PLAN DE MARKETING ESTRATÉGICO AXIAL VINOS 2015 Cristell Nonay ANEXO PORTAFOLIO AXIAL VINOS A CREATIVE COMPANY THAT DEVELOPS AXIAL VINOS AND EXPORTS SPANISH WINE SPANISH WINE CREATIVITY SPANISH WINE CREATIVITY SINCE 1999 EXPERIENCE VALUE AGILITY AUTHENTICITY CULTURE AWARD-WINNING BRANDED WINES LONG-TERM STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS WITH SUPPLIERS, IMPORTERS AND RETAILERS. Louis Geirnaerdt & Eugenie van Ekeris AXIAL VINOS IS A CREATIVE COMPANY THAT DEVELOPS AND EXPORTS SPANISH WINE. Led by Louis Geirnaerdt and Eugenie van Ekeris, we count on an enthusiastic, flexible and reliable team. AXIAL VIDEO With a 100% customer-oriented attitude, we deliver on our promises and we are always ready to meet the needs of a changing marketplace. PdMMoncayo Red GARNACHA SYRAH 65% Garnacha, 35% Syrah PdMMoncayo Red - 10 months in oak barrels GARNACHA 100% Garnacha PdMMoncayo Red - 10 months in oak barrels SYRAH 100% Syrah PdMMoncayo Red - 12 months in oak barrels ESSENCE 85% Syrah, 15% Garnacha STRONG-PERSONALITYWINES PRADOS GARNACHA SYRAH SUSTAINABLEWINES ECO-PROWINE Pagos del Moncayo was selected by the EuropeanMoncayo Project Pagosdel introduced has project, the of part pro-active a As European Wine Project Eco-Prowine as the core model winery for sustainable Cost) Cycle andLife Analysis Cycle methodologythe LCA-LCC (Life of wine production within the Spanish wine industry. productionevenprocessmake more andaimingto sustainable its certify its PdM Moncayowinesits and responsible trustworthy winesas certify toward this EU sustainability labelling scheme. labelling EUsustainability towardthis www.pagosdelmoncayo.com Jardín de Lúculo Signature wines from Navarra JARDÍNDELÚCULO Rosé LOSBOHEMIOS ROSADO 100%GarnachaAtlántica JARDÍNDELÚCULO YoungRed LOSBOHEMIOS 100%GarnachaAtlántica MODERNPOETRY JARDÍNDELÚCULO months6ageing - Red 100%GarnachaAtlántica AWAKENINGOFANCESTRAL TRADITIONS GARNACHAATLÁNTICA JUANGLARÍA WINEMAKER whyreasonthe That’s past. fromour legacy greatest the are vineyards Garnacha Atlántica old these that “Webelieve Oenology in France France in Oenology aboutit.” bragandwe want to legacy this proud ofWe’re recovering. vineyards’ these of project the wekick-started www.luculo.es W here there’s always the fun!the always Wherethere’s La Granja 360GranjaLa blendWhite VERDEJOVIURA 30%Viura 70% Verdejo, La Granja 360GranjaLa Rosé ROSADO 100%Garnacha La Granja 360GranjaLa Red TEMPRANILLO 100%Tempranillo La Granja 360GranjaLa barrelsoakmonths 2in - blendRed TEMPRANILLOGARNACHA 50%Garnacha 50% Tempranillo, La Granja 360GranjaLa barrelsoakmonths 2in - blendRed FRIENDLY ENTERTAINMENT GARNACHASYRAH 50%50%Garnacha,Syrah La GranjaLa 1080 barrelsoakmonths 6in - blendRed SMOOTHFORWINE ADVENTUROUS SIPSDAILY 60%Garnacha 40% Tempranillo, La Granja 360GranjaLa Sparkling TRENDY CAVA 30%Parellada 70%Xarel·lo, ANIMALHEROES MACY:OUR ADOPTED PIGGY In takes. it decisions andenvironmental-related social- these mindfulnesstowardsall acts 360Granja La La Granja 360 Social Responsibility Social 360 Granja La the to contributing animalsfarmrescuedadopts360 Granja La Farm(USA), Sanctuary with collaboration improvementwelfare.animal of www.lagranja360.com SAVOURTHE SPANISH SENSATION MARQUÉSDEMONTAÑANA White VIURA 100%Viura MARQUÉSDEMONTAÑANA Red GARNACHA 100%Garnacha Red - Semi-Crianza - Red MARQUÉSDEMONTAÑANA 6 months in oak barrelsoakmonths 6in SELECCIÓNESPECIAL NEO-LUX 100%Garnacha CROSS-GENERATIONALWORK LOCALTRADITION GARNACHA VIURA 50+ PASSIONATE50+ VINE-GROWERS RomansTemplar. Knights andthe Celts, of times BCandsecondspansthe century the in backrooted is Calatayud in cultivation Vine Today's vine growers join forces aiming to keep alive the spirit of this wine making tradition in the land they were born. Thesewineswereborn. they land the in makingwinetradition this of spirit the keepalive to aiming forces growersjoin vine Today's WINE-MAKINGCOOPERATIVE Getting back to the roots the to back Getting influencing further latter The growersfromCalatayud. mastervine the of body-and-soul the areThey dedication. that of result the are the difficulty of the organic hand-cultivating techniques used to ensure the preservation of our roots.our of preservation theensure usedto techniques hand-cultivating organic the of difficulty the www.marquesdemontanana.com EXPERIENCED HANDS FROM BIERZO LA MANOLA Americanbarrelsoakmonths 3in - Red MENCÍAROBLE 100%Mencía MENCIA POTENT SINGULAR THE NY’s REVOLUTIONTHENY’s A WINEA DISTINCTIVELYOWN ITS ManoLa MencíahasRobleParker, Robert by points 90 with twice and rated WineEnthusiast in buybest times three being After The New Yourk Times, 2013 Times, NewTheYourk NewTimeswine York prestigious The mostamongchasedenthusiasts. wineswinethe New oneof the York’s into turned recently critic Eric Asimov reviewed La Mano Mencía Roble on September 19, 2013, pointing out Bierzo as ‘a region of tremendous of regionAsimov Manoreviewed La ‘a Eric as Bierzo Mencíaout onRoble September pointing 2013, critic 19, potential with wines that are distinctively its own. Consumers who choose wisely will most likely not be disappointed’. benot mostlikely own.Consumers will whoits choose wisely distinctively are that wines with potential www.lamanowine.com THESUN-BASED ENERGIZER White blend White ESPERNZA 15%Viura 85% Verdejo, VERDEJOVIURA ESPERANZA vines years-old 50 - White 100%Verdejo RUEDAVERDEJO SPANISHFRESHNESS SUNRISING VERDEJO NATIVEGRAPE VARIETY Ruedathe beenhasgrowngrape VerdejoThein history. of centuries throughoutits character Rueda’s shape to gives variety VerdejoThe wine region for over centuries. Its origin dates back to the 11th century, to the times of king Alfonso VI, when the basin of the river Duero RuedaD.O.river the of whenbasin the VI, Alfonso king of times the to century, 11th the to back dates origin Its centuries. over for regionwine w as repopulated with people from Cantabria, the Basque Country and the Muslim southern regions; it was probably the latter, the latter, thewas probably it BasqueMuslimtheandCountrysouthern regions; frompeopleCantabria, was repopulatedwith so-called mozarabes, who brought the Verdejo variety from North Africa, after a period of adaptation in the south of Spain. Spain. of south the in adaptation of period a after fromAfrica, North mozarabes,variety whoVerdejo broughtthe so-called www.esperanzawines.com ELEGANCECOMES ASSTANDARD Red - 2 months in Americanoakmonths 2in - Red ZUMAYA TEMPRANILLO 100%Tempranillo Red - 12 months in Americanoakmonths 12 in - Red ZUMAYA CRIANZA 100%Tempranillo PURENATURE EXPRESSIVE & ELEGANT NEO-LUX EXPRESSIVE ELEGANT& NEO-LUX RIBERADELDUERO CASTILLA A magic ‘wine’ land land ‘wine’ magic A www.zumayawine.com RIOJAON FLUX Red JAVIER SANJAVIER PEDRO 100%Tempranillo TINTOJOVEN JAVIER SANJAVIER PEDRO &French months 14in - Red Americanbarrelsoak CRIANZA 100%Tempranillo RIOJA’S PROMISE RIOJA’S INSPIRATIONMEANS FEELINGCONNECTED TOTHELAND JAVIER SANJAVIER PEDRO 3RDGENERATION WINEMAKERSOF RIOJA'S Self-made winemaker with more winemaker with Self-made than 30 years of experience of years 30 than WINEMAKERSOFSOMONTANO SINCE 1640 BESTUÉ White BLANCO 100%Chardonnay BESTUÉ Rosé ROSADO 40%60%Merlot Sauvignon, Cabernet BESTUÉ Red JOVEN 100%Merlot BESTUÉ barrelsoakmonths 7in - Red FINCARABLEROS 50%50%Tempranillo Sauvignon, Cabernet MODERNITY-TRADITION BESTUÉ barrelsoakmonths 13in - Red FINCASANTA SABINA 20%80%Tempranillo Sauvignon, Cabernet KNOW-HOWHERITAGE AND LOCALISM CABERNETSAUVIGNON MERLOT TEMPRANILLO CHARDONNAY LORENZOOTTO BESTUÉ WINEMAKER that In 1640. year the to backonesdate oldest the manuscripts; old We veryhave tradition. family long a hasBestué Otto‘Bodega A family with centuries of of centuries with family A the to related winebutmakingtoday wasworkedancestorsour directly wesame thekeeptime, that on cultivating fields history in winemaking in history our turning growersuntil vine as years the over communities.Nowadays,been specializing we’ve economyrural our subsistence of winery into a business with an international projection.’ international an with business a into winery www.bodega-ottobestue.com THEGARNACHA OFTODAY AND TOMORROW CRUZDEPIEDRA White BLANCO 100%Macabeo CRUZDEPIEDRA Rosé ROSADO 100%Garnacha CRUZDEPIEDRA Red TINTO 100%Garnacha CRUZDEPIEDRA barrelsoakmonths 6in - Semicrianza - Red SELECCIÓNESPECIAL 100%Garnacha CO-WORKING ONLYAUTOCHTHONOUS VARIETIES MANUELCASTRO WINEMAKER (low work with to variety complicateda is GarnachaGarnacha:the itself cultivating of challenge the by excited feel ‘I Agricultural Engineering and Master in andMasterin Engineering Agricultural unrepeatable results, spectacular weachievedhaveCalatayud in but harvest...), late grade, alcoholic high colour, Viticulture, Oenologyand Marketing Viticulture, tradition.’ the respecting to thanks Spain, elsewherein A TRIBUTEA TOTHE ORIGINAL GARNACHA ALBADA BLANCO White 100%Macabeo ALBADA TINTO Red 100%Garnacha UNIQUE ARAGÓN:HIDDENA LAND MANUELCASTRO WINEMAKER begancircling From Aragon.Aragon it of region the in origin its has Garnachathe variety know that don't people the of ‘Most Agricultural Engineering and Master in in Masterand Engineering Agricultural we reason, that For Spain. in varieties planted most becomingwidely the oneof until etc., Priorat, Rioja, as such regions other Viticulture, Oenology and MarketingandOenology Viticulture, comeThesewines frombeAragonand could elaboration. wine single every in variety the of character original the stress proud of having been elaborated with the unique and authentic Garnacha.’ uniqueandauthentic the withbeenelaboratedhaving proud of D REAM ERS THAT LOOK DREAM DOWN ERS TO
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