PrwtSsth - While I live Miss Joe Cole Ac- ¬ Killel in a Railroad ence Fletcher of Henderson on Monday HORSE NOTES even sons of Almont whose gran lam NEWS PARAGRAPHS Open Apolory to Oar Patrtas DRIXKEXXES8 1 CLIMAX The true of cident night Lancaster Record there THE luxuries life never come was a granddaughter of the old horse As our trade in general but more es- ¬ taeVYerla high to those who can fully appreciate Those who were acquainted dth Rich- ¬ The amount to be trotted lor through out of thoroughbred mares still contin ¬ is Dr - July a 1890 Margie Glass is expected home K1 Guin killeil James Kenneilv in pecially in the Restaurant department bines ydawdty them Read says this year is - It can be Blvan in what this subscriber mond about the beginning cf the war to day accompanied by Miss Florence the irand Circuit 1843500 ue to produce paesrs Allie West was i Trimble county increasing faster than expected we we- e I you without the Snow snid 150 for last years Climax will recall Miss Joe Cole a noted teacher Dowoton of Danville and Miss Lucy There are sixteen colored jockeys in striking instance of this tendency He on last Court Day in spite of our large It effecting a speedy and pe Round trip ticket to Chautauqua 165 Steve Bnxlie will be intereste 1 to know whether the patient iaamodore Aug 1st 90 com- - Crow Al- ¬ and L3 for the We take the following from the Nicho ol Richmond Somerset Reporter the country who are paid from ir xX to waa himself a trotter was sired by force unable to wait on our worthy an alcoholic wreck Thousand ot a named who 11 Bard- of Lexington have adopted tr Please Mi that man Fuller temped have bean cured who have laksn th The - send me a receipt and lasville Democrat The many friends is Maggie Miller will go to ¬ mont his dam was by Mambrino Chief as as usual and ask Rich 18000 a year from tha fondoc ie a sack cut it patrons promptly Specific in their coffee wtlhcnt their wl standard time your so much It of Mrs Von Bulovr Miss Josh Cole an mond Monday on a visit to Miami a horse that never produced ana er them to kindly overlook same However edge aud to lay think loey Uit Innkug of tser The Chicago Horseman announc open after reaching the water and swam their owu freewill No harmful eftect IW - conies to me like a from home each gie Ike ¬ The iron for the front of the new Gar- letter eminent educator were deeply distressed and Marie Barnes who are gu l his second dam by Pownings we will say that that hereafter we will SQlUfrora lUadminixtnttiou Cures guaran it will give a 1200 stake forfoeJeoi safely ss wre f ¬ tee Send and full ground week freighter with news Continue to at her death Asheville N after relatives in lTnoanf another horse that did not pro com- ¬ pvilnan House is on the in C that city Lancaster to be trotted in Entrance only sengei always have a sufficient number of Addrasa in conft-i- - ES is4 he very in way of an En- ¬ srecir Srtnd it to me while I live several days of suffering froci injuries duce pacers his third dam was by Belts The latest the as lots of good lV Kaiest Ciuciiimt- 17 14 ¬ Misses Mary Shearer and Oleiia Vilasof 200 petent waiters and usual pigge mammoth red stage is now run- glish syndicate is one just loaned in Lou- ¬ Dr received iu the railroad accident She Madison county who have been visiting Whip a horse in all probability thor- ¬ things to cat to satisfy all The quality of the blood depends between liichutondand Irvine Wright Country blacksmiths do their work like den with Ooidsmidt M P ning was en route hen to spend the summer friends oughbred and yet among about twenty Julian is Most Mr Gus Wright of Clark county who in this county returned home and burning foot to Respectfully much upon the good or bad digestion and ¬ butchers paring the Chairman lo bay tip gas works iu the wrkhasa word to persons who ex- with her friends whom she had not seen Xirhikwillt- Dmmend live foals his total predate were the F Co assimilation to blood in hat taught school for twenty five years fit the shoe instead of adapting tlie iron principal American cities Weckesser make the rich to be in town court day Read since her extended trip to Kurope She three fast pacers Jewett 14 Charley Proprietors Restaurant pect it and is well known Miss Berkley of Missouri was at the to Home of New York life and strength giving constituents use in the northern jwirt the hoof Journal CI fain Hon w of was posseswjd of a brilliant niirsd which Friel fclSfc and Frank p 16J The George MeCreary Confectionery West J ¬ iKxst otiice and revenue of Booneaborough pic nic Friday is a and Fruit Store Dr II McLeans Strengthening Cor- The kink this county has ceased to teach He She S Chinn of Harrodslmrg lie-l M she devoted to the cause of education P has Almont himself with no nearer cross to Kansas City M at St Joe Main St Revenue Building dial Blood it office ill be closed on Friday July 4th has been reading medicine for daughter of Mr Charley Berkley who it and Purifier a number brought suit against the Wabash rain ad i f with untiring zeal Mrs Yor Bulow the pacer than above stated was the sire Monday He arm Secretary War ill the the properties of the blood from which irs and has returned from a medi ¬ was salesman for the late Solomon Smith Nath Steele killed Bob Hunley in Beai in mind that the fair will be held was noted for benevolence and many 0000 for the killing and injury of of very fast pacers such as Westmont Hayes Cabinet but resigned t- become a cal this place before the war Bourbon the elements of vitality are drawn too - inniug ou Tuesday SepUiu- - school a diplomaed physician and his race horses in the recent wreck Jaj countv other excellent traits of character near S1SJ Puritan L1C Almont Pilot that United States Court per bottle will proceed at once to practice medicine Capt Carlo Britten of the United Mo Though she was conscious for several Warrenton has a double infusion of 1ilot Jr blood A California Judge is the poaaaamref a Grand Ularrass Exranioa If he proves a ii with I patients SUS States Bavy is visiting bis sister Mrs sold T The most delicate constitution can The court house cupola has heen newly days there but little hope for her J J Ivey has to J Williams has two jierformers one of them is a night blooming cereus that is the largest A grand bluegrass excursion to Cincin- ¬ as he sad with pupils disease will have - T J Smith near Speedwell this 1 safely use Dr II McLeans Tar Wine Minted and the clock is running on stand- ¬ Her injun- was spinal and paralysis soon Eminence Ky the chestnut filly Irin- - pacer There are ten sons of Almont of its kir in the United States It is nati and Coney Island on Sunday July J to find new locations county Captain Britten has been on a Lung Balm it is a sure remedy Tor ard time followed The remains were taken to ini i o veais old by imp Prince that are sires of pacers that have not thirty feet high with branches that cover oth Two dollars round trip to Cincin- Help Census Enum two years cruise in the Pacilic ocean and coughs loss of voice and all throat and the atur Cincinnati for burial by her brother Mr Charlie dam Limo by Limestone for as yet sired a 230 trotter The fact the house an 1 porch nearly 230 square nati from Rowland Gilbert Lancaster As we go to press we learn that Mr F is on a sltorrt furlough peases of Mr ¬ Stixk - lie Adair has severed his connection with Kvery person who has not been Bated Cole that city and Dawsin Cov- 2200 Farm to that wherever the Pilot feet Hyattsville Pt Leavell Lowell Paint H Messrs Ca njity by the census enumerators Foraker and many Mann and OBannon l 1 is found a strong tendency to the v u- - Ion should at entor others were E Bobinson Baltimore M sol The Baptist Preachers t of Lick Silver Creek Dnncannon and Fort of once report to them It is imiiortant to pruaaat Mrs K B Muir of this county the Kentucky University at Lexington to Judge Moore of Chicago for pacii g gait is traceable Maud S her- ¬ Estill i round Trip to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mrs J W Ixiwrys dancing school 2500 Atlanta yesterday passed resolutions eou 50 Cincinnati liave a complete very dear friend was are in our town in the interest of flash ill self was according t list her present at the his team of chestnut fillies three years Wallace a eon ¬ from Richmond Red House Shearer will open at the courthouse this after- ¬ derning Bev T McCntcben for beat- Capt sad rites- Literary Club of Chicago which affords - Ballard has received an last Deceased was the loading old by Zilcaadi Golddust verted pacer We may object to this ¬ Boon- Ford Riverside Rankin Vin noon at 4 oclock etsa handaome ing his wife but at the same time ex- LIST OF LETTERS sion of six ilays and working like teacher in the Hickory College in North a reimu kably cheap means of getting tendency as much as we please still it r it a well matcheil and fast pressing confidence in Renick Austerlifz Cunttfngham Remaining unclaimed in Po Office The Holcoinbe lecture amounted to steam drill Carolina was good baeka Mr Gasket who is the seems to in tie she married after the C W AVilliams of Axtell fame has he inherent the extreme Christian character and Paris Twenty five cents to Coney at Richmond Ky- week ending July I 30 That was remuneration w Captain president i the Club and author of ias Speed 1S00 boot ioor If you know of any one alisent hj is war to Von Bulow of the C 8 three-year-ol- producing crosses There is no Lland and return Steamers run between recently sold for a d Lightning ¬ ol0 struck the Methodist church rk here likely to 1m- - overlooked report A Hho only lived a
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