Hie Best Advertising The .Onljr. Medium Newspaper i-v-inV^«: Published •Norther# in the Connecticut . Town of Enflsld, Ct. BY 30,000 PEOPLE •f...»» Fifty»Year-—No. 23. THOMPSONVlLt,E, COI?N^ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1935 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. This Sticker Is Now Net Indebtedness Amounts to $571,993.62; 5 Ready For Signers Summary of the Selectmen's Accounts Recording to Report of Town Treasurer t Of Driving Pledge IVSl For- the Fiscal Year Enting August 3| IN DEMOCRATIC ' - RECEIPTS Appropria- Amount Over­ Balance Balance on hand September 1, 1934 $129,648.19 " tion Expended drawn Unspent Refund %it OF Borrowed in anticipation of taxes 226,000.00 State Aid Roads $ 7,600 $ 7,600.00 CAUCUS CONTEST Authorized by Special Town Meetings 37,300.00 Roads and Bridges*; 35,000 37,979.98 2,979.98 2,248.54 Former Selectman Gets Sewer Bond Issue, 1935 102,645.00 St. Cleaning, Ashes, First Selectman Defeats Received from taxes and tax liens 470,174.^6 Moist Garbage ... 7,500 12,143.43 4,643.43 & :& Nomination For Posi- Receipts from other sources 48,695.61 DRIVING Office Expense 7,000 10,614.13 3,614.13 Miscellaneous •. 7,000 7,596.47 596.47 Former. Rep. Hullivan I tion at Caucus Monday ,013,463.06 Welfare Worker 1,200 1,560.81 360.81 By Decisive Majority— DISBURSEMENTS Unit. Vet. Memorial '•& \ : f LaiAont Wins Collec­ ' - i - «1 - '' , Day Fund - ~ V 400 400.00 Caucus Was Largest Selectmen's orders $282,039.83 Vet. Headq., rent—« 540 540.00 tors Nomination. Patrolmen's orders 13,307.05 Ever Held Here. Board of Education orders Campaign Sponsored V. F. W.t rent :* 360 360.00 , 189,842.52 Tax Account 19,000 18,614.13 385.87 former First Selectttrn Irtf^S. Brainard School orders — 13,456,27 Town Officers 11,000 13,440.75 2,440.75 In a caucus which broke all _pre- Bushnell -was again nominated for Town Court orders , 3,927.06 Thompsonville Park and Playground oraers •• Patrolmen 14,000 . 13,307.05 692.95 vious records for attendance, FirFirst liis old position at the Republican , 3.506.20 Poor Away 100,000 107,808.46 7,808.46 17,106.97 Selectman William J. Hughes was ^•caucus Monday, evening: in the Hig- Sever and Sewage Disposial Project orders 54,785;33 . Town Farm 9,500 11,276.34 1,776.34 2,039.21 renominated over former Represen­ -|1 gins School Audttorram. Bushnell Repayment Thompsonville Trust Co. demand notes 225,000:00 Insane Poor 8,000 7,982.17 17.83 tative M. W. Hullivan by the Demo­ 'gM defeated • Kenneth W. Leete for the Hiartford-Conn. Trust Co., 30-year Coupon Bond, due Dec. 1, 1934 11,000;0(T Tree Warden ~ 250 241.07 8.93 crats in the High School auditorium 1|| nomination in one of the two con- Hartford-Conn. Trust Co., 7-year Coupon Bond, due Feb. 1, 1935 10,000.00 Lighting 21,000 19,892.53 1,107.47 Monday evening. Of the over 1200 • ' -tests that featured the caucus, by the Interest and other expenses • 39,341£8 Distribution Will Start Tomor­ : Water 6,500 5,429.70 1,070.30 people present, 1030 voted in the : decisive vote*pf 338 to 69. Louis row—Drivers Can Get One . Cemeteries 700 . 700.00 Hughes-Hullivan contest. Hughes Burns presented the name of Bush- HE/'-it lllj '" $846,205.54 h At The Press Office. Public Library 3,200 : 3,200.00 was the victor by a majority of 234, .. nellto the caucus and George S. -••ti ' BALANCE ON HAND SEPT. 1, 1935 Visiting Nurse 1,200 1,200.00 his vote being 632 to Hullivan's 398. .Bridge nominated Leete. - Sinking Funds with interest to May 1. 1935 98,205.34 Park & Playground 3,500 3,506.20 6.20 Frederick R. Furey nominated Mr. --~r - In- the only othefc contest, J. Ro- Although hampered by mechanical Emergency. ...Room 300 264.00 36.00 Hughes and the nomination was sec­ Lapjpnt defeated Adam A, Ka Town Deposit Fund with interest to May 1, 1935 9,114.82 Phelps Fund with interest to May 1; 1935 i 663.58 delays and many'pressing obligations Zoning Account 200 200.00 onded by President Edward DesRos- h- ty.Cx: Town Planning 100 100.00 Hartford-Conn. Trust Company, balance 46,759.67 for the' delivery of other work, , the Regular town balance 12,514,11 New P. O. Site 2,300 2,300.00 Safe Driving Pledge stickers, which F. E. R. A. 15,000 10,595.86 4,404.14 W:•.. ... $167,257.52 were promised this week are now ready for distribution. Deliveries to $282,350 $298,853.08 $24,226.57 $7,723.49 $26,705.51 - STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS the large group signers of the pledge 7,723.49 Total bonded indebtedness 873,800.00 will Jbe made tomorrow, and also to Agetued interest on above to September 1, 1935 10,330.62' such individuals as can be conven­ Total Refunds and Unspent Balance -.$34,429.00 iently reached. The surest way to Total Amount of Accounts Overdrawn ... 24,226.57| $i§ $884,130.62 get one is to call at The Press office. ASSETS While there is no obligation in the Balance of Budget Appropriation $10,202.43 pledge to paste one of the stickers on J Regular town balance ^ 12,514.11 the car, it is just an additional proof j * Due from State of Connecticut on Roads and Bridges Acc't, $5,310.79. Sinking Fund balance 98,205,34 that one is in sympathy with the Sidewalk and curbing account 4,380.00 movement and determined to live up| Uncollected .taxes 19^,037.55 c to the promises made in signing it. is~ The example that it will show to "Citizens" Ticket Eliminated • $312,137.00 others and the general tendency to STATEMENT OF NET INDEBTEDNESS make all who see it more safety con­ Total indebtedness 884,130.62 scious will be helpful also in carry­ From Annual Town Election Tojal assets 312,137.00 ing out the purpose of this movement. Following the distribution of the Total amount of net indebtedness ....$571,993.62 stickers the names of the first 1000 The prediction frequently made in eluded among them were the leaders signers here will be forwarded to the these columns recently that the; the movement and those in whose office of the Motor Vehicle Depart­ , . , .. , j „ . • I interest the movement was initiated. ment. Later lists and cards will be third party ticket would not figure in jThe final act of the elimination of sent as they accumulate in quanti­ the town election this fall was veri-jthe ticket took place in Hartford this V. F. W. Drum Corps Wins ties worth while forwarding. Many! fied today when it became known [ afternoon when the town officials who IRA S. BUSHNELL drivers have sent in their cards dur-' that steps had been taken to with-!had been named on it without their WILLIAM HUGHES ing the past week and there has draw the petition and the list of can- knowledge or consent conferred with minsky for collector of taxes, the 2nd Place In National Contest been a call for several additional didates that had been filed at the of-1 Secretary of State Satti at his office iers of the local United Textile Work­ vote Deing 250 to 146. The caucus cards and lists. These will continue fice of the Secretary of State at Hart- j in Hartford. ers' Union. Thomas J. Halpin, for­ was the largest Republican gather­ to be available at The Press office. ford. While several of the candi- j The conference resulted in a decis- mer president of the union, present­ In the contest for the drum corpiis \arly pleasing feature of the compe­ There is no time limit or haste to ing of this character in a number of national championship held at the tition also was the fact that Harry dates named had already ordered | ion by the Secretary of State that ed the name of Hullivan and Repre­ .years nearly 600 electors being pres­ this campaign, but so that the move­ their names removed from the list .the ticket or any part of it that sentative Stanley A. Yesukiewioz, its convention of the Veterans of For- _ Frigon, who led the local corps in the ment may be of the greatest benefit ent. The meeting gave the usual au­ eign Wars at New Orleans yesterday j contest, was awarded first prize as and others did likewise, the result of might have remained after the with­ former secretary, seconded the nom­ thority to the town committee to fill as quickly as possible the sooner one the contest for first selectman in the drawals would not be presented to ination. the Patrick F. Triggs Post, V. F. W. J the best appearing drum major.. He signs the better. Call 50 and the % any vacancies that might occur on Drum Corps of this town won second. was substituting for Major Edward Democratic caucus Monday night was the local electors at the town election The contest for second selectman the ticket. F. Howard Stetson was cards will be delivered by mail or by the final blow to the "Citizens" par-, here on October 7. The contest for resulted in the renomination of the prize "which was $300. The corps had Cunningham, who was unable to messenger if it is convenient.
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