THE WATERVLIET RECORD VOLUME 56 WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1938 NUMBER 39 Early Winter Storm Coloma Village To Educational Meeting Prosper B. Hunt Strikes Upper Michigan Democrats Made Vote On Bonding Issue Edgar H. Stewart, At Watervliet Hall On Eighty Names On Dropped Dead of Over Last Week-End CampaignTourof Next Monday, Oct. 31 North Watervliet, Friday Evening, Oct. 28 Ballot for General A 50-mile an hour gale swept down Taxpayers of Coloma village will An educational meeting of the Ag- Heart Attack at over the Straits of Mackinac and the Berrien County be called upon next Monday to ap- Dies Following riculture Conservation Program will Election tobe Held Upper Peninsula of Michigan last prove or disapprove the question of be held Friday, October 28, at 8 p. Saturday, blocking roads around issuing S8.000 in bonds for the pur- m., in the Watervliet Township Hall. Washington, D.C. Marquette with snow, and halting On Thursday pose of constructing a sewage dis- Long Illness This meeting is to find out what Tuesday, Nov. 8 shipping in the Straits. Snow and posal plant. A special election has the farmers think about the program slush covered some sections of the been called by the village council for now in effect. Also to give the farm- Upper Peninsula to a depth of sev- that date and it will be held in the ers a chance to tell what they be- Word was received here at 7:00 A long line of automobiles, some I. O. O. F. hall. A three-fifths ma- Edgar Horace Stewart, 80, died at Ten Parties Have Candidates For eral inches and Ironwood was isolated of which were gaily decorated, left lieve is needed and what is not need- o'clock Wednesday evening by Mrs. as communications failed during the jority is necessary to carry the prop- 4:30 o'clock Thursday morning, Octo- ed to have a good, sound farm pro- State Offices But County Tickets Anna Hunt, of 534 South Main street, Watervliet at 10:30 o'clock Thursday ber 27, following a long illness which morning. morning for a campaign tour of osition. gram. All questions will be answered Are Blank. of the sudden death of her son. Wisconsin was also in the path of The Coloma village council has had confined him to his bed for 15 and debated upon. Prosper B. Hunt, 50, who passed the premature winter storm, which Berrien county. The cars carried been working for months on the weeks and a stroke which he suffer- state and county candidates for of- Every farmer and farm wife is away that evening at Washington. rode in on a northeast gale, and snow, proposition of a sewage disposal ed Monday morning. urged to attend this meeting and sub- D. C., where he was employed as an sleet and wind cut off power service fice on the Democratic ticket, and plant and plans have been drawn up Mr. Stewart was a native of Ber- mit all questions and arguments they T'10 ballots for the general election electrical engineer for the govern- at Phillips, Wis., while telephone several local cars joined in the pro- by Engineer Alton Howard of Wa- rien county and had lived in this have either for or against the present on November 8th will be in the hands ment. Mr. Hunt visited here the lines were reported out between Eau cession. The Watervliet High School tervliet. The plant designed will vicinity the greater part of his life. farm program. the county clerk this week ready past summer, and while not in the Claire and Minneapolis. Band was out to welcome the visit- cost around $15,000, 45 per cent of He was born December 10, 1857, in Let's have a good turn out. for delivery to the various cities and best of health, his condition was not Around Marquette, Mich., snow ors and headed the procession from the cost to be financed through a Hagar township on the farm now TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE, townships. Those ballots this year regarded as serious, and his passing piows were called out to clear the the city hall to the junction at Main PWA grant. owned by R. W. Curtis. He was the Agriculture Conservation Program. are aSa'n blanket sheets, as they was a shock to his relatives and roads and thousands of geese were and St. Joseph streets as the group last of a family of seven children. contain ten columns given over to headed for Coloma. friends. reported down on small lakes and When five years of age he moved the names of the candidates on ten Chester I. Monroe left on an early farms. Iron Mountain reported a Secretary of State Leon D. Case. Women Of County with his parents to Bangor township, different political parties. These train Thursday morning for Washing- six-inch snowfall, with power and Auditor General George Gundry and Democratic Board settling on an 80-acre farm which Former Hartford parties are the Democratic party. ton to make arrangements for bring- communication lines crippled. At Lieutenant Governor Leo Nowicki was then practically covered with Republican party. Socialist party, ing the body to Watervliet. It is ex- St. Ignace Capt. E. H. Doner, super- joined the caravan here and stops Resident Died As Socialist Labor party of America, To Hold Meeting woods. Amer can pected that it will arrive sometime intendent of ferries, telephoned of- were made in all the towns and cities On May 6. 1881, Result Of Burns ' party. Commonwealth par- of the county. ty, Protestants United party. Square Saturday or Sunday, when complete ficials that a 50-mile wind was whip- Mr. Stewart was ping across the Straits from the east ! Deal party, Constitutional Democrats arrangements for funeral services At Niles the group was joined by A meeting of the women of the married at South will be made. and that waves splashed water on the *• Mrs. Etta Johnson, 68, former party and the American Labor party. Governor Murphy, Attorney General Berrien county Democratic commit- Bend, Ind., to Miss 1 windows of his office 50 yards from Starr and Treasurer Theodore I. Fry. tee has been called for Friday noon, Hartford resident, died at her home There are eighty different candidates Mr. Hunt was the only son of Mr. Emma Louise and Mrs. Frank D. Hunt, and was shore. Doner said it was the worst A dinner was arranged for the state October 28, by Mrs. Minerva Olson, at Milan, Mich., on Wednesday, Oct. for state, congressional, legislative born in Watervliet August 22, 1888. windstorm he had ever experienced officials at the Whitcomb Hotel in St. vice-chairman. Summers, of Niles. 19, as the result of burns she sus- and county offices. He spent his boyhood days here and there. Joseph in the evening, after which Mrs. Dorothy McAllister, wife of Following their tained two days previously when a I Only the Republican and Demo- in 1908 graduated from the local high The United States weather bureau the group, headed by the St. Joseph Thomas McAllister, Justice of the marriage they liv- can of gasoline exploded as she pour- cratic parties have full lists of can- school. After completing his high issued warnings to Lower Michigan and the Benton Harbor high school Michigan supreme court, and direc- ed for 14 years in ed the fluid on a rubbish fire. didates, the other parties having only to prepare for storm conditions and bands, proceeded to the Benton tor of the women's division of the Deceased was the widow of the candidates for state offices, and even school course, he became interested Bangor township. late Roy Johnson, former publisher all of these tickets do not have full in electrical work and had held po- colder weather on Sunday, but this Harbor high school auditorium where Democratic national committee, will section was spared from any severe In 1895 the family of the Hartford Day Spring, and a slates. The American Labor party sitions in Florida for several years Governor Murphy gave an address. be the guest speaker. moved to the R. H. storms. Freezing temperatures were Several local people attended the The purpose of the meeting, to be son of the late Theodore Johnson of has but two candidates—for state previous to his going to Washington Sherwood farm in Watervliet. She was a daughter of treasurer and auditor general, more than a year ago. He was a predicted, but locally the mercury speech. held at the Lake View hotel, St. Jo- got no lower than 38 degrees, which North Watervliet, the late Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Huntley,' grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. seph, it was announced, is primarily remaining there 1 was early Sunday morning. A cold for the purposes of discussing organ- pioneers of Hartford, and resided Prosper O. Bowe, pioneer Watervliet until the farm was there until she and her husband , , residents, and has a host of relatives gloomy Sunday was followed by a Jack Gardner Will Head ization work within the county. HERE s FlJLL L ST 0F wet snow early Monday morning sold to Simanton Bros. He then built purchased the Milan Leader about and friends here who are deeply 1939 Blossom Festival The affair will get underway at a new home on the Boyer road where CANDIDATES ON ALL TICKETS grieved at his untimely passing. which lasted but a short time and 12:30 and will last until 1:30. 30 years ago. Since the husband's j later turned to rain. The skies clear- he had since resided.
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