1931 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE ADMINISTRATION OF OATH. TO SENATORS ELECT DEATH OF SENATOR CARAWAY The oath of office was administered to Mr. BAILEY, Mr. Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. Mr. President, it becomes BANKHEAD, Mr. BORAH, Mr. BRATTON, Mr. BULOW, Mr. BYRNES, my sad duty to announce to the Senate the death of my Mr. CAPPER, and Mr. CAREY. late colleague, Han. T. H. CARAWAY, which occurred at Lit­ The Chief Clerk called the names of Mr. CooLIDGE, Mr. tle Rock, Ark., on November 6 last. COSTIGAN, Mr. COUZENS, Mr. DICKINSON, Mr. GLASS, Mr. At this time I submit the following resolutions, for the GO.."lE, Mr. HARRIS, and Mr. HARRISON. consideration of which I ask unammous consent. These Senators, escorted by Mr. WALSH of Massachusetts, The VICE PRESIDENT. The resolutions will be read. Mr. WATERMAN, Mr. VANDENBERG, Mr. BROOKHART, Mr. SWAN­ The resolutions (S. Res. 4) were read, considered by soN, Mr. THOMAS of Oklahoma, Mr. GEORGE, and Mr. ROBIN­ tmanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: SON of Arkansas, respectively, advanced to the ·vice Presi­ Resolved, That the Senate has heard with deep regret and pro­ dent's desk, and the oath of office was administered to them. found sorrow the announcement of the death of Hon. THADDEUS The Chief Clerk called the names of Mr. HAsTINGS, Mr. H. CARAWAY, late a. Senator from the State of Arkansas. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to HULL, Mr. KEYES, Mr. LEWIS, Mr. LOGAN, Mr. LONG, Mr. the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the McNARY, and Mr. METCALF. family of the deceased. These Senators, with the exception of Mr. LEWIS and Mr. DEATH OF SENATOR MORROW LONG, escorted by Mr. TOWNSEND, Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. MOSES, Mr. KEAN. Mr. President, the sad duty devolves upon Mr. BARKLEY, Mr. STEIWER, and Mr. HEBERT, respectively, me to announce to the Senate the death of my late colleague, advanced to the Vice President's desk, and the oath of office Hon. DWIGHT W. MORROW, at Englewood, N. J., October 5, was administered to them. 1931. Mr. BARBOUR, who has been appointed by the Gover­ The Chief Clerk called the names of Mr. NEELY, Mr. NoRRIS, Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas, Mr. SCHALL, Mr. SHEP­ nor of New Jersey to succeed the late Senator MoRRow, is PARD, Mr. WALSH of Montana, and Mr. WHITE. present, but it has been customary, on the death of a Sena­ These Senators, escorted by Mr. PITTMAN, Mr. HowELL, tor, that the Senate be notified and a resolution be adopted, Mr. HARRISON, Mr. SHIPSTEAD, Mr. CONNALLY, Mr. WHEELER, and that his successor wait until the following day before and Mr. HALE, respectively, advanced to the Vice President's taking the oath of office. So, out of respect to the memory desk, and the ·oath of office was administered to them. of my late colleague, Mr. BARBOUR is going to wait until to- morrow before he presents himself to be swam in. SENATOR FROM VERMONT I send to the desk resolutions, which I ask to have read. Mr. DALE. Mr. President, I present the certificate of - The VICE PRESIDENT. The resolutions will be read for election of WARREN R. AusTIN, of the State of Vermont. the information of the Senate. · The VICE PRESIDENT. The certificate will be read. The resolutions (S. Res. 5) were read, considered by unani­ The Chief Clerk read as follows: mous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: STATE OF VERMONT. To THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES; Resolved, That the Senate has heard with deep regret and pro­ found sorrow the announcement of the death of Hon. DWIGHT W. This is to certify that on the 31st day of March, 1931, WARREN MoRRow, late a Senator from the State of New Jersey. R. AusTIN was duly chosen by the qualified electors of the State Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to of Vermont a Senator from said State to represent said State in the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the the Senate of the United States for the unexpired portion of the family of the deceased. term of six years, beginning on the 4th day of March, 1929, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Frank L. Greene. ADJOURNMENT Witness: His excellency our governor, Stanley C. Wilson, and Mr. KEAN. Mr. our seal hereto affixed at Montpelier this 7th day of April, A. D. President, as a further mark of respect 1931. to the memory of the deceased Senators CARAWAY and MoR­ By the governor: STANLEY c. WILSON, ROW, I move that the Senate do now adjourn. Governor. The motion was unanimously agreed to; and <at 12 o'clock [SEAL.) RAWSON c. MYRICK, ~ Secretary of State. and 35 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, December 8, 1931, at 12 o'clock meridian. The VICE PRESIDENT. The certificate .will be placed on file, and the Senator from Vermont will escort the Senator elect to the desk. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. AusTIN, escorted by Mr. DALE, advanced to the Vice President's desk, and the oath of office was-administered to MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1931 him. This day, in compliance with the provisions of the Con­ NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT stitution, the Members elect of the House of Representa­ Mr. WATSON submitted the following resolution (S. tives of the Seventy-second Congress assembled in their Hall, Res. 1) , which was read, considered by unanimous con­ and at 12 o'clock noon were called to order by Han. William sent, and agreed to: Tyler Page, Clerk of the last House. Resolved, That a committee consisting of two Senators be ap­ Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., Chaplain_of the last pointed to join· such committee as may be appointed by the House, offered the following House of Representatives to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quorum of each House is PRAYER assembled, and that the Congress is ready to receive any com­ Infinite God-soul of our soul! Marvelous truth that munication he may be pleased to make. bridges time and eternity and makes them one. We wait a The VICE PRESIDENT. Under the resolution juSt moment; our memories are stirred. Before us is the image adopted. the Chair appoints Mr. WATSON and Mr. ROBINSON of our most notable one. A sad and mournful yesterday of Arkansas as the committee on the part of the Senate. dictates our sorrow. Through the years he camped with us NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE in the embrace of a sweet and beautiful fraternity. But the Mr. McNARY submitted the following resolution <S. Res. night came, then the morning broke, and he was carried 2), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and upward in the harmony and symmetry of his great heart agreed to: beyond the zenith and the slope of the widening sky. Blessed Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representa­ Father, move upon our hearts. Direct our President and all tives that a quorum of the Senate is assembled and that the his counsellors and endue them with great wisdom and Senate is ready to proceed to business. strength. Reach down, 0 God, and touch the life of every HOUR OF DAILY MEETING Member of this Congress. Give wise purpose, unity, and Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas submitted the following reso­ upward movement to its history. Abide with us each day, lution (S. Res. 3), which was read, considered by unanimous so that the heroism of truth, of integrity and cooperation consent, and agreed to: · shall become contagious, until sacred forces shall lift our Resolved, That the hour of daily meeting of the Senate be 12 whole land upon a tide of universal patriotic devotion to the o'clock meridian until otherwise ordered. · common good. As we apprehend its drift may we set our 6 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 7. sails toward this glorious goal. Let not the carriage of our At large faculties distress us. May we bear ourselves toward one Richard Yaoos. William H. Dieterich. another after the pattern of Him-the ideal Teacher. In­ INDIANA spire poise and self -control in all deliberations, and in char­ John W. Boehme, jr. Albert H. Vestal. Arthur H. Greenwood. Fred S. Purnell. acter and in conduct help us to exercise a fine conception of Eugene B. Crowe; William R. Wood. human life. We long and pray for that good will that shall Harry C. Canfield. Glenn Griswold. bring into fellowship all citizens and all sections of our Courtland C. Gillen. David Hogg. country, so they shall aspire for those standards that make William H. Larrabee. Samuel B. Petteng111. Louis Ludlow. a nation truly great. Merciful God of the eternities, look IOWA with loving favor upon our country and divinely urge us as William F. Kopp. Cassius C. Dowell. Members and officers of this Chamber to lay our best gifts Bernhard M. Jacobsen. Lloyd Thurston. in the lap of the Republic while a stainless splendor crowns Thomas J. B. Robinson. Charles E. Swanson. her brow sublime. Turn all faces upward, 0 Light of Lights, Gilbert N. Haugen. Fred C. Gilchrist. Cyrenus Cole. Ed. H. Campbell. that we may realize that the radiant sky is forever bigger C. William Ramseyer. than the :floating cloud. Amen. KANSAS REPRESENTATIVES ELECT W. P. Lambertson. James G. Strong. U.S. Guyer. Charles I. Sparks. The CLERK. This is the day fixed by the Constitution of Harold McGugin. Clifford R. Hope. the United States for the meeting of the Seventy-second Homer Hoch.
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