Thirlfellth Series., Vol. XXV, No.31 MCJllda~'. Mil)' 6. 2002 Vlllsakha Hi, 1924 (Sakll) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Ninth Session (Thirteenth Lok Sabha) (Vol. x\"v ('oIllQ;'1.\' NlI!i. 31 to 40) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Pnce : R.. JOIN} EDITORIAL BOARD G.C. Malhotra Secretary-General Lok Sabha Or. P.K. Sandhu Joint Secretary P.C. Chaudhary PrinCipal Chief Editor Y.K. Abrol Chief Editor Vandna Trivedi Senior Editor P. Mohanty Editor [Original English Proceedings incJuded In En~ Version and Original HindI Proceed(nr incl~de<I in Hindi Version win be treated as Authoritative and not the transla'ton thereof.} .. CONTENTS {Thirtefmth Series, Vol. XXv. Ninth Session, 200211924 (Sakal) No. 31, Monday, May 6, 2002Nallakha 18, 1924 (SaQ) SUBJfCT COLUMNS ORAL ANSWER TO QUESTIONS ·Starred Question Nos. 561, 562 and 564 1·28 WRITTEN ANSWER TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos. 563 and 565-580 27·58 Unstarred Question Nos. 5922-6095 58-261 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 261 STATEMENT BY MINISTER National Tourism Policy 263·267 Shrl Jag Mohan 263 MOTION RE: TWENTY·SIXTH REPORT OF BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITIEE 268 RE: SHORT SUPPLY OF CNG AND LIKELY RISE IN FARES OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN DELHI ... 272-288 RE: REPORTED STOCK SCAM INVOLVING CENTRAL CO·OPERATIVE BANKS OF NAGPUR, OSMANABAD AND WARDHA DISTRICTS OF MAHARASHTRA ... 301 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 (I) Need to display separate identification mart< for Vegetarian and non·vegetarian food packets Shrimati Jayashree Banerjee .. , 306 (ii) Need to provide employment to local people whose land· has been acquired for setting up Industries in Bharuch Parliamentary Constituency, Gujarat Shri Mansukhbhai D. Vasava ... 306 (iii) Need to provide more air services between Ahmedabad and Delhi, particularly during day time . Shri Haribhai Chaudhary ... 307 (iv) Need to set up a research centre of medicinal plants at Jalpaiguri in North Bengal Shrimati Minatl Sen 307 (v) Need to ensure uninterrupted electric supply in rural areas of Utt,r Pradesh, particularty in Pratapgarh Parliamentar Constituency Shr C.N. Singh 308 "The Sign + mal1<ed above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the ftoor of the House by that Member. SURJECl (vi) Need for construction of by-passes at Fatehabad and Slrsa. Haryana Dr. SushI! Kumar Indora ... 308 (vii) Need to develop Pitchavaram in Tamil Nadu as a place of tourtst resort Shrl E. Ponnuswamy 308 (viii) Need to accord sanellon to the porposal for construction of Beena River Irrigation Project at Sagar. Madhya Pradesh Shrl Virendra Kumar 309 (ix) Need to provide stoppage of Gyanganga. Kamayani and Ganga Cauvery Express trains at Maihar Railway Station. Madhya Pradesh Shrl Sunder Lal Tiwari 309 BILL-INTRODUCED Petroleum Regulatory Board Bill 310 MULTI-STATE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES BILL Motion to Consider Shri Ajlt Singh ... 374 Shri Shivraj V. Patll 318 Shri P.S. Gadhavi 329 Shri Moinul Hessan 330 Shrl Anandrao Vlthoba Adsul 335 Shri Mani Shankar Alyar 338 Dr. Ramkrishna Kusmaria 343 Shri H.D. Deve Gowda 344 Dr. V. Saroja 347 Shri Khar.bela Swain ... 350 Shri Dharam Aaj Singh Patel 354 Shri K.H. Muniyappa ... 355 Shri Girdhari La! Bharg::lVa ... 357 Dr. Aaghuvansh Prasad Singh 374 Shri Thawar Chand Gehlot .. , 378 Shri Prabodh Pand6 ... 382 Shri E.M. Sudersana Natchiappan 283 Sus.£CT CollnHl Dr. Sanjay Paawan 385 Shri K.P. Singh Deo ... 387 Shri Ramdas Athawale 389 Shri P.H. Pandian 390 Shri Ajit Singh ... 393 Clause 2 to 144 and 1 401 Motion to Pass ... 412 HALF·AN·HOUR DISCUSSION Damage to national highways due to flood Shri Priya Ranjan Daamunsi 358 Maj. Gen. (Retd.) B.C. Khanduri ... 362 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA Statement (a) and (b) : The Board of Direc:tora of Indian Alrtinee Monday, May " 2002NaleaIchII 1 •• 1824 (Saa' in Its meeting held on 27.3.2002 have approved a propouI for acquisition of 43 aircraft at a net project coal of RI. Sabha The Lok met at Eleven of the CJocIc 10,089 cro..... The Project Report submitted by Indian Airtines is under consideration of the Govemment. (MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER in the Chai/j (c) SInce no final decision on this hila been taken [Translation] yet. It is not possible to comment on It at 1h1s ltage. SHRI RAMJI LAL SUMAN (Firozabad) : Mr. Deputy However, the previous major purchase8 of aircraft by Speaker, Sir, It is a very serious matter. Indian Alrtlnes were 8S follows :. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : Please raise It during the 19 A·32O aircraft In the yea,. 1989 and 1990 Zero Hour and not durtng the Question Hour. at the approved project cost of Rs. 1238.37 crores. Q. No. 561. Shri Iqbal Ahmed Saradgi. 12 A·320 Ilrcraft in the years 1983 Ind 191M 11.01 h .... at the orlginll approved project cost of RI. ORAL ANSWER TO QUESTIONS 958.78 crores. [English] (d) When a final decillon Is taken, modalities of funding WUI be wort<ed out. Purchasing of Alrcrlltt (e) Since no decision on the purcha.. of aircraft 561. SHRI IQBAL AHMED SARADGI : has been taken yet, the question of flnatlaation of induction SHRI N. JANARDHANA REDDY : schedule of Aircraft does not arise 81 this stlge. Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to [English} state : SHRI IQBAL AHMED SARADGI : Sir, 18 per the (a) whether the Indian Airtines has signed a Rs. statement made by the hon. Minister, the Board of Dif8Ctors 10.089 crore deal with Airbus Industries for the supply of of the Indian Airlines have approved a proposal to acqutre 43 aircraft to replace its ageing fleet; 43 aircraft. I would like to know from the hon. Minister, through you, what is the total number of aircraft which hive (b) if so, whether the bid was around 10-15 per become overaged, long have they been in operation, cent less than the quotation received from Boeing; what Is the average life of each of these aircraft. whether the Indian Airlines have incurred I loll of RI. 270 (c) whether this is the biggest purchue made by crore during 2000·01, and is it because of the ageing Indian Airlines so far; aircraft. (d) if so. the details of sources for funding the (Translation) massive acquisition; and SHRI SYED SHAHNAWAZ HUSSAIN : Mr. Deputy (e) the time by which these aircraft likely be are to Speaker, Sir. I would like to Inform the hon. Member the obtained? aver•• of various types of alrcrlfls. W. have ..van [Translation) A·300 alrcratt& which have an average age of 20 yea,.. that of airbus-320 Is 10 vors and 7 months. we ha"e 11 THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIATION (SHRI SYED boeing-737 with an average age of 20 yea,.. three domief SHAHNAWAZ HUSSAIN) : (a) to (e) A statement is laid on alrcr. having average age of 18 years. At preeent. we the Table of the Sabha.. have I total of 57 aircraftB with an average age of 14 years. 4 3 Oral AnsW61S MAY 6, 2002 to Questions (English/ company, a leasing company, Singapore Airlines and Premlsoky, another company have come forward and the SHRI IQBAL AHMED SARADGI (Gulbarga) : Sir, I expert Committee and the Govemment wanted to favour would like to know from the hon. Minister, through you, only Premlsoky company though they have not offered to whether it is a fact that during the Haj pilgrimage, more place their aireraft in our stations like Mumbai. and they than 400 Haj pilgrims had arrived in Delhi from different were trying to persuade them to get that and give the States like Madhya Pradesh. Maharashtra and Uttar order to them. How far is it correct? What is there behind Pradesh. and reached Delhi on 14.2.2002 with their this? passports. tlctlets. etc .• but the Air India did not allow them to ltV and theV were sent back. If 50, was there any shortage [Translation] of aircraft or what Is the main reason that these pilgrims SHRI SYED SHAHNAWAZ HUSSAIN : Sir, the main were not allowed to fly even though they were duly question was related to purchase of new aircrafts. I shall recommended by the HaJ Committee and were issued send this information to the hon. Member separately. As passports and tickets a1eo? I would like to know the steps far as the question in regard .to new al!'Crafts is concerned taken by the Govemment so that Haj pilgrims do not suffer the Indian Airlines board has passed a proposal and sent in lulure. it to the Govemment on the basis of the recommendations {Translation} of the Evaluation Committee for permission to pur&hase new aircrafts. It is under consideration of the Government. SHRI SYED SHAHNAWAZ HUSSAIN : This is not As far as taking aircrafts on lease Is concemed, it is done related to the main question which was about the purchase under a procedure and we take airerafts on lease under of alrcrafts. Even then, I would like to inform the hon. the same procedure. Member that the Hej operation this year was better than any other time. This year the percentage of on time (English) performance is 98. I cannot give the details as this is not related to main question. I shall send the information SHRI N. JANARDHANA REDDY: Sir, ihe hon. Minister later. is contradicting his own answer. The answer says that the Government is considering it. But now he says the [English] permission was given to purchase. SHRI IQBAL AHMED SARADGI : Sir, there was a news {Translation] item which had "f)peared in the Papers that If the Airlines had arranged one more aircraft. the pilgrims would have SHRI SyeD SHAHNAWAZ HUSSAIN : Mr.
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