Public Document Pack Democratic Services White Cliffs Business Park Dover Kent CT16 3PJ Telephone: (01304) 821199 Fax: (01304) 872452 DX: 6312 Minicom: (01304) 820115 Website: www.dover.gov.uk e-mail: democraticservices @dover.gov.uk 7 June 2013 Dear Councillor I am now able to enclose, for consideration at the meeting of the DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE on Thursday 13 June 2013 at 10.00 am, the following report that was unavailable when the agenda was printed. 7 DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS ARISING FROM PLANNING APPLICATION DOV/12/00440 - OUTLINE PERMISSION (WITH ALL MATTERS RESERVED EXCEPT ACCESS) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF UP TO 521 RESIDENTIAL UNITS (USE CLASS C3); UP TO 9,335SQM 90 APARTMENT RETIREMENT VILLAGE (USE CLASS C2); UP TO 730SQM HEALTH FACILITY (USE CLASS D2); CONVERSION OF THATCHED BARN TO PUB/RESTAURANT (USE CLASS A4/A3); CONVERSION OF STABLE BLOCK TO RETAIL SHOP (USE CLASS A1/A2); AND CONVERSION OF FARMHOUSE TO BED & BREAKFAST (USE CLASS C1) TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING AND ANCILLARY INFRASTRUCTURE AND WORKS AT GREAT FARTHINGLOE FARM, DOVER – OUTLINE PERMISSION (WITH ALL MATTERS RESERVED) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF UP TO 7,400SQM 130 BED HOTEL & 150 PERSON CONFERENCE CENTRE (CLASS C1); AND CONVERSION OF THE DROP REDOUBT TO A MUSEUM/VISITOR CENTRE (USE CLASS D1) TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING AND ANCILLARY INFRASTRUCTURE AND WORKS AT LAND AT WESTERN HEIGHTS, DOVER – OUTLINE PERMISSION (WITH ALL MATTERS RESERVED EXCEPT LAYOUT AND ACCESS) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF UP TO 31 RESIDENTIAL UNITS (USE CLASS C3); AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE VICTORIA HALLS TO PROVIDE 9 RESIDENTIAL UNITS (USE CLASS C3) TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING AND ANCILLARY INFRASTRUCTURE AND WORKS AT LAND AT WESTERN HEIGHTS, DOVER – PROVISION OF PEDESTRIAN ACCESS NETWORK TO FACILITATE ENHANCED RECREATION ACCESS TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING AND WORKS ON LAND AT GREAT FARTHINGLOE FARM AND WESTERN HEIGHTS, DOVER (Pages 2 - 199) To consider the attached report of the Head of Regeneration and Development. Yours sincerely Chief Executive S1 Agenda Item No 7 DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORT OF THE HEAD OF REGENERATION AND DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – 13 JUNE 2013 PLANNING COMMITTEE – 13 JUNE 2013 (a) DOV/12/00440 1) Outline permission (with all matters reserved except access) for construction of: a. Up to 521 residential units (Use Class C3); b. Up to 9,335sqm 90 apartment retirement village (Use Class C2); c. Up to 730sqm health facility (Use Class D2); d. Conversion of thatched barn to pub/restaurant (Use Class A4/A3); e. Conversion of stable block to retail shop (Use Class A1/A2); and f. Conversion of farmhouse to bed & breakfast (Use Class C1) together with associated landscaping and ancillary infrastructure and works at Great Farthingloe Farm, Dover. 2) Outline permission (with all matters reserved) for: a. Construction of up to 7,400sqm 130 bed hotel & 150 person conference centre (Class C1); and b. Conversion of the Drop Redoubt to a Museum/Visitor Centre (Use Class D1) together with associated landscaping and ancillary infrastructure and works at land at Western Heights, Dover. 3) Outline permission (with all matters reserved except layout and access) for: a. Construction of up to 31 residential units (Use Class C3); and b. Reconstruction of the Victoria Halls to provide 9 residential units (Use Class C3) together with associated landscaping and ancillary infrastructure and works at land at Western Heights, Dover. 4) Provision of pedestrian access network to facilitate enhanced recreation access together with associated landscaping and works on land at Great Farthingloe Farm and Western Heights, Dover b) Summary of Recommendation Approve (subject to the recommendations at part g)) S2 c) Planning Policy and Guidance Dover District Core Strategy Policy CP1 identifies the Settlement Hierarchy. Dover is a ‘Secondary Regional Centre’, being a major focus for development in the District and suitable for the largest scale development. Policy CP3 indicates that of 14,000 additional houses proposed within the district, land will be allocated at Dover to accommodate 9,700 units (70% of the total requirement). Policy CP4 requires housing mix guidance to accord with the Strategic Housing Market Assessment and seeks a design led approach to density albeit that density should normally exceed 40 dwellings net per hectare (dnph) and seldom be less than 30 dnph. Policy CP5 requires housing development (prior to 1 April 2013) to meet Code for Sustainable Homes level 3. After this date, Code level 4 is required. CP Figure 3.3 summarises the spatial proposals of the Core Strategy for Dover. Reference is made to the Western Heights fort being a major historical asset, the full potential of which should be realized. The supporting text emphasizes the need for the Western Heights to fulfil its potential to attract visitors and enhance understanding, within causing harm to intrinsic qualities and in a way that coordinates with other attractions in the centre. Policy CP6 outlines the need for infrastructure to be in place to support new development. Infrastructure required to support the strategy of the plan (transport, affordable housing, education, health, social infrastructure, green infrastructure, public services, utility services and flood defences) and the timing of their delivery are itemised. Policy CP7 requires pressure on Green Infrastructure from new development to be offset by appropriate quantitative and qualitative measures. Policy DM1 states that development will not be permitted on land outside the urban boundary unless specifically justified by other development plan policies, or it functionally requires such a location or it is ancillary to existing development/uses. Policy DM2 protects employment land (including sites with an extant employment permission) from alternative uses unless subsequently allocated for an alternative use in the Development Plan and/or where the land is no longer viable/appropriate for employment. Policy DM3 requires that new commercial buildings in the rural area be located at a rural settlement. Policy DM4 allows for the conversion of suitable buildings, beyond the confines of settlements, for commercial uses provided they are of a suitable character and scale for the proposed use, contribute to local character and are acceptable in other planning respects. S3 Policy DM5 requires 30% of homes provided on residential schemes of more than 15 dwellings to be affordable housing units. Policy DM11 states that development which generates travel will not be permitted outside the urban boundaries unless justified by development plan policies. Development generating high levels of travel will only be permitted within the urban areas in locations that are or can be made to be well served by a range of means of transport. Policy DM12 states that proposals involving the construction of a new access onto a trunk or primary road will not be permitted if there would be a significant increase in the risk of crashes or traffic delays unless proposals can incorporate measures that provide sufficient mitigation. Policy DM13 requires parking provision to be a design led process based on the characteristics of the site, the locality, the nature and design of the development. Vehicle and cycle parking guidance should be followed. Policy DM15 states that development which results in the loss of or adversely affect the character or appearance of the countryside will only be permitted where measures are incorporated to reduce, as far as practical, any harmful effects on the countryside and (inter alia) it is: In accordance with allocations made in Development Plan Documents; justified by a need to sustain the rural economy and/or rural community; it cannot be accommodated elsewhere; and does not result in the loss of ecological habitats. Policy DM16 indicates that development harming the character of the landscape (identified through the process of landscape character assessment) will only be permitted if: It is in accordance with allocations made in the Development Plan Documents and incorporates any necessary avoidance and mitigation measures or it can be sited to avoid or reduce the harm and/or incorporate design measures to appropriately mitigate impacts. Dover District Local Plan (saved policies) Policy CO8 states that development adversely affecting a hedgerow will only be permitted if: No practical alternative exists; suitable native replacement panting is provided; and future maintenance is secured through conditions/S.106. Policy ER6 requires external lighting to use full cut-of lanterns. Policy HS2 states that permission will only be granted for new large housing sites where the planned housing for the district would not be significantly exceeded. Policy OS2 requires housing of more than 15 family units to provide children’s play space or provide an equivalent payment towards nearby off-site facilities. Policy OS3 indicates that permission for housing will only be granted where the developer has made long term arrangements to meet open space needs arising. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) S4 • Underpinning the NPPF is the presumption in favour of sustainable development . Sustainable development is seen as having three dimensions - economic, social and environmental – which are mutually dependent and should be sought jointly and simultaneously. • Local Planning Authorities should take a positive approach to decision-making, looking for solutions rather than problems. • Where proposals
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