ZJl-120 1972 J.HMWM ACCIDENT AND SAFETY ANALYSIS OF THE KS-150 REACTOR SKODA WORKS Niriiir Powtr CoMtrvdiofl DtpartMtnt, Information Contra . PLŽEM - CZECHOSLOVAKIA We regret that some of the pages in the microfiche copy of this report may not be up to the proper legibility standards, even though the best possible copy was used for preparing the master fiche. £ 1ÍQ "far. liniové.:- : С I D E II T л i: D ti A P В T Y ANALYSIS OF TUK К G - i. 5 O REACTOR O!. ,л.и V/ORKS .fiai' Power CŮHÍJÍ/Í .ir.txori Гера^аито, Information Centre Notation 3 1. Introduction: 4 Й» Tfe* state-of-art and the development trends in the safety of power reactors 8 2 л feclear reactor as a source of potential danger 9 2.2 A brief review of nuclear reactor safety 11 •'o? Development of safety philosophy 14 Z Л Зй?е<^у devices of nuclear reactors 18 3e Thff A~l nuclear power statioa 24 ЗЛ The main data sheet 24 3.2 Power statiac maia equipment and its thermal schematic chart 26 3e3 The control system 39 3 4 The system of safety 43 4. The method of the XS~150 reactor safety analysis 50 4»! Comparison of the KS=>150 reactor with other gas cooled reactors» Requirements laid on realtor safety 50 4-B2 The method of analysis 54 4.3 Extreme initiating events 57 i Л Mathematical models 58 5. The KS-15G reactor basic dynamical characteristics 61 5.1 The effect of intrinsic feedbacks 62 5»2 The effect of the control system 63 5 Л Summary 65 6. Analyeia of the KS-15C reactor accident events 75 6»! Uncontrolled withdrawal of control rods out of the reactor core 75 6ЛЛ Summary 70 6 Л Breakdown af cr* Q,C two circulating blowers 8 6*2.1 Breakdown of ыче circulating blower 88 *> ~ .. .«.U-JWU ui' two circulating •-. ...«..•were 90 -,. ... F-v* lu&?, ;,-.?•& of v^&xiltá ' 92 -.-í-- ;::'. ?Í;'.."• -.'.,-.?•iíii/Vvcc. sapply of the power . :.:' ::.*•'..-:•• L.^r~3-&r>.pt-„c.i:-- supply followed by -.-. -t-jv -v л-:к>л\? rv ".h«t srřety system 114. • - " --.:>: г. .irptícr supply with subeequeat .,.;•-.• .'^'':.> ď*.fr.'"..y system 116 , .. • '•,;ш*:;,- 118 - •;'\_/^:у г-' ' .* .-, ; tw*3v* saic. pipings of the A-l •'* •- si? ,-Í рг^.жагу ^irsuit on the nominal pi^vsr l*s"s-*:*. 129 -olo:l P<i?t!.ir* ..-.* •>*•*« or* the twelve inlet gas pipings 130 r ..:.•-•-' .i-up'-u'c-* ."••" .с:* cf the twelve cutlet pipings 133 ó.,4„j Зщ^иаг? 134 '..ť-iiav.cii :•' f-.-s probability of occurence of the •?-T г-г-о/д* *ňf,ift*r;.i ft ve.ats 144 "•_;.. •'IAK'J oaf» 160 деГ-ге;?.;-»а 165 ÁÍ ABsmc? 15515 first part tf the report reviews briefly the sta~ te-sf--*rt and the development trends of safety of power r«ar-tc*»s in the world. Ťh9 main part deals with the КБ-150 reactor cafety analysis. A method of reactor safety evaluation based c» tii* pretf^aťe. af the extreme initiating events is propoeed and &jjplii?a1?ede different accident state» are analyzed in detail, ftfil the probability of their occurence daring reac- trr life-time л<? «tstimated. the analysis of accident eta- tea i* ma#e <aelsg the criminal ma.t»eaatical models of the 1-1 nuclear pcmer station reactor and its primary circeit. Said висе!!» are programmed for numerical and analogue ecu- put ers available in Czechoslovakia. The results obtained may be used in the elaboration of the A-l пуслваг power station operation guidelines. 1ч. itoltl ОП i Jj m 0Tr C' C~ ) *»...,.,*»*.—* tr,f. tc,T£lp4|T.at.«xr-A eo«fi.i--i.«iit cí .-.r4'íJ.U".-í.!. reSi •.t.ivTt^ 'i'0« Г У~> .е.. .......... t>.* teaipsr&^ii-í» <C>rťÍC.1.9ut ,.:ř moderator rear-t:'; •?;.ty t saiper it :3.v« ~, fr* fuel с hano a ."i •....:.: " «.t "!*i^'*':, v ittí initial '-ty (X) l O ,*,,»,,, *x-".'všiví-. ,r tne fuel psitS та- * • xamam i-amperature related to lt-S i niv'i.«.д. V3:. Ue •^*m (£) l°C) .*...»»-.»*. mignii.'*•!# of txe temperature signál cn the thermocouple Ж.Т.) í.J*s." ) **,*. w с с.,., . r*a tor pcwer GCC) CkgaSo^"1) »,»»„,..,., j^t* ^.f я-е flow through the react:г GTj('0 Ckg»s»"" .) •»......« quantity of i?;as delivered by th* Mower J£ "С, Сз) .......,,.«...,». ''•'зв .interval of ibaxiinum taming ** t%f t,V'.v?.-' veg'-'et-.rAg vanes Л С5 Is,' •• ..•*,..,. ťlau» internal during which th* slide vaiva an the blower bypass i a opened ^(grad) •<''i:viti*.l. in она в а О and final angle f\grad) „,.,... • r.-f tu.,;ni ug if Ыь blower vanes 3 Ú) /m/ • * e efxe t.i'.-« position of the con­ trol rod ,1.u .realtor core Barred symbols (for i net an -.e <?. v» 1$ К v") а*ап the instantaneous vaLw relate! to the initial one 0th*p symbols ar* d-efju^d :iзл čutali an fcVi t*itt. л, INTRODUCTION .bcťsty of nuclear devices is inseparably associated •"-f ~;\e civilian development of nuclear energy ut.iI:Lza- ",,:-. из is tie time of its birth and development '?»!"« :.ii trir. a very great fear of atomic nucleus destructive :';_•'Jí, the nuclear po'ver engineering has been forced by :.'• >.,:,.;. opini-m to accept such a "ilg.. '.ie^r^e of safety •••.'.ix.'.:"i r..as no parallel so far. It can be se^r^ in terns • í i/'i^ie":. oal data gathered from several uundreds of research» Vvivintst and power reactcrs tha"" the results reached ar« ^xtraordiparily good. In the course of reactor operation representing some 3 000 operating years, only 7 cases of cl*ath di« to radiation have been recorded. Hone of luortei cares «aid above has occured on a nuclear powei station. ?řas sue зев* <Ав far more important if seen together with "'•£:« fast that nuclear power stations, in spite of that l-*~ ><ýur an:1 money consuaing devices, have become an econonu- «ally asctptabie source of power. It she aid be added that tin psse Utilities of their further development are far from being exhausted. 'PowardLs the end of 1967 there have been as much as 67 auclear power stations in the worldf representing an ove~ Tfll power exceeding 10 000 Me, Another 42 nuclear pov;er gt/afci-глз with planned operation by the end of 1970» are un~ d«r construction. Taken together, there are 109 nuclear po- w»r stations to be in operation in 1970, Their cumulative -p-wer is noře than 52 000 Ив /1/» Proportions of reactor V'j^s will be clear frosa the following ca'fclei Ц- Table Number of reactors ii. Type of power reactor 1967 1970 Gas • graphite 22 26 В íling water reactor 16 35 Prsssurized water reactor 15 26 Heavy water reaecor 7 12 Past realtor 3 5 Others 4 5 Total 67 109 A great majority of these nuclear power statione are s.lťiated in remote areas far from densely populated centres. In addition, the nuclear power stations proper are equipped with intricate and expensive safety devices which, along with special operational measures, are to pre vent the sta­ tion and its surroundings from dangerous consequences ir. ca­ se 'f an unexpected serious failure of tne reactor. Concer­ ning cost it may be said that in the present designs of nuclear powar stations of high importance is the proportion : f money consumed due to safety aspects. ÍPhis situation may Ь9 explainable by the fact that safety is based oi the ana­ lysis of the "maximum" theoretical accident of túe reactor, :; a:-oo;int being taken of the probability of the origin of initiating failure and its consequences. As far as perspectives concerns it ought to be stated • 5 - that an extensive building of nuclear power stations will bt s-ibrject to the possibility of locating them independent­ ly of the density od population. It is also necessary to no- lit the evident fact that the results of nuclear safety геье- «:-?ih along with the favourable results experienced in the •yxvs* of operation of reactors are in sharp contradiction with the irrational demands as to radiation safety of nu­ clear power stations^ This is also the reason why in the ;ast two or three years quite new, progressive views based • a uant.itative analysis of causes of reactor failures and their influence en living conditions in the surrounding uveas appear. These are developed with the aim of ena'.iar^ ••«a.-itcr design with a hazard given in advance which is ac­ ceptable from both the public and economical point of view» The report deals with the analysis of certain selected a< !;ident situations on the Czechoslovak A-l nuclear power station* The KS-150 reactor of this power station is a heavy water one, cooled by compressed carbone dioxide. Na­ tural metallic uranium is used as a fuel. The reactor is encased in a steel pressure vessele This type of heavy wa­ ter reactor is neitner mastered лог its detailed design is worked out in the whole world. As for the most part of A-l nuclear power station components the operationally veri­ fied characteristic of reliability do not exist, the eva­ luation of safety cf the station as a unit based on the probability - quantity approach is unacceptable. Therefore the author has followed an essentially qualitative method of evaluation through analyzing consequences of possiblef aven if very improbable extreme failures of power station •siqaipmentj and looking far the ways to limit their conse­ quences i.
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