White-fronted Chat Sed -R, CW, AP Tawny-crowned Honeyeater U, Vi-AP WHAT IS BIRDS AUSTRALIA? Brown Honeyeater B, LNo -Ws# Birds Australia is a non-profit organisation working for New Holland Honeyeater LNo -Ws# White-cheeked Honeyeater LNo -C, AL, AP# the enjoyment, study and conservation of Australia’s Brown-headed Honeyeater birds. White-naped Honeyeater LNo -AL, AP The Western Australian members of Birds Australia are QUAIL-THRUSH, ALLIES Varied Sittella LNo -CW, AP state-wide and are offered a variety of activities and CUCKOO-SHRIKE, TRILLER services including conservation and research projects, BIRDS Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike B, Sed -Ws# excursions, camp-outs, bird surveys and social activities. White-winged Triller U, Mi, Sp-S -AL OF THE WHISTLER, SHRIKE-THRUSH We also have a library, books for sale and information Golden Whistler B, Sed -B, K, G, AP, AL, CW about birds. Rufous Whistler B, Sed -Ws To view our full range of bird guides and bird lists, visit Grey Shrike-thrush B, Sed -Ws CITY OF WOODSWALLOW our web site. Black-faced Woodswallow No -R, B, K, AP, CW INTERESTED? Dusky Woodswallow Sed -Ws BUTCHERBIRD, CURRAWONG Contact us at: ROCKINGHAM Grey Butcherbird B, Sed -Ws# Birds Australia Western Australia Australian Magpie B, Sed, LNo -Ws# Grey Currawong Ra, Sed -AP 167 Perry Lakes Drive FANTAIL Floreat WA 6014 Grey Fantail B, Mi, W-Sp -Ws# Willie Wagtail B, Sed -Ws# RAVEN, CROW Weekdays 9.30 – 12.30pm Australian Raven B, Sed -Wsl FLYCATCHER, MONARCH Restless Flycatcher Magpie-lark B, No -Ws# Ph: (08) 9383-7749 ROBIN, SCRUB-ROBIN Fax: (08) 9387-8412 Jacky Winter Scarlet Robin B, Sed -CW.K, AP Email: [email protected] Red-capped Robin Ra Web: www.birdsaustralia.com.au/wa Hooded Robin Western Yellow Robin B, Sed -CW, K White-breasted Robin OLD WORLD WARBLER Australian Reed-Warbler B -R, CW, AP KWINANA/ROCKINGHAM/MANDURAH BRANCH (KRMB) Little Grassbird B, Sed -R, CW OF THE WA NATURALISTS’ CLUB Rufous Songlark Ra, Vi, Sp-S -R, CW Brown Songlark Ra, No -R, CW meets on the third WHITE-EYE Friday of the month Silvereye No –Ws at SWALLOW, MARTIN Naragebup, Safety Bay Road at 7.30 pm. White-backed Swallow Sed -AL, AP Welcome Swallow B, Sed, No -Ws# Guest lecturer, workshops, members’ night. Tree Martin B, No -Wsl Monthly excursions to explore natural areas with other FLOWERPECKER bird watchers and naturalists. Mistletoebird Vi, No -CW Tel: (08) 9591-3077 FINCH Red-eared Firetail PIPIT, WAGTAIL Australasian Pipit B, Sed -P, CW, G, PK# City of Rockingham THE MAYOR’S MESSAGE Great Crested Grebe B, Sed, Vi -R, CW AL Peregrine Falcon Ra, Vi -Ws Caspian Tern B, Sed -R, Is, P, PK PIGEON, DOVE CRAKE, RAIL, ALLIES Whiskered Tern U, IrVi -R, CW The City of Rockingham is one of the Rock Dove B, Sed –Ws# Purple Swamphen B, Sed -R, AL, AP# White-winged Black Tern Ra, IrVi -CW fastest growing Local Government areas Laughing Dove B, Sed –Ws# Buff-banded Rail Mi, Sp-S -R, P, Is Roseate Tern B, V -Is, P, G in the State, presenting many new Spotted Dove B, Sed –Ws# Baillon's Crake ViS -CW, AL Arctic Tern Ra, Vi -Is opportunities and challenges. One of Common Bronzewing Sed -Ws Australian Spotted Crake Sed Crested Tern B, Sed -R, Is, P, G, PK those challenges is protecting our Brush Bronzewing B, Sed –G Spotless Crake U -R, CW, AL Pacific Gull Ra, Vi -Is, P environment, whilst providing and Crested Pigeon Sed -CW,B, AL, AP Dusky Moorhen Sed -R, AL# Silver Gull B -Ws# managing the benefits of growth. Council FROGMOUTH Eurasian Coot B, No -R, AL, CW# COCKATOO, PARROT SHOREBIRD has initiated many projects to help Tawny Frogmouth B, Sed -B Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo LNo -CW,B, K, AP NIGHTJAR Australian Pied Oystercatcher Sed -Is, P, G, PK Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo Vi, A-Sp -CW, K, AL, AP# safeguard our environment, one of these Australian Owlet-nightjar Sed Sooty Oystercatcher Sed -Is, CW, P Baudin's Black-Cockatoo being the identification and protection of SWIFT Black-winged Stilt Aus No -AL, CW Galah B, Sed -Ws# native flora & fauna and local habitats. Fork-tailed Swift Ra, IrVi –C Banded Stilt Aus No -R, CW, AL Long-billed Corella Ra -AL PETREL, PRION, SHEARWATER Red-necked Avocet Aus No -P, CW, AL Western Corella Ra -AL Rockingham is blessed with a wide range of habitats, which Southern Giant-Petrel ViW -Is, P,G Grey Plover SM -B, CW, G, P, Is Little Corella Sed -R.B.K# support a rich diversity of bird species, ranging from the Northern Great Petrel ViW -Is Red-capped Plover Aus Sed -G, CW Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (escapees) –AP limestone outcrops of Garden Island, Cape Peron and the Southern Fulmar U, Vi -Is Lesser Sand Plover Rainbow Lorikeet B, Sed Greater Sand Plover SM -R, Is, P Shoalwater Islands Marine Park, through dunal heathland Cape Petrel U, Vi, A-Sp -Is Regent Parrot No -B, K, AL, AP Slender -billed Prion Ra ViW -Is Black-fronted Dotterel Aus No -CW, AL Western Rosella Ra, LNo -CW systems to the wetlands of the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Flesh-footed Shearwater Ra, Vi -Is,G Hooded Plover Aus No -CW Australian Ringneck Sed, LNo -Ws# and on to the Tuart, Marri and banksia woodlands of the Coastal Little Shearwater B, Vi -Is Red-kneed Dotterel Aus No -CW, AL Red-capped Parrot Sed -Ws# Plain. PENGUIN Banded Lapwing Aus Sed -R, G Elegant Parrot B, LNo -CW,B,K,AL Little Penguin B, Sed -Is, B, G,P Black-tailed Godwit SM -P CUCKOO To increase the awareness of these natural areas, the City of GANNET, BOOBY Bar-tailed Godwit SM -R, Is, P, G Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo B, Vi, A-Sp -CW, AL Rockingham and Birds Australia WA have produced this booklet, Australasian Gannett ViW -Is, G, PK Whimbrel U, SM -R, Is, G Shining Bronze-Cuckoo Vi, Sp-A -Ws which highlights many of the conservation reserves and the CORMORANT Eastern Curlew SM -R, CW Pallid Cuckoo B, Vi, A-Sp -R, G Terek Sandpiper Ra, SM -CW diversity of birdlife, which can be found in the region. I believe Australasian Darter Sed -R, AL, Gl Fan-tailed Cuckoo B, Vi, S-Sp -CW, R Little Pied Cormorant Sed -Ws# Common Sandpiper SM -Is, P, G OWL you will find this guide a most valuable source of information Great Cormorant Sed -R, Is,G Grey-tailed Tattler SM -R, Is, CW, G, P Southern Boobook B, Sed -AL, K, B# and do hope you enjoy discovering birds in Rockingham Little Black Cormorant Sed -Ws# Common Greenshank SM -Is, P, G, R, CW Eastern Barn Owl B, No -R, Is Cr Barry Sammels JP Pied Cormorant B, Sed -R, Is, P, G, PK Wood Sandpiper Ra, SM -CW KINGFISHER HERON, IBIS, ALLIES Ruddy Turnstone SM -P, G, Is Laughing Kookaburra B, Sed -Ws# Acknowledgements Australian Pelican No -P, Ws# Great Knot SM -Is, P, CW, G, CW Sacred Kingfisher B, Mi, Sp-S -Ws# We wish to thank all who have so willingly assisted us with this White-necked Heron U, Vi, W-Sp -CW, AL Red Knot SM -G BEE-EATER, ROLLER Sanderling SM -G Rainbow Bee-eater B, Mi, Sp-Su -Ws# guide: Eastern Great Egret Vi-R, CW, AL, AP Cattle Egret Ra, IrVi -CW, AL Little Stint U, SM -CW TREECREEPER White-faced Heron B, Sed, Vi -Ws Red-necked Stint SM -CW, G, AL, P Rufous Treecreeper Members of Kwinana/Rockingham/Mandurah Naturalists' Club, Eastern Reef Egret Sed -Is, P, G Long-toed Stint Ra, SM -CW FAIRY-WREN, GRASSWREN Members of Birds Australia WA, Naragebup Rockingham Nankeen Night-Heron Sed -R, CW, G Pectoral Sandpiper Ra, SM -CW, AL Splendid Fairy-wren B, Sed -W# Regional Environmental Centre Inc., Environmental Management Australian White Ibis No -R, CW, AP, AL, # Sharp-tailed Sandpiper SM -CW, AL Variegated Fairy-wren Department Garden Island (HMAS Stirling), Regional Parks Unit, Straw-necked Ibis No -Wsl Curlew Sandpiper SM -CW, AL Red-winged Fairy-wren Fremantle DEC, Alcoa Australia, Perth Biodiversity Project (a Royal Spoonbill Ra, IrVi -R Broad-billed Sandpiper Ra, SM -G SCRUBWREN, ALLIES project of Local Government Association and Birds Australia WA). Yellow-billed Spoonbill B, Vi, Sed -R, CW, AL Ruff Ra, SM –R White-browed Scrubwren B, Sed -Is, P, CW, CW, PK RAPTOR BUTTON-QUAIL Weebill B, Lno -Ws Eastern Osprey B, Sed -R, Is, G Painted Button-quail B, Sed -G, AL Western Gerygone Sed -Ws# Artists - Susan Tingay, Pam Free, Rish Gordon, Judy Blyth Black-shouldered Kite B -Ws# PRATINCOLE Yellow-rumped Thornbill B, Sed -Ws Cover - Bridled Terns at Penguin Island by Susan Tingay Square-tailed Kite Ra, IrVi -R, G Oriental Pratincole Ra, IrVi -P, G Western Thornbill Sed -CW, B, K, AL Photographs - Peel Howden, Bob Goodale and staff of the City of White-bellied Sea-Eagle Vi -Is, P, AL SKUA, JAEGER Inland Thornbill B, Sed -Ws Rockingham Whistling Kite Ws Brown Skua ViW -Is, G PARDALOTE Brown Goshawk No, Sed -R,P, CW, G Pomarine Jaeger U, ViS -Is, P, G Spotted Pardalote Vi, W-Sp -CW First Edition 2005 Collared Sparrowhawk Sed -R, P, CW, AL# Arctic Jaeger B, ViS -Is, P, G Striated Pardalote B, Vi, Sp-S -Ws# NODDY, GULL, TERN Project Coordinator: Allan K. Jones Spotted Harrier Ra, IrVi -R ,P, AP, PK HONEYEATER Swamp Harrier B, No, Sed -R, AL, CW Common Noddy Western Spinebill LNo -B, K, AP# Editor: Bob Goodale Wedge-tailed Eagle U -Ws# Bridled Tern B, Vi, Sp-S -Is, P Singing Honeyeater B, Sed, No -Ws# City of Rockingham: Nick Brown (Manager Parks Operations) Update 2010 Little Eagle -Ws Sooty Tern IrVi -Is, P Yellow-plumed Honeyeater Nankeen Kestrel B -Ws Little Tern Yellow-throated Miner LNo -CW, AL, CW# Editor: Suzanne Mather Brown Falcon U -R, P, CW, G, AP, AL Fairy Tern B, Vi -Is, P, CW, G Western Wattlebird No -B, K, AL# City of Rockingham: David Mort Australian Hobby B -Ws Gull-billed Tern Ra, Vi -R Red Wattlebird B, Sed No -Ws# BIRDS RECORDED IN THE NARAGEBUP ROCKINGHAM REGIONAL CITY OF ROCKINGHAM AREA ENVIRONMENT CENTRE (R) This list and information have been prepared from records of Access from Safety Bay Road.
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