SOUTH PUBLIC 2 '- M PLAINFIELD AVE. Enjoy readimaboiityourtowii? Subscrfbeortenewonliiwatviflivw^lisemr.coin. CAR-RT LOT**C 026 Cl8pt8s1003ws8 Sp Pubfic Ubrary Spftd Pub6c Ubrafy 2484 Ptainfietd Ave Sou th Plainfield S PteinfieJd N J 0 f7 0 6 0 ^ 1 VOL 17, NO. 45 Member ,\Vif Jersey Press Assoeiutwn 60 CENTS JULY 4, 2014 'Low Blow ’ Says G O P to Dem s on Tree Rem oval A press release submitted by the was in the public right of way and was Democratic candidates for mayor infested with ants,” said Mayor Matt and council published in last week’s Anesh. “To suggest our DPW would Observer resulted in the mayor, coun­ act in an improper way is a slap in the cil and Department of Public Works face of the men and women who serve (DPW) employees accusing the can­ the borough day in and day out.” didates o f politics at its worst. Mayoral candidate Chrissy Buteas The article referred to the removal issue^l the following statement: “It is o f a tree on the property of a former time for the mayor to apologize for Republican chair which the Demo­ putting our dedicated pubjic works cratic candidates claim was cut down employees, who arc just doing their illegally by employees of the DPW jobs, in the middle of a political cover- They claim it took almost a week for up. Increased tree pruning under the five employees to remove the healthy guise of a new program no one knew tree, including grinding the stump. about prior to its start only adds to According to DPW records, a residents’ suspicions. The borough’s complaint about the tree was received current leaders need to stop their on May 12. After a DPW employee games, mismanagement and political inspeaed the tree, it was ttemed to favoritism. South Plainfield’s resi­ be wnthin five feet o f tlie aimtiTthad dents deserve a program that benefits ■ ‘ . 1?^ :i^;^les iii it and was dying,lhd it Was ,aU j£sidents and easurcs fairness from SPARC President Marvin Bronstein mans the radios during ARRL Field Day at Spring Lake Park. recornmended that it he taken down. tifie top 36wti.” This tree was just one of 269 trees “I’m awarcrof one resident, for taken down last year by the DPW example, who made a request to In a letter published in this week’s have two trees removed three years Amateur Radio Club Takes Part Observer, DPW Supervisor Robert ago. He was told there was nothing Capparelli said that evety complaint that could be done for him at the In International Field Day they receive for either a removal or time. Lo and behold, the trees were trim is checked to ensure that it is removed only days after questions Members of the South Plainfield from 2 p.m. Samrday until 2 p.m. radios and equipment in the gazebo within the right o f way of borough were asked publicly o f this program. Amateur Radio Club (SPARC) spent Sunday (EDST) (18 hours UCT). in Spring Lake Park and mounted propierty. The condition o f the tree is The Republican response simply does last Saturday and Sunday participat­ When an emergency occurs, such antennas around the area. A huge assessed as well as its locale in respect not add up,” commented Councilman ing in an international field day event, as happened when Hurricane Sandy map was hung and as they commu­ to PSEScG electrical wires. CJ Diana. sponsored by the American Radio Re­ struck a few years ago, power is usu­ nicated with other radio operators, “This tree was well in the borough Residents who have a tree on their lay League (ARRL). The purpose for ally interrupted, sometimes for days. a pin was put on the map indicat­ right of way, and it was infested with property they believe is in the right the field day was to test the ability of When this occurs the only communi­ ing where they were located. They ants,” said Capparelli. “Once a tree is of way and requires trimming or re­ amateur radio operators to effectively cation available is most often through made approximately 300 completed removed, we always put the stump on moval can contact the DPW at (908) communicate locally and nationally amateur radio operators. Amateur two-way contacts with some as far a list for removal,” he added. 755-2187. The same procedures for under temporary emergency condi­ radio operators are one o f the oldest away as Hawaii, Virgin Islands and “This issue seems to be a clear each case will be followed to address tions. Each year the A RRL Field Day modes of communication during Canada. They made contacts in all political ploy by the local Democratic any trimming or removal that is is held on the the last full weekend in emergencies. four comers of the continent by either party. As the [borough] administra­ warranted. June. The 24-hour period is always SPARC members set up their voice or Morse code. This was all ac­ tor’s research has validated, the tree (See page 2 for related letters.) complished using only three watts of OUTDOOR CONCERT (Continued on page 3) County’s Free Outdoor Summer inside 7.4.14 Concert Series Kicks Off In My Opinion Grab a lawn chair All concerts arc free and open to and head to Spring the public. For more information, Grant School Remembers Lake Park for this year’s call (732) 745-3936 or visit ww'w. Beloved Teacher free summer concerts in the park CO. middlescx. nj .us. Events Around Town sponsored by the Middlesex Coimty Spring Lake Park Gazebo Board o f Chosen Freeholders. Lakeview Avenue • Sundays from M iddle School H olds “We’re proud to offer another year 6:30 to 8 p.m. 2014 Commencement of the Music in the ParLs series to our July 6-The Garden State Sym­ residents,” said Freeholder Charles phonic Band, Patriotic Favorites with SPORTS E. Tomaro, chair of the county’s Chris Pedersen American Legion Awards Infrastructure Management Com­ July 13-The Broadway Pops Big Scholarships mittee, which oversees the Parks and Band, Broadway Hits with Greg Recreation Office. “It’s anotlicr great Giannascoli Bookmarks way to enjoy the county’s parks and July 20-The George Krauss Me­ EQ Milestones spend time together.” morial Band, Barbara Krauss Santoro, Middlesex County Freeholder Di­ Leader m Classifieds rector Ronald G. Rios said, “Middle­ July 27-Mark Heter and his Band, m Obituaries sex County’s parks are the perfect Gazebo Favorites. setting for live entertainment, and our August 3-Sandy Sa,sso’s Swingin’ residents have agreed for many years. Big Band, past singer with tlie Dorsey, On behalf of the Freeholder Board I Gtxxlman and Riddle Big Bands The Middle School held commencement exercise for 279 students in encourage all residents to join us for August 10-Starfish! Familv-fncnd- the high school auditorium on June 19. (See pages 6 and 7.) these wondcrftil free summer events.” Iv nx;k & roll for kids! V ^ 2 - To subscribe to tbe South Plainfield Observer call 908-668-0010 • July 4,2014 Be informed about the business of your Borough Councii & BOE. In M y O pinion • View Council and BOE meetings at Opinions expressed in this coiumn are not necessarily those of the publisher, nor do we guarantee their accuracy. m B o r o u g h www.spobserver.com C o u n c il ‘ ViewonComcastChanneigeMondaysat/p.m. To the Editor: issues tltat are important to people, & B O E * BOE meetings air on Thursdays at 7 p.m. I am writing this letter in response things like keeping Soutli Plainfield (Check Comcast community bulletin board for last minute to the article that was printed in the affordable, bringing in new busi­ time changes.) Observer on June 27. The Democratic nesses and jobs, and moving our town To purchase a complete copy of a council or BOB meeting, contact the Observer. mayor and council candidates stated forward. Instead, she has visions of council meetings that we removed a tree illegally for manufacniring some type of “issue,” Meets twice a month on Mondays, *except where noted. a taxpayer and longtime resident of apparently in the hope of reviving her Borough Hall Council Chambers • Questions? 908-226-7605 town that was years ago a councilman struggling political campaign. Anenda Meeting Public Meeting and Republican chairman. We all know Buteas has her eyes on July 14 July 14 First let me say that I have worked being mayor. But doesn’t she realize All Agenda Meetings begin at 7 p.m. followed immediately by the Public Meeting, unless other­ for the DPW for almost 40 years and that our town rejected her type of wise noted. Meetings of the Governing Body are held in accordance with the N.J. Open Public have never see any candidates stoop scorched-earth politics when voters Meetings Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.) in the Councii Chambers at 2480 Plainfield Ave. to this level. cast her aside when she ran for council planning board Our department takes down or a few years ago? Meets second and fourth Tuesday of the month, *except where noted. trims approximately 200 trees per Some politicians will say or do any­ Borough Hall Council Chambers, 7 p.m. Questions? 908-226-7641 year. I believe we have the finest tree thing to get ahead. That’s definitely July 8, July 22, Aug. 12, Aug, 26, Sept. 9, Sept. 23, Oct.
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