About the only place A specialist is a doc- where you have to ar- tor whose patients are rive early to get a expected to confine back seat is in church. their ailments to —Dan Bennett. office hours. —T. J. Mclnerney. The Glengarry THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1951 !.50 A YEAR $ YOL. LIX—No. 3 LOCH OPTION VOTE KENTON ROLED INVALID Decision Of Judge Brennan Voids Winchester Reeve Endeavoring To Form See Renewed Need Important Transfers Of Clergy Elected Warden Merchants’ Association For Red Cross A meeting of Alexandria Announced By Bishop Brodeur October 11th Victory By “Drys" businessmen, including retail The annual meeting of the Glen- Harold E. Durant, reeve of Win- merchants, druggists, barbers, garry County Branch, The Cana- chester Township, was unanimously garage and service station oper- dian Red Cross Society, was held in Rector Of St. Finnan’s, Rev. R. J. MacDonald" elected warden of the United Coun- Setting Aside Of Vote Expected To ators, electricians, etc., is to be the lecture room, the Armouries, ties'of Stormont, Dundas and Glen- To Be Pastor Of St. Columban’s, Cornwall — Result In Second Referendum garry for 1951 at the opening of held in the Hub hall, next Fri- Alexandria, on January 9th,. 1951, at day evening, January 26th, at 2.00 p.m. The president. Rev. Dr. Father Cameron To Direct Retreat House the January session of Counties On Men’s Beverage Rooms Soon 7.45 p.m. Tanner, Lancaster, presided. The Council at the counties building, Purpose of the meeting is to business included brief reports from Cornwall, Monday afternoon. He Important clergy transfers in the diocese of Alexandria were an- discuss possibility of organizing Williamstown, Lancaster, Summers- County Judge G. E. Brennan on Saturday ruled invalid a local option succeeds John D. Ferguson, reeve nounced this week by His Excellency Most Rev. Rosario Brodeur, D.D., a retail merchants’ association town and Alexandria, all of which vote held in the Township of Kenyon last October 11th, which placed the of Roxborough Township. Bishop of Alexandria. The transfer of six priests involves principally question of sale of beer to men only; on licensed premises before , the Following the election, the oath in Alexandria. have kept a skeleton executive and the important parishes of St. Finnan’s, here, and St. Columban’s in are ready for emergency should the ratepayers. of office was administered by L. Cornwall. The vote had resulted in victory for the “dry” forces when the Wets Cameron Kennedy, clerk-treasurer. need arise. The secretary reported The nominations as announced by Bishop Brodeur are as follows: ' tailed 'by 34 votes to attain the required 60 per cent of the ballots. The John McLennan, reeve of Oharlot- that twenty quilts had been made Rev.. A. L. Cameron, pastor of St. Columban’s, Cornwall, is named Latvian Priest Here and sènt for Manitoba Flood Re- official count had .been 719 for the “wets” and 538 for the “drys”. tenburgh Township, assisted and Director of the Retreat House, at Alexandria. Kenyon-Township officials have not yet been officially advised of placed the chain of office at)out the lief from the following units: Alex- : —* Rev. R. J. MacDonald, rector of andria, one; Glen Sandfleld, 10; judge Brennan’s decision, but the*— — new warden’s shoulders. ToMinisterToD.P’s St. Finnan’s Cathedral, is named "voiding of the October 11th vote Urges Economy Lancaster, six; St. Telesphore, parish priest of St. Columban’s, three. The campaign for funds, Lochiel Reeve Loses ■will mean that the question will T. Scott Fraser In Line In his inaugural address, Mr. Rev. Father John Grauds, a Çomwall. have to be put before the electorate Durant womed that strict economy native of Latvia, arrived recently in under the direction of Mr. H. Stim- Rev. John MoPhail, pastor of Our son, realized the sum of $1,885.67. Brother At Hamilton again, probably at an early date. For Warden’s Chair will be a watchword in council this Alexandria for the purpose of later Lady of Grace parish, Dickinson’s Cod liver oil has been supplied’ for Judge Brennan had reserved de- year. ministering to displaced persons in A son of the late W. D. MacLeod, Landing, is named rector of St. distribution by the Health Nurses. cision or! an appeal against the vot- Elected chairman of finance com- “Unsettled world conditions of the diocese of Alexandria. Father Kirk Hill, M.P.P., Glengarry, from Finnan’s Cathedral here. The Junior Red Cross of Alexandria ing made before him last December mittee of Counties’ Council, T. today must be considered in all of Grauds arrived in Canada in De- 1902 to 1905, Dr. Donald Alexander Rev. Francis Foley, assistant Public School, Leroy Cowan, presi- 13th at the County Building. Scott Fraser, reeve of Lancaster our deliberations”, he said. “We cember through the efforts of the MacLeod died, suddenly Saturday priest at St. Columban’s, Cornwall, dent, sent a report of their activi- In his seven-page judgment, Township, is now in line for the must remember that war is not an Holy See and the co-operation of is named parish priest at Dickin- ties. at his residence, 133 Flatt avenue, Judge Brennan said he was issuing wardenship in 1952. It has been a impossibility and that a declaration His Excellency Bishop Brodeur, and Hamilton. A graduate of McGill son’s' Landing. tradition in Counties’ Council that Mrs. J. U. Tanner, who attended an order setting aside the vote and of war can be made without warn- is for the present stationed at the in 1913, Dr. MacLeod had practiced Rev. Patrick Breton, director of the warden served thé pre- the meeting of the Advisory Coun- ■declaring it invalid and void. He ing. These counties must join the Bishop’s House here. in Hamilton for 32 years except for thé diocesan Retreat House, is vious year as head of finance com- cil in Toronto, gave a splendid re- had reached this decision because of remainder of the country in being his period of overseas service dur- named assistant priest at St. John irregularities in the acts of officials mittee. Born in Ahdrupene, Latvia, port. With the theme in mind, prepared for any emergency. In the Father Grauds received his primary ing World War I. He retired in Bosco parish, Cornwall. connected with the vote. Other chairmen of committees “To be strong, to be useful and to event of war it is not inconceivable education there and studied for the 1945. ( Rev. Hollis LaPierre, assistant Some- of the irregularities enu- named Monday are; be ready”, each unit should have a that our taxes will be increased. priesthood in the seminary at Riga, Besides his Wife-and three daugh- priest at St. John Bosco parish, is merated by Judge Brennan ' includ- J. H. Maginnis, reeve of Osna- strong committee in casé of em- We must, for that and other obvious ters, he leaves one brother, Reevè named assistant priest at St. Ool- brück township, roads and, bridges; in Latvia. He was ordained a priest ergency. ed: three unauthorized persons re- reasons, practice strict economy. ' J. W. MacLeod of Lochiel, and two umban’s, Cornwall. K mained in a polling booth during L. C. Davis, reeve of Iroquois vil- for the Archdiocese of Riga in May, The election of officers for 1951 One of the most important de- 1939, and that year was appointed sisters: Mrs. Annie McKinley, Ot- All transfers become effective thfe greater part, of the day and lage, education; J. O. Seeley, reeve resulted as follows: ■tails of this year’s council work will parish priest in Barkava, Latvia. tawa, and Mrs. Angus MacNish, in February 1st. \ -were present when the ballots were of Mountain township, public wel- President, Rev., Dr. Tanner, Lan- o be completion of the new Glen Remaining there until 1944, when Toronto. counted while none of the officials fare; John_ McLennan, reeve of Stor-Dun Lodge on the eastern out- caster; 1st vice-president, Mrs. W. at the booth had been sworn to Charlottentourgh township, agricul- forced to leave his parish 'because C. Miller, Lancaster; 2nd vice- Reeve MacLeod attended the skirts, of the city. When ready for of the German regime, he lived in funeral held Tuesday in Hamilton, secrecy; residents of Maxville were ture; Major A. A. McDonald, reeve occupancy,. I am sure the institu- president, Miss K. MacLellan, Wil- Lancaster Friends allowed to vote, although not hav- of , Alexandria, resolutions and exile, incognito, until the end of liamstown; treasurer, Mrs. J. P. A more detailed report will ap- tion will prove to be a big improve- the war in 1945. Since that time pear next week. ing the right; a resident of St. Isi- memorials; Cormick Maodonell, de- ment on present accommodations Mullett, Alexandria; secretary, Mrs. dore de Prescott swore he voted al- puty - reeve of Charlottenburgh he has exercised his ministry as D. M. Maeleod, Alexandria. o Honor Ex-Reeve for the aged and the infirm. Chaplain to the Latvian displaced though he had no right by resi- township, printing; J. E. U. Roul- “Our country roads system, too, A volunteer nursing services com- dence or ownership; non-residents eau) reeve of Cornwall township, persons in the British zone of Ger- mittee was appointed with the fol- Former reéve of Lancaster Vil- must be considered. We cannot af- many. NotedSportsmenTo lage and warden of the United of Kenyon were allowed to vote al- county property; Frank Darling, ford to neglect these and must lowing members: Mrs. J. A.
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