FINANCE DEPARTMENT DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 1979-80 TAMIL \ADII vl Plai NARRATIVE^ TJ^^MoGR AMMES )I ( / f i €> GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU 1979 PRINTED BT THE DIRECTOR OF STATIONERY AND PRINTING, MADRAS ON behalf OF THE GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 1979-80 TAMIL NADU NARRATIVE NOTES ON PROGRAMMES miCPA DC 1 1 .i* ! Systea-5 Unit, K 1 L.. u^e o f Educational PI..nrjin;| ana Aministration 37-B,SriAurtindo Marg, New Delhi-11001^ DOC. N o........... Date....... TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGEST 1. Agriculture .......................... 1-33 2. Minor Irrigation 34-3& 3. Soil and Water Oonaervation 40-43 4. Area Development 44-52 5. Food 53 6. Animal Husbandry 54-60- 7. Dairy Development 61-62 8. Fisheries 63-71 9. Forest .. ..................' 72-89- 10. Oommunity Development 90-92 11. Oo-operation 93-103 12. Irrigation and Flood Oontrol 104-111 13. Power .. 112-119' 14. Ii\d\istriea .......................... 120-140 15. Village and Small Industries 141-167 16. Mining and Metallurgical Industries 168 17. Ports, Lighthouses and Shipping 169-170> 18. Roads and Bridges 171-178 19. Road and Water Transport Services 179-181 20. Tourism 182-184 21. General Education 185-197 22. Art and Culture 198-201 23. Technical Education 202-20& 24. Medical 210-21& 25. Public Health and Sanitation 219-225 26. Sewepage and Water-Supply , 226-230 27. Housing 231-233 (ii) TABLE OF CONTENTS—cow«. pages 28. Urban Development .. 234-238 29. Information and Publicity 239-240 30. Labour and Labour Welfare 241-244 31. Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes 245-268 32. Social Welfare .. 269-272 33. Nutrition 273 34. Other Social and Community Services 274-275 35. Special and Backward Areas 276 36. Other General Economic Services .. 277-279 37. Public Works . 280-281 38. World Bank Projects and Integrated Urban Development Project 282-287 Gen eral Statements (i) Selected Programmes—Targets and Achievements 288-311 (ii) Minimum Needs Programme—Targets and Achievements 312-313 1. AGRICULTURE. I. D irection an d A dministration . 1. Reorganisation of the Department of Agriculture. (rupees in la k h s) Budget Estimate, 1979-80 To bring extension service and other functions available in the District under an unified control with a view to co-ordinate them and offer an integrated service to the farmers, it is proposed to strengthen the administration in the Chengalpattu and Madurai Districts in. the first phase. * < 2. Strengthening of Regional and District staff. (ru pees in l a k h s) Budget Estiniate, 1978-79 .. .. .. .. 0-90 Revised Estimate, 1978-79 .. .. .. .. 0-93 Budget Estimate, 1979-80 .. .. .. .. 2-00 To maintain better financial control and administration in the offices of the Deputy Directors of Agi’iculture and District Agricultm’al Officers, one additional Superintendent has been sanctioned to each of the 13 offices of the District Agricultuial Officers and Deputy Directors of Agriculture. During 1979-80 it is proposed to appoint additional Superintendents in another 15 offices. The provision is mainlj^ for the pay and allowances of the staff. II. M ultiplication an d D istribution of Se e d s. 1. State Seed Farms. (ru pees in la k h s) Budget Estimate, 1978-79 .. .. .. .. 55-25 Revised Estimate, 1978-79 ........................... .. 53 07 Budget Estinmte, 1979-80 .. .. .. .. 19-88 There are 49 State Seed Farms in the State for the production of foundation aiKl certified seeds of paddy, Millets, Cotton, Oilseeds, etc. By phased programme additional facilities are provided to these farms, such as reclamation, fencing, construction of seed godowns, office buildings and staff quarters during 1978-79. Provision made is intended for the above purpose during 1978-79. Reclamation will be taken up in 3 Farms, barbed wire fencing in seven farms, staff quarters in 3 farms, office building in 7 farnvs during 1979-80. 2. procurement and Distribution of Paddy Seeds. (RUPEES in L4.KWS) Budget Estimate, 1978-79 .. .. .. .. 2,58-77 Revised Estimate, 1978-79 .. .. .. .. 2,11-04 Budget Estimate, 1979-80................................................ 2,30-04 The policy is to distribute paddy seeds to covd 7 per cent of the toie\ area, hybrid millets 30 per cent of the area, variety millets 7 per cent of the area except lagi which is oovered bv 15 per cent. The seeds intended for distributxn will be piccuied fjom the L d centres oi|anised in the private faim holdings ar.d ii> the Government State Seed krm s Seeds required for seed centres are produced from the btate Seed Farms. Provision under the Scheme is mainly to meet the cost of seeds. The construction of the Seed " godo^^^s has since been completed for \vhicL necessary staff assistance has been provided for thd year 1979—80. 3. Multij-limUon and Distribution of Pulses Seeds. (EUPEES IN lakhs) Budget Estimate, 1978-79 ... •-* ••• 46-36 Revised Estimate, 1978-79 .. ... ^ 65-14 Budget Estimate, 1979-80 ........................... — 87-09 The following schemes are operated imder this x^rogramme:— 1. Integrated Scheme on Pulses Seed Centre and Seed Midtiplication. 2 Foundation Pulses Seed Miiltiplication at Vamban. 3* Pulses Development Scheme staff at Headquarters—Pay and allowances. The main components are procurement and distribution of improved seeds and ins 1 000 demonstrations in the farmers’ holdings and popularisethe new production tPPhniaues with a subsidy of Rs 65 per acre. The distribution during 1979-80 will be increased to 2,400 tonnes from the present level of 1,700 tonnes. The provision is to meet the cost of seeds and subsidy to the demoLstraticns hA^ides worldng expenses and erection facilities for the Vamban Farm. During 1979-80 Provision is made assuming big! er rate for the seeds to be procured. Two thousand and fo u r hundred toni\es contemplated under the scheme will be produced m 5 Seed Centres established during 1978-79, namely 1. Tiruvannamalai. 2. Tirunelveli. 3. Pudukkottai. 4. Periakulam and 5. Pollachi. 4. Multiplication and Disiribution of Paddy and oiher Seeds [Foundation), (kupees in lakh s) Budget Estimate, 1978-79 .. .. •• ^‘78 Revised Esi^imate, 1978-79 ....................................... 6-70 Budget Estimate, 1979-80 ..................................... 0-08 Under Seed Multiplication Schemes, paddy seeds procm-ed from the ryots for distribu- have to be stored before distribution. For storing the seeds, the department has proposed to construct the Seed Godowns at the following places 1. Sholavandan. 2. Sivaganga. 3. Trungur. 4. liruvarur. 5. Palayamkottai. 6. Naviock. The provision is to w a r d s the construction of godowns. -. ig Units. (RUPEES IN lak h s) .Lfttimtw j, * ^Js .. .. 10-78 Revistid 1^ -8-^ .. .. 8-20 Budget Estimate, 11''9 8- .. .. .. 11-88 Mechanical processing of seed is necessary to maintain higher standards in seeds. Therefore seed processing units are estabhshed both in the State Seed Farms and in the Seed Centres. Besides the seeds produced by the Department, seeds produced by the private seed growers are also being processed in these processing centres. Twenty State Seed Farms and Seed Centres have already been provided with processing facilities. The provision is for erection of machineries in 3 centres and construction of staff quarters in 5 centres. 6. Procurement and Distribution of Oreen Manure Seeds. (RUPEES TN lak h s) Budget Estimate, 1978-79 .. .. .. .. 14-00 Revised Estimate, 1978-79 .. ,. ,. .. 14-00 Budget Estimate, 1979-80 .. .. .. 14-00 The provision is intended for procurement and distribution of 1,000 tonnes of greon manure seeds of different kinds to cover 60,000 hectares annually to improve the organic matter content of the soil with a view to improve fertility. 7. Buildings. (ru pees in lak h s) Budget Estimate, 1978-79 .. .. .. .. 4-93 Revised Estimate, 1978-79 .. .. .. .. 10-29 Budget Estimate, 1979-80 .. .. .. .. 2-60 The provision is mainly for the construction of Extension Centre for Intensive Agri­ cultural Development Programme in Thanjavur District, Staff quarters in Seed Proces­ sing Unit at Sholavandan, Seed Stores at Kondalur and Soil Testing Laboratories at Tiruchirappalli and Dharmapuri, 8, Independent Seed Inspectorate. (RUPEES IN lak h s) Budget Estimate, 1978-79 ...................................... 0 40 Revised Estimate, 1978-79 ...................................... 0*41 Budget Estimate, 1979-80 .. .. .. .. 0-39 The object is to enforce the provision of Seed Act, 1966 to ensure distribution of quality seeds and to prevent spurious materials. When a District Agricultural Officer is appointed under the scheme having jurisdiction over Coimbatore, Salem and Madurai Districts, he will be able to take about 600 samples per annum at the distribution points by surprise. The i>rovision is tow'ards cost of staff and contingencies. 4 9. Seed Testing Laboratories. (RCrPESIS rif la k h s) Budget Estimate, 1978-79 0-85 Revised Estimate, 1978-79 0-35 Budget Estimate, 1979-80 0-50 Under Seed Act, 1966 tv/o laboratories one at Coimbatore and another at Madurai have been already established. Under the Act, these laboratories test various kinds of seeds for their physical purity and viability and on the basis of their report seed certificates are issued. These laboratories together have to analyse 20,000 samples j^er annum. The provision made under Bevised Estimate, 1978-79 and Budget Estimate, 1979-80 is intended for providing additional space to the Coimbatoie Laboratory and for purchase of machineries. 10. Sugarcane Seed Multiplication Scheme. (RFP£ES IN LAKHS) Revised Estimate, 1978-79 5-00 Budget Estimate, 1979-80 .. ^ — 0*o0 The object of the scheme is to produce and j sugarcane growers. ^ ^ materials to the Government have sanctioned 6 Zonal Farms o f which 5 have u ^ districts of Chengalpattu, North Arcot, South Arcot, Thaniavur and Salem - f • taken to estabhsh the 6th Farm at Coimbatore district. Action is being III. A gricultural F ar m s , 1.
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