E817 VOL.5 Draft Environmental Management Plan Public Disclosure Authorized 67030419 September 2003 Public Disclosure Authorized *LF. Public Disclosure Authorized People's Committee of Nam Dinh City Project Management Unit of Urban Upgrading Project Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project Public Disclosure Authorized Nam Dinh City Sub-Project Draft Environmental Management Plan 67030419 September 2003 People's Committee of Nam Dinh City Project Management Unit of Urban Upgrading Project Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project Sanitation Nam Dinh City Sub-Project Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project Nam Dinh City Sub-Project Draft Environmental Management Plan 1 Prceface Thle Govermiienit of Vietnam has receivecl a granlt fioimi World Bank for the implemilenitationi of the Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project (VUUP) witil the aims to upgrade low-income commllunities in Haiphong, I-lo Chi Minh City, Can Thio and Nam Dinh. The VUUP will provide basic infrastructure and services improvements to low-income communities and a part of critical primary and secondary infrastructure related to the low-income communities. The Draft Environmental Management Plan for Vietilam Urban Upgrading Project - Nam Dinh City Sub-Project, Phase I has been prepared based on the information and data available in September 2003. The Feasibility Study on Component I and 2 has been already approved, but some of the latest information was available only in Vietnamese. All the information and data will be checked and updated during the preparation of Final Environmental Management Plan Report. September 2003 Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project Nam Dinh City Sub-Project Draft Environmental Management Plan 1 Preface Conteu ts Sminniary 1 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................. 1 1.1 Background of the Project ................................................... I 1.2 Environmental Management Plan of the Project .................................................. 1 1.3 Objectives and principles of the Sub-Project .................................................. 3 1.4 Locatioin of the Project .................................................. 3 1.5 Scope of the Sub-Project .................................................. 3 1.5.1 Geeneral .................................................................................. 3 1.5.2 Project components of Phase I ................. 3 1.6 Present Environmental Setting .................................................. 6 2 ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION .............................................. 7 2.1 Environmilental Managemenit .................................................. 7 2.2 Einvironmental Law and Decree ............................................ 8 2.3 Laws and Regulations on Environmental Impact Assessment .................................... 8 2.4 Environmenital Standards and Regulations .................................................. 9 2.5 Hygicnic Regulations .................................................. 10 2.6 World Bank Guidelines .................................................. 10 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ............................................. 13 3.1 General .................................................. 13 3.2 Componient 1: Tertiary In frastructure ............... ................................... 13 3.2.1 Desigin Phase ......................................................................................................... l3 3.2.2 Construction Phase ........................................................... 14 3.2.3 Operation Phase ................................. 14 3.3 Component 2: Primary and Secondary Infrastructure .............................................. 16 3.3.1 Design Phase .16 3.3.2 Constructioni Phase .16 3.3.3 Operation Phase .16 September 2003 Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project Nam Dinh City Sub-Project Draft Environmental Management Plan 2 3.4 Conpoiienit 3: Resettlemeni t Site ................................... 17 3.4.1 Design Plhase .................................... 17 3.4.2 Construction Phase .................................... 17 3.4.3 Operation Phase ................................... 18 4 MITIGATION MEASURES ...................................... 19 4.1 Mitigation Measures duriiig Design Phase ................................... 19 4.1.1 General Design InstrIuctions. 19 4.1.2 Componient 1: Tertiary Infrastructure .20 4.1.3 Component 2: Primary and Secondary Infrastructure. 21 4.1.4 Component 3: Design of Resettlement Site .21 4.1.5 Linkage with Resettlement Action Plan .22 4.1.6 Public Hearings and Awareness .22 4.2 Mitigation Measures during Construction Works ............................................. 22 4.2.1 General .22 4.2.2 Noise, Odour, Litter and Dust .22 4.2.3 Health and Safety .23 4.2.4 Traffic and Transportation Arrangements .25 4.2.5 Working Time and Site Arrangements .25 4.2.6 Public Relations .26 4.3 Mitigation Measures during Operation ............................................. 27 4.3.1 Component 1: Tertiary Infrastructure ............................................. 27 4.3.2 Component 2: Primary and Secondary Infrastructure ............................................. 27 4.3.3 Component 3: Resettlement Site ............................................. 27 4.4 Sumimiary of Mitigation Measures .28 5 MONITORING PROGRAMMES ....................... 29 5.1 Proposed Monitoring Programme for VUUP Nam Dinii Sub-Project .29 6 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING .30 6.1 Implementation Organisation of the Project .30 6.2 Structire of organization anid management of the project .30 6.3 Organization structure of urbani infrastructure mianagemnict and operation 31 6.4 Procurement and accounting .32 6.5 Training and support programs .32 7 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE AND COST ESTIMATES .34 7.1 Implementation plan of components of Pliase 1.34 September 2003 Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project Nam Dinh City Sub-Project Draft Environmental Management Plan 3 7.2 Cost Estimation .......................... 34 7.3 Finanicial plan for operatioll and mainiteian.ce .35 7.4 Investmiient capital source .36 8 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING .......................... 37 Aninexes Annex I Environmental Impact Matrixes of the Project Components Drawings Drawing I Location of VUUP Sub-Projects Drawing 2 Proposed Infrastructure Upgrading for Van Mieu Septemiiber 2003 Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project Nam Dinh City Sub-Project Draft Environmental Management Plan 4 List of Abbreviations Organisations MOC Mimistry of Construction MOF Ministry of linance MPI Ministry of Planining and Investment MONRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment NEA National Environtnental Agency MOSTE Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment DOSTE Department of Science, Technology and Environment MOST Ministry of Science and Technology CMS Consulting Management Services PMU Project Management Unit TUPWS Transportation and Urban Public Works Service VUUP Vietnain Urban Upgrading Project WB, the Bank The World Bank FIDIC Federation Intermationale des Ingenieurs-Conseil Other BOLUG Building Ownership and Land Use Certificate EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan CEMP Community Environmental Management Plan CUP Community Upgrading Plan LIA Low-income Area PIP Project Implementation Plan RAP Resettlement Action Plan TA Technical Assistance O&M Operation and Maintenance Pliuong ward Septeiember 2003 Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project Nam Dinh City Sub-Project Draft Environmental Management Plan 5 Siiniiiiary Introduction The Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project (VUIJP) aims to upgrade low-income comu1lUnities in four cities, namely Ho Chii Minh, Hai Phong, Nam Dinh, and Can Tho. The VUUP will provide basic infrastructire and services improvements (referred to as tertiary infrastructure) to low-income commnunities already identified in the cities. To ensure that the tertiary infrastructure provided is able to operate effectively and to its optimum, critical primary and secondary infrastructure (referred to as trunk infrastructure) is also to be provided as part of the VUUP. According to the Terms of Reference for Phase I of Vietnamii Urban Upgrading Project - Nam Dinh City Sub-Project the EIA Consultant will prepare Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) documentation including Environmental Management Plan that corresponds to the requirements of the Government of Vietnam and the World Bank safeguard policies OP 4.01 on Environmental Assessment and OP 4.11 on Physical Cultural Resources where the concerns of impacts on cultural structures are triggered. Objectives and Principles The objectives of Nam Dinh Sub-Project, as well as the objectives of the Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project in general, are as follows: - Alleviate poverty in urban areas by improving the living and environmental conditions of the urban poor - Promote the participatory planning methods for urban upgrading to meet the people's demand - Use multi-sector approach with communities' consultation in implementation process of upgrading programs. The most important principle of the project is to active community participation in all stages of preparation, design and implementation processes. The residents, who are living in the project area, will have the right to participate in and benefit from the project as well as contribute to the upgrading works. Scopc of the Project Component 1: Upgrading tertiary infrastriucture in low-income areas is focusing on upgrading and rehabilitating tertiary infrastrcttire, which is located in low-income areas and serves the needs of people to improve their
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