RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY FOOTPRINTS IN STARDUST - SOULPRINTS IN TIME FOOTPRINTS IN STARDUST Ever-increasing knowledge of our past enhanced by our inherent spiritual nature is shattering the boundaries we have so glibly set up around ourselves over many centuries of blind prejudices. • Are we really ‘gods’ – as scriptures say we are? • Do we frequently interact with angels, without even realising it? • Are the ‘gods’ of old still living among us, in human form – trying to “get it right” this time? • Are we unwittingly the stakes in a cosmic scuffle for the ownership of our unique blend of body / mind / spirit? • Is the evolution of life in the cosmos, linked to, and affected by human evolution on Earth? • Did Planet Earth always occupy its present orbit? • Is the Human Mind, the key that eventually will let us into our Celestial Home? • Were the ‘gods’ of the ancients merely instruments of our Heavenly Father – “The Creator of All”? • How real is time? The answers to these questions lead to the discovery that EACH ONE of us possesses the very real potential to change our world. Truly the POWER OF ONE! Yes, it appears that the ‘gods’ still walk among men… The late 60’s and early 70’s saw me publish several articles in the English language ‘MIRROR’ magazine, in India. These non-fiction articles were of the psychic and similar genre. Through them, I had the privilege of meeting some very extraordinary people. Some of them live again within the pages of this book. It has taken many years of reading – learning – from many wonderful people and ‘knowing’ that there’s more to life than the usual daily grind. The ‘knowing’ became a stirring, which eventually led to that irresistible compulsion to put it all together, in one book. Born in India in 1941 of mixed parentage, the eldest of 11 children; from very early childhood, I would look up to the starry sky and feel sort of homesick. While just 6 years old, I pinched my grandmother’s bifocals, and built my first crude telescope. When asked what I wished to be when I grew up, I remember saying, “A scientust”. I was quite young then, I think I meant to say, “A scientist“. But now, I believe that was an inspired answer, to learn about the universe we do indeed have to Peter A. Shafton combine science and spirituality. A professional electronics engineer, believing in, and writing on subjects like these could, I suppose be called a “scientust” - among other things. Growing up in South India (Madras) through the 50’s and 60’s exposed one to a lot of spiritual activity. Hindu, Muslim and Christian spiritualists were very active, in those parts, during those days. This set my mind travelling along the psychic and occult pathways, finally leading me to the works of Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, and scores of others. My Christian roots, coupled with Hindu and Muslim environmental exposure turned out to be a very fertile soil for the works of Cayce and Montgomery to bear fruit. Looking back, it was this beginning that set the framework for these pages. U.S. $XX.XX There was just a touch of fear in his step; an apprehension she was trying to allay. “A little closer now”, she gently coaxed. He tiptoed slowly to the daunting edge… Just a little nudge, was all he needed; to send him soaring, high into the sky. ‘One Small Step’ soon led to new horizons, far from the memory, of that distant ledge. P. Shafton FOOTPRINTS IN STARDUST - SOULPRINTS IN TIME BONDING WITH THE COSMOS Peter A. Shafton iUniverse, Inc. New York Bloomington FOOTPRINTS IN STARDUST - SOULPRINTS IN TIME BONDING WITH THE COSMOS Copyright © 2009 by Peter A. Shafton All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily refl ect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. iUniverse books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting: iUniverse 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 www.iuniverse.com 1-800-Authors (1-800-288-4677) Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. ISBN: 978-1-4401-5170-5 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-4401-5169-9 (ebk) Printed in the United States of America iUniverse rev. date: 6/15/2009 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For all the information and quotes gleaned from the vast store house of Edgar Cayce Readings, and the permission to reproduce some of them in this book, very special thanks go to the Edgar Cayce Foundation at Virginia Beach, USA. Visit their website at: www.edgarcayce.org For the permission to quote from “The Lost Book of Enki”, by Zecharia Sitchin, my thanks go out to: Inner Traditions / Bear & Co. www.InnerTraditions.com and www.innertraditions.com My thanks also go out to Zecharia Sitchin himself, for permission to reproduce verbatim, his interview with Monsignor Corrado Balducci. Mr Sitchin’s fabulous site is: www.sitchin.com For permission to quote from “UFOs – A Great New Dawn for Humanity”; we thank Paul Clemens, and Blue Dolphin Publishing Inc. At www.bluedolphinpublishing.com Wendelle Stevens and “UFO Photo Archives” deserve a big ‘thank you’ for permitting me to quote from “UFO Contact from Planet Koldas”. To Hay House Inc, thank you for permission to quote from Phillip Krapf’s fascinating book “The Contact Has Begun”. Thank you also to Courtney Brown, PhD, for all the enlightenment we gained through those stunning Remote Viewing sessions shared so generously in “Cosmic Voyage” and “Cosmic Explorer”. Do visit his site at: www.courtneybrown.com. A visit to www.farsight.org , the Farsight Institute of which Courtney Brown is director, is also an interesting experience. FOOTPRINTS IN STARDUST – SOULPRINTS IN TIME Stephanie Relfe, thank you for all the eye opening information gained from: “The Mars Records” and “The Mars Force”. Do visit her fascinating website: www.metatech.org A special ‘thank you’ is also due, to Helen and Ron Hindmarsh, of Hindmarsh Arts, in Taree, NSW, Australia, for their contribution to the artwork in this book. This was their first contact with the world of aliens. Well done Helen and Ron. And finally, thank you to Sonia, our lovely daughter-in-law, who also helped out with the illustrations – another initiate into the world of E.Ts. All the ideas, theories and conjectures mentioned in this book are solely those of the author; (mea culpa) and must not be construed as being endorsed by any person to whom thanks or acknowledgement has been extended. FOOTPRINTS in STARDUST – SOULPRINTS in TIME THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO: My beautiful wife Sylvia, who stood by us through all these years. Without her care and tireless support, this book would not have become a reality. Our three magnificent boys Shane, Wayne and Michael, who have helped with the material in this book, and who are living reminders that God still cares for this planet. Our parents who placed us on the right track early on, opening our eyes to the reality of the spiritual world. Especially Cynthia, my mother, whose timely intervention late one night many years ago, probably saved me from an untimely end at the hands of “Those who walk at night”… But, that’s another story… And to all those millions of “Children of Light”, young, and not so young, who carry that restless burning within them - that longing - to become one again with our God, and return once more to our home among the stars. i . FOOTPRINTS in STARDUST THE CONTENTS THE CONTENTS PREFACE------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 CHAPTER 1 -------------------------------------------------- 8 SETTING THE STAGE------------------------------------------------------- 8 CHAPTER 2-------------------------------------------------17 CONTACT--------------------------------------------------------------------------17 WORLDS A-PLENTY:-------------------------------------------------- 23 CHAPTER 3 -------------------------------------------------30 UNSEEN REALITY------------------------------------------------------------30 CHAPTER 4-------------------------------------------------37 IN THE BEGINNING---------------------------------------------------------37 CHAPTER 5-------------------------------------------------56 IMAGE OF GOD - BODY OF MAN. --------------------------------56 FIRST LADY OF EARTH:---------------------------------------------- 64 THE VATICAN, THE ANUNNAKI & ZECHARIA SITCHIN: --- 75 THE BLACK SHEEP OF THE FAMILY:----------------------------- 82 THE STAKES ARE - US:---------------------------------------------- 87 CHAPTER 6-------------------------------------------------95 THE REALITY GAME-------------------------------------------------------95 ITHAN – FROM VENUS: -------------------------------------------- 100 POSSESSION:--------------------------------------------------------- 105 ii . FOOTPRINTS in STARDUST THE CONTENTS CHAPTER 7 -----------------------------------------------117 ANGELS, ALIENS & ALIEN ANGELS --------------------------117 HEALING FROM THE STARS:-------------------------------------122 CHAPTER 8 -----------------------------------------------132 THE UFO CONNECTION -----------------------------------------------132 CHAPTER 9 -----------------------------------------------159 MEET
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