Eastern Illinois University The Keep February 1943 2-24-1943 Daily Eastern News: February 24, 1943 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1943_feb Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: February 24, 1943" (1943). February. 3. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1943_feb/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1943 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in February by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Eastern"Tell Teachers the Truth and Don't Be Afraid" news EASTERN ILLINOIS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE-CHARILESTON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1943 Army Arrives to Entertain Civilians McKinney Grades Local Sorority Goes National English Exams Chi Delta Gamma Affiliates Eleven Juniors With Delta Sigma Epsilon Merit Honors EL.EVF.."'l JUNIORS achieved the Local Actives Are. distinction of honors in the an­ Glamor Gal National Pledges nual junior English examination given last Monday morning, Feb. 15, LAST WEEK-END, February 20-21, according to Miss Isabel McKinney, members of •Chi .Delta Gamma, head of the English department. campus social sorority, werei form­ The general subject for the essay ally pledged as initiates of Delta covered a wide fie1d, as the juniors Sigma Epsilon, national teachers were instructed to write on any college sorority. The loca:l group theme .nertinent to their major fi�ld. became affiliated as the Alpha Nu The co �plete results of the examin­ cha.pter. ation will be placed on the bulletin Miss Hilda Stein, national organ­ bo:i.rd in the Main hall at a future izer of Delta Sigma Epsilon, of Car­ date. bondale, and Georgianna -Conner of the Alpha Delta·chapter of Carbon­ Those students who received hon­ dale, were in oharge of the pledg­ ors with their essays are: George ing services. Briggs, Robert Frame, Thomas Gregory, Jean Henderson, N:irma Dean .Elizabeth K. Lawson and Miss Elizabeth Michael, sorority King, Louise Leedy, Madge Moore, sponsor, were hostesses at a six Esther Pinkstaff, Helen Lee Stev­ Rantoul Quartet ens, Marjorie Thomas, and Mary o'clock dinner, Saturday, to Miss swing forsake Army for Footlights. Ellen Wright. Stein, Georgianna Conner, Miss Winnie Davis Neely, sorority co­ All pa..pers were read indepen­ sponsor, Norma King, president of dently by three judges, some of usicians Play at Benefit Concert Chi Delta Gamma, Jane Stephen­ them more than once. The judges son, vice president, and Jewell Em­ were unanimous in their choice of merich. Following dinner, pledge the honor essays: services were held at eight o'clock Norma King hanute Field Band and Chorus "In spite of the document'3.ry ev­ at the home of Miss Betty Heise, 21 ....Leads the lovelies idence in another column, the ex­ Grant street. An informal reception aminations this year averaged bet­ was held for the new pledges Present Program Tonight ter than before, both . in organiza­ after the pledge services. tion and in good form," stated Miss Chi Delts Debut in '41 McKinney. "No essays of compell­ Departments Join ir Force Show Chi Delta Gamma was organized ing interest were produced; neither as a local sorority in February, 1941, ffers Varied Talent Holmbrook Plays for were any completely illiterate, as In Musical Program by a group of girls, who felt the in the eii.rly days of this examina­ Chanute Field 5th Army Air "SONG OF America," a patriotic need of further sorority life on tion. A good many papers were Porces Band and Wing Chorus will Washington Ball Eastern's campus. The group now well thought-out, sensibly organiz­ program, was presented last Mon- present a u. s. 0. bentfit show to has sixteen active members, twenty PEMBERTON HALL girls will en- ed, and competently written. Above . day night, Feb. 22, at 8 p. m. in the lie held this evening, February 24, alumnae, and fourteen new pledges. tertain guests at their annual in­ the level of elementary blunders, the 8 p. m., in the Health Education old auditorium by the departments Chi Delta Gamma was released vitation formal dance, the Wash­ most important suggestions for am­ uilding. Admission is 50 cents for of Music and Speech. Two s·tudents, from its probationary period of two ington Ball, which will be held on bitious students are three: Robert Rourke and Marjorie In­ years, January 15, 1943. !Since then, adults and 25 cents for children. Saturday evening, Feb. 27, from 9 "1. Small parts of ·a large sub­ gram of the .Speech department, the group has been affiliated with Members of the band and chorus to 12. Ths year the theme will re­ ject, enlivened with details are were the narrators, telling the story Delta Sigma Epsilon. !lave p.epared a special, fast-mov­ volve around Martha Washington. more interesting to the reader or of the Americas. They were dire-0t­ The girls taking the pledge oath mg p:orram centered around vocal iL�e Holmbrook's eight-piece or­ hearer than general summaries; ed hy Mr. B. C. Robbins. The col­ were: Norma King Betty Heise, 1Dd inst.rumental specialties, a one­ chestra from Decatur has been therefore, narrow the topic. lege choir, directed by Dr. Dvorak, Yvonne Bell, Nettie Hill, Irene act farce, and numbers by the en­ booked for the affair. "2. Enlarge your vocabularies; sang the song material of the .pres­ Sparks, Jewell Emmerich, Ruth llre company. A flag will hold the place of houor gel interested in words, and make entation. Ellis, Marjorie Ingram, Madeline ball Skit Offered and t.he other decorations will be yourself use new and definite ones. Sluder, Jane Stephenson, Eileen The "Song of America" is one o·f y in the patriotic trend of red, white "3. Read widely, curiously, and Specialty numbers planned b the many patriotic compo.sitions Maccormack, iBurnetta Dillier, Mar­ and blue. Behind the orchestra intelligently; note how good writers Ille Chanute band and chorus in- that has been written in celebration gery Thomas and Joan King, Chi there will be silhouettes of George develop their ideas; catch from de a piano duet by Staff Ser­ of .the growth af this country and Delta Gamma actives; Bertha My­ and Martha 'Washington. Programs them their discriminating use of nt Ross Hall and Sergeant Jay has found an important place in the ers, Grace Guthrie, Elizabeth Moss, will fit in with the rest of the words, their gense of rhythm and man: a humerous dance and traditions of our country. Mary Beth Piersol, Nina Jane ball skit by Private First Class theme, as they will be bonnets de­ emphasis." Swearingen, Mary Jo Searby, Kruth­ The "Song of America" is the Lorre and Private James signed in blue cloth. Refres.nments ryn Grable, Joan Coon, Margaret story of people of many lands who isi. and a piano accordian solo will also be served during the Wente, Betty Reeder, Dorothy Vail, Freshmen Elect have come to America to find new Corporal Alex Drazba. course of the evening. Helen Stites and Mary Grant, hope and freedom. To be presented by an all-soldier Emily Greer, Hall president, heads Inyart President pledges of the local sorority; Mar­ Blended together .these songs-the , the farce is entitled "The the dance committee, and Burnetta tha June Stanberry, Chicago; Mar­ APPROXIMATELY 64 per cent of songs of the English, French, Ital­ ewife"s Convention." Appro­ Dillier '45, is in charge of the or­ jorie Adams, Chicago; Betty Ed­ the freshman class turned out ians, Germans, Swedes, Dutch, an:i te of the war Bond the grand chestra committee. Those Pemites man. Chicago; Carolyn Eggleston, last Wednesday, Feb. 17, to elect its otihers-have created a rousing new le will have the entire company serving on the dance program com­ Decatur; [.i!lian Michael, Noble; class officers. A total of 14 nom­ song of higlh hope and a great "If You Can't Go Over, mittee are Eileen Wagner, Evelyn Eula Mae Tate, Mattoon; Bernice ing. inees for the offices were listed on dream-the Son5 Of America. This Quick, Oblong; Martha Ann Mar­ f! Across." .Knezik., Wilma Jean Daily, Gail the ballot. The two campus fra­ song the symbol of the immi­ Gubbins, and Irma Alice Hoult. On is shall, Mattoon; Mary Rhae Rice, ptain Francis E. Hammond ternities offered the most active g:mnt's contribution to America, his Baldwin; alumnae of Chi Delta the Wing Chorus while War­ the committee for decorations are ds competition, with a ,few of the can­ new found hope in a new land. Louise Teagarden, Paula Fox, Fran­ Gamma. t Officer Eugene A. Dieter con­ didates winning by narrow mar­ ces Faucet, and Irene May. Founded in Buckeye State ts the 5th AAF band. gins. Delta Sigma Epsilon was organ­ er Hal Kemp Pianist Plays Chapsrons will include Mrs. Alice Honks Resigns Cotter, Miss Warner, Dean Eliza­ ized at Miami university, Oxford, l\taffSergeant Ross Hall, who will beth K. Lawson, Dean and Mrs. News Editorship Ohio, September 23, 1914, as an 'nt piano numbers, formerly was Hobart Heller, Dean and Mrs. Cav­ honorary scholastic sorority. When the keyboard with the late Hal JAMES L. Hanks '44, resigned his ' ins, and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin An­ the sorority branched out into the s popular dance orchestra. position as editor of the News with drews. national field, additional features r to this job, he had directed the issue which was published two were added and Delta Sigma Epsi­ ·cal shows and played with weeks ago. The current issue was lon stands for all-round develop­ r bands in New York night edited by Eugene Price '44, who has Robbins Postpones ment of · its members.
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