![The Transformation in Habitus in an Exchangee Village in the Black Sea Region of Turkey](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE TRANSFORMATION IN HABITUS IN AN EXCHANGEE VILLAGE IN THE BLACK SEA REGION OF TURKEY A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ĠLHAN ZEYNEP KARAKILIÇ DAĞDELEN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY SEPTEMBER 2015 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Meliha Altunışık Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Saktanber Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Helga Rittersberger Tılıç Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Ayşe Gündüz Hoşgör (METU,SOC) Prof. Dr. Helga Rittersberger Tılıç (METU, SOC) Prof. Dr. Ceylan Tokluoğlu (METU, SOC) Prof. Dr. Onur Yıldırım (METU, ECON) Doc.Dr. M. P. Yelsalı Parmaksız (ANK ÜNİ, SBKY ) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last Name: Ġlhan Zeynep, Karakılıç Dağdelen Signature: iii ABSTRACT THE TRANSFORMATION IN HABITUS IN AN EXCHANGEE VILLAGE IN THE BLACK SEA REGION OF TURKEY Karakılıç Dağdelen, Ġlhan Zeynep PhD, Sociology Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helga Rittersberger Tılıç September 2015, 262 pages This dissertation aims to construct theoretical and conceptual framework to describe and explain the dynamics of the exchangee habitus and the interrelatedness of the exchangee habitus, the social memory of the population exchange and identification processes of the exchangees. These multidirectional relations among the concepts of habitus, social memory and identification processes constitute the main theoretical framework and the conceptualization of these relations is examined by introducing the exchangee habitus. The construction is employed to analyze the case of Sarıdünya village in Samsun, populated by the exchangees from Greece to Turkey in 1923 as a result of Lausanne Peace Treaty. Tobacco production, the main economic activity of the villagers, provided for a nest for social memory and distinctive daily practices. In order to understand dynamics of the exchangee habitus and to provide a holistic picture of the case, the study is based on a field work that spanned in the summer of 2011 including qualitative research methods. According to the main conclusions of the study, first, there emerges specific exchangee habitus as a result of the interrelation among (1) the social memory of the population exchange and the homeland; (2) continuous tobacco production for the decades and (3) the villager‟s daily encounters with non- exchangee people. Second, according to the villagers‟ intensity of identification with the exchangee habitus, there are three different groups among the villagers were identified: conscious but indifferent, interested, and committed villagers. The iv dissertation contributes to the literature on the population exchange with its originality and holistic perspective. Keywords: Greco-Turkish population exchange in Turkey, exchangee habitus, social memory, identification, tobacco production v ÖZ TÜRKĠYE‟NĠN KARADENĠZ BÖLGESĠ‟NDEKĠ BĠR MÜBADĠL KÖYÜNDE HABĠTUSUN DÖNÜġÜMÜ Karakılıç Dağdelen, Ġlhan Zeynep Doktora, Sosyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticis: Prof. Dr. Helga Rittersberger Tılıç Eylül 2015, 262 sayfa Bu tez hem mübadil habitusunun dinamiklerini hem de mübadil habitusu, nüfus mübadelesinin sosyal bellekteki etkileri ve mübadillerin kimliklenme süreçlerinin birbiri ile bağlatısını tarif etmek ve açıklamak için teorik ve kavramsal bir çerçeve oluĢturmayı amaçlar. Habitus, sosyal bellek ve kimliklenme süreçleri kavramları etrafındaki çok yönlü iliĢkiler tezin ana teorik çerçevesini oluĢturur ve bu iliĢkilerin kavramsallaĢtırılması mübadil habitusu adı altında incelenir. Bu kavramsal çerçeve, 1923‟te Lozan BarıĢ AntlaĢması‟nın sonucu olan, Türk Yunan Nüfus Mübadelesi ile Yunanistan‟dan Türkiye‟ye gelen mübadillerin yaĢadıkları Samsun, Sarıdünya köyü örneğini anlamak için kullanılır. Köyde tütün üretimi sadece köylüler için ana geçim kaynağı değil, aynı zamanda sosyal belleğin ve ayırt edici günlük pratiklerin yuvalandığı bir alan da yaratır. Mübadil habitusunun dinamiklerini anlamak ve köyün bütüncül bir resmini sunabilmek için bu çalıĢma 2011 yazı boyunca süren nitel metodları içeren bir alan çalıĢmasına dayandırılmıĢtır. ÇalıĢmanın ana sonuçlarına göre, mübadele habitusu (1) nüfus mübadelesi ve memlekete dair sosyal belleğin (2) on yıllar boyunca devam eden tütün üretiminin ve (3) mübadillerin mübadil olmayanlarla günlük etkileĢimleri sonucunda ortaya çıkmaktadır. Köylülerin mübadil habitusu ile kendilerini tanımlamalarının yoğunluğuna göre bilinçli ama ilgisiz, ilgili ve aktif köylüler olarak üç ana grup ortaya çıkmaktadır. Tez, mübadele ile ilgili yazına, mübadil deneyimine bütüncül ve orijinal bir bakıĢ getirerek katkı sağlar. vi Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkiye‟de Türk-Yunan Nüfus Mübadelesi, mübadil habitusu, sosyal bellek, kimliklenme, tütün üretimi vii TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM .......................................................................................................... iii ABSTRACT…. ......................................................................................................... iv ÖZ…………… ......................................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ viii LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... x LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .................................................................................... xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1 1.1 Research Queation and Key Concepts ........................................... 1 1.2 Historical Context ........................................................................ 15 1.2.1 Greek Turkish Compulsory Population Exchange 1923-24 ... 16 1.2.2 Tobacco Production in Bafra .................................................. 24 2 METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH AND RESEARCH METHODs .......... 30 2.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 30 2.2 Methodological Approach ........................................................... 30 2.2.1 Bhaskar‟s Critical Realism and Bourdieu‟s Metatheory ........ 32 2.3 Research Process .......................................................................... 35 2.4 The Analysis of the Interviews .................................................... 55 2.5 Some Final Comments about the Field Research ........................ 63 3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE KEY CONCEPTS: HABITUS, SOCIAL MEMORY AND IDENTIFICATION ..................................................... 65 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 65 3.2 An Introduction to Meta-Theory of Pierre Bourdieu ................... 65 3.2.1 Some Key Points of Bourdieu`s Sociology ............................ 66 3.2.2 The Working of the Social ...................................................... 70 3.2.3 Criticisms towards Bourdieu‟s Theory ................................... 78 3.3 Social Memory ............................................................................. 82 viii 3.3.1 The Relation between Habitus and Social Memory ............... 95 3.4 Identification ................................................................................ 97 3.5 Conclusion: the Relation among Habitus, Social Memory and Identification… .................................................................................................. 101 4 THE EXCHANGEE HABITUS: OPERATIONALIZATION OF THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ......................................................................... 104 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 104 4.2 Population Exchange and Homeland ......................................... 104 4.3 Tobacco Production and Daily Life ........................................... 126 4.3.1 Tobacco and Sarıdünya‟s Transformation around It ............ 128 4.3.2 Tobacco Production in the Exchangee Habitus .................... 147 4.4 Establishing the Boundaries in Daily Life ................................. 160 4.5 Conclusion ................................................................................. 174 5 DIFFERENTIATION AMONG THE VILLAGERS WITHIN THE EXCHANGEE HABITUS ..................................................................................... 176 5.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 176 5.2 Groups According to the Exchangee Habitus ............................ 176 5.2.1 Conscious but Indifferent Villagers ...................................... 178 5.2.2 Interested Villagers ............................................................... 186 5.2.3 Committed Villagers ............................................................. 194 5.3 Evaluation of the Groups of Exchangees and Dynamics
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