TtaavnCATBER retW M t of U. a WeatiMr Partford OeeMtenal ehowers toidiM aod Friday, Httle change to tempenk* Member til the Audit twe. Bnresa of OlranlaUeas .• f ' X : MANCH^TER — A OTY OF^WILLIg E CHARM t- VOL. LVn., NO. 248 .(Oaaalfled Advertlaing on Page 10) ANCHFSTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) ' PRICE THREE CENTS rj Bucharest W as a Bit Distant CORRIGAN WILL FRANCE SHOWS SAIL FOR HOME GEORGE SOME HAYES AND OTHERS Zsi Mmi I' ON MANHAHAN OF HER TEETH Roui IN WATERBURY CASE tein .HIU4 Parades New War Machines miBl Liner As Five Ship Con* Not Heretofore Display^ cems Seek Td Carry Hhn; In Review Of 50,000 Men; 10 Killed in Baltimore Tunnel Blast Courtroom Crowded As 23 Spunis Night Club Lares. 6 Inch Guns, Big Tanks. Defendants Are CaDed h _ Dublin. July 21 — (AP.) The Paris, July 21— (A P ) — France ”Prtde of the Corrigans." as the paraded bet newest war machines Superior Court; Jnd|^ Irish call the young American fly- for the first time today to demon- ing hero, booked passage home to- strate to King George 'VI of Britain Continues Cases UntQ the day on the American liner Manhat- the strength she can lend to their n, sailing next week. That done, common cause. For more than an September Term; Alcon louglas Corrigan went shopping as Alexander Papana, Rumanian planning a'non-stop flight from New York to Bucharest, had Nor- _hour. Infantry, cavalry and artillery y tourist. For his uncle he bought regiments — the flower of the walk, Conn.,-for his unintended destination Instead—temporarily, at . least— when he cracked up his a shillelagh- (typical cudgel) and F’rench army— swung by the red- plarilane ther,e on a trial flight. Shown ia the w’reckage of the plane which was forced down by engine trou- . For Speed In Prdceedinff for the rest o f the family, postcards. carpeted reviewing stand at Ver- ble. Papana waa unhurt j \ sailles to the music of massed mili- He planned a two-day visit to Lon- tary bands. 'K in g George, in the his o don before sailing from C3obh July 30. tunic of a field marshal, and Presi- Waterbury, July 21.— (A ?) Uos 1 dent Albert Lebrun of France, re- ■uran " I am atm battling with the task — Lieut.-Gov. Frank Qayes and , viewed' th r cniorful -columns ■ of tnan i rj of answering hundreds 6f cable- 22 other defendants accused marching men, totalling 60,000, hehlsi grams people keep sending me," the aviator said. lATENEWS" supported by hundreds of tanks arid conapirifig to “cheat and dfi> butsts about 60 airplanes. no No Crooner fraud” this city of over a mil- “I am still holding off on offers The specatcle, a highlight of King lion dollars during his eight- s George’s state visit to France, at- of contracts from Hollsrwood until FLASHES! tested to the strong bonds that, year regime as mayor p l^ e d I get home, but It’s nix on night CROSSES ATLAND C; unite Europe's great democratic club appearances. I ’m no crooner.” innocent today H n Superior powers. Asked about the possiblH^ of a Court. ^ , BURNED IN EXPLOSION 101 Gun 8alute flight across the United States for New Haven, July 31.— (.AP) »— When King George reached Ver- Before a courtroom pack- the Golden Gate Exposition, he said, i Thl LANDS IN CANADA Three men were burned severely to- sailles a 101-gun salute waa start- jammed with spectators, J “my uncle must have fixed that up ed. It continued' throughout the .—it depends on United States A u- day In an explosion aboard the 81- or Hayes, long a dominant f parade, one salvo each minute. thorities whether they release ray foot cnisier Sazarac In Long Island ure in Democratic politics avor The King and President Lebrun plane. I am very doubtful If they .Sound off Falkners Island, a few ' aa were taken from the station : to the Connecticut, answered with A will.” • . First Flig^t Of Its Kind BARKLEY ENDORSED miles from Guilford.. jParis. reviewing stand in a bullet-proof firm "not guilty” to the acetus* Corrigan is worried about what The men were brbbght aahore and . , The automobile flanked by a mounted tions based on an Extraordi- the home folk may do to him. He rushed to a hospital In this rity. ln Proves S u c c ^ fd [ To guard of Spahis. Queen Elizabeth has been getting "along nicely in nary Grand Jury’s inveatiidK” - th BY LABOR UNIONS One of the. Injured, none of whose and Mme. Lebrun arrived by special Ireland, chatting informally with tion of his administration. to names was learned Immediately, train and were accompanied by the h ip e s t of the , land, but the Continue To New York, A ll Oallsd To Bsneh said the explosion occurred in the mounted Spabts to the Versailles thmsB I thought of a big welcome In Amer- engine nioin while the chief engi- chateau to attend a sumptuous Former City Comptroller DaaM ^oUtlca ica, is something else.again. luncheon In the Hall of Mirrors—* neer, a sailor and a mechanic were J. Leary, Carl D. Olsen, eratwIiUk 1 Such "I cert^nly hope they have stop- Then Fly Back To Europe. Both CIO And Labor F ^ m * where the, Versailles treaty ending ivorkiug_pn the motors. Watecbiiry. ..ban ker, AUUtBMHL ped being (Dorrlgan-mad when I get • • • the World W ar was signed. Thomas P. Kelly— all accused by tba back to America,'-’ is how he puts it. tion Back Floor Leader In Vast throngs lining the route of Grand Jury of being Hayes' pclaol- Would CaU It OS Montreal, July 21.— (Canadian the parade saw Impremente of war MARKET PRICES DROP pal aides In a "powerful, ruthlMi Since Press)— The first trans-Atlantic the French army never before had “A. hero by mistake”— that "comi New York, July 21,—(A P)— An- and corrupt" ring teaponslbla far vaa bei pas error" that took him to Ireland J'Kbt of a pick-a-back plane ended The Kentucky Primaries. shown publicly. They watched Ten negro workmen were killed by a prematura explosion of dy- 'Initiate other outbreak of selling In motion namite in a water tunnel being blasted through solid rock, 200 leet looting the city treasury—wars can- instead of California, you know— .“ ■ ®- *• columns of trucks swiftly pulling ^raid's when the British seaplane Mercury picture shares today turned a Stock below-tbe surface, near the Baltimore municipal pumping station. ed to the bench with tha' mayor, aa Corrigan apparently la willing to six-inch guns on pneumatic rubber alighted on the St. Lawrence river Mgrket rally Into a. quick rot rest. Hers ambulances are shown removing the dead and injured', -with was. hla superintendent of ..stniMk. sunt. 1 c a llliS the rest of the show. tires and mechanized ■ th-ree-tnch near Montreal. Washington, July 21. —^ (A P ) Spiendlng from the movie Issues Thomas J. Fleming. W n ’s f Today he turned down a five-, anti-aircraft |;uns with trucks for framework of the lift which brought up tbs victims In tha background. The A. F. of L. and the C. I. O., — under nttnOk since the Federal Superior Court Judge Ernest A. Wled year Dim contract with a- guarantee Completing the first of eight ammunition. government started Ita cxmrt action Mrs ai of three pictures jrearly—although scheduled mcperimental flights to which disagree on many political 12 T o n T a n k s Tnglis continued the cases until tbfi yesterday to separate theater own- ova ni yesterday he thought he might be Canada this year, the silvery, sea- as well as labor issues, have added Fifty Infantry trucks, each September term of court, turning ership from film production— the at torn interested in the movies— and re- plane cut her enfrincs and coasted mounting two machine-guns and down a plea by special state’a attoi^ into an area of the harbor marked Senator Alben W .«a rk le y (D., Ky.) sealing converted earlier gains Into Ont 1 fused a $20,000 vaudeville contract. carrying ten soldiers armed with ney Hugh M. Alcorn to aet a doll- off by buoys. to the short list of Congressional losses In many stocks. BANDITS GET $6,000 Involvet repeating guns, paraded past to- nite trial date; The main problem' decided today flarmat A flag decked yacht-steamed out candidates endorsed by both fac- gether with tanks ranging from Judge Inglls disclosed that undsi; waa what ship to take home— five tor has Into the river to gjeet (Taptaln Don- tions. tiny whippets to 'rolling fortresses. present arrangements another Judgs. steamship lines bad offered passage William Green, A. F. of L. presi- STARTS FX)R N E W YORK Informi ald Bennett and Wireless Operator Camouflaged “land battleship" would preside over the trial. Court for him and his $900 plane. The dent. announced last night he had FROM SUFFIELD BANK Montreal, July 21, — (Canadian eoo of Albert Coster, the Mercury’s crew tanks, weighing as much as 12 tons, attaches said Judge Ernest A. Simp- State Maritime Commission, even, written the Kentucky Federation of Press)— The British pIck-a-back Wledsn of two. had three-inch guns protruding son had been assigned here for ths offered its steamship^ Lehigh for the Labor: seaplane Mercury took off for New The Mercuiy was to unload part from their Snouts. Chan trip. "Barkley's service for labor and York from Bouchervllle sir harbor, fall term when the trial is scheduled of her 1,000-pound cargo here and Troops, Including detachments In a w] the 'fine record he made in support where^olie arrived this morning on Three Armed Men Hold Up to start.
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