.;. ~: :.{.j " ... .. .:~t. " "", '.' ': .,: .. .;. ..... " ': . ',' .: • ",l ,. , ...... Libertarians are High on Marijuana BY AARON STEELMAN getting older and we'll have aches and drugs, such as cocaine, heroine, and conceding that the majority of drug use pains, Marijuana is a relief with no side even alcohol as a plague to society, Kile in this colmtry is detrimental, but that HE LIBERTARIAN PARTY effects but it is illegal." never appeared to notice the hypocrisy its use is a personal choice that people has once again proven itself to Kile began his remarks by saying, in this statement. Instead, he argued must be able to decide for themselves. T be a grand political joke. The ''I've been smoking marijuana every­ that marijuana was not "one of those When the government can tell you latest example of the LP's buffoonery day for twenty years, my kids turned drugs " and that you can't smoke this or inject that, took place on October 28 in the Modern me on to it." Kile, who doesn't smoke for therefore should then the day is not too far off when they Languages Building, with the presen­ medicinal purposes, proceeded to tell of be protected be­ can tell you a particular food is too high t.,'1tion "Medical Marijuana," sponsored the wonders marijuana has done for cause it is harm­ in fat or cholesterol for you to eat. By by the Ann Arbor Libertarian League. him. Noting that it is just a positive less. making drugs a scapegoat, people ef­ The event began with a defense of affectation to his overall state of being, While many fectively have said, "No, I'm not mature the Libertarian Party by alleged liber­ he argued for legalization not only on of Kile's and enough to handle my own actions and tarian Richard Clark. Clark attempted the grounds that marijuana can be an Barrett's claims the responsibilites that follow , I need to legitimize the Libertarian Party's effective medication, but because it is about marijuana someone to watch over me," The gov­ continued existence by referring to the completely harmless to those who use are undoubtedly ernment has been all to happy to be this success that socialists - an equally it in a social setting. "Why do they want true, their ap­ watchdog, and what has resulted is Give me or radical group in the eyes of most Ameri­ to throw people in jail for something proach to the pot, that every aspect of our lives is now give me death cans - attained in gaining political that makes you smile and get hungry," topic oflegaliza­ filed, recorded, and regulated by the power in the twenties and thirties, and he asked, tion is incredibly flawed, They have federal government. By conceding that continue to wield today Clark failed to Kile, however, didn't think that the failed to recognize that in order for a such a paternalistic mentality is posi­ note, however, that this success was same personal choice should exist for real change in drug laws to occur, legal­ tive and needed, the people of the United not achieved through the work of the people who want to use other, more ization cannot be argued on th~ .. basis States have voluntarily agreed to give Socialist Party; rather, it was tlmmgh serious drugs, On more than one occa· that drugs are good for peoJ5le,' Rather, the effective infIltration of the Demo­ sion he derided supposedly "harder" a new mentality has to be promulgated See LIBERTARIANS, page 10 cratic Party, thus negating his argu- ment promoting an ineffectual minor party, Unfortunately, this type of hap­ 1 Corporate Recruiters Test for Drugs hazard reasoning was just a prelude to the night's festivities, BY PERRY THOMPSON Interested students can obtain a company, and also explains when the After his ever-inspiring remarks, personal copy of the Registry by access­ tests are administered (e,g, during the Clark introduced Chuck Rile and Bill s YOU GO ABOUT LOOKING ing the Usenet group "miscjobs,misc" pre-employment stage, at random, Barrett, two members of United Mari­ for your first job out of college, from a Unix or MTS account. Consult­ when there is probable cause, etc ) juana Smokers of Michigan. Kile and Afinal exams may not be the ants at any campus computing center Finally the Registry describes the com­ Barrett defended the right to use mari­ only tests you have to pass, Many com­ can help with this process if necessary, panies' policies regarding a positive test. juana on the grounds that it is medici­ panies throughout the country are now The publisher of the Registry, JOM De This last bit of information can be nally beneficial to many people who requiring that new employ- the most important, since suffer from affiictions such as glau­ ees submit to drug testing On-Campus Recruiters Which many companies refuse to coma and cancer. before they can start work. hire prospective employees Barrett, who suffers from multiple For the convenience of all Require Employee Drug Testing who test positive for drug use. Moreover, many companies sclerosis, related how his condition has job-searching students who Prudential Financial Services \!erck & Company, Inc, will not give applicants an been positively affected by the use of have dabbled in illicit sub­ EDS Corporation Salomon Brothers opportunity to retest if the marijuana, He stated that his multiple stances, a computer bulletin MCI \Ierrill Lynch results of their first tests are sclerosis worsened as a result of the use board, entitled "The Great Abbott Laboratories \let life Consulting positive, of prescription drugs. As a result, U senet Piss Test Registry," \!organ Stanley Procter & Gamble While some job-seekers Barrett turned to an alternative medi­ has been created to inform Lehman Brothers cation: marijuana. What resulted was users and abusers about com­ may not mre about drug tests a dramatic reduction in the pain he panies requiring drug tests, since they have nothing to experienced and, not surprisingly, an The Registry, which was compiled from Armond, can be contacted bye-mail at hide, several scientific studies suggest overall mellowing of his personality, the personal experiences of job appli· "jgd@dixie,com," that drug tests are often inaccurate, In Barrett concluded his remarks by bab­ cants, gives itemized information about The Registry itself identifies the fact, certain common, perfectly legal bling, "It is very important that we the testing procedures required by each type of test required (e,g, urine test, legalize marijuana because we're all company on the list. blood test, breathalyzer, etc.) for each See DRUG TESTS, Page 5 ':,: . :1 :: .;... '!-' ~~ ~. i;,_,,; ",' I • I I ~ E._._,~ ..__ .. -----."""~,,,,...~ ___~ .. ___"'>( .... , ___. ~aH:.> __, ..".. _,,______ · ... """I ' _~~_{)". ..... ,.'.'.,lO'.____ _ J 2 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW November 3, 1993 I ilL \lICHIG.\\ RE\ IE\\· \ • '\l ", The Campus Affairs Journal of the o SERPENT'S TOOTH University of Michigan ·Printed on 100% Hemp Paper.' SPECIAL ISSUE EDITOR: Andrew Bockelman EDITOR-lN-CHIEF: Tracy Robinson Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker called the "What do students in the School of Art According to the Detroit News, Robert , PUBLISHER: Aaron Steelman University's request for an additional really do and why ... ?" Here at the Re­ Reich tried in a recent interview to EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Jay D. McNeill $15 million in state funding a "modest view, we have often wondered the same deflect attention from his diminutive CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Eddie Arner, Nate Jamison, increase" If the University does indeed thing and have failed to come up with a stature, saying that "My real handicap James A. Roberts II , Brian Schelke receive this "modest increase," would it good answer, but we are sure that it is that I am an economist." No , Bob, MUSIC EDITORS: Chris Peters, Drew Peters be possible to reduce tuition by a involves Birkenstocks and huge portfo­ your real handicap is that you are a COPY EDITOR: Chauncey H~chcock "miniscule amount" of $500 or so? lio cases. socialist. PHOTOGRAPHER:An~Wu CIRCULA TION DIRECTOR: Eric Larson To the sororities. who tried to bribe In a recent Michigan Daily opinion Spotted in the November issue of Be­ SYSTEMS ANALYST: Mitch Rohde MTS COORDINA TOR : James Elek their way into the Mud Bowl on Home­ piece , the author tried to explain the tween the Lines, Ann Arbor's homo­ DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Andrew Brown coming Weekend You remembered two Blue Jays recent world championship sexual paper: an ad promoting the ap­ 1- -- ·- ---·· -- _.. .-.-.- ... - - -.. ----.. - -. - out of t1m~e . You forgot about rock and ,:'unong his explanations was, "[Mlaybe peanmce of Jon Vincent, "star of adult EDITORIAL STAFF: Benjamin Bolger, scon Bra~ , Rachel roll. there is some legitimacy to Canada's male erotica", at the Nectarine Ball­ Cardone, John Darroose, Joe Epstein, Frank Grabowski, Gene Krass, Terry Lorber , Jordan Milner, Carolyn Milroy, socialist ways." If that was true, why room. RUDlor has it that Duderstadt's Crusty M.Jncher, Yawar Murad, Jason Pasatta, Tom Paska. According to The Ul!lversity Record , a didn't American teams dominate the new task force on Bylaw 14.06 will be Ben Pergament. Scott Powell, Matt Rechtien , Jeff SI. large number of people trying to call U­ NHL during the Carter administra­ first in line for the show. Mikiosi, S~ Sternfeld, TS Taylor, Perry Thompson, Aric M's Employee Benefits Office hotline tion? Tosqui, Matt Wilk, Jon Winick, Tony Woodlief. Yoda have been inadvertantly reaching a See if this strikes you as odd. Under the EDITOR-AT-LARGE: Tony Ghecea Pennsylvania company that sells Webster's New World Dictionary of the windows on University Buses is the EDITORS EMERITI : Adam DeVore, John J.
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