JJoouurrnneeyyss ooff tthhee CCrryyssttaall SSkkuullll EExxpplloorreerrss (the free e-book edition) with Joshua Shapiro & Blue Arrow Rainbow Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers © 2008, R. L. Shapiro and S. A. Desirée Roodnat (revised version 2008, spring edition, the free e-book) This is a free e-book. You may freely copy this book and share it with any friends or acquaintances as long as the book is kept in its entirety. If you would like to re-print any portions of this book to share with others then please contact us at the address shown below to receive permission: Crystal Skull Events (International) / V J Enterprises Attn: Joshua or Blue Arrow Rainbow USA / The Netherlands Emails: [email protected] (Joshua) [email protected] (Blue Arrow Rainbow) Website: http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/cs.html http://www.crystalskullevents.org http://www.whoisjoshuashapiro.com Book Design: Joshua Shapiro & Blue Arrow Rainbow Editors: Joshua Shapiro & Blue Arrow Rainbow Photographs: R. L. Shapiro & S.A. Desirée Roodnat, Al Ramirez & Stan Chan, Bill Homann and special thanks to Jim Hamill ( from the British Museum, for the opportunity to visit and photograph their crystal skull ) To Download your free Copy of this E-book: (Go to: http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/free-ebook/csexplorers.html) First Edition, Third Publication E-book constructed in the United States and the Netherlands TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Welcome > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 1 The Mysterious Crystal Skulls (an article) 2 The Crystal Skull Explorers (Biographies) … Blue Arrow Rainbow 8 … Joshua Shapiro 9 Meet our Crystal Skull Family > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 10 Portal de Luz 11 Unity 12 Mozes of Peace 13 Xian Adonai 14 Kosmoz 15 ChinZon Shine 16 Infinity 17 EL – I 18 Stargate 19 Byoux 20 Hidden Messages within our Crystal Skulls > > > > > > > > > > > 21 Golden Dragonfly Grandfather 22 Mozes of Peace 24 ChinZon Shine 26 Portal de Luz 28 (Zoomed View: Portal de Luz/Xian Adonai) 29 Byoux 30 What is Going on Here? 31 Suggestive Technique working w/photos of our Crystal Skulls 32 Crystal Skull Meditation for World Peace 33 Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers 41 (our new comprehensive Printed Edition 2008 & the e-book 2004) Public Crystal Skull Events and Services 49 Interview with Bill Homann (“Skull of Love”) 51 The World Mystery Research Center 54 Special Paintings by Blue Arrow Rainbow 55 Tips for Reading the Book 56 Final Thoughts 57 How to Contact Us 58 (and other Crystal Skull resources) Special Announcements 59 WWeellccoommee Thank you for your interest in our book and joining us for this brief exploration of one of the world’s greatest mysteries known as the crystal skulls or what the Mayans refer to as the “Crystal Heads.” We are Joshua and Blue Arrow Rainbow, your hosts. Both of us have been involved with the crystal skulls for a number of years now. We collectively take care of over 50 skulls (heads) ourselves which we work quite closely with. You will encounter a few of these friends, later within this e-book. We believe that the very old crystal skulls (also called ‘ancient’ skulls) which are publicly known within our world today represent one of the most important artifacts that have ever been discovered within our recorded history. Furthermore, we feel that each crystal skull (whether of an older or more modern design) has a significant role to play in our future that will eventually assist Mankind in many ways that will help us create a more peaceful world. This small e-book is just a short introduction about the crystal skulls and a little bit about our personal work with them. However you will find at the end, a few links to various other sources that you can visit to further your own personal studies or research. Additionally we have included an overview of our new and more comprehensive book that is will be available in the 2nd half of 2008 (or has already been released) entitled: Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers The first version of this work was released as an e-book in 2004. This specific book includes information that we have gathered from over 25 years of travels and experiences with the crystal skulls. It also recognizes and honors many of the different individuals who have played a key role in educating the public about the skulls. Thank you for taking the time to explore this e-book and bring us into your home. We hope you enjoy your stay with us. In Peace, Light, Love and Joy always …. Joshua and Blue Arrow Rainbow The Crystal Skull Explorers 1 An Introduction “What is a Crystal Skull?” – Well as this name or term implies we are speaking about a skull shaped object that is made from various types of quartz crystals (clear, amethyst, smoky, rose, etc …). Most of us are familiar with quartz crystal as this gemstone is a key component within all of our modern-day electronics; devices that we use each and every day (including the computer you are using to read this book btw). There are many people today who work with their personal crystals in order to re- energize themselves, for healing (physical or emotional problems) or even to assist them in their development of their inner or spiritual gifts. However, when one begins to work with a quartz crystal that is in the shape of a human- like skull – other strange phenomena begin to occur around them. We have received numerous reports from people all over the world having some very special experiences connected to the crystal skulls. There are three different types of crystal skulls that are spoken about in the world today as follows1: “NEW or CONTEMPORARY” – These are crystal skulls that are being manufactured by modern carvers. There are thousands upon thousands of such skulls in existence today. Since the middle part of the 1990’s, there has been an explosion in the interest about the crystal skulls. There are quite a few people now, in all parts of our world, who have acquired their own personal skull to work with and use. The contemporary crystal skulls come in all shape and sizes and are being primarily done by carvers in Brazil and China. These skulls can even be found for sale upon E-Bay. © Blue Arrow Rainbow & Joshua Shapiro “Portal de Luz” – a smoky quartz “OLD” – a crystal skull that was created between crystal skull created by a Master 100 years ago to about 1000 years ago. A Carver from Brazil. Caretaker – number of these types of skulls have been Joshua Shapiro discovered within or near ancient ruins in Mexico or Central America. In general, the appearance of these crystal skulls are somewhat crude in form and upon a close examination of the surface of an “Old” crystal skull, there are usually observed some type of tool marks left by its carver, similar to what can be detected with the newly made crystal skulls. 2 “ANCIENT” -- a crystal skull which was fashioned at least 1500-2000 years ago or was created long long ago. It has been suggested that some of these crystal skulls could literally be (hundred of) thousands of years old based upon the studies conducted by various researchers. Also, it has been suggested (or implied) through various legends or oral traditions of different indigenous peoples that the ancient skulls are very very old. Presently there are only a small number of such crystal skulls known publicly. As to the exact number of how many ancient skulls could exist, this answer is unknown. At the present time, we do not have an exact scientific procedure to be able to date when a piece of quartz was shaped into a skull however there are a number of different ideas and theories about how one can definitively identify a crystal skull as being “ancient” (or even “old”). Again, many of these types of skulls appear to have some type of link with different Mesoamerican cultures as well as possible ties with various Native American tribes or nations within North America. We have even heard rumors of crystal skulls that have been found or are known within South America and in other parts of the world as well. In general, we are unable to detect tool marks upon the surface of an ancient crystal skull. The implications of this condition suggests that either this particular skull was done completely by hand (over a long period of time) or perhaps, there was some form of very sophisticated and advanced technology that was utilized to make the skull, of which we are not familiar with as of yet. Most of the so-called very old or ancient crystal skulls we have personally met have a very intense energy field that surrounds them, of which many people are able to sense or feel. This energy field can be quite strong and powerful. There are a number of different theories that have been given as to explain how these ancient skulls may have been manufactured; some of which are quite fantastic in their scope. It has been difficult to trace the true history about where these objects as far as where they may have originated from or what parts of the world they have traveled through. Attempts have been made by various groups to work with trained sensitives in the presence of a crystal skull and record the impressions that they psychically receive. However this method does not always guarantee success as the historical information channeled by these psychics does not always agree and even can be conflicting at times. History of the Crystal Skulls – The public first became aware of the crystal skulls during the later part of the 19th century.
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