Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-15-1941 Bee Gee News January 15, 1941 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News January 15, 1941" (1941). BG News (Student Newspaper). 568. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/568 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. 87 GET PLAY GET PLAY TICKETS TODAY Bee Gee News TICKETS TODAY Student Publication of Bowling Green State University VOL. XXV.—Z651 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1941 NO. 4* 9 *S~\ Need Students Watch The Flag Wit* couatr.*. in E«r*p« Play Producer 'Outward Bound Opens following Ibeir flags into ■ Cooperation In deadly war. and] a lot of flag wa*i«i roirt( on !■ tkia COM- try, Bowling Groan Stato Uai- Tho aditora aro glad to vorsitjr chooaoa to u»« 'Old proaont tho picture of tho Three Night Run At 8:15 Registration Glory 'to lot stndonU know if faculty aaaaabar who ■ • tho ico it »»fr! roftponatbla for university Tho atklotic 4o»ortmont ha* drama, and who dotorvo* Registrar Requests That made tkoto arrangotvooU: if racognition. Bat it mutt tho flag U flying at too oa«t be admitted that tha tpaca Program* Be Made Out •nd of tho footbal firld—tho ico Sft^KJWw-M'* OubSponsors ic aafo; if tho flog doc*, not ap- hit likenatt occupiat was Early; Fines Levied poar—atay off. Tho dapart- ratarvad originally for tha mtnt solicit* your cooperation. • tar members of tho cat! Raul Alegria, graduate student Bowling Green Night Soo ttory on sport*, pago. of hit moat recent produc- from Santiago, Chile, plans to While stressing that the tion, "Outward Bound", take advantage of a new ruling purpose of the new pre-regis- which opant tonight. set forth by the civil Aeronautics | Deck Of Liner Is Setting For Sutton Vane's Fantasy; Some difficultiat with Deadline Extended Authority by which flying scholar- Will Play Tonight, Tomorrow tration is to eliminate conges- Uncle Sam't mailt. ratult- ships will be offered to Pan Ameri- tion on registration day and In "Foreign Policy" ing in non-delivery of en- can students now in this country, And Friday to allow the students to regis- graving* for thit ittua, according to Miss A. Wrey War- ter- at their convience, a re- Contest To Feb. 3 raada latt minuta adjutt- ner, dean of women. The University stage goes to sea tonight all decked out port from the Registrar's of- menu of tha papor't faca Under the previous regulations as the cabin and the bridge of an ocean liner, when the Uni- fice points out that it would nacattary. So, in liau of only citizens of the United States versity Players launch their production of "Outward Bound" be to tne student's advantage to Students Urged To Write tha laada, wa gi*o you tha were eligible to receive these at 8:15 in the Auditorium. register as early as possible to Essays For Local, man who trained tham. scholarships. Sutton Vane's humorous, imaginative fantasy of souls avoid paying fines for late regis- National Prizes Go and tao tham in par- Miss Warner also states that at sea was a success in London and had two different runs tration. during the recent vacation she ♦on Broadway. The unusual plot Thr.. W..k Period The deadline for submitting es- ELDEN T. SMITH handled applications of several is characterised by a strong at- Latin American students who Under the new system whereby says to the national committee and Flyers Will Get mosphere of suspence. would like to come to the univer- three weeks will be spent in the final judge* of the essay contest Bowling Green Night on "The Next Decade of American sity under the reciprocal scholar- Credit In Course "Outward Bound" will be pre- pre-registration instead of the ship plan established this semes- usual one, it will be possible to Foreign Policy" has been post- sented Wednesday, Thursday, and poned for one month and the local ter. Under J. Raney Friday of this week. Tonight's avoid overfilling of classes through Students Play Same Roles Thus far, five students have en- means of a daily check-up of reg- committee has postponed the local performance, which is sponsored contest date closing to Feb. 3, ac- rolled under this plan; Raul Aleg- by the Woman's ('lull, especially istration. This will do away with ria, Chile; Jolita Ingold, Ura- post-registration day shifting of cording to Dr. S. H. Lowrie. Portrayed By Famous Stars Maximum Of Three Hours fov townspeople, is known as guary; Henry Stark, Czechoslova- "rt.iwling (ireen Night." students from class to class. The contest is sponsored by the Offered By Policy kia; Lubcn Kutukchieff, Sofia. Bul- Student tickets may be secured These advantages will be nil, institute for National Policy. It By LOIS MAYFIELD ! Bound." garia; and Katherine Krusleva, Committee if students do not_cooperate with , |„ offering nine regional prizes of upon presentation of activity cards , Famous names have appeared Several of America's foremost also of Sofia. at the check room in the lower cor- the Registrar's office more fully 300 dollars each and three na- opposite those of the characters!theatrical people, then struggling ridor of the Administration Build- than they have so far. tional prizes of 460 dollars each. A new course has been offi- which Bowling Green State Uni-1 and unknown, appeared in the flret ing from 3 to 5 this afternoon and Fines Levied The National essays are to be writ- cially added to our college cur- versity actors will portray tonight, five months' run of Sutton Vane's Speech Directory tomorrow afternoon. There will be a fine of one dol- ten by a group of three winners Thursday, and Friday in "Outward charming fantasy in 1924. riculum. At the request of The cast, directed by Professor , — Leslie Howard and Michael D'- lar (11.00) if a student has not of the local contests in each college Elden T. Smith, speech Instructor, | /» Q. 1 * A a Asaro, sophomore from Bellevue, Lists 15 Students Major J. K. Raney, coordina- completed his or her registration nd their faculty advisor. a is as follows: in Ike Recreation Hall by Jan. 21, The three winners of the local 10 OlUQCnt /\CCS have the role of Henry in common. tor of the Civilian Pilot Train- Pictures of 16 speakers and ac- Scrubby Joe Nordmann 1941. This rule applies te all stu- W- »1 .U Bf ins m ■ I ****** Sealock, sophomore from ing Program, the Policy Com- contest here will, with the assis- companying stories are ready for Langley Joe Freeman dents whether they intend to re- in VaOluen WingS Springfield, has the part first tance of Dr. Lowrie, write an es- the printer to combine into the mittee of the University re- Thompson James Echols turn er drop out of school the say jointly to be submitted to the taken by Alfred Lunt. Sixteen students have recently Beryl Mercer, screen actress, Speech Bureau program, according cently decided to allow college Mrs. Midget Cecelia Rohrs •econd semester. national contest. credit for participation in the Mrs. Clivedon-Banks Marjorie All students who intend to do joined the exclusive Fraternity of and Laurette Taylor, stage actress to Howard Shine, graduate speech Three Local Prises instructor. Civil Aeronautics Authority Train- Le Valley practice teaching next semester The local prizes are ten dollars Flyers. These students have quali- who appeared in last winter's re- ing Program. must pay their tuitions on Jan. fied for this honor by passing the vival, both had the role of Mrs. The program should be ready Ann Eulalah Moellmari to each of the three winning es- Henry Michael D'Asaro 22 and 23, from one to four p. m., C. A. A. written examination and Midget which Cecelia Rohrs, fresh- for circulation to civic and busi- The credit will be given as fol- says which are donated by the Bee ness organizations throughout lows: for successful completion of Rev. Duke Lawrence Kuhl in the Recreation Hall. Other stu- Gee News and the Debate Club. flight tests recently. man from Hicksvillc, will assume dents may pay at this time if they As soon as their Private Pilots this evening. Eulalah Mocllman, Northwestern Ohio within a week. ground school and flight training, Tom Prior Bob Sealock Due to the recent vacation sea- Preps To Be Guests so desire. Certificates arrive they will be freshman from Fremont, portrays The program will give a complete I semester hours; for ground son■'"II few*" " essays•-acjuu • o haveMS***- been submitted, ■-..-■.....-■■. ... .. «•• , *i description of each speaker, his school only, 2 semester hours. High school students from all Hours To Pay Fees Dr. Lowrie said, but since the ex- qualified to fly Class one aircraft the part of Ann which was first th quslifications, and the subjects on Should Encourage Upperclassmen parts of Northwestern Ohio will The remainder of the students tension of the deadline date, many, anyplace "> « United States and created by Margalo Gilmore, fa- r mous r.tage actress. which he is prepared to speak. be the University's guests at a must pay their tuitions on Feb. S, more essays are expected to be « "T passengers, although they This decision should make it performance of "Outward Bound," not Joe Nordmann, sophomore from in the Recreation Hall at the fol- submitted.
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