. He than anticipated, very likely will Administration chiefs in both has planted in the National fabric shoal gas and whistling buoy, 4, in WOMEN OF NATION BACK ™ “ CONVICTED and his wife protected their three not be strong enough to hold for Houses believe Mr. Hoover will sign a promise of bountiful fruition in 90 feet of water. Impossible to take children as a stove fell on him. Iowa her 11 representatives in the the measure. They assert if he finds the two years to come. surroundings over wreck - account Forty homes were wrecked or continued total of 435. Four other himself dissatisfied with some of its 0 states have been showing greater His Enemies of burning gasoline. j damaged and several business provisions he can take advantage Those within the party who have Vessels Warned. HGHTEENTH AMENDMENT “ I establishments were leveled. On y gains over the estimates. of the flexible clause to correct attacked him—for instance Senator “Vessels will clear the wreck by a dozen residences were unharmed- Representative E. Hart Fenn, of them. Borah, Senator Norris and the passing one-quarter mile to the Connecticut, chairman of the House whole Senatorial fraternity of dis­ eastward of Humarock Gas and; Marine and Woman Friend census committee cautioned against considering any reapportionment content with his policies—are not Whistling Buoy, 4.” ' i General Federation of Worn-j DRY ORGANIZATION talking for publication on the sub­ Oil, still pouring from the rent estimates as conclusive until all re KING IS BRINGING ject of 1932. They are talking tanks of the ship continued yester- i I To Die in Electric Chair; LITTLE REAaiON turns are in. among themselves, however, and day to feed the flames ignited when ; en’s Clubs Also Stands I NOW 3 7 YEARS OLDi He stressed the fact that the re­ the third party gossip which has the colUsion occurred Tuesday night; 1 Other Marines Implicated distribution of the fixed number of been a part of every Republican but gradually the area of fire grew ; SEEN ON EXCHANGE future Representatives, 435 as at MME. LUPESCU BACK pre-convention campaign for a gen­ smaller and this morning it was re­ for World Peace— All Old ---- | present, depends upon the relative eration persists. It persists, but no ported that the last tongues of ■ ------- j proportions of all the state, ■with one is willing to sign his name to flame had flicketed out.
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