- '· I Page 28 - 50th Jubilee Edition THE ISRAELITE PRESS Friday, ~une ·23, 1961 i • I I · ! t AN OUTLl;NE, OF MAJOR. ... E-VENTS--;' . AND DATES " . /• . I IN WESTERN. CANADIAN -JEWISH HISTORY By LOUIS· s. ROSENBERG IJune 1763. '1'he brotbe!'II Lumley and Sellin where they found work. katcbewan, 55 miles west of me- Vancouver Talmud Torah open~ fU'St Jewish Day School in Can- Canadian Jewish Congress eommit- 1843 Franklin, the Bosr.owilzes, Gtistav l&as · van by Hoses Hoffer and his sons 1917 ada. · tee establlsbed in Mlllltreal, and The C.OIJowing brief outline of the Moses Bihlcy came to Montreal and Emil Sutro and Frank Sylvt?$- The brothers David and Isaac brae! and Heyer Hoffer, fonner The "Canader Yid" published in 1921 Cuadlan Jewisb Congress commit- h.istotY of Je-,1 in Weitern C#Dada from Buula. settled ID Ottawa in ter settled ID Victoria on Van- Oppenheim.er elected . members of graduates o fBaron de Hirsch's Jew. Winnipeg. sold to n~ ownm, wh,? Abraham A. Heaps, first .Jew tee in Toomto and Wlllnipeg. ~=~ :~:a~e;-t ~ ::1goMen:m1: :el86~edd~ ·=~.:;d. ~Vancouver City CouDcll. ~~~= =i.Slobodka !:an:!!:OS~!dJ':: V.,ort ~ ~~pe~em~ of Parliament rrom 19:~s~:!: i:r!ence of Canadlan event, ft~m the 181h century up to for three ye:ea,, and returned to Hebriiw Benevolent s O cie t y · John Heppner, pioneer Jewish 1906 ,weetb·, as a semi-weekly in 1918, Jewish congress held in Win111peg 1933.-FA.itor. Ottawa in 1867 after serving in the founded ID Victoria, on Vancouver farmer, settled on a· farm near "Der Viderldang" (The F.cho). and as a daily in•1~ 1927 passed resolution- that •'the cana- 1763 . Union Army,during the American Island. Wapella; approximately 40 miles first :attempt to publish a news- 1919, Nllftfflber . Cap~ William Verner Toblu dian Jewish Congress be establish- Ezekiel Solomons, • Jewish fur Civil War. 1170, ·Nov. m~rth-east of the previous Mooso- paper in Yuldish in Winnipeg, pub- Jewish' Old Folks Home founded elected member of Manitoba Pro- ed. as • permanent and authorita- trader who seUled in Montreal in 1156 Heney Nathan elected member of mm settlement and was 6ubseque!1t- llshed several issues. in Win111peg. vinclal Legislature Ctom Winnipeg. tive body to represent the Jew5 of 1760 and who established a trad- The brothers Gottfried, earl, Provincial Legwative Council in ly f?~owed by some twenty J~ 1908 1920, Sept. 2tO 1933 canada in all maUers ~ng ing port at Michllimachinae in David and Isaac Oppenheimer, who Brit.WI Columbia. famili~ who setUed on farms 1D Simon Leiser elected President Pereta School in Winnipeg open- Canadian Jewish committee and to their common intere!ts u Jews." partnm;blp with Levy Solomons, came ta C8lifomia from. Germany 1872 that neighborhood. of Victoria Board of Trade. ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:::::::;:::::::;::;::;:;:;;::;:;:;::::;-..,, was captured by Indians and taken in 1851, arriv4!!1 in Victoria, on Selim FranJd.in elected member 1886 . 1910 to &lontreat, where he was ransom, Vancouver ll;land. of the_ British Columbia :r,.egisl.a- DaVId Oppenheuner elected may- Jewish homesteaders f O un de d cd by other Jewish merclwJts in 1858 or of Vancouver and re-elected for ; ttl tefi Al -;;_____ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;; I ture. _.,_ · f ffi til .. arm se ements at Mon 1ore, • • 1872 successive penuw, o o c:e un sask and EYre in Alberta. near the Lumley Franklin elected Mayor the end D! _1891, _when he withdrew boundary with Saskatchewan. COMPLlMENTS OF of Victoria. fr~m political ~e. David Oppen- 1910 · 1876 heuner was president of the Van- S. Hart Green first Jew elected couver Board of Trade, the Van- M ber of th .. •t b Prov:in ·a1 H.Yman Miller selUed in Fort couver Improvement Company, the el!l. e ,..am O a Cl Congratulations ·MANITOBA JUNK CO. Garry, 5Ubseqnently renamed Win•· Westminster and Vancouver Tram- Legislature. WM. HOLT, Manager nipeg. way Company, and the B.C. J)redg- 1910 1877 Ing ·and Dyking Company. "Der Courier", second effort to The brothers Adolph, Achille and 1888 publish Yid~h newspaper in !{in• on this 21 Aikins Street Phone JUstice 9-6379 Winnipeg Edmond Coblentz selUed in Winni• Jacob Pierce, his sons and sev- nlpeg, published 13 issues at irre- peg era1 other Jewish farmers 'settled gular intervals over a period of a '1877 on homesteads neill' Oxbow in that year, then sold it to new owners Max G.?ldstl.ne opened a general P;u:t of the North;west. Terrjtories who renamed it ~o "~der•Yid", sl,ol'e in Qu'Appelle North-West which became the P.rovmce of Sas- and resum_ ed publication as a week- Tehitories. ' katcliewan in 1905. 1y newspaper in 1911. The "Cana- 50th Jubilee 1889 der Yid" was subsequently pub- 1881 . Ekiel Bronfman and his family llshed ·as a semi-week]r, and for a Best Wishes for t.he Dr. Hiram Vmeberg settled in settled on a farm-near Wapella. short period in 1914 as a dally Brandon, Ma~tob~, and was Board 1889 newspaper. · of Health Officer 1D the years from First Shaare Zedek Synagogue 1911 · Continued Growth -of . the 1881 tf? 1883, inclusive. b•illt in Winnipeg, Hebrew Free Loan As!iociatfon Celebration 1882, June·1 . 1892.. May· founded in Winnipeg.· Second group of 247 Jew~ refu• · Oldest existing Jewish farm 1912 of the ISRAELITE PRESS gees from Russia arrived 1D Win• settlement at Hirsch in the North• Synagogue- built in Saskatoon. nipeg. Many of_ the _men · in the West Territories (subsequently Sas- 1913, Sept. group obtained work m ~e bull~- ka!chew~) esta~lished by the Col• Beth Jacob Synagogue built in the Ing of the Caruldian Pacific· Bail- oruzation Committee of the Young Regina. and way west of Win111peg, . Men's Hebrew Benevolent Society 1913 Great Jewish Publication , 1882, May 26 of Montreal o:O behalf of Baron de Samuel Gintzburger appointed First group of Jewish refugees ,Hirsch with 47 Jew'ish families. Consul. for SWitzerland in British JEWISH COMMUNITY from Russia, . numbering 15 men 1901 Columbia. and 4 women arrived in Winnipeg, Jewish farm settlement founded 1914 more than doubling the small mun- at Lipton by the Jewish Coloniza- Talmud ·Torah founded in Ed- ber of Jews in that town which hail tion Association, 90 miles north• mouton. a to~ population of less than 8,000. east of· Regina in Saskatchewan. 1914 The ' Workmen's circle Sebool opened Israelite Press 1882 · 1905 First attempt made by the Rus- Winnipeg Talmud Torah organ• in Winnipeg, so-Jewish Committee of London to ized. · 1914 \ * setUe 27 Jewish farmers on home- 1905 Samuel Schultz appointed County steads, about 25 miles southwest of Moses Finkelstein elected Alder• Court Judge at . Vancouver, the M0osomin, in the Assiniboia. Dis- man in Winnipeg, first Jew in C&nada appointed as ABE SCHWARTZ - Representing trict of the North-West Territories, 1906 · . judge. · · which subseqi.tent.l,y became part of Jewish farm settlement of Eden• 1915 Silverwood Dairies ltd. the Prov in c e of Saskatchewan. bridge founded in the Carrot River Saskatoon Talmud Torah opened. Lacking adequate planning, 5uper- Valley, 70 miles east of Prince M· 1915 -The NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. N.W~ Notre Dame and Princess vision and advice, without previous bert in Saskatchewan, by Lithuan• Western canada.Fund for the Re­ ,, ....... experience in farming under pion- ia11 Jewish s_ettlers from South Af. lief of Je*h. War SUfferers found- 219 Kennedy Street • ·Winnipeg· ' '~. /f eer. c:onditions, and isolated and far rlca. and oLndon.. • ed in,Wtnnipeg, which raised $400,•. .WINNIPEG .•.. ~ distant-from any olherJ'ewiilh com• 1906 · . 000 diJrlng the period from 1915.to munlty, thill attempt failed and the Jewish farm settlement of Son• 1920, , ' I ,, I~ · settlers drifted back to Win111peg, nenfeld founded in Southern Sas- 1917 · OUR· HEARTl'EST CONGRATULATIONS AND .BEST WISHES FOR MANY MORE YEARS OF UN- INTERRUPTED PUBLICATION .OF ONE OF THE·. MOST·· IMPORTANT. Bl-LINGUAL NEWSPAPERS IN OUR CITY. ' From a Very Close Frien.4 .· of e ., .
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