Nolul. Vol. 5, No. 69-84, December 2000 72 odonatol., 6, pp. 1, Odonata from Kibale National Park, Western Uganda K.-D.B. Dijkstra and N.J. Dingemanse Gortestraat 11, NL-2311 MS Leiden, The Netherlands; - e-mail: [email protected] is a it is ”... where there gleam offilteredsunshine ... afine sight to see the spasmodicflickeringof purple iridescence from their gauzy wings.” Elliot Pinhey (1961) describing the habit of Umma saphirina Abstract —Records for 47 spp. collected from and can thus be classified as a transition towards Oct. 1995 to Febr. 1996 in Kibale National Park montane forest. Other sites visited were at a Notes and its surroundings are presented. on somewhat lower altitude. The mean maximum habitat, behaviour and taxonomy are added for temperature at Kanyawara is 23.3° C, the mean annual 167 some spp. rainfall cm (CHAPMAN et al., 1997). Introduction Identifications were made with the help of the From October 1995 to February 1996 a small numerous publications by E. Pinhey. A total of collection of dragonflieswas assembled in west- 90 specimens could be attributed to 42 species. ern Uganda, principally around the Makarere Five additional species were identified from LONGFIELD University Biological Field Station photographs or descriptions. (M.U.B.F.S.) in Kibale National Park near Fort (1936, 1953, 1959) described four species, Portal (Kabarole District). The station borders Chlorocypha tenuis, Chlorocnemis pauli, and both primary and secondary moist evergreen Enallagma pseudelongatum Pseudagrion forest. This lies at an average altitude of 1500 m kibalense, and one subspecies, Atoconeura bior- Notul. Vol. No. December 2000 odonatol., 5, 6, pp. 69-84, 1, 73 dinata based pseudeudoxia, (partially) on mate- Species identified otherwise are only given Forest. rial from Kibale All of them were also by locality. The material is in the collection recorded in the present study. ofthe senior author. See DIJKSTRA & DINGEMANSE (1999) for a more general impression ofthe forest and Calopterygidae its dragonfly fauna. - Phaon iridipennis(Burnt.): (Mp) (Se). - Umma saphirina Forster: (Kn) 2<J, 19. Localities Common on forest streams. Territorial Kibale National Park males are very aggressive, also towards (Kn) M.U.B.F.S. at Kanyawara and the Chlorocypha trifaria males. Young individ- adjacent forest (0°35’N 30°20’E). The uals and females were commonly seen on lies 15 km SW of Fort Portal. 9 the forest. area sunny patches throughout October 1995 - 27 January 1996. Tandems were also seen far from water. (Du) Dura River where the south-eastern road Chlorocyphidae out of Fort Portal crosses it (0°25’N Chlorocypha curta (Flag.): (Se). 1 30“20’E). The river was very much swol- - Chlorocypha tenuis Longfield: (Kn) 3 . It is surrounded in len during our visit. by Occurs the same habitat as the next spe- lush jungle. 3 November 1995. cies, but less common. (Ng) Field station at Ngogo in the middle of - Chlorocypha trifaria (Karsch): (Kn) 2 3, the park (0°30’N 30°25’E). 12 km SE of 29. Common on gravel-bottomed forest Kanyawara. 3 February 1996. streams. SurroundingsKibale National Park - Platycypha lacustris (Forster): (Du) 13, 19. (Kt) (Mb) (Nk) Lakes Katanda, Mbajo and Protoneuridae Nkuruba (0°25’N 30°15’E). All are crater - Chlorocnemis marshalli superba Schmidt: W NP. lakes ofKibale They are generally (Kn) 23, 29. Fairly common on clear and deep are surrounded with steep, forest streams, either with sand or gravel. forest-covered slopes. Nk: 30 October Oviposits in tandem into roots protruding 1995, Kt& Mb: 21 January 1996. out of water. A - (Sa) Lake Saka (0°40’N 30°15’E). very open Chlorocnemis pauli Longfield: (Kn) 1 c?. N crater lake, of Fort Portal. It is surroun- Seen twice in dense, wet vegetation, once has the other time ded by agricultural land and shores near a stagnant pool, near a with dense reeds and rushes. 2 December gravel-bottomed stream. 1995. Coenagrionidae River SE (Mp) Mpanga of Kibale NP (0°15’N - Agriocnemis gratiosa Gerstacker: (Sa) 1 9. 30°30’E). A fairly broad lowland river, - Ceriagrion glabrum (Burnt.): (Kn) 2<J. flanked by acacias, in savannah. 15 - Enallagma pseudelongatum Longfield: December 1995. (Kn) 2 3, 19. Fairly common at small, shel- Other parts of western Uganda tered standing waters in the forest, (Ky) Kyambura (Chambura) Gorge near Fig Oviposition in tandem on the underside of Tree Camp in Queen Elisabeth National floating fallen leaves. o Park - Fraser: (0 10’S 30°05’E). This is a deep, Enallagma longfieldae (Ky) 19. forested savannah. this of lushly gorge through Pinhey (1984) treats as a subspecies 2-6 January 1996. Enallagma vaginaleSjostedt, 1917. (Se) Savannah on the eastern edge of Semliki - Enallagma nigridorsumSel.: (Kt) 1 6. National Park (0°50’N 30°05’E). On the - Enallagma subfurcatum Sel.: (Kn) 1 3 , 19. road from Fort Portal to Bundibugyo. 12 - Pseudagrion hageni tropicanum Pinhey: 1996. 1 February (Kn) 9. Oviposition seen without male, in decaying leaves in somewhat muddy streams. List of recorded species - Pseudagrion kersteni (Gerst.): (Kn) 1 9. For - each species collected specimens are listed. Pseudagrion kibalense Longfield:(Kn) 23. Notul. Vol. No. December 2000 74 odonalol., 5, 6, pp. 69-84, 1, Fairly common on forest streams. Female January, suggesting it might be seasonal oviposits without male or in tandem, into here. of Micromacromia roots protrudingout water. — camerunica Karsch: (Kn) - Pseudagrion massaicum Sjost.: (Nk) 2d,1 9. Id, 19. Fairly common on clear forest - Pseudagrion spernatum Sel.: (Mp) Id. streams. A female was seen throwing itself Aeshnidae into the water. - - Aeshna e. ellioti Kirby: (Kn) 1<J, 19. Nesciothemis farinosa (Forster): (Nk) 4d, Commonly seen hunting along roads 1 9; (Mp) 19. - through the forest. Notiothemisrobertsi Fraser: (Kn) 1 d. More - Anax imperator mauricianus Ramb.; (Kn) common than the similar Micromacromia (Nk) (Sa) (Kt) (Mb). camerunica and sometimes found with it. - Gynacantha bullata Karsch: (Kn) 1 d. Prefers slower, more muddy and, often, - vesiculata Karsch: 1 small bodies of Males make Gynacantha (Kn) d. very waters. Gomphidae inspection flights, but are easily disturbed, 1 into Ictinogomphus ferox (Ramb.): (Nk) exu- flying up the canopy. Female seen ovi- viae; (Sa) 1 d, 1 exuviae. positing unguarded, hovering while fre- - Notogomphus butoloensis Fraser; (Du) 1 d, quently but slowly dipping the tip of the 1 Was into 19,1 exuviae; (Ky) 9. found emerg- abdomen the water. According to ing from torrential water of the river, which CLAUSNITZER & LEMPERT (1998) the was swollen by heavy rains. This species species oviposits epiphytically. Orthetrum 1 was mentioned by DIJKSTRA & DINGE- - austeni (Kirby); (Nk) d (Kt). - 1 MANSE (1999) as N. leroyi, but based on Orthetrum caffrum (Burra.); (Kn) d, 2 9. information supplied by PINHEY (1961, - Orthetrum julia Kirby: (Kn) 6d, 49. from 1969) it is clear that N. butoloensis was con- Material Uganda is difficult to assign cerned. either to the nominate subspecies or to fal- Macromiidae The lie in sum Longfield. country appears to - Phyllomacromiapicta (Hag.): (Kn) 1 d. the transition between the two Libellulidae (LONGFIELD, 1955; PINHEY, 1970). This - Atoconeura biordinata pseudeudoxia was the most common dragonfly in the LONGFIELD; (Kn) Id; (Ng) 19. Males forest. It oviposits in all water types, from were seen over streams. The collected male clear streams to murky pools. Males are fits the description of the subspecies per- often seen guarding the ovipositing female. fectly. LONGFIELD (1953) did not descri- Copulation lasts less than half a minute. it Orthetrum trinacria be the female,but could be expected to be - (Sel,): (Ky) Id. similar to that of Atoconeura eudoxia - Palpopleuralucia (Dru.): (Kn) Id, 19. (Kirby). The collected female is relatively Pantala flavescens (Fabr.): (Kn) Id, 19. large (hind wing 37 mm) and has the facial - Parazyxommaflavicans (Martin): (Nk) 1 9. markings typical ofA. b. pseudeudoxia. The - Tramea basilaris (P. de Beauv.): (Kn) Id. - annulata de (Nk) 1 3 paraprocts are densely haired and the cerci Trithemis (P. Beauv.): are long, similar to A. b. biordinata Karsch, (Sa). - but unlike A. eudoxia. It is therefore assu- Trithemis arteriosa (Burnt.): (Mb) 1 d. A. b. - Trithemis ardens Gerst.: Id. med that the specimen is a female of kirbyi (Kn) 1 pseudeudoxia. - Trithemis nuptialisKarsch: (Mp) d. - - Brachythemis leucosticta (Burnt.): (Nk) Urothemis assignata (Sel.): (Kt). (Sa) (Mb) (Ky) Id. - Zygonyx regisalberti(Schouteden): (Ky). A Crocothemis with - sanguinolenta (Burnt.): (Kn) large dragonfly a conspicuous pale ring 1 d; (Ky) 2 d. around the seventh abdominal segment had - Hemistigma albipuncta (Ramb.): (Kn) Id, wing markings perfectly matching those 3 9; (Ky) 1 d. At Kanyawara the species did illustrated by FRASER (1957) and of four not appear before the second half of PINHEY (1964). It flew at a height Nolul. Vol. No. December 2000 odonatol., 5, 6, pp. 69-84, I, 75 or five metres, in a small of butoloensis be the group dragon- Notogomphus appears to most flies above the edge of the The gorge. drag- widespread forest-river gomphid in this zone. onflies glided to and fro, remaining high. On the outskirts, the forest is invaded by ubi- The accompanying individuals were simi- quists such as Palpopleura lucia and Pantala larly sized, had clear wings and some were flavescens. similar abdominal It seen to possess a ring. References is possible that these were • conspecific - CHAPMAN, C.A., L.J. CHAP- males. GRAVES (1999) reports the species MAN, R. WRANGHAM, G. ISABIRYE-BASU- from MaramagamboForest, also in Queen TA & K. BEN-DAVID, 1997, Afr. J. Ecol. 35: - Elisabeth National Park. 287-302; CLAUSNITZER, V., [in press], ME. Africa nat. Hist. Soc.\ - CLAUSNITZER. V. & Discussion J. LEMPERT, 1998, J. afr. Zool. 112(2): 101- Forest rain Kibale is part of the forest belt that -107; - DIJKSTRA, K.-D.B.
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