1 ' x f '■■ ■ .: WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1953 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT iianrl;rat?r lEu^ntng lii^ralb ■ 4 ■ Avera^ Daily Nft Press Ron For -fhe Week \ Ended - - The Weather toastmaster. The guest speaker presented to Judge House.' A t­ May 23, 1953 Foreeut of p. s. Weather B n eM Gibbons Assembly was the Honorable William J. Shea torneys on the committee were A b ou t T ow n » Clearing and much cooler to­ of this town, a state Superior Court Leon . Podrove. chairman. John «E OFFER-SUBlEaT TO PRIOR SALE 10,965 night. Friday faliy wanner. High Plans Art Exhibit Judge. Mrosek, Jav Rubinow and Eugene DRIVING LESSONS 70-75. X A suitably inscribe# watch was Kelly. ' Member of the AudH ' ^ >TOCK OF; ^ ^ . K-.-; - Jlnreait '^af -Olrcnlationai'' 'Xni*. X Tt; "Mv T»1<1 * »pentir ivM is prepem you fpr your tictiiM ttfftrlndivkliME 'Mariche$ter^A City o f Villa'ge Charm communication at Masonic Tem­ Gibbons Assembly, Catholic instruetien on insured duol-eontrol cor by Mp«ri< MANCHESTER TRUST COMPANY ple, Thursday, May 28 at 7:30 p. m. Ladies of Columbus, will sponsoi- The Entered Apprentice degree •ncud troinud hisfnietor. Absolut* s«f«ty. Day or (Clasellled Advertlaing on Page 12) an Art Elxhibit on Wednesday, June FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF MANCHESTER VOL. LXXII, NO. 20.1 MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. MAY 28, 195.1 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V E CINTS win be conferred. There will be a 3, at the home of Mrs. Anne D. •vMiinsi lossons.^ •oclal hour and refreshments. PRICE ON APPLICATION Waddell. '465 Porter strccl, where \-- those interested, in antiques can en­ X Miss Joan Anderson, 30 Edger- joy seeing them in their proper CORDNER AUTO SCHOOL COBURN & MIDDLEBROOK, Inc. Flash FJoofl Hits Kansas ton street, has been elected secre­ setting. ' ' ffL tary of the sophomore class at This beautiful colonial house was ! ‘I TEL. MltchNI 9-A010 S4I MAIN STREET TEL. NI-S-86S1 Boston University’s College of built in 1825 by Hart Porler. The 4 Practical Arts and Letters, x Porters were among the early .set­ tlers of that section of Mam hester for Porter brook, Porter reservoir Korea; A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. \ George Follansbee. 13 Luclen and Porter strccl were evidently street., Sunday at the Hartford named for the family. , / : . i Hospital. Mrs. Waddell and her husband,, Sturdy the late Town Manager Gcoi-gc H. i / . / ■' HOSIERY 2 Pc. Sun Print 3^6'®® Pvt, Stephen A. Godin, son of Waddell, bpughl it. from 'Cheney Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Godin, 117 Brothers in 19311. restored It and Cedar street, has completed basic furnished it with authentic and ' ' / interesting antiques. | NEEDS u. s combat training at the Signal .Articles of tinware ami furniture, \ i GERANIUMS Corps Replacement Training Cen­ ter at .Camp Cordon,. Ga. A gradu­ decorated by pupils oj Mi.*. Wad- ^ ate of Manchester High School. dell, will be on display- fr’om ”2T o WITH PLENTY OF BLOSSOMS Pvt. 'Godin was employed by 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Mrs. Waddell ^ First'Faiiiilv Hosts Vcls. was one of the first students of tlic ; AND BUDS FOR MEMORIAL D.AY Popular Food Market, prior to Red Army Control Lone Policy entering the aeiVice. art In this vicinity and became one Self or dark seams, sheer of Manchester’s first tcarners. She ' studied under Mrs. Winfieltl Has­ nylons in new summer Marilyn H. Sharp, daughter of kell of Willimanlic, also Walter Is Attacked Mr. and Mrs. Winston Sharp, 365 W’right and .Mr.«. Gina .Martin, both shades, also new designs in |C each Ends in Germany Summit street, has been admitted instructors at Wlllimantic Teachers ; to Chaffee School in' Windsor as a College. fancy heel hosiery. y ____________ In Answer freshman, it has’^been announced Proceeds from the exhibit will be by Mrs. Charles E. Sellers, head­ (NO DELIVERY) Berlin, May 28— (/P)— Ru.-i.sia took it.'» control over h]ast Ger-’ added to the Ladies of Columbus many out of the hand.s of the military today. It could mean mistress. Scholarship fund. Those attending • 1/ withdrawal of troop.<5, eventually. The announcement said the Wa.8hington, May 28—(;p) may browse around at their leisure Housewares Dept.-^Ba.sement The outing committee of Nut­ Light refreshments will he served. Soviet Control Commi.'^.'iion i.s aboli.'ihed, Gen. Va.s.sily I. Chui- — President Eisenhower and meg porest. No, 116, Tall Cedars 60 G.auge Arkwright N ylon.............. ...Pair SI.00 The committee Includes Mrs. .■)! Gaiigp Lady Twinton Fancy Heel Hale's kov will handle only li-oopa heiice- Senator Taft split today on a of Lebanon, will meet - tomorrow James Gorman and Mrs. I..eo -----Pair S I.00 Budget. Shop forth and Vladimir Semyenov re­ major insue of U. S. foreign at 8 p. m. at the Washington social Til Gauge No-MpiuI Nylon.s ............. Kwash, co-chairmen; assisted by. ...Pair S1.35- 2nd Fleer turns to Berlin as "Supreme Com- policy. The President, com­ club. Mrs. Walter Gorman, Mrs. Morion 60 Ciaugc F.xlra Sheer Alba N\ lon . -----Pair S I.65 ml.s.sai” for the Soviet Union. Feud Over, Tinker, Mrs. Gerald Goodrich. Mrs, Ankelure’ h'ancy Heel ....................... ..Pair SI.50 T h aJ W H A L C e Semyenov thus becomes civilian mitted his adminiatration to The Golden Age. Club will meet boss of affairs for 18 million East collaboration and compromise Hamilton Mullen. Mrs. J. F. Fitr- Knee High Nylon.s ......................... Pair 89tC and $1.00 •M ANcm m i CoNN'i Sertlona of El Dorado, Kaa., xvere under water following a rloiidbiirat and aubseqiiont fln>li fiond early j tomorrow at 2 p. m. at the Com­ gerald, Mrs. James Blanchfield. yesterday. .-\t least one death was reported in El Dorado, where the heaviest rain* In'Kansria in more Germans. He .served, here before as with friendly nations in munity y . North Main street, for Senate Unit Mrs. Mary Higgins, Mrs. Joseph than a year resulted In the Walnut River and Whitewater Creek overflowing and inundating a large political advi.ser to Chuikov. Korea and over the world. an Important meeting. President Pero, Mrs. William Quish. Mrs. part of the hiKineas district. ^ General Chuikov, hero of Stalin­ He said no aingle free nation George D. Edwards hopes for a William Conlon. Mrs, Harding grad and lifter of the Berlin full turnout of the members. Mrs. can live alone and that the United Stephens and Mrs. Leonard Bull. Smart New blockade, iindotibtedl.v will not re­ Is Informed States haa got to have friends, Sophie Grabowski heads the re­ Tickets may be secured from any main here long merel.v to direct freshment committee. Eisenhower spoke out at hU member of the committee and wiil ,300,000 occupation troops. It might news conference two days after be available at the door. Ike Assures Nation U. S. Names be. Allied sources said, that Iv.s WashiiiKton, :\Iay 28— (/P) Taft, the Senate Republican lead­ Mias Ada Paganl, 167 North last job in Germany will be to Main street, has returned home Handbags for Summer — Afini. Arthur Kadforcl told er, haa said the United SUtea "take Ivan home. " might aa well forget the United from Buenos Aires, where she has Western circles heard last Feb­ I ho Sonale Armed Servicfe.8 si>ent the. past six months with Ea.*y to clean all white plaatic handbags. Also fabric bags with V essels in Nations so far aa the Korean truce House Honored ruary lliat the Ru.s.sAns had fixed fommitlee toda.v he was pre­ negotiations are .now In the show­ her sister, Mrs. Martina Genovesi floral or eyelet trim and new headed or revere flex bags. On Air Budget Cuts June 1 as a target date to with­ and her family. This is the second pared to end the long-stand­ down stage and may even collapse At Teslinioiiia! draw troop.*. next week, have been deeply wor­ trip Miss Pagan! has made to the The selection of Scm.yennv to be ing feud with the Air Force capital of Argentina. She also has Red Trade ried by the speech read for Taft In $|.98 — $2*98 “ $5*00 each jeopardize what he called thi.s top man in East German.v i.s in if I’onfirmed b.v the Senate in Cincinnati Tuesday. viidted Rio and Other places of in­ Washington, May 28— (/P) country’s reasonable posture of •some re.spects aa imitation of the hi.s new top appointment as The ailing Senator pzoposed terest in South America. Honorable Charles S. House, — Pre.sident Eisenhower said defense. Wa.'liinptnn, May 28— (JTi wo.stern powers who have cho.sen ciiairman of the Joint Chief.s that the United States reserve for recently appointed a Superior No one. Ei.senhower went on. "ambassadors ’ to West Ge:many. Itself a free hand in the Far East Court justice by Governor .lohn today he can give the nation of Staff. Light Weight his personal assurance that ran assume that any amount of — Tho State Dpiiartnicnt con- As .soon as the European defeme —In effect cutting lU ties with Its Lodge, was honored by his fellow milit.sry strength will be enougli firpied ’today it lia.s evidence treaties are ratified by all six p.sr- Railford said he considers the Allies and preparing to go it alone. members of the Manchester Bar proposed Air Force budget Air Force’s long range bombers in the event of attack. .that....t.\va ...ships.....ttv\:iicd.
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