SECURITY & DEFENCE BRIEFING FROM THE DESK OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR “THE BEGINNING OF SUMMER” 25 JUNE 2015 (06-2015) The start of summer has been far from quiet to that at the Canadian Forces Leadership I will also have much more to say in the next and National Security and Defence remain hot Institute, a directorate of the Canadian De- Briefing about the stellar work being done by topic issues. The government’s anti-terror legis- fence Academy in Kingston, Ontario, and Dr. a small group of volunteers in the preparation lation Bill C-51 was approved, but not without Howard Coombs, a retired senior military offi- of a commemorative Book: The Vimy Award significant debate and concerns. Defence cer and now assistant professor at the RMCC. 25 Years with a Companion History of the Minister Jason Kenney was keen to defend the Their full bios can be found in this Briefing. Conference of Defence Associations Institute. government’s record on defence, and recently Également, le personnel de l’Institut de la J’aimerais aussi féliciter, au nom de toute announced the creation of an independent CAD a contribué fortement à l’amélioration l’équipe, le Président de la Conférence des as- third-party review panel for procurement de nos opérations. Grâce à notre directrice de sociations de la défense, le Lieutenant-général – even if such announcements did little to développement des affaires et de la gestion de Richard Evraire qui a succédé le Major-général obfuscate the less than stellar record when it programme, Denise Lemay, nous consolidons Alain Forand comme Colonel du Royal 22e comes to defence recapitalization. notre liste de donateurs et de commanditaires. Régiment le 15 juin dernier. The CDA Institute has also been far from De plus, comme vous avez pu le remarquer, With its great staff, active new president, and quiescent either. We are very pleased to have notre site web est amélioré continuellement an ongoing Governance and Strategic Plan- released the latest issue of ON TRACK last par l’addition de contenu et d’articles perti- ning Review, the CDA Institute continues to week – an issue notable for its extensive con- nents, grâce aux efforts de David McDonough be the “go-to” Canadian research organization tent, continuing layout improvement, number et de notre gestionnaire des relations publiques (think-tank) on security and defence. But we of noted contributors, and for being the first et de l’administration, Meaghan Hobman. can’t do it without your generous financial issue overseen by our Research Manager and Our two coop students, Lindsay Coombs and support. A donation form can be found in this Senior Editor Dr. David McDonough. Celeste Longo, have proven to be diligent and Briefing and on our website. It is also with great pleasure that I announce hard-working Analysts, helping to edit Blog Lastly, I hope you all have a great Canada Day! the addition of two new members of the CDA posts, writing event summaries, and in Ce- Institute Fellowship Program – joining our leste’s case, improving the quality of the French pioneer Fellow Charles Davies. They are Dr. used in our written materials. They also par- Tony Battista Craig Mantle, who was most recently historian ticipated in the Ottawa DiploHack event, and at the Canadian War Museum and previous summarized their experience on our Blog. CDA/CDA Institute 1 ON TRACK - SUMMER 2015 This issue of ON TRACK begins ment un aperçu de l’interventionnisme du with an Editorial by CDA Institute Canada dans la période post -guerre froide. Executive Vice-President Ferry de Many observers have long bemoaned the Kerckhove, who sets the stage by absence of a Canadian national security providing an analysis of Canada’s stra- strategy to confront this strategic envi- tegic outlook – based on his recently ronment. This is the topic of the next released and very well received CDA article by Dr. Peter Layton, a Fellow at the Institute study, The Strategic Outlook Griffiths Asia Institute, who offers a com- for Canada 2015. parative angle by looking at British and To assess Europe’s response to Russia’s American security strategies. Dr. Andrew revanchist and aggressive behaviour Davies, ASPI’s Director of Research, pro- in Ukraine, we are pleased to have vides another comparative approach by an article by Henry Boyd and Giri assessing how Canadian defence spending Rajendran, Research Associates at the and recapitalization efforts measure up IISS in the UK. Further analysis of vis-à-vis Australia. Putin’s “script of violence” is offered Professor at King’s College London, offers Our final two articles delve into issues con- by the CDA Institute’s own Analyst Lindsay a helpful primer on the shifting political cerning the Royal Canadian Navy. Ken Han- Coombs. dynamics among the Kurds. Clingendael’s Senior Research Fellow Erwin van Veen sen, a research fellow at Dalhousie’s Centre for La coopération antiterroriste accroît à trav- examines the franchising model currently Foreign Policy Studies, assesses the future of ers l’Afrique, afin de combattre les djihadistes being pursued by the Islamic State. the naval reserve. He is joined by Tim Choi, a parmi ce continent – Eric Muller, «Junior doctoral student at the University of Calgary, Fellow» au «Centre for Security Gover- La participation du Canada dans les opéra- who makes the case for the AOPS. nance» à Kitchener, explore ces développe- tions de la coalition mondiale en Irak / Syrie This issue concludes with books reviews by ments importants. est le sujet de l’article rédigé par le Dr Stephen Saideman, Président en Affaires internatio- Dr. Sean Clark and Adnan Qaiser. n The Middle East continues to be a hotbed nales à l’Université Carleton. Dans le même READ IT HERE. of instability. Dr. Rod Thornton, Associate ordre d’idées, Dr Peter Kasurak, offre égale- Happy Canada Day from Joyeuse Fête du Canada the staff of the CDA and de la part de la CAD et CDA Institute! de l’Institut de la CAD! CDA/CDA Institute 2 NEW RESEARCH FELLOW – HOWARD COOMBS Dr. Howard G. Coombs retired from full Canada teaching History and War Stud- time service with the Canadian Forces in ies. He is also a member of the Canadian 2003. He is a graduate of the Canadian Army Reserve assigned on a part-time Forces Staff School, Canadian Land Force basis to the staff of the Canadian Army Command and Staff College, United States Doctrine and Training Command. Army Command and General Staff Col- Coombs has a number of operational lege, and the US Army School of Advanced deployments to the former Yugoslavia and Military Studies, which awarded his Mas- Afghanistan as a military officer on regular ter’s degree. and reserve duty. In addition that he de- Coombs received his PhD in military his- ployed with Joint Task Force Afghanistan tory from Queen’s University in Kingston, from September 2010 to July 2011 as a Ontario and is currently an Assistant civilian advisor to the Task Force Com- Professor of the Royal Military College of mander. n NEW RESEARCH FELLOW – CRAIG MANTLE Dr. Craig Leslie Mantle received his PhD in topics from both an historical and contem- military and strategic studies from the Uni- porary perspective. From 2013 to 2015, he versity of Calgary in 2013. Studying under worked at the Canadian War Museum in the supervision of Dr. David Bercuson, and Ottawa, Ontario as the post-1945 historian receiving support through the Izaak Walton where, among other duties, he conducted Killam Memorial Scholarship, his dissertation more than 30 oral history interviews with examined leadership in the Canadian Expe- veterans of recent conflicts. ditionary Force during the First World War His most recent book, In Their Own Words: from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Prior Canadian Stories of Valour and Bravery from to his doctoral work, he studied first at the Afghanistan, 2001-2007 (Kingston: CDA University of Toronto where he undertook a Dr. Mantle has extensive professional experi- Press, 2013), offers the personal reflections of double major program in biochemistry and ence. For a decade, between 2002 and 2013, 23 Canadian soldiers who were recognized history, receiving his Bachelor of Science in he worked for the Canadian Forces Leader- for their actions overseas with some of the na- 2000, and then at Queen’s University where, ship Institute, a directorate of the Canadian tion’s highest honours. His research interests, in 2002, he received his Master of Arts in Defence Academy, in Kingston, Ontario. broadly speaking, include oral history, leader- Canadian history. While there, he had the opportunity to pub- lish widely on a number of leadership-related ship and the experience of military service. n CDA/CDA Institute 3 2015 VIMY AWARD LE PRIX VIMY 2015 Nominations are invited for the 2015 CDA Institute Nous invitons les nominations pour le Prix Vimy Vimy Award (Silver Anniversary). 2015 de L’Institut de la CAD (Anniversaire D’Argent) The Vimy Award was initiated in 1991 by the CDA Le Prix Vimy a été instituée en 1991 par l’Institut de Institute to recognize, annually, one Canadian who has la CAD dans le but de reconnaître, chaque année, made a significant and outstanding contribution to the un Canadien ou Canadienne qui s’est distingué(e) security and defence of our nation and the preservation par sa contribution à la défense et à la sécurité of our democratic values. de notre pays et à la préservation de nos valeurs démocratiques. The previous 24 recipients of this prestigious award are: The Rt. Hon. Joe Clarke; General John de Chastelain; Les 24 récipiendaires précédents du Prix Vimy Major- General Lewis MacKenzie; Major- General sont : la Très hon.
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