---------------------------------- BigFix Inventory 10.0 Jan 2021 ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HCL license agreement and any applicable information on the web download page for HCL products refers Licensee to this file for details concerning notices applicable to code included in the products listed above ("the Program"). Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement Licensee may have with HCL or any of its related or affiliated entities (collectively "HCL"), the third party code identified below is subject to the terms and conditions of the HCL license agreement for the Program and not the license terms that may be contained in the notices below. The notices are provided for informational purposes. Please note: This Notices file may identify information that is not used by, or that was not shipped with, the Program as Licensee installed it. IMPORTANT: HCL does not represent or warrant that the information in this NOTICES file is accurate. Third party websites are independent of HCL and HCL does not represent or warrant that the information on any third party website referenced in this NOTICES file is accurate. HCL disclaims any and all liability for errors and omissions or for any damages accruing from the use of this NOTICES file or its contents, including without limitation URLs or references to any third party websites. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- <<START OF Inventory 10.0.3>> ====== DETAIL 1: Inventory 10.0.3 ====== License Library Description License Reference Copyrights Homepage Author Apache 2.0 ant-1.10.9.jar* "1999-2020 Copyright 1999-2020 The Apache Software Foundation 2002 Copyright 2002 Landmark" https://ant.apache.org/ The Apache Software Foundation Apache 2.0 ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar A collection of tasks (and at one point maybe types and other tools) for Apache Ant http://ant- contrib.sourceforge.net 2001-2003 Copyright 2001-2003 Ant-Contrib project http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net Apache 2.0 cglib-nodep-2.2.2.jar Code generation library with shaded ASM dependecies 2000-2002 Copyright 2000-2002 2003 INRIA, France Telecom http://cglib.sourceforge.net/ Apache 2.0 commons-codec-1.14.jar "The Apache Commons Codec package contains simple encoder and decoders for various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities." "2008 Copyright 2008 Alexander Beider & Stephen P 2002-2019 Copyright 2002-2019 The Apache Software Foundation 2002 Copyright 2002 Kevin Atkinson ([email protected])" https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/ The Apache Software Foundation Apache 2.0 commons-compress-1.20.jar "Apache Commons Compress software defines an API for working with compression and archive formats. These include: bzip2, gzip, pack200, lzma, xz, Snappy, traditional Unix Compress, DEFLATE, DEFLATE64, LZ4, Brotli, Zstandard and ar, cpio, jar, tar, zip, dump, 7z, arj." "2002-2020 Copyright 2002-2020 The Apache Software Foundation 1996-2019 Copyright 1996-2019 Julian R Seward" https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-compress/ The Apache Software Foundation Apache 2.0 commons-io-2.4.jar "The Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much more." 2002-2012 Copyright 2002-2012 The Apache Software Foundation http://commons.apache.org/io/ The Apache Software Foundation Apache 2.0 commons-logging-1.2.jar http://archive.apache.org/dist/accumulo/2.0.0/accumulo-2.0.0- bin.tar.gz 2003-2014 Copyright 2003-2014 The Apache Software Foundation http://archive.apache.org/dist/accumulo/2.0.0/accumulo-2.0.0- bin.tar.gz Eclipse Apache 2.0 commons-net-3.3.jar "Apache Commons Net library contains a collection of network utilities and protocol implementations. Supported protocols include: Echo, Finger, FTP, NNTP, NTP, POP3(S), SMTP(S), Telnet, Whois" https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/commons-net/commons- net/3.3/commons-net-3.3.pom 2001-2013 Copyright 2001-2013 The Apache Software Foundation http://www.apache.org/ The Apache Software Foundation Apache 2.0 commons-net-3.3-sources.jar "Apache Commons Net library contains a collection of network utilities and protocol implementations. Supported protocols include: Echo, Finger, FTP, NNTP, NTP, POP3(S), SMTP(S), Telnet, Whois" http://central.maven.org/maven2/commons- net/commons-net/3.3/commons-net-3.3.pom 2001 The Apache Software Foundation http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-net/ The Apache Software Foundation Apache 2.0 httpcomponents-mime-4.1.2.jar MIME-coded entity support for HTTP client. "1999-2011 Copyright 1999-2011 The Apache Software Foundation 2005 Copyright 2005 Brian Goetz and Tim Peierls" https://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-core-ga/ Apache 2.0 httpcore-nio-4.1.3.jar https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 "2005-2011 Copyright 2005-2011 The Apache Software Foundation 2005-2010 Copyright 2005-2010 The Apache Software Foundation" http://archive.apache.org/dist/httpcomponents/httpcore/binary/httpc omponents-core-4.1.3-bin.zip Eclipse Apache 2.0 javassist-3.21.0-GA.jar "Javassist (JAVA programming ASSISTant) makes Java bytecode manipulation simple. It is a class library for editing bytecodes in Java." 2019 Copyright 2019 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the <a class="white" href="/licen http://www.javassist.org/ Shigeru Chiba, www.javassist.org Apache 2.0 joda-time-2.10.6.jar Date and time library to replace JDK date handling https://www.joda.org/joda-time/ 2005 Stephen Colebourne https://www.joda.org/joda-time/ Joda.org Apache 2.0 log4j-api-2.13.3.jar http://archive.apache.org/dist/logging/log4j/2.13.3/apache-log4j- 2.13.3-bin.zip 1999-2020 Copyright 1999-2020 The Apache Software Foundation http://archive.apache.org/dist/logging/log4j/2.13.3/apache- log4j-2.13.3-bin.zip Eclipse Apache 2.0 log4j-core-2.13.3.jar http://archive.apache.org/dist/logging/log4j/2.13.3/apache-log4j- 2.13.3-bin.zip "1999-2020 Copyright 1999-2020 The Apache Software Foundation 1999-2005 Copyright 1999-2005 The Apache Software Foundation 2004 Copyright 2004 Jason Paul Kitchen 2005-2006 Copyright 2005-2006 Tim Fennell 1999-2012 Copyright 1999-2012 Apache Software Foundation" http://archive.apache.org/dist/logging/log4j/2.13.3/apache-log4j- 2.13.3-bin.zip Eclipse Apache 2.0 objenesis-2.4.jar A library for instantiating Java objects 2006-2016 Copyright 2006-2016 Joe Walnes, Henri Tremblay, Leonardo Mesquita http://objenesis.org Joe Walnes, Henri Tremblay, Leonardo Mesquita Apache 2.0 openj9-openj9-0.19.0-m2* Eclipse OpenJ9: A Java Virtual Machine for OpenJDK that's optimized for small footprint, fast start-up, and high throughput. Builds on Eclipse OMR (https://github.com/eclipse/omr) and combines with the Extensions for OpenJDK for OpenJ9 repo. License File (README.md) https://github.com/eclipse/openj9/zipball/openj9-0.19.0-m2 eclipse Apache 2.0 org.apache.commons.codec-1.3.0.v20100518-1140.jar http://maven.inria.fr/artifactory/public- release/org/kermeta/eclipse/org.apache.commons.codec/1.3.0.v20100518- 1140/org.apache.commons.codec-1.3.0.v20100518-1140.pom 2007-2010 Copyright 2007-2010 IBM Corporation and others Apache 2.0 org.eclipse.osgi.services_3.3.100.v20130513-1956.jar http://archive.apache.org/dist/ofbiz/apache-ofbiz-12.04.03.zip &url Eclipse Foundation Inc http://archive.apache.org/dist/ofbiz/apache-ofbiz- 12.04.03.zip Eclipse Apache 2.0 selenium-webdriver-3.142.7.gem WebDriver is a tool for writing automated tests of websites. It aims to mimic the behaviour of a real user, and as such interacts with the HTML of the application. https://rubygems.org/gems/selenium-webdriver/versions/3.142.7 "2019 Copyright 2019 Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) 2009-2018 Copyright 2009-2018 Software Freedom Conservancy" https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium Alex Rodionov, Titus Fortner, Thomas Walpole Apache 2.0 snakeyaml-1.26.jar YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Java Unspecified Copyright http://www.snakeyaml.org Apache 2.0 snakeyaml-1.26.jar Snakeyaml shaded for configuration-as- code plugin https://bitbucket.org/asomov/snakeyaml/src/snakeyaml- 1.26/LICENSE.txt Apache 2.0 thread_safe-0.3.6-java.gem A collection of data structures and utilities to make thread-safe programming in Ruby easier https://rubygems.org/gems/thread_safe/versions/0.3.6 https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/thread_safe Charles Oliver Nutter, thedarkone Apache 2.0 websocket-driver-0.7.3-java.gem https://rubygems.org/gems/websocket-driver/versions/0.7.3 2010-2020 Copyright 2010-2020 James Coglan https://github.com/faye/websocket- driver-ruby James Coglan Apache 2.0 websocket-extensions-0.1.5.gem https://rubygems.org/gems/websocket-extensions/versions/0.1.5 2014-2020 Copyright 2014-2020 James Coglan https://github.com/faye/websocket-extensions-ruby James Coglan Apache 2.0 xercesImpl-2.12.1.jar "Xerces2 is the next generation of high performance, fully compliant XML parsers in the Apache Xerces family. This new version of Xerces introduces the Xerces Native Interface (XNI), a complete framework for building parser components and configurations that is extremely modular and easy to program. The Apache Xerces2 parser is the reference implementation of XNI but other parser components, configurations, and parsers can be written using the Xerces Native Interface. For complete design and implementation documents, refer to the XNI Manual. Xerces2 is a fully conforming XML Schema 1.0 processor. A partial experimental implementation of the XML Schema 1.1 Structures and Datatypes Working Drafts (December 2009) and an experimental implementation of the XML Schema Definition Language (XSD): Component Designators (SCD) Candidate Recommendation (January 2010) are provided for evaluation. For more information, refer to the XML Schema page.
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