University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1979 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 12-7-1979 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 083, No 73, 12/ 7/1979 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1979 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 083, No 73, 12/7/1979." 83, 73 (1979). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1979/146 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1979 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .Se..i\~ '313 ,7gq \)..;{\3Q..\0 0~· 7 \ 97q C...O\' 'J New . -1 • Mexico 81 0 Friday, December 7,1979 Lumi,llrias lined UNM 'PtesidefJt .William E_. Davis' drivBWay last year,· approachin.g.season to bejolly, see tb!fspecial Christmas pull-out section carrying on a New M-.ico holiday tradition. For more on the la$t· (B-1). Cl.obo file photo) Lobos forfeit victor~ 5 players ineligible By Gail Rosenblum UNM basketball players Larry Belin, Andre Manrin Johnson, adminjgtrative v1ce·president Logan, Paul Roby,- Larry Hubbard ~d Larry for student affairs, said he did not know Hwith any Tarrance areineligible to play basketball for UNM certainty who enrolled the players in the .course." because each received· three hours of credit for a Junior Jerome Henderson is suspended from .course none attendt;ld. Saturday's game against New Mexico State in Las The announcement was made Thursday· by Cruces pending further investigation: concerning Director of Athleti~ John Bridgers. after tran­ class hours he ,received for the same .course, scripts on file at UNM .reflected that the five Johnson s11id, players recejved three credit hours for a course ''Henderson said 'he ,did attend the course . in entitled "Current Problems in Coaching question, but our Investigation has produced Athleticst .offered .. by Ottawa University in enough doubt in our minds to lead us to believe he Ottowa, Ka.n. The course was ()ffered last summer did rtQt attend the course," Johnson said. at a eollege extension center in Van Nuysj Calif: ·. Junior Craig Gilbert was suspended from the Beca_use all but Tarrance .. played jn .T~esday's basketball tllllnilast Thursday because he received 112-110 viptory over West Texas .State, the Lobo's 16' hours of college credit from Merctlr Community first win of the sea:son, tM game will be forfeited, College in New Jersey ...-. a school he never at­ Bridgers said. " tended. " TheJi.ve players. a.,nounced Thursday they had · But. despite the loss -of seven players, including · '· beert informed of the irregularities in their trart• three starters {Roby, Belin and Loga.n).1 the game scripts, a.nd a.l1 s!lid they had Il() knowledge ofhow against .NMStJ "will be played with who w~ have they became enrolled in the class or how the left/' Bridgers said. · Ottawa University records were trjlnsii1itted · to 'l'ke four remaining Lobos, seniors Everette tl':NM. Jefferson and Jim WUliams, sophomore Kenny Athletic Admission. Counselor Terti C:baries said Page and freshman Michael Johnson. wiU be joined she received separately sealed· envelopes. containing by· the latest basketball .tecruits: football players In his. second. day··. bn the job, f)il'fiCtor ol.Athle.tics John transcripts for the players from Ottowa University Keith Magee a11d Derwin Willian:is, fre!jhmen: in .a two-day' sequenca. · She said she "did have Bruce Farmer and Paul Martinez of Albuquerque, · Bridgers announced that three ol the five starti11g players on s:uspici~.na becajls~ the traJ1scripts were from the' and senior bavid nomer9, a business ad· the· men's Lobo bask&tba/1 team were academically same SChool· for the Saine coUrse, "btrt alf £he ininistration:inajorltom Espanola. ineligible to play at l)NM. th_e .Lobo~ must forfeit their athletes involved were short hours, so l figUred Lobo l?hil Smibh is temporar.ily out with an Tuesday w;n over West Texas State; (Photo by Charles they took them together. That's not so unusual." injury. Poling) Page A-3, New Me:xico Dnily I,obo, Oecomber 7,1979 Page A-2, New Mexico Dully Lobo, December 7, 1979 National Briefs Zimbabwe-Rhodesia as soon as HtJbbard and top cb.urch leaders victed Oct. 11. get funds to which it is entitled, I Byrd puts off the Br!Cish governor arrives in who conspired to steal gover­ Brown said he spanked the girl but his department will deal with the war-torn African country. nment files. becuase his former wife, the girl's "other responsible officials" '!'he vote was 90·0. U.S. District Judge Charles mother, Edith Mack, had asked because "l have real personal l·.."tj ' SALT debate Key members of the Senate Richey sentenced Mary Sue him for help in disciplining the problems dealing with her, . the l Looking for ci different gift? Foreign- Relations Committee Hu.bbard to the maximum five child. mayor's conduct just doesn't WASHING'I'ON received assurances from years in prison and a $10,000 entitle' her to a great de!ll of rllPil -Senate Democratic Secretary of State Cyrus Vance fine. He ordered the R~:vs. respect." r. leader Robert Byrd 'l'hursday put that President Carter would sign Henning Heldt and Duke Snider Goldschmidt Goldschmidt on Nov. ;!0 said off until next yenr debate on the the bill. 'l'he House must first to each immediately begin SAL'r ll treaty. A leading op­ because Byrne switched giveits approval. serving four years in prison and is denounced allegiance from President Carter ponent ch11rged the delay was an 'rho British Governor, pay a $10,000 fine. admission the pact was in "deep to Sen, Edward Kennedy probably Lord Soames, is ex­ Heldt, wllo allegedly ordered WASIHNGTON (UPI) Chicago might get less trouble." pected to leave for Rhodesia over many of the activities, noted the Members of a Senate committee Byrd, confirming publicly "discretionary" funds-money I the week~>nd which would start church was on the IRS' enemies denounced Transportation not tied to specific, what most seMtors expected, lists during tbe Nixon ad­ I the process of ending th!:l trade Secretary Neil Goldschmidt Congressionally s.et formulas. [, said, "I don't s:ce how it could embargo. Vance assured the ministration. ThtJrsday for "political black­ ,, couc.olvab!y come up this year. Foreign Relations Committee mail" and "disgusting" behavior He was called onto the carpet obvious it can't." H's that the sanctions would be lifted .in tying futuregrants for Chicago by the Senate Banking, Housing Sen. Jn\tc Carn, R-Utab, no later than one month after the Man guilty to Mayor Jane Byrne's and Urban Affairs Committee, conceded prolonged deb!lte on. the governor's arrival. presidential endorsement. which has jurisdiction over his windfall profits tax and the Goldschmidt said the city will department.· . shortness of time remaining of spanking before Christmas played a role in CAMDEN, N.J. (UPI)-A Byrd's decision. New Jersey man was sentencliq But he said the delay was a Scientolog ists Thursday to a year on probation "tacit admission that the treaty and fined $1,000 for spanking his i5 in deep trouble and would not ordered to jail 15-year-old daughter with a be ratified .if it were voted on at paddle so severely she was barely this time." --WASIURGTON .abletowalk. _ -" __ _ • • t (UPI)-Comparing their crimes Camden Superior Court Judge Rat10n1ng 1 8X to the Watergate cover-up, a LV. Oimattino sentenced. F_rank federal judge Thursday ordered Brown, 51, of Barrington, for lan d_Ue today to jail the wife of Church of assault with a dangerous weapon P '.,. -~S;ci;en;t;o~lo;gy;;~F;o;un;d;e;r~L~.;;R;;on;;~a~n~d~ch~i~W~a~b~u~s~e.~H~e~w~a~s~co;n,- WASHINGTON (UPI)-The administration, prom1smg a proposed gas rationing pht.n on Priday and studying a 50-c.ent-a­ gallon tax, Thursday unveiled a plan for voluntary state gasoline THE ROAD TO TAMAZUNCHALE conservation. Energy Secretary Charles a novel by Ron Arias Duncan - announced the con­ servation goals which call for Knnsas motorists to cut their NATIONAL BbOK A W ARO NOMINEE driving 15 percent with smallar sacrifices from most other states. Duncan, in a news conference, You've got to read this one! said a federal plan for CJJilpon I gasoline ration)ng-which can I ". affinities with the tales of Malamud and 1.8. ! only be imposed in .a dire I Singer .. " " emergency-would. b_e publi~\led Los Angeles Times. on Friday. He also said officials were considering a cortsumption· "A revolutionary work." dampening, 50-cent -tax on • • Statifotd University gasoline along with a host of -G.ne1n other ideas for reducing _demand " ... masterful narrative . .. '' for oil. Southwest Review ,., ' Duncan also announced a j national conservation goal that to the urge. ''A Chicano masterpiece .•• " would hold the line on gas La till American Literary Review Indulge your senses. Succumb to consumption in 1980 at the same the rich, distinctive taste of Dos Equis. 7 million-barrel• per day level as Order from your bookstore or from: A real beer with a color all its own, this year. Pajarito Publications a freshness matched by no other imparl P. 0. Box 7264 and a light, natural carbonation Senate lifts that won't (ill you up. · Albuquerque, New Mexico 87194 Go ahead. Give in to the irresistible urge.
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