University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-5-1916 Carlsbad Current, 05-05-1916 Carlsbad Printing Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news Recommended Citation Carlsbad Printing Co.. "Carlsbad Current, 05-05-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news/301 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Iff farteteii vxwxt CARLSBAD, MAY S. SC. TWENTY-FOURT- YEAR. NE WMEXICO, FRIDAY, ll. NUMBER BILLY ALBERTS DEAD. FIRE SUNDAY NIGHT. Billy Alberta, th popular and well Tha residence occupied by Walter known conductor, haa mad his last I Ralph and family waa destroyed by run, having passed away Tuesday Are Sunday night about eleven o'clock. mm E THE IRISH REVOLT morning at one o'clock in Clovis at When the tire bell rang those that NCEMENT the Santa F hospital. II was op- ware peacefully sleeping sprang from erated on there Friday for appendi- their beds and rushed to th fir to citis, and lived until Monday night, find th house and ita contenta about Connolly lived several at ona or about that tima. consumed. They were living in th WOMAN'S CLUB. LEA DIRS IN IRISH Jamea for Morgan HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. years in New York, where he was ac- Billy Alberta was born in Atlanta. hous owned by D. W. just hisi mo- Canyon REVOLUTION PAY UTMOST tivo aa a Socialist leader and agitator. Ga., where aged father and north of Andy Baird, on SU Those who were not present Tues ther still reside also a sister, a broth- Th hous was insured with Christian The Commencement exercises of th DOOM OF TREASON. Connolly returned to Ireland about day evening at the line party at the High dur-in- g er. Dr. Alberts, from Children. Tex- A Co. for IHOO.OO and tha household Carlsbad School will be held five years ago to aid in organising the 1'eoples missed an Interesting movie th w,ek beginning Mav 7th. On labor party. He was about 60 as, and hia wife, were with Billy when goods for $700. The housa south of and a rare treat at the Sweet Shop. Prim Minister Announce to Houm Irish he was operated on, and were with th residence that burned caught afire Sunday, May 7, at 11 a. m., the bac- of CMnmotw That Principals In years of aire and was A business meeting was held in the calaureate exercises will be held in He was the author of a book entitled. him when th and came. a number of times and was put out. afternoon Tuesday, this being the last in Ireland Had Been Prompt-- 1 It is thought the housa that burned the auditorium of the High School. Court Martialed and Eaeeuted. "Labor in Irish History," published in, Dr. Alberta ia a fina physician and meeting for the year many items of A splendid program has been pre- was a pa- hia advic waa aought during th ill- must have caught from the electric business came up, Mrs. Snow the pres- uuniin, ana enuor oi laoor wires. pared and the baccalaureate sermon I per in that city called the Irish Work-e- r. ness of th brother. Mr. Alberts ident of th Woman's Club for the will te preached by Kov. J, T. Kedmon SIR AUGUSTINE BIRRELL He was th father of eight chil- came to the Valley in 1892 a young year and who made the club an agree- WHO ARE ENTITLED TO VOTE. A comoleto program will be ,'ound in "4 RESIGNS FROM CABINET. dren, all of whom survive him, as well man, haa been on tha local run line able and worthy president resigned this issue. All churches arj request- as his wife. of railway aver sine and waa well her throne to Mrs. tlarenc Hell the in meeting qualified or, any elec- ed to unite this Admita Hi Error aa Chief Secretary Thomas MarDonough was a close as- known and loved by the railway and Every elector, newly elected president. She ap On Wednesday, May 10th, tor who will be a voter Nov. fi, next, at in for Emerald Isle in Underestimat- sistant of Pears and a highly edu- traveling men, with whom he came pointed her committees for the com- High School auditorium, the senior ing Sinn Fein Movement! aa Private cated man. He was for some time in contest, and his death will be a who is a lemocrat, will be entitled to ing year. give play in primaries. To be rlasa will their entitled: Member Will Debate Revolt. assistant president of English litera- loss to the entire valley. Billy watt vote the entitled Program committee: Mesdames "The Me ionic Ring" (account else- tura in the National Academy in Dub- to Rosyell In 1812 and waa married to vote one muxt be a year in th state Hemenway, Ryan, Madam Thome, where). November, months in London, May 8. lin, but resigned to becoi.ie assistant to Miss Nelly Carper In 1H5 ana next three the Mclyenathen, Miss Westaway. Friday evening. May 32th, is The announcement they county previous to Nov. H, and thirty th In hous today to Pearse. lived here about six month when Financ committee: Mesdames R. High school commencement. Th ex- the of eommnna by the mov- days in the precinct in which he is to prima mlnUter Thomas I. Clark waa ona of the they were first married. Then M. Thome, Snow, Owen, Cunningham. ercises will be held in the auditorium that the leadera in the ed to Rosewell where children vote. All this is Itgured before next Civic Dur- court-martial- leader in th Fenian conspiracy of their committee: Mesdame High beginning rebellion in Ireland had been will found of the school at eight the early eighties. He was nested were born, Norma. Billy, Thelma November. Th rules be ham, Hatfield, Mac Arthur, Dean, o'clock. Eight consti- and summarily executed, My in paper and by reading them students will profound feeling, and sentenced to life imprisonment, and ra, thre daughter and on this Hous committee: Mesdames Ra rev tute the senior class who will grad- created although serving son who bears the father's name. carefully no one need be mistaken. McCollum, Mullane. this action by the government was ex- but waa released after four uate and receive diplomas. pected. teen years. After a short visit to They came back to Carlsbad aoout Social committee: Mesdames roo re, Dr. David R. Boyd, president of tha America ha returned to Dublin, where five years ago and hav mad their Th latest by th schemers and Dillard. Day, Roberta. Premier Aiqulth at th tarn tima Jury University of New Mexico, will give Roger he opened tobacco store. Clark horn her since that time. Th body plotters who hatched tha grand Arrangements were made for a ie the annual announced that Sir Casement, Mon- get into office ia an ffort address. who waa on of married the daughter of Mayor John waa brought to Roswell plot to at the Peoples and two rowa of seats The week promises to be full of the prima moverá in Fen- day on noon train, by faith- to elect soma pal to th office of Becky five the uprising and who now la prison- Daly, of Limerick, another of th tha th reserved. Th cas of a interest and entertainment for in e, a ian leaders. He is survived by his ful wif and loving brother. A large assessor ao as to dodga taxes as of act Paramount, proved very entertain- er in the Tower of London, would be Idodge arrangements ar being made wif and four sons. number of friends met th train and old. Th dirty political to ing. Tha ladies of th club attended for ball games with of town tried with the utmost expedition. Mra. V. O. McCollaum accompanied circulate) picture among home- out Augustine Birrell mad a th in a body and after th pictures thev teams. a brief Poa-we- ll. tax- R. JOYCE the four children from her to steaders of a hous that stands repaired to tha Sweet Shop where High-Scho- statement and admitted his error as HOW JOHN The base ball team of th ol MET HIS DEATH. Th funeral was held at th ed as high as any other in this coun- dainty refreshment were served. will go to Lakewood, Friday, chief secretary for Ireland, in under- Chriatian church 8:00 o'clock Wed- ty and tell it that it ia assessed at a at May 6th, for a game with Lako-wo- od estimating the Sinn Fein movement nesday afternoon, Dris, Talmag and few hundred dollar is th latest. Peo- the adding when h was informed Th following Is an extract from ANOTHER DIRTY and Dayton team. Thia is tht letter dated Baltimore. April Í6th, by Hill conducting th church service. ple who hav rendered less than one-four- th POLITICAL TRICK. return gam as th first gam between that the Insurrection had been put Mrs. Alberts being a member of property should be care- down ha had tendered hia resignation Frank Jove to Clarenc Bell: that their these team was played at tha park prim Unci John was alona whan killed. body and an earnest worker in the ful how they assail others.
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