The Daily Register VOL. 99 NO.22 SHREWSBURY. N. J. WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1976 15 CENTS Wall man gets life sentence in cop slaying •jr BARBARA KATELL The Jury of seven women brothers. with his brother lo commit a statement he voluntarily looked inside and saw Patrol- heard a shot, (he patrolman ly scheduled to stand trial and five men returned its ver- However,' the jury found the robbery of tie Quick- gave to county detectives dur- man Wright talking lo llene yelled and loosened hii gnp with his brother oa alHhe FREEHOLD - While his dict at 8: IS p.m. Ufe impris- that the two brothers had Chek. of entering the store ing the trial, Frank Miller did Will, his fiance and a store from around Frank Miller's charges plus another count of mother wept quietly In the onment fs the mandatory sen- first attempted to rob the with the intent lo rob it, of at- not testify before the jury in employe Frank Miller In his neck Frank Miller said he possession of a gun by a con- back of the courtroom, Frank tence for a first degree mur- Qutck-Chek food (tore In tempting a robbery, and of his own defense. statement said the two broth- then fled the scene and hid in victed felon Bui shortly be T. Miller, 27, of Wall Town a Bradley Beach back yard fore their trial was to begin der conviction. Bradley Beach and that the possession of a gun. In the June, statement. ers then panicked and fled •hip, yesterday was sen- until morning last week. Charles Miller ad- There was no evidence dur- murder occurred as a direct Judge Aikins will sentence Frank Miller admitted that he down the street toward a tenced to serve the rest of his mitted he killed Patrolman ing the five-day trial before result of that attempted theft. Frank Miller on those four and his brothers decided to parked car they had bor- According to testimony dur- natural life In state prison Wnght Superior Court Judge Louis As Judge Aikins explained counts on Aug. I. commit a robbery the pre- rowed from their sister Pa- ing the trial, be was arrested for the first degree murder of R. Aiktns that Frank Miller in his charge, under New Jer- However, before the jury vious evening. They ap- trolman Wnght followed and by county detectives and lo- He was immediately given a Bradley Beach patrolman. killed Patrolman Wright or sey law all participants in a began its deliberations at 1:45 proached four other locations caught up with the brothers cal policemen on a Belmar a mandatory life sentence by After deliberating Ift even held the murder weap- robbery or attempted robbery p.m. Judge Aikins ordered an before coming to Bradley Frank Miller said that he street sometime during the Judge Aikins His case was hours, i Superior Court jury on. In fact, Charles Miller, 23, are equally responsible if one acquittal of Frank Miller on Beach but found them all too was standing facing the car day on June 1 He gave his severed from Ibal ot Frank found Miller guilty of felony his brother, also of Wall of them commits a murder (he charge that he was armed crowded or closed. They with his hands upraised statement to Capl Andrew Miller, and a inal on the re- murder In the shooting of Pa- Township, had admitted fir- during or as an aftermath of when he attempted to rob the came to Bradley Beach at against the top of the car and Manning and LI John Valen- maining charges against him trolman Jack Wright, 2», ing the fatal shots at Wright the attempted robbery. food store. about 11 45 pm Patrolman Wright had an tine, county detectives al I was rescheduled tor the fall p.m. of that day shortly before midnight on while the patrolman was at- The jury also convicted The key evidence against Frank Miller said they were arm around his neck. Frank In his confession before May SI. tempting to arrest the two Frank Miller of conspiring Frank Miller In the trial was entering the store, when they Miller said he suddenly Charles Miller was original See MlUer. page t Officials query Navy on Earle arms plans By BOB BRAMLEV them where the weapons must be." LEONARDO - If a pro- Mr Veatch declared that if posed *»» million expansion atomic or nuclear weapons will bring nuclear weapons to are handled or stored at the Earle Naval Weapons Sta- Earle or at any other facility, tion, the Navy Isn't talking "tremendous" safety pre- about it. cautions are taken. An inquiry yesterday to the "You'd be safer with them Naval Sea Systems Command than with, say, a case of hand In the Pentagon in Washing- grenades." he suggested. ton elicited a response the The PIO added that he same as that received earlier knows of accidents Involving (ram naval officials here: De- nuclear weapons since they partment of Defense policy came Into the nation's arsenal forbids discussion of the pres- shortly after World War II. ence or absence of nuclear Calls to the offices of legis- weapons any time at any lo- lators representing Monmouth PROUD CHAMPS — Members of the U.S. basket- the 21st Olympiad In Montreal, the U.S. team re- cation in the world. County In Washington re- ball team react to the gold medals awarded them gained the championship It lost to the Russian Dolph Veatch, Systems vealed they have no knowl- last night after their victory over Yugoslavia, 95- team In 1972. Command public information edge of any atomic or nuclear 74. In what was called the most awaited' event of officer, explained the purpose materiel slated for the Weap- of the DOD policy. ons Station here. CIKerd P. Case Harrtaea A. Wflataaa Jr. "It's DOD policy to neither Donald Prial, press repre- confirm nor deny the exis- sentative for Sen. Harrison A a week to get an answer from be added and the projected tence of nuclear weapons in Williams Jr., D-N.J., reported Navy aad Department of De- Impact of the expansion oa Gas price any location In United States a call to the Department of fense officials the Bayshore area effect here The office of Rep James J territory — or in the world, Defense brought a statement "We'll be glad to inquire for that matter," Mr. Veatch that "all such Information is Howard, Did District, is ex- about the rumor thai nuclear stated classified." pecting a briefing paper on weapons are coming In," a "You can see why," he A spokesman for Sen. Clif- the Earle expansion "In (he press representative for Uw added. "If we Issued denials ford P Case, R-N.J.. told The next day or two" revealing congressman said seen as 'almost negligible' how many additional person- for various locations in re- Register the senator will be Freeholder Thomas J. sponse to Inquiries, anyone glad to make an inquiry and nel will be sent here, what Lynch Jr. who has followed ASBURY PARK - Leon man said, if a customer is brought into production since the state Board of Public util- could eventually deduce from added that It will take at least equipment and materiel will Be* Offlrtato. page I Zuckerman, assistant vice Dec 31,1974. ities Commissioners (PUC). paying 20 cents per therm for . president-public relations, Mr. Zuckerman said most Mr. Zuckerman said the gas, 30 per cent of that Is six New Jersey Natural Gas of the gas used by his utility federal rate action only af- cents. Under the federal rul- Company, said yesterday the comes from wells not covered fects the price of gas "at ing, the six cents could be the rate Increase action by the by the rate increase. He said wellhead." He said the well- base figure to be increased, Federal Power Commission that while his company has head price makes up 30 per not the 20 cents. will have "almost a negligible several wells being drilled, he cent of a customer's bill. The Federal Power Com- effect" on gaa bills for his Youth in bay didn't know, does not know when that new Therefore, If New Jersey irtssioner's new $15 billion in- firm'* users. gas will be available or what Natural Gas users experience crease in the nation's gas bill The commission tripled the effect the new gas will have an Increase, it would be an In- faces Immediate challenge amount producer's can on rates or the utility's ability crease based on SO per cent of from consumer advocates, charge for interstate natural to add new customers. a user's bill, and not the en- who caU it too high and too but his rescuer was blind gas. The action only affects The utility is under a new lire bill lusty. gas coming from wells customer freeze imposed by For example, Mr. Zucker- Energy Action, a consumer By DAVID ASTOR organization, planned to ask the commission and the U.S. LEONARDO - Michael T Court of Appeals not only (or Marrazzo, who Is legally reconsideration ol the rate blind, was working at Qamp hike, but also to stop it from Happiness here last month Heavy loss feared taking effect in the mean- when he heard a scream for time. help from the direction of The FPC announced yes- Radian Bay. terday it was increasing the "I thought some kid was in Chinese quake nationwide ceiling prices for fooling around," Mr.
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