VOLUME XXXIII, NUMBER 1 February 2003 ISSN 0402-012X Houston—2003 The sixty-ninth annual meeting of the Amer- Columbus—2002 Of course we attend our annual meetings for more than the papers. ican Musicological Society will be held in Sitting over a shawirma in the splendid Houston, Texas, from Thursday, 13 Novem- Among the notable activities outside the North Market (my kind of place) just canonical session times must be counted ber through Sunday, 16 November 2003. after the conclusion of our impressive November is a particularly good time to visit the excellent concerts arranged by the annual meeting in Columbus, I found AMS Performance Committee (Don O. the country’s fourth largest city, with the sea- my thoughts lingering over the son in full swing and beautiful fall weather Franklin, chair, Julie Cumming, and J. remarkable energy that such an event Michele Edwards) as well as the terrific (with temperatures averaging highs of 72 and can generate. Much of this energy, to lows of 50). all-Stravinsky concert at The Ohio State be sure, was of an intellectual sort. We University School of Music. A standout The conference will be held at the Hyatt had available for our appreciation 144 Regency in downtown Houston. One of the among the various lunchtime, evening, papers (up from the previous 120, and interest-group sessions was the AMS largest hotels in the downtown area, the thanks to a decision by the AMS thirty-story Hyatt features close to a thou- Presidential Forum that President Jessie Board of Directors) on all manner of Ann Owens convened to address the sand rooms, three restaurants, an outdoor musicological subject matter, from rooftop pool, and a fully-equipped fitness issue of “anonymity and identity.” The chant to late twentieth-century popu- center. The Hyatt lies six blocks southeast of sizeable crowd heard four distinguished lar music (I personally did not hear Houston’s downtown theater district, which speakers (Richard Crawford, Margot includes Jones Hall (the home of the Hous- any talk of twenty-first century music, Fassler, Philip Gossett, and Ellen T. ton Symphony Orchestra), the two-theater but I would not be surprised to learn Harris; see p. 18) consider how anonym- Wortham Center (home to the Houston that there was some of this there, too), ity and identity have figured into their Grand Opera, the Houston Ballet, and the and employing all manner of musico- own work as historians of music and as Da Camera Society), the Alley Theater, the logical methodologies, from the tried- members of the Society. The Forum Verizon Wireless Theater, and the new and-true to the experimental. (One took on special relevance in light of the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts. method very much in the ascendancy, deliberations of the Ad Hoc Committee The weekend of the AMS, Ars Lyrica to judge simply from the volume of on the Annual Meeting Program (see p. Houston, in collaboration with others, will audio-visual requests, is the use of film 10), some of which considered the role present the Monteverdi Vespers at the Uni- as part of an AMS paper—and not of anonymity in the work of the Pro- versity of Houston; the Houston Grand just in sessions devoted to music in gram Committee. Opera will present a production of a Handel film!) Add to this the benefit of being Particular recognition must go to the opera featuring countertenor David Daniels; able to sample the program of the Local Arrangements Committee (Charles and the Houston Symphony Orchestra will SMT, and the result was a real feast Atkinson and Burdette Green, Co- be performing under the baton of Claus for our musical minds. Thanks for this Chairs) for their efforts on behalf of the Peter Flor. Plans are also afoot for a tour of intellectual nourishment must go first operations of the meeting, which the Menil Museum in conjunction with a to the individual presenters of papers ensured that the rest of us could relax continued on page 2 for offering us the fruits of their aca- and enjoy the rare company of our demic labors, and second to the ses- musicological colleagues. And relax we sion chairs who ensured that the ses- did: an enduring memory of the meeting In This Issue . sions functioned both conceptually will be of the steps that cascaded down President’s Message 3 and logistically. My special gratitude from the central bank of session rooms Executive Director’s Report 4 goes to the other members of the Pro- to the coffee bar, which became a Committee Reports 4 gram Committee: Mark Evan Bonds, favored place to meet and chat with Honorary & Corresponding Members 6 Charles Dill, Lawrence Kramer, Pat- friends. We all need the intellectual Awards, Prizes, and Honors 7 rick Macey, and Jann Pasler. It is no regeneration that comes from attending Grants and Fellowships 9 easy task to whittle down a program stimulating papers, but our annual meet- Obituaries 12 from all the abstracts that the AMS ing also provides the equally important Forthcoming Meetings 13 receives (even with the additional slots opportunity to renew friendships and to Calls for Papers & Manuscripts 13 mandated by the Board, we still could make new acquaintances within our dis- not accept about two out of every News Briefs 14 cipline. In fulfilling both these functions, three papers submitted), but my col- AMS Ballot 15 the meeting in Columbus can be judged leagues on the Program Committee a success. Presidential Forum 18 did themselves proud in their thought- —Jeffrey Kallberg, Chair, Papers Read at Chapter Meetings 23 ful consideration of every abstract. 2002 AMS Program Committee Financial Report 28 —1— Houston—2003 continued from page 1 San Antonio, three hours southeast of Aus- AMS Membership Records tin, and four hours south of Dallas. Please send AMS Directory corrections and performance of Morton Feldman’s Rothko The 2003 Program Committee is chaired updates in a timely manner in order to Chapel at the Rothko Chapel. by Jann Pasler (University of California, San avoid errors. The deadline for Directory Although a comfortable walk, a free down- Diego), the Performance Committee by Julie updates is 1 December 2003. Send all town shuttle can take one from Hyatt to the E. Cumming (McGill University), and the corrections, updates, membership inquir- theater district or to other downtown attrac- Local Arrangements Committee by Howard ies, and dues payments to the AMS, 201 tions, including Astros Field, the new basket- Pollack (University of Houston). Requests S. 34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104- ball arena, or the downtown Historic District, by interest groups for meeting rooms should 6313; 215/898-8698; toll free 888/611- the site of some popular late night clubs. be sent no later than 1 May to the AMS Phila- 4267 (“4AMS”); fax 215/573-3673; <ams Houston is a sprawling sun-belt city with delphia office; tel. 888/611-4267 or 215/ @sas.upenn.edu>. See the AMS Web a downtown area devoted mostly to business 898-8698; <[email protected]>. site for more information: <www.ams- and cultural activities, but one can easily get —Howard Pollack net.org>. to other areas of the city from the Hyatt by bus. About a five-minute drive south of AMS Newsletter Address and downtown lies the Montrose, known for its Committee Membership restaurants, clubs, and gay bars; another five- Deadlines minute drive takes one to the museum dis- The President would be pleased to hear Items for publication in the August trict, which includes the Museum of Fine from members of the Society who issue of the AMS Newsletter must be Arts, the Contemporary Arts Museum, the would like to volunteer for assignments submitted by 1 May and for the Febru- Museum of Health and Medical Science, the to committees. Interested persons ary issue by 10 November (25 Novem- Holocaust Museum, and, closer to the Mon- should write to Wye J. Allanbrook, Uni- ber for reports) to trose, a remarkable cluster of museums asso- versity of California, Department of Andreas Giger ciated with the Menil family, including the Music, 104 Morrison Hall #1200, Berke- Editor, AMS Newsletter Menil Collection, the Cy Twombly Gallery, ley, CA 94720-1201; tel. 510/642-2678; <[email protected]> and are <[email protected]> and the Rothko Chapel. Serious shopping, meanwhile, goes on in the uptown Galleria asked to enclose a curriculum vitae and School of Music area, about twenty minutes west of down- identify their area(s) of interest. Louisiana State University town. The NASA space center, with its excel- Baton Rouge, LA 70803-2504 lent interactive exhibits, is about a twenty- AMS Fellowships, Awards, and tel. 225/344-0427 minute drive southeast of downtown; another Prizes fax 225/578-3333 twenty minutes southeast is the island of Descriptions and detailed guidelines for (Please note that e-mail submissions are Galveston. all AMS awards appear in the Directory preferred.) A large cosmopolitan seaport city, Hous- and on the AMS home page. ton is famous for the excellence and diversity The AMS Newsletter is published of its food and popular music. Local specialty Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 twice yearly by the American Musico- cuisines include Cajun, Creole, Tex-Mex, Dissertation Fellowship Awards logical Society, Inc., 201 S. 34th Street, Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian, and Southwest- Deadline: 15 January. Philadelphia, PA 19104-6313; tel. 888/ ern cooking, and one can find good zydeco, 611-4267 or 215/898-8698; fax 215/573- Otto Kinkeldey Award salsa, blues, Western swing, and country- No specific deadline. 3673; <[email protected]>; <www. western bands throughout the city.
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