POLITICAL THEORY An International Journal of Political Philosophy Editor STEPHEN K. WHITE University of Virginia Consulting Editor J. DONALD MOON Wesleyan University Review Editor BONNIE HONIG Northwestern University and American Bar Foundation Assistant Editor and Political Theory Fellow PATRICIA NORDEEN University of Virginia and Yale University Editorial Assistant MICHAEL KLEIN Executive Editorial Committee MARY DIETZ University of Minnesota MICHAEL ROGIN University of California, Berkeley STEPHEN MACEDO Princeton University IRIS MARION YOUNG University of Chicago ANTHONY PAGDEN Johns Hopkins University LINDA ZERILLI Northwestern University Editorial Board SHLOMO AVINERI Hebrew University of Jerusalem BENJAMIN BARBER Rutgers University BRIAN BARRY Columbia University WILLIAM E. CONNOLLY The Johns Hopkins University ROBERT CUMMING Columbia University JOHN DUNN Cambridge University JEAN ELSHTAIN University of Chicago RICHARD FLATHMAN The Johns Hopkins University JULIAN FRANKLIN Columbia University VICTOR GOUREVITCH Wesleyan University JÜRGEN HABERMAS University of Frankfurt VIRGINIA HELD City University of New York GEORGE KATEB Princeton University STEVEN LUKES University of Siena HARVEY MANSFIELD Harvard University HANNA PITKIN University of California, Berkeley J.G.A. POCOCK The Johns Hopkins University JOHN RAWLS Harvard University MELVIN RICHTER City University of New York ALAN RYAN Oxford University GIOVANNI SARTORI Columbia University QUENTIN SKINNER Cambridge University TRACY STRONG University of California, San Diego CHARLES TAYLOR McGill University DENNIS THOMPSON Harvard University MICHAEL WALZER The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton ROBERT PAUL WOLFF University of Massachusetts SHELDON S. WOLIN Princeton University For Sage Publications: Yvette Pollastrini, Matthew H. Adams, Katinka Baltazar, Stephanie Allen, and Tina Paptsos POLITICAL THEORY founded by ROBERT LAMB and WALTER ODAJNYK POLITICAL THEORY Volume 29, Number 6 / December 2001 POLITICAL THEORY Volume 29, Number 6 / December 2001 From the Editor Stephen K. White 765 ARTICLES Special Section: Democracy, Law, Founding Constitutional Democracy: A Paradoxical Union of Contradictory Principles? Jürgen Habermas 766 Of Boats and Principles: Reflections on Habermas’s “Constitutional Democracy” Alessandro Ferrara 782 Dead Rights, Live Futures: A Reply to Habermas’s “Constitutional Democracy” Bonnie Honig 792 Special Section: Oakeshott Centenary Oakeshott’s Hobbes and the Fear of Political Rationalism Ted H. Miller 806 A Preface to an Unpublished MS by Michael Oakeshott on Hobbes’s Leviathan Patrick Riley 833 Letter on Hobbes Michael Oakeshott 834 Bad Civil Society Simone Chambers and Jeffrey Kopstein 837 CRITICAL EXCHANGE Transcending Violence in Derrida: A Reply to John McCormick Ben Corson 866 Justice, Interpretation, and Violence: A Rejoinder to Corson John P. McCormick 876 REVIEW ESSAYS Decapitation, Ghosts, and the Holy Spirit Connolly, Why I’m Not a Secularist Z‹iz#ek, The Fragile Absolute Jodi Dean 882 Review Essay on Mamdani and Ackerly Mamdani, Beyond Rights Talk and Culture Talk: Comparative Essays on the Politics of Rights and Culture Ackerly, Political Theory and Feminist Social Criticism Roxanne L. Euben 888 BOOKS IN REVIEW Gerencser, The Skeptic’s Oakeshott Peter Digeser 896 Dumm, A Politics of the Ordinary Jacqueline Stevens 898 Index 902 Sage Publications Thousand Oaks • London • New Delhi POLITICAL THEORY is an international journal of political philosophy open to contributions from every methodological, philosophical, and ideological perspective. Essays in historical political thought and modern political theory, normative and analytic philosophy, history of ideas, and assessment of current work are equally welcome. The journal has no particularistic affiliation or orientation and is meant to serve the entire political theory community. MANUSCRIPTS should be sent in triplicate to Professor Stephen K. White, Editor, POLITICAL THEORY, Department of Government and Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400787, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Articles should be 30 single-sided, double-spaced pages or less. Notes should be placed at the end of the article, also double-spaced, and in the form used in The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition. A brief biographical paragraph describing each author’s current affilia- tion, research interests, and recent publications should accompany the manuscript. Manuscripts can be returned only if a self-addressed stamped envelope is enclosed. Unfortunately, the volume of submissions makes it impossible for us to comment on all manuscripts. Our review period is normally three months, except for June through August submissions, when our offices are closed for the sum- mer. If possible, the final draft of accepted manuscripts should be accompanied by an IBM-compatible computer disk version.Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in the journal.Authors submittingmanuscripts to the journal should not simultaneously submit them to another journal, nor should manuscripts have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content. Authors in doubt about what constitutes prior publication should consult the editor. The POLITICAL THEORY Web site is at http://faculty.virginia.edu/pol-theoryprogram/journal/, e-mail: ptheory@ virginia.edu. CRITICAL RESPONSES to essays published in POLITICAL THEORY are welcome. They should be no longer than eight pages in length, including notes and references. BOOK REVIEWS: Books for review should be sent to Bonnie Honig, Review Editor, POLITICAL THEORY, Department of Political Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-1006. 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