J. Amer. Bamboo Soc. 31: 1‒16 ISSN 0197-3789 (e need to talk about Fargesia: new combinations and a new genus in the temperate Sino-Himalayan bamboos -.oaceae: Bambusoideae/ 0hris M. A. S&aple&on email: chris1bamboo#iden&i2ica&ion.co.u) Abs&ract. Morpholo+y3 phylo+ene&ics and classi2ica&ion o2 &empera&e pachymorph#rhi4omed Sino#,imalayan bamboos in Yushania and &he curren& polyphyle&ic applica&ion o2 Fargesia are discussed. In &he li+h& o2 *ell#resol5ed &opolo+ies 2rom dd6A7 se8uencin+ analyses3 di22eren& possible approaches &o &he reco+ni&ion and circumscrip&ion o2 +enera are considered. 9he meri&s and disadvan&a+es o2 applyin+ s&rict rules o2 molecular phylo+ene&ics or a more phene&ic sys&em &o binomial nomencla&ure are discussed3 and a compromise e5olu&ionary &a:onomy approach is recommended 2or species in *es&ern cul&i5a&ion. 9his allo*s Fargesia &o be applied &o a small +roup o2 species *i&h racemes3 Yushania &o species *i&h lon+ rhi4omes3 and Borinda &o be applied &o species *i&h rid+ed culms. A ne* +enus is also described 2or a separa&e monophyle&ic clade3 and ne* combina&ions are made in &he apparen&ly paraphyle&ic +enus Borinda. ;eywords: China, Himalayas3 morpholo+y, phylo+eny, dd6A73 Borinda, Yushania, Tongpeia I 96<7=09I< onwards. Many ha5e been in&roduced in&o cul&i5a&ion3 where &hey ha5e recei5ed +rea&er s&udy3 and &heir flo*ers 9he &empera&e bamboos o2 &he Sino#,imalayan moun&ain are e5en&ually becomin+ kno*n wi&hou& fur&her fieldwor). chains ha5e always been problema&ic for &a:onomis&s. The 9wo characters3 inflorescence compression and morpholo+y o2 bamboos and &he &erminolo+y &o describe rhi4ome neck len+&h pro5ide &he mos& ob5ious &hem *ere ne+lected un&il 8ui&e recen&ly (McClure 1966, morpholo+ical 5aria&ion in &his +roup o2 abou& 150 species3 Mc0lure 1973, S&aple&on 1997), ma)in+ descrip&ions bu& &hey are no& directly correla&ed. Yushania species ha5e difficul& &o in&erpre& or compare. Sparse3 incomple&e open panicles3 and lon+ rhi4ome necks3 which allo* &hem collections from remo&e loca&ions3 and compe&in+ opinions &o spread *idely. Species o2 Fargesia, as curren&ly on character *ei+h&in+ and +eneric breadth led &o in&erpre&ed in a broad sense3 ha5e shor& rhi4omes3 and difficul&ies in a+reein+ any phene&ic &rea&men&. >arly ei&her compressed and spa&hed racemes3 racemose panicles molecular analyses failed &o clarify rela&ionships in any or open panicles. .riori&y can be +i5en &o ei&her &he de&ail. ,ybridisa&ion and in&ro+ression ha5e complica&ed inflorescence or &he rhi4ome3 so &ha& in&erpre&a&ion o2 &he rela&ionships3 and &he lon+ +enera&ion &imes caused by boundaries be&*een &he &wo +enera ha5e 5aried. Because o2 infre8uen& 2lo*erin+ ha5e resul&ed in incomple&e linea+e infre8uen& flo*erin+ in bamboos ho*e5er3 mos& species sor&in+3 reflec&ed in poor resolu&ion as *ell as conflic&in+ ha5e been described wi&hou& any )nowledge o2 &he &opolo+ies in molecular s&udies. 0urren& classifica&ion in inflorescence. They *ere o2&en simply placed in Fargesia i2 &his &empera&e +roup (Bamboo .hylo+eny ?roup 2012, &hey had shor& rhi4omes and +re* e:clusi5ely in clumps3 or ;ello++ 2015, Aoron&so5a e& al. 2016) has con&inued &o Yushania i2 they had lon+er rhi4omes and could spread -e.g. 2ollo* an ou&da&ed and unsa&isfactory phene&ic sys&em3 Ci 1988). I& was fel& by o&hers ho*e5er3 &ha& floral *hich fails &o ma)e use o2 ei&her curren& morpholo+ical characters *ere more impor&an& &han 5e+e&a&i5e or+ans )nowledge or molecular insi+h&s in&o phylo+eny. This such as rhi4omes (e.+. 0hao ' 6en5oi4e 1989). Thus &he unsa&isfactory si&ua&ion needs &o be re-e:amined, &o assis& applica&ion o2 &he names Fargesia and Yushania became documen&a&ion3 conser5a&ion3 u&ilisa&ion and hor&icul&ural con&ro5ersial bo&h in 0hina and in &he (es&3 *i&h &*o cul&i5a&ion of these hi+hly desirable ornamen&al bamboos. conflic&in+ approaches 2ollo*ed by differen& ins&i&u&ions3 as re5ie*ed by Li (1997) and S&aple&on (1998). .,> >9I0 96>A9M> 9S In a &hird phene&ic sys&em applied &o ,imalayan 9he &*o lar+es& &empera&e +enera3 Fargesia Branche& and bamboos (S&aple&on 1994), a ne* +enus Borinda S&aple&on Yushania ;en+ are a& &he cen&re o2 &he problem. >:&ensi5e had been described for species wi&h shor& rhi4ome necks 2ieldwor)3 descrip&ion o2 scores o2 ne* species wi&hin bo&h and panicles3 *hile Fargesia was reser5ed for &hose core +enera3 and &ransferral o2 older species in&o &hem from species ha5in+ shor& rhi4omes and compressed unila&eral Arundinaria all increased subs&an&ially from &he 1970s spa&hed racemes3 which are no& found a& all in &he 1 % 2021 Au&hor ' American Bamboo Socie&y S&aple&on: Fargesia published online 10 May 2021 ,imalayas3 and Yushania con&inued &o be applied only &o panicles3 in&ermedia&e in compression be&*een &hose o2 &hose species *i&h lon+ rhi4ome necks3 and panicles. >arly Fargesia and Borinda. molecular phylo+enies did no& pro5ide sufficien& resolu&ion &o gi5e suppor& to any of these 3 approaches. In *es&ern cul&i5a&ion a 2e* species3 mainly &hose from &he 9ibe&an ,imalayan 5alleys and Cunnan3 became (hile &he ,imalayan species *ere all )nown in be&&er )nown and *ere &ransferred from Fargesia in&o sufficien& de&ail &o place &hem in &he mos& appropria&e Borinda -S&aple&on 1998) on the basis of floral or ve+e&a&i5e +enus3 ei&her Fargesia3 Borinda3 or Yushania3 in 0hina &he characters &ha& could dis&in+uish &hem from Yushania and si&ua&ion was di22eren&. A 5ery lar+e number o2 ne* species Fargesia. A be&&er unders&andin+ o2 minor 5e+e&a&i5e had been described in Fargesia in &he pre5ious 2 decades characters correla&ed wi&h in2lorescence 5aria&ion allo*ed *i&hou& full )no*led+e of &heir inflorescence s&ructure3 and prediction o2 +eneric placemen& in &he absence o2 flo*ers o2&en wi&h less &han comple&e )nowled+e o2 5e+e&a&i5e for some 0hinese species3 includin+ 2ine ridgin+ o2 &he componen&s. Thus Fargesia in China was more confusin+ culm in&ernode and so2&er lea2 &e:&ure 2or Borinda species3 9o complica&e &his fur&her3 0hinese )nowledge o2 al&hou+h descrip&ions some&imes o5erloo)ed such de&ails. Fargesia ,imalayan bamboo +enera was limi&ed, and all clump# ,o*e5er3 &his s&ill le2& &he bul) o2 species 2rom 2ormin+ species from 9ibe&an ,imalayan 5alleys *ere Cunnan and Sichuan3 *i&h possibly up &o 50 or more Fargesia included in Fargesia. Se5eral o2 &hese *ere clearly be&&er candida&es for &ransferral ou& o2 . Bor &he Blora o2 Fargesia placed in o&her +enera such as Thamnocalamus Munro3 0hina accoun& a compromise was reached -Di3 Borinda Himalayacalamus ;en+ 2. or Drepanostachyum ;en+ 2., and ?uo ' S&aple&on 2006), in which all species *ere Fargesia s.l. *ere duly &ransferred. Thamnocalamus is readily )ep& under 3 *hich a5oided an unsa&isfactory Borinda dis&in+uished by i&s comple&e 5e+e&a&i5e branch shea&hin+ di5ision o2 species be&*een 2 +enera simply *i&h no reduction (S&aple&on 1994a). Fargesia3 Borinda and accordin+ &o ho* *ell &hey *ere )no*n. This Yushania ha5e modera&e reduc&ion o2 shea&hin+. unfor&una&ely was du&ifully 2ollo*ed in la&er +lobal Himalayacalamus and Drepanostachyum ha5e more accoun&s3 repea&in+ &he broad and polyphyle&ic Fargesia e:&ensi5e reduction in shea&hin+ and +rea&er proli2era&ion in&erpre&a&ion o2 -Bamboo .hylo+eny ?roup Borinda o2 hi+her order branch a:es3 leadin+ &o broader3 shor&er 2012, ;ello++ 2015, Aoron&so5a e& al. 2016). was only reco+nised in a fe* &a:onomic &rea&men&s -(an+ buds wi&h more branch ini&ials e5iden& (S&aple&on 1991). 1997, <hrnber+er 1999, S&aple&on 2000), al&hou+h i& is ,o*e5er3 &his s&ill le2& a 5ery lar+e number of 0hinese used in wes&ern hor&icul&ure and Himalayan fores&ry. species o2 uncer&ain affini&y in Fargesia. Some *ere )no*n I& should be no&ed &ha& nearly all phene&ic sys&ems &o ha5e similari&ies &o &he ,imalayan Borinda species3 bu& follo*ed ha5e main&ained a clear dis&inction be&*een many *ere incomple&ely documen&ed. In addi&ion3 &here di22eren& rhi4ome 2orms. o& only is &his character &he *ere also se5eral species in 0hina &ha& *ere difficul& &o mos& ob5ious fea&ure 2or bamboo iden&i2ica&ion3 in place in any o2 &hese 6 +enera3 e5en when morpholo+ical hor&icul&ure and fores&ry spreadin+ and po&en&ially in5asi5e characters *ere *ell )no*n. These species ha5e rhi4omes are a cri&ical characteris&ic. Whe&her bamboos inflorescences &ha& are nei&her clearly racemose nor +ro* in clumps or spread in5asi5ely is impor&an& for panicula&e3 or broader buds3 or asymme&rical branchin+3 or ecolo+y3 soil conser5a&ion3 fores& mana+emen& and li+h&ly sulca&e culms.
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