CURRICULUM VITAE TOBIAS J KREIDL EDUCATION PhD University of Vienna Austria astronomy CURRENT POSITION System Programmer Principal Team LEad Northern Arizona University Systems Analyst Principal Northern Arizona University Systems Analyst Senior Northern Arizona University Systems Analyst Northern Arizona University Adjunct Faculty Northern Arizona University PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Research Assistant Ruhr University Bo chum Germany Astronomer Lowell Observatory Computer Systems Manager Lowell Observatory Computer Systems ManagerResearch Scientist Planetary Science Institute CONSULTANTSHIPS FebruaryMarch Space Telescop e Science Institute Hubble Space Telescop e WFPC Imaging Team February Planetary Science Institute April Go ddard Space Flight Center NASA RSD Program committee PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES American Astronomical So ciety Division for Planetary Sciences International Astronomical Union DECUS USENIX PUBLICATIONS TOBIAS J KREIDL P L Fischer P Jackson and T J Kreidl Photographische Positionen der Kometen Kohoutek f und Bradeld b Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen P L Fischer P Jackson and T J Kreidl Photographische Positionen des Kometen KobayashiBergerMilon h Anzeiger der mathnaturw Klasse der osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften See also IAU Circular No T J Kreidl Eine erweiterte Reduktionsmetho de zur Auswertung von Messungen an engen visuellen Dopp elsternen PhD Thesis University of Vienna Austria K Rakos R Albrecht H Jenkner T Kreidl R Michalke D Ob erlerchner E Santos A Schnell and W Weiss Photometric and Astrometric Observations of Close Visual Binaries In Modern Astrometry IAU Col loquium No F V Pro chazka and R H Tucker eds pp W W Weiss and T J Kreidl editors ApStars in the Infrared Workshop October Institute for Astronomy Vienna Austria T Kreidl M Buchholz and Ch Winkler Image Pro cessing at the Astronomical Insti tute of the RuhrUniversitat Bo chum ESO Messenger W W Weiss and T J Kreidl Photometry of Przybylskis Star A Comparison of Perio d Determination Metho ds Astron Astrophys T Kreidl J Kozok and M Buchholz The Image Pro cessing System at the Astronomical Institute of the RuhrUniversitat Bo chum Image Processing Circular No R Albrecht and M Capaccioli eds W A Baum T Kreidl J A Westphal G E Danielson P K Seidelmann D Pascu and D G Currie Prole of Saturns E Ring abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc T J Kreidl A Program to Determine Perio dicities in Data Sets Deemings Metho d Image Processing Circular No R Albrecht and M Capaccioli eds W A Baum and T J Kreidl How to Make Planetary Rings abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc B Vaucher N Thomas T J Kreidl and A Hoag Quantitative Measures of Slitless Sp ectra of QSOs abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc W A Baum B Thomsen and T J Kreidl Subtleties in the FlatFielding of Charge Coupled Device CCD Images SPIE Vol Solid State Imagers for Astronomy pp W A Baum T Kreidl J A Westphal G E Danielson P K Seidelmann D Pascu and D G Currie Saturns E Ring I CCD Observations of March Icarus W A Baum and T J Kreidl Thickness of Saturns A and B Rings abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc N M White and T J Kreidl Occultation Angular Diameters of Tauri by Least Squares and Deconvolution abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc N M White T J Kreidl L Goldb erg An Occultation Angular Diameter in Halpha Light Astrophys J W A Baum and T J Kreidl Detection of a Cloud Surrounding Saturns A and B Rings abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc J A Tyson W A Baum and T Kreidl Deep CCD Images of C Astrophys J Lett LL W A Baum and T J Kreidl Apparent Thickness of the A and B Rings abstract In Saturn Conference Abstracts p Lunar and Planetary Lab oratory University of Arizona Tucson B G Vaucher T J Kreidl N G Thomas and A A Hoag Quantitative Measures of Slitless Sp ectra of QSOs Astrophys J T J Kreidl Image Pro cessing Applied to CCD Images of Saturns Rings abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc W A Baum and T J Kreidl Implications of the ThreeDimensional Distribution of Material in Saturns E Ring abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc K Lumme W A Baum and T J Kreidl Transmitted Light through LowDensity Areas in Saturns Rings as a Mo del to Explain the Edgeon Observations abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc T J Kreidl Astrometric and Photometric AreaScanner Measurements of Double Stars In Current Techniques in Double and Multiple Star Research IAU Col loquium No R S Harrington and O G Franz eds Lowel l Observatory Bul letin No pp T J Kreidl A VariableLength Directory Structure for a Large SingleFile Image Disk Astronomical Image Processing Circular No R Albrecht and M Capaccioli eds W A Baum and T J Kreidl CCD Observations of Globular Clusters in M abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc W A Baum R L Millis and T J Kreidl Narrowband CCD Imaging Observations of Comets abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc L J Martin W A Baum L H Wasserman and T J Kreidl Clouds Ab ove the Martian Limb abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc T J Kreidl On the Sctlike Variability of the Ap Star HD Inf Bul l Var Stars No h T J Kreidl Lack of Detection of a Perio dicity in the CP Star HD Inf Bul l Var Stars No K D Rakos R Albrecht H Jenkner T Kreidl R Michalke D Ob erlerchner E Santos A Schermann A Schnell and W Weiss Photometric and Astrometric Ob servations of Close Visual Binaries Erratum Astron Astrophys Suppl Series N M White and T J Kreidl Occultation Diameters of Alpha Tauri Astron J W A Baum T J Kreidl and L H Wasserman Saturns E Ring In Planetary Rings IAU Col loquium No A Brahic ed pp Cepadues Editions Toulouse W A Baum and T J Kreidl Sublimation Rates of Grains in Cometary Comae abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc T J Kreidl A Further Search for the Sctlike Variability of the Ap Star HD Inf Bul l Var Stars No T J Kreidl A Search for LowHarmonic Pulsation in the Ap Star HD Inf Bul l Var Stars No T J Kreidl A Search for LowHarmonic Pulsation in the Ap Star CS Vir Mon Not Roy Astron Soc A P Odell and T J Kreidl Sp ectral Line Proles Calculated in the Oblique Pulsator Mo del of Ap Stars In Proceedings Theoretical Problems in Stel lar Stability and Oscil lations th Liege Astrophysical Col loquium pp Universite de Liege Liege D W Kurtz and T J Kreidl A Frequency Analysis of a Newly Discovered Rapidly Oscillating Ap Star HD Mon Not Roy Astron Soc T J Kreidl The Ap Star Cam another Com Mon Not Roy Astron Soc T J Kreidl Dierential Photometry of the Sct Stars HR and HR Mon Not Roy Astron Soc E S Bus B L Lutz and T J Kreidl Sp ectral Analysis of Comet PHalley using Observations abstract Publ Astron Soc Pacic R Millis L Wasserman O Franz R Nye R Oliver S Jones T Kreidl M AHearn R Schnurr and W Osb orn Observations of the Occultation of BDdeg by Ceres abstract Publ Astron Soc Pacic T J Kreidl The Discovery of Rapid Oscillations on the Ap Star HD Inf Bul l Var Stars No E Bus T Kreidl U Carsenty S Wycko and B Lutz Digitization of Ob jective Prism Sp ectra of Comet PHalley abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc W A Baum and T J Kreidl Volatiles in Cometary Grains In Asteroids Comets Meteors II CI Lagerkvist B A Lindblad H Lundstedt and H Rickman eds pp Uppsala Univ Sweden T J Kreidl and D W Kurtz Frequency Analysis of the min oscillations in the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD Mon Not Roy Astron Soc W A Baum T J Kreidl and D G Schleicher Ices in Cometary Grains abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc D G Schleicher W A Baum and T J Kreidl The Spatial Distribution of Cometary C Using CCD Imaging Data abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc T J Kreidl Are There Any True Sct Ap Stars In Stel lar Pulsation A Memorial to John P Cox Lecture Notes in Physics A N Cox W M Sparks S G Starreld eds SpringerVerlag New York pp R L Millis L H Wasserman O G Franz R A Nye R C Oliver T J Kreidl S E Jones W Hubbard L Leb ofsky R Go R Marcialis M Sykes J Frecker D Hunten B Zellner H Reitsema G Schneider E Dunham J Klavetter K Meech T Oswalt J Rafert E Strother J Smith H Povenmire B Jones D Kornbluh L Reed K Izor M F AHearn R Schnurr W Osb orn D Parker W T Douglas J D Beish A R Klemola M Rios A Sanchez J Piironen M Money R S Ireland and D Leib ow The Size Shap e Density and Alb edo of Ceres from Its Occultation of BDdeg Icarus pp H Schneider W W Weiss T J Kreidl and A P Odell Searches for Rapid Line Prole Variations of Two Pulsating CP Stars HD and HD In Stel lar Pulsation A Memorial to John P Cox Lecture Notes in Physics A N Cox W M Sparks S G Starreld eds SpringerVerlag New York pp W A Baum T J Kreidl and D G Schleicher Assaying Cometary Grains abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc T J Kreidl A Search for Rapidly Oscillating Ap Stars in the Northern Hemisphere In Proceedings Advances in Helio and Asteroseismology IAU Symposium No J ChristensenDalsgaard and S Frandsen eds pp J A Matthews T J Kreidl and W H Wehlau A Search for Rapidly Oscillating Ap Stars I The Aprich Op en Cluster NGC I I Evidence for Oscillations in the Field Star HD Publ Astr Soc Pacic pp S B Howell K O Mason G A Reichert A Warno ck and T J Kreidl US a h m th mag eclipsing cataclysmic variable with a p erio d of Mon Not Roy Astron Soc W A Baum and T J Kreidl What Cassini Will Fly Through abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc S B Howell and T J Kreidl RW Ursae Minoris IAU Circular No Nov S B Howell P Szko dy T J Kreidl and K O Mason A CCD Photometric Study of Faint andor Short Perio d Cataclysmic Variables abstract Bul l Amer Astron Soc T J Kreidl and H Schneider The rotation p erio d of the Ap star HD Psc Inf Bul l Var
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