|| Purna Parmatmane NamH || (Salutations to the Supreme God) Gyan Ganga (Ganga of Knowledge) Publicity Committee: Satlok Ashram, Hisar-Tohana Road, Barwala District Hisar, Haryana, India. A Collection of the Discourses of Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj - A Precious Book "Gyan Ganga" Satlok Ashram Satlok Ashram, Tohana Road, Barwala-Hisar District Hisar, Haryana, India. +918222880541, +918222880542, +918222880543 +918222880544, +918222880545 Visit us at: www.jagatgururampalji.org e-mail: [email protected] - :CONTENTS: - 1. Boundaries of Worship (Preface) -1 Naam (Mantra) of which Ram (God) has to be Chanted ?-8 Important Information for those taking Naam -11 2. Creation of Nature -28 How were the Souls Caught in Kaal's Trap ? -32 Birth of Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji and Shri Shiv Ji-37 What are the Three Gunas ? - With Evidence -39 Brahm's (Kaal) Vow to Remain Unmanifested -41 Brahma's Endeavour to Search his Father Brahm -44 Mother's (Durga) Curse to Brahma -45 Vishnu's Departure in Search of his Father Brahm and Being Blessed by his Mother Durga -47 The Establishment of ParBrahm's Seven Sankh Brahmands -56 Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy AtharvaVed -59 Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy RigVed -68 Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy Shrimad'Devi MahaPuran -77 Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy Shiv MahaPuran-79 Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy Shrimad'Bhagvat Gita Ji -80 Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy Bible and Holy Quran Sharif -85 Nature's Creation in Worshippable Supreme God Kabir (Kavir' Dev) Ji's Sacred Speech -87 Evidence of Nature's Creation in Respected Garibdas Ji's Sacred Speech -91 Indication of Nature's Creation in Respected Nanak Sahib Ji's Speech -98 A Baseless Story of Nature's Creation by Other Saints- 103 3. Who is the Master of the Lineage and What is He like?-106 Respected Dharmdas Sahib ji - Witness of Supreme God Kabir Ji -108 Respected Dadu Sahib ji - Witness of Supreme God Kabir Ji -108 Respected Malookdas Sahib ji - Witness of Supreme God Kabir Ji -110 Respected Garibdas Sahib ji - Witness of Supreme God Kabir Ji -110 Evidence of 'Supreme God Kabir Ji' in 'Guru Granth Sahib' by Respected Nanak Ji -112 God Kabir Ji Explained Tatvgyan to Swami Ramanand Ji-114 4. Holy Scriptures also the Witness of KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir) -131 5. God Kabir Comes in all the Four Yugas -143 Manifestation of KavirDev (God Kabir) in Satyug by name Satsukrit -143 Manifestation of KavirDev (God Kabir) in Tretayug by Name Muninder -150 Manifestation of KavirDev (God Kabir) in Dwaparyug by the Name 'Karunamay' -154 Manifestation of God Kabir (KavirDev) in Kalyug -161 6. Identification of a Complete Saint (Identification of a Complete Saint from Holy Scriptures) -168 Evidence of Giving Naam Jaap in Three Stages -172 7. The Punishment of Tormenting a Saint -181 8. True Path to the Misled -186 God-Desirous Devotee Basant Singh Saini Getting the True Path -186 A Wondrous Miracle -192 God Did the Impossible -193 God Listened to the Poor -197 God Should Be Like This -198 Support to the Ruined -199 A Sant Should Be Like This -200 Releasing Own Devotee from Dharmraj's Court -203 Supreme God Making a Devotee Free From a Horrible Illness, Increases His Life -205 Curing the Eye of Bhaktmati Sushila -208 Only Supreme God Can End the Three Taaps (the three types of sufferings: physical, material, spiritual) -208 9. Conversation of God Kabir with Kaal -215 10. World-Victorious Saint (Under the leadership of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, Hindustan (India) will be Established as the World Religious Leader) -218 The Prophecy of “Nostradamus” about Saint Rampal Ji-218 The Prophecies of other Foretellers in the Support of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj -225 A Brief Introduction of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj -229 11.See the Photocopy for Evidence -238 12.Enlightenment of True Knowledge (What do the Scriptures tell about Supreme God ? -254 Who Delivered the Knowledge of Holy Gita Ji ? -256 Essence of Shrimad?Bhagvat Gita -266 What are the Three Gunas? - With Evidence -275 The Essence of the Statements of Purans -277 Trigun Maya (Rajugun Brahma Ji, Satgun Vishnu Ji and Tamgun Shiv Ji) do not let a Living Being Get Liberated-278 Only Foolish People Worship other gods (Rajgun Brahma Ji, Satgun Vishnu Ji, and Tamgun Shiv Ji) -283 The Result of Sadhna According to the Four Holy Vedas is Only Attainment of Heaven-Great Heaven, Not Salvation -286 Way of Worship Opposite to the Injunctions of Scriptures is the Cause of Decline -287 Those Who Carry Out Shraadhs (Worship the Pitras/ Deceased Ancestors) Will Become Pitra; They Do Not Attain Salvation -287 Only After Attaining Tatvgyan Bhakti Begins -294 The Venerable God of Brahm, the Giver of the Knowledgeof Gita, is Purna Brahm -295 The Worshipper of Brahm Attains Brahm and the Worshipper of Purna Brahm Attains Purna Brahm Only-297 Brahm's (Kshar Purush) Worship is Anuttam (Bad/Inferior) -299 Resolution of Doubt -303 Information about the Tradition of Gaddi (native seat) and Mahant -305 Information about the Places of Pilgrimage (Teerth / Dhaam) -308 What is the Definition of Heaven ? -320 Indication of the Origin of Brahm (Kaal), the Giver of the Knowledge of Gita -331 God Kabir's taking Vibhishan and Mandodri in Refuge-335 Taking Indramati in Refuge in Dwapar Yug -339 13.The Secret of the Holy Purans -346 14.Subject of Scriptural Debate -372 15.True Path to the Misled -384 Gyan Ganga I Introduction Since time immemorial, man is involved in the search of su- preme peace, happiness and immortality. He has been trying ac- cording to his capability, but this desire of his is not being fulfilled. This is so because he does not have complete knowledge about the path which will fulfil this desire of his. All living beings want that there should be no need to do any work, they should get delicious food to eat, should get beautiful clothes to wear, there should be magnificent palaces to live in, beautiful parks to roam in, melodious music for entertainment, should dance-sing, play-jump, should en- joy without any restraint, and should never fall ill, should never grow old, and should never die etc-etc, but the world in which we are liv- ing, here neither is this visible anywhere, nor is possible, because this world/lok is destructible and every thing of this lok/world is per- ishable and the king of this lok is Brahm-Kaal who eats one lakh immaterial (subtle/sukshm) bodies of human beings. He has captured all the living beings in the cage of the three loks by entangling them in the net of karm1-bharm2 and sins-virtues. God Kabir says that - Kabir, teen lok pinjra bhya paap punya do jaal Sabhi jeev bhojan bhaye ek khaane waala Kaal Garib, ek paapi ek punyi aaya ek hai soom dalel re Bina bhajan koi kaam nahin aavae sab hai jam ki jail re He (Kaal) does not want any living being to escape from this cage-like imprisonment. He also does not want a soul to know about its own home Satlok. Therefore, he has misled every living being by his Trigunmayi Maya (Maya of the three gunas). Then wherefrom has this aforesaid desire arisen in man? Here there is nothing like this. Here we all have to die, all are distressed and disturbed. The state which we want to attain here, we used to live in such a state in our real home Satlok. We willingly came here and got trapped in Kaal Brahm's lok and forgot the way to our real home. Kabir Sahib says that - Ichchha roopi khelan aaya, taataen sukh sagar nahin paaya 1 The principle - As you do, so shall you get 2 Doubtful/misleading knowledge given by Brahm in Vedas and Gita II Introduction There is not even a trace of peace and comfort in this Kaal Brahm's lok. The vices of lust, anger, greed, affection, arrogance, love-hatred, joy-sorrow, profit-loss, pride-honour, born from Trigunmayi Maya, are troubling every living being. Here, one living being kills and eats another living being, exploits, deprives one of honour, robs wealth and snatches away peace. Here, there is fire blazing everywhere. Even if you want to live in peace, others will not let you live. Even when you do not want, a thief commits a theft, a robber commits robbery, an accident takes place, the crop of a farmer gets destroyed, the business of a business man collapses, the king- dom of a king is taken away, a healthy body gets affected by a dis- ease; in other words, there is nothing safe here. The kingdoms of the kings, the honour of the respected, the wealth of the wealthy, the strength of the powerful, and even our bodies are suddenly snatched away. Young sons and daughters die in front of the par- ents; parents die leaving their breast-feeding children crying and sobbing; young sisters become widows and we are compelled to bear the mountains of sorrows. Just think that is this place worthy of living in? But we are helplessly living here because we do not see any way to get out of this cage of Kaal, and we have become used to causing grief to others and of suffering grief. If you want to save yourself from the sufferings of this world, then you will have to take the refuge of the Supreme God (Param Akshar Purush) who is more powerful than the god Kaal of this place.
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